
Answers from user HappyLady

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Social media is an incredibly useful tool for starting and building your own business. Where I live, its so popular you can buy or sell anything from buying avacados from a farmer eight hours to selling graphic design fr...

  • Janie1994
    Janie1994 Level 1
  • 128 6 years ago

    I remember back when you could take out your smartphone battery at any moment of your choosing. This used to be a very handy way to fix phone freezes (at least temporarily) and a fast way to get your phone to cool off wh...

  • Franzel2oo
    Franzel2oo Level 1
  • 89 6 years ago

    How often do you back up your data? I know with my phone that I need to - I currently have 12,000 pictures on my smartphone, and it's concerning that if something happened to my phone that those would all be gone. Do ...

  • amelia88
    amelia88 Level 1
  • 96 6 years ago

    Has anyone ever tried to make a photo of an encaustic art painting? I have made and sold some pictures using this technique, but wax is not easy as it is easily damaged. You also only ever get the same effect once. Of...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 58 6 years ago

    Do You Like to Make Angels? As a child, it was fun to learn arts and crafts. My school teachers had many different art projects we had to do. One Christmas we made a Christmas tree out of macaroni, fake snow and glitt...

    81 6 years ago

    When I was a kid I loved working with stencils. But I've never thought of using stencils to make money. Now I'm wondering about it. Any ideas?

    51 6 years ago

    Hello everyone! Can you share to me the best photo you took, using your phone?

  • nrnlss
    nrnlss Level 1
  • 167 6 years ago

    I have a photographer friend whose part time job is to take photos and sell them online. One day, he saw his photo being used by someone on Facebook without his consent. The photo was actually posted by him on his person...

  • jaybee19
    jaybee19 Level 1
  • 140 6 years ago

    Growing up, I have always looked at the work of being a T-shirt designer as one where you can be able to make a living from it. What do you think? Can one earn a living through this way and is it possible to grow bi...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 607 6 years ago

    Both selfish sticks and selfie drones are components of modern photography, with the both evolving within the same era. Though i have not been able to take a selfie with a selfie drone, on the other hand, I've been able ...

  • mosesoscar
    mosesoscar Level 1
  • 109 6 years ago

    I love to take photos with my smartphone. However, everyone knows this takes up space on the phone so I tend to upload them into the cloud. Usually, this is to Google however as time goes on I'm realising that I'm going ...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 52 6 years ago

    Have you ever bought a book because the book cover looks good? Some book covers tend to be intriguing, even mysterious, leading people to buy it for that reason primarily. Do you remember books that you purchased for the...

    87 6 years ago

    If you judge Dad, perhaps you have to remember he was a young parent at the time and they always do make mistakes. I'm sitting in the big winged chair and not happy about the bunches my mother made in my hair, they pu...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 50 6 years ago

    My Dad refuses to let us in to the bathroom unless we sit, still in the dark. Over the bath he has suspended a washing line with mum's pegs dotted along. It awaits the mysterious and magical transformation he is about to...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 37 7 years ago

    Taking pictures in direct sunlight can is always relatively challenging excercise. harsh sunlight can sometimes cast unwanted shadows and create a big problem when clicking pictures. moreover the people who are being cli...

  • jpk0007
    jpk0007 Level 1
  • 52 7 years ago

    On a book cover I am creating, I need a picture of myself and of a person living in another country. We are co-authors. Is there any way of merging two photos so we appear side by side, but not in separate photos? Woul...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 19 7 years ago

    I often take photos of old photos with my phone and they seem to come out fairly well, but is there any way I could improve on this. I am thinking here of what settings are best or what alternative means of photography w...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 73 7 years ago

    Have you ever heard of finger painting? I was thinking that I have seen it all with brush paintings by amazing artists till I saw a mind blowing fingers/palm painting technique on Facebook. This is by far the most amazin...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 1
  • 67 7 years ago

    Film cameras became obsolete in the advent of Digital Cameras. Nowadays almost everyone owns a smartphone and taking digital photos using it is a daily norm. But there are things that I miss from film cameras namely ...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 96 7 years ago

    Perhaps one of the most significant inventions of the first industrial revolution that we know and have learnt of is the printer, which is the smaller version of the larger printing press. The revolution that is being ta...

  • jetselle
    jetselle Level 1
  • 64 7 years ago

    19 February 1990 1989 I'm a 90's person and my first software that I used is Paint. It might be somewhat funny but Pain is built in from Windows before and Photoshop and CorelDraw is not that popular before. Bases ...

  • kinja90
    kinja90 Level 1
  • 60 7 years ago

    The modern technologies have seen a situation where innovation and technology drive the market. To have a portion of the market, a person has to ensure that they are in tandem with these trends. How can an individual lev...

    SHERIFF22 Level 1
  • 121 7 years ago

    I was thinking if there's a market for old black and white vintage photographs. I got a lot of family photos taken at the turn of the century between 1900-1950's and there's a lot that highlights old popular go to plac...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 111 7 years ago

    Currently camera designs have evolved to unaimaginable designs. Not so long ago if you told someone that you want to do your photoshoot with a phone they would have loved at you. The case is pretty different in the moder...

  • Youngshark
    Youngshark Level 1
  • 120 7 years ago

    I'm making this thread because of what happened yesterday when I went for a birthday party. This female friend of mine was celebrating and I was surprised that no photographer was invited. What they did was make use o...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 128 7 years ago

    I would have to say capturing a lightning strike on a photo. There's always do much intensity on such photos. Whenever I hear distant thunder, I would always try to get a clear shot of a lightnings strike. Once I got t...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 125 7 years ago

    When it comes to Art works, there are different forms such as Panel, Mural, Miniature, Easel, Manuscript, Illumination, Scroll, Screen, Fan, Panorama and other Modern Forms. Which Form in Art do you like most?

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 162 7 years ago

    I have recently finished three ebooks, and I am playing around with designing covers for them based upon the content and themes. If you create ebooks, do you tend to create the covers yourself, or do you go to a template...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 57 7 years ago

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