
What is the future of animations in the advertising industry?

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What is the future of animations in the advertising industry?

The modern technologies have seen a situation where innovation and technology drive the market. To have a portion of the market, a person has to ensure that they are in tandem with these trends. How can an individual leverage on social media through the use of animations to increase their market space through advertising? What is the impact of the block-chain technology on these modes of advertising?


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It happens that animation advertising has a very good storytelling.
The right storytelling will often create the right emotional feelings. One actually feels with the advertisement. It actually makes one to enjoy as they get the information they need. It finally brings in the desired action which actually becomes a big deal in advertising. Animation then is here to stay for a very long time.Animation can create impact.

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The first requirement for an ad whether it is a print ad, audio ad or audiovisual ad, it should tell a story, any any random story but a story that the audience or the potential customer can relate to. Then comes the presntation. Ad should be presented to appeal the audience. Animation ad by default have a good presentation.

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Advertisen't is one of the most difficult thing to do. One has to think as the producer, the audience and the ad in order to be successful.

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Creating an ad is a culmination of the efforts of many people. A single individual cannot create an ad. In order to create an ad a copywriter, a conceptulizer, animator, director have to work in tandem. Since an ad is created by various people, there is always high chance of becoming the best.

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Your line of reasoning is very correct. There are various people involved in advertising and that is why they are successful.

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However, sometimes when too many people work on the same project, the result might be bad. As the popular saying goes too many cooks spoil the broth.
As long as people do not interfere with other's work, multiple people working on the same product will be good.

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Yeah i agree, its really how you put the team together and how the work is distributed by profession and expertise. That is why team building is really important to promote camaraderie and synchronization.

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As long as the team members fulfill their responsibilities and work towards the better result, the end product will always be good. Animation ad is a result of team work. Since an entire team works together to create an animation ad, it delivers the message in a captivating way. Therefore, animation industry will continue to grow bigger in the advertising sector.

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Yes, it always work like that. Ads is a very intricate thing to do with only just one person. So much idea is needed to gain more techniques and styles on a certain ads.

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I agree with you on how presentable and as such desirable many cartoon advertisements are. You will never go wrong when targeting a certain group of people with cartoons as the content.

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Well cartoons have appeal not only to the children but also to the adults. In fact cartoons are popular with the people of all age groups. With the development of technology, cartoons have now changed into animation. These days cartoons are not made from hand drawn pictures but from the computer generated images.

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I do agree that animation when Incorporated into an ad makes it more enticing and amusing and with today's technology more and more advertisements rely on animations.

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I agree on this, many successful advertisement was made through the concept of animation because of its being unique and convenient to everyone. Animation in the advertising industry are becoming popular now a days since the audience are becoming younger and they are really patronizing or accepting such type of advertising for a certain product or services.

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There are many benefits of using animation in the advertising industry. First of all, it reduces the production cost substantially, secondly, animation has a great appeal amongst the people. It is surprising, however, very true that animaton attracts people of all ages, not just the kids, but adults and oldies alike.

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Agree, I completely love and advertising that's related to a story. Usually it turns out to be a video, and it has a sequence of a day by day living, something that anyone can be related to, and that leads to promote a product or whatever by putting it into the situation. Not to mention the funny ones, when that item or place or food, ends up saving the day of the main character of the video. Really clever according to myself.

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I feel you. I'm also attracted by story type advertising. It appeals to our emotional senses and gets us to act on them. Like how Coke now has the theme of family and friends. This is most prevalent during the holidays as it can be seen in their commercials.

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Nowadays I think the trend in advertising is to use celebrities to endorse their products. Using animation although can be cheaper, I think is rare. I observe today's advertising really uses real people or things.

But I think there can be a mix of a phenomenal anime character in advertising. Especially when your target audience are children, I believe this can work well. Just adjust quickly when this does not work anymore.

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According to me I think animations are more powerful. Celebs are a bit expensive to use than animations. What do you think?

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Everyone has a future. Animation industry has a future. Its up to us if we are willing to embrace our future whatever it may be.

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I think that it would play a big role in the advertising industry in the future, more so in online advertising. There will come a time that every person on earth or atleast most people would be online and that Internet would become a necessity and when this happens animation would be the most effective media for advertising.

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Well put my friend. Animation has a future. It is true that in the near future there will be most people online. Animation advertising will do fine.

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A good animation is harder to do than the traditional ways of advertising, but when you manage to do one, the impact is very big and it can really attract a huge attention to your business. Animations are definitely here to stay, but it can only be fully utilized by the best marketers and animators, no matter how the technology improves in the future.

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You are indeed right. Animation in advertising is important as this is one ways to improve their creativity that cannot execute or hard to do manually or traditionally. For example from the shampoos which they need to show how nutrients or vitamins penetrates to the scalp or something like that so they need something to show off more some creativity to folks on how will the scalp absorbs nutrients from what ever kind of plants they are using from their products just for example. Of course aside from animators involve, the marketer should have a great knowledge when it comes to advertising.

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Yeah, animations help bypass realism and present information in a more abstract or fantastical manner, which can help it make easier to understand for the viewers, especially for marketing. As you said, this requires knowledge of the product to be able to present it in an animation effectively.

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Yes, We're much luckier than folks before as they were the first one to discovered and experienced creating the traditional way without the use of high technology. This time, its more easier to animate things in more realistic.

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So true. It certainly takes more effort and money but the outcome is so much more better than the traditional advertisements. I for one, would prefer an advertisement with animations than the ordinary advertisements. Nowadays, people usually go for the visual. Animations are catchy and if paired with the right story it will surely be popular. People associates products with their advertisement. If you have a catchy advertisements they will eventually remember your product. As technology improves, you have to keep up. Animations is here to stay and to improve.

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Yeah, in order to create a great animation for advertising you'll gonna need a team of expert on both animation and advertising experts. Combining these two platforms is difficult because it contains entertainment and business, Having it planned well will have a great impact on your products and services.

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Yep, it's double the effort, but the result is definitely worth it and is more effective compared to just a regular advertisement.

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I believe on that. Animation is not just easy to create compare to the usual films. It needs a high skills and talented people to make it.

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In this kind of industry, creative people and great strategists are suitable here in this field with great skills as they are using software that is kind of complicated to do, so experts from this field is a must.

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Yeah, that is why the people that are pioneers on this industry is now on their peaks. The demand for animation in advertising is trending and widely used in different media. In a way its a very good thing because animation before is purely entertainment and educational.

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Animations have surged and the demand for the people who can make such is also high. I can attest to this since a majority of the content I am exposed to nowadays whether on TV, social media, internet and other platforms is all about animations. Their simplicity in making even some very difficult stories come out is just lovable.

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In my opinion, animation in advertising captures attention of people easily and this is the goal of every marketing people. This is because people are mostly visual. Anything that they can see that seems to have a lot going on captures their attention. So if this is the case, animation will surely be a part of advertising for a long time. It will keep on improving with the developing technologies.

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This is one way that most marketing personnels have gotten hold of most of the sales that they did. By making use of the animation, they will be able to present what they want to show in a matter of minutes which is really good for those that doesn't want to waste time writing longer words.

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Exactly! People are especially excited when they see good quality animation and I'm sure it's actually one of the major reasons why animation are now used in the advertising industry. People easily get attracted by animation and as such any information the animation passes across is grasped by the people watching it.

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Yeah, the flashy nature of most animations have made it to be used in advertising which to me is something that is quite okay as well as long as they are talking time to make it as simple as possible.

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Totally true. I also think this way. This job will stay for a long time and I'm sure will keep on improving as time goes by. As you've said, the goal of advertising is to capture the attention of people. If animation is paired with a good story it will surely be a hit.

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Me either, animation is actually improving every single day, and as much as it gets better, then advertising improves too. Let's face it, whenever big events happen, people love to see great advertising. Think about Super Bowl, every year people expects to watch amazing commercials, that are usually full loaded with animation effects. That is a multi million machine maker right?

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Animation has always been a part of the advertising industry. It is one of the most effective way in pulling in wanted audiences. It is really a great medium and it can adapt to any kind of advertisement depending on how they execute it.

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I agree with you. I think it's such a versatile thing which allows it to be used on advertising for a lot of different niches and causes. It doesn't matter what your advertisement is for, you can use animation for it and you can be guaranteed that it will look good as long as it has been done by a good animator, of course.

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Seriously, it wasn't the way it is now years ago but since the advertising industry have seen the benefits of using animations as advertising tools and how effective it is with picking up people's attention into preferring a particular product once they are promoted well.

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The animation is taking a center stage on only in the advertising industry, but also in the entertainment industry. Animated movies are widely popular. Not just the animated movies, even in the regular kind of movies animation and visual effects have a great importance. The gaming industry became possible because of animation.

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Exactly! You have a great point on how animated movies are loved by so many people, not just kids or teenagers but also adults as well. Personally, I'm also into animated movies as well and I have watched quite a lot of them. Let's not forget that games are pure animation.

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Anthropomorphism has a great appeal among people of all ages. That's they reason we have characters like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse etc. The reason why the characters like spiderman, batman are popular because human beings like to associate themselves with other animals and things. That's the reason why people love animated characters and animation in a whole

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Animation in advertising industry is always been progressing fast which is good because advertising through animation can really catch the eye of the viewer. It is very effective even though I think advertising through animation is surely not cheap. Animation can catch all the eyes of different viewers whether you are a kid or old, male or female. It have a wide range of viewers this is the reason why I think animations are very effective.

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Agree. Many people think that animation is intended just for the younger ones. For me, animations is so effective, even adults are interested in it. Animation is a very flexible media tool to attract attention of other people

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That is actually what a majority of people in my nation used to think. However in recent times a majority of them have opened up and become appreciative of adult animations. As a matter of fact most advertisements here are now done through animations.

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Animations are used to tell a story. As long as there is advertising, animations will always be involved. I guess in the future, more and more commercials will star animations instead of real actors for advertising products. Graphics right now has evolved to the point where people don't even need to be present in front of a camera. The graphics can only get better from here.

I recently read this article where a portion of Iron Man 3 had Robert Downey Jr.'s face pasted into a body double as he could not shoot the retakes due to his scheduling. It blew my mind as I didn't even notice it in the movie.

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You can tell a story in various ways, the animation is a just a platform. The popularity of animation is not because of the story but presentation. The animation tells a story through animated characters and visual effects. The popularity of animation is based on the characters created and visual effects.

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Yes. Its popularity is due to its presentation. People nowadays are very visual. We tend to judge base on what we see, In products, the more it is seen and the more advance the visual is it leaves an impression in us,

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Simple fables that we read as a child have not been made into animated movies. We may not read those fables again, however, most of us will surely watch the animated movies. We are adults now, the stories that we read as a child may not appeal to use, however, the visual presentations with animated characters and visual effects will surely appeal. us. The same goes for animated ads.

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I think it’s only going to get better - I think to myself about how far animation has come even in the last 10 years, so I feel that it’s continually improving!

It’s a valuable way of advertising and connecting with customers. I think a lot of people remember advertising when it’s presented in animated form.

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There is going to be a whole lot of improvements in the future about it which is pretty nice. I have realized that you are going to make some impact by using animations on your website.

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I think it's just a sign that a website or a company has really embraced technology and modernity when it comes to advertising, and I think that's often something that gives people faith and trust in a company - that they're not stuck in the dark ages!

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Imagine how crisp and clear it would be in the next ten years. I don't know how much more definition they can make seeing as UHD and 4K screens are already nearing real life. Maybe they'll have holograms as the new norm for us.

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Animation has evolved so much and definitely, it will still have its place in advertising. I believe that they have a distinct striking feature that can capture its audience if executed properly. There will be themes or products that will be suited to make use of this medium.

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This is the truth as I have come to realize that when we do the things that works perfectly with animations, it is going to work well for the future. You can't really make it work when you are not ready to dig deep on that.

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The future is animation. From the cinema to the advertising industry. Animations have a great appeal because it can attract children, teens, adult as well as oldies. Animation can deliver the message powerfully. Furthermore, the cost of animation production has also reduced substantially in the past few years. Since you can create animation ad in a low budget, use of animation will grow in future.

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Am from Ghana, and now wheneveryou change your television channel to any station you would see not less than 5
advertisement made up of animation and even now they have moved not just in advertisement
but in the music industries too.
Using animation toadvertise your product is less costly as compared to the use of famous celebrity.

So then I thinkthat the future of animation in the advertising industry is bright and no one
can say that they do not agree, because now animations are made that look
exactly as the celebrity that would have than the advertisement for that

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Even in my home country Nepal, the animation is a huge part of the advertising industry. The successful ads are the ads that use a lot of animation. Animation is a powerful medium to capture the attention of customers. Animation has appealed to all age groups. Like you say, production costs decrease when the animation is used instead of the celebrity endorser. One of the reasons why animation is hugely popular amongst advertisers is because of low production cost.

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That's true, when you think of production cost on advertising animation is the best choice. The production mainly focus on the script and the characters and after that the animators will do their magic. Provided that you have a good team, advertising would be a success.

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I think that advertisers would use animation more in the future to create their adverts because it's generally cheaper than live action. Also animation gives out a visual experience that is above and beyond that of conventional methods.

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In my opinion, it will continue and to thrive in the advertizing industry. Animation is easier to manipulate than to have actual people and models to portray the message an advertisement want to show its potential customers. Also, animation has always been a part of advertisement. Due to advancement of the modern technology, there are easier ways to produce it, faster than ever. The way animation is going with the improvement of technology, there is a higher chance for it to have a big role for better advertisements.

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Eh, I feel like the impact of animation on the advertising industry can be a hit or miss concept. I remember seeing a commercial for Zoloft quite a while ago, and it’s left a relatively lasting impact on myself for quite some time. Anyone who remembers it would recall that it was fairly simple conceptually but was very poignant in conveying its message about depression.

Other times I’ve seen animated commercials and just thought to myself “boy they sure skimped on the budget for this one.”

Animation can be good if it’s done right.

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Well, I would simply put it in a way that it all depends on how the animation was use for the advertising campaign. When used well, there is no doubt that it's going to be very effective in getting the desired results for the advertisement but when wrongly used, it's going to have a devastating effect on the business. Remember that animations are meant to amuse in a way but when it's for product advertisements, it should be used carefully in order not to have it all wrong.

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It seems like animations have a huge place in the advertising. There are people who identify with them. Also you can illustrate just anything with them just by adding a little creativity.

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They will definitely be used more and more in advertising as the years pass. I think now with people focusing more on videos, companies will definitely want to start utilising animations in their adverts to try and grab the attention of the reader.

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Yeah animation is very flexible because it deals with creativity and alteration of reality. Anything in your thoughts can be put to animation. That is what makes animation so divers and very applicable in various platforms.

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You make a good point. Animation is a great tool for conveying certain emotions and ideas when they can’t be done with live action.

Sometimes portraying certain subjects with live action can result in a really surreal tone (like the PlayStation commercials from back in the day) that can end up being so confusing and distracting that the viewer misses the point entirely. Animations can be done in a way that makes those themes more digestible.

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Animation is good for advertising since it could give you a lot more possibilties and chances to create what you really want. It could help you advertise more of your product. Since its in animation, you can just pay for the animator rather that paying off some actors. It could also help you express more of your feelings and cretivity.

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Animation is a good tool for advertising because in creating one the options and diversity is limitless. In animation, planning and script is very important to make sure that you have all the content to entice costumers. When it comes to characters and events, you can imagine and incorporate anything and everything real or just imaginary. That's why animation is very flexible.

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Exactly! The flexibility of using animation in advertising is what makes it easier and interesting. There are so many different options to use and get the best out of your business advertising campaigns. The characters to choose from are limitless.

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The creativity of animation is the one that captures really more people to love a certain products. It is very helpful in my opinion if it is used in advertising.

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Yeah, its probably one of the most important skill needed in animation. Creativity is not taught it;s a natural skill that is developed through time. Having people with creative minds on a animation project surely will increase the possibility of success.

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Without creativity then advertising is dead as an industry. In many instances you vet people who do not essentially generate fresh content but redo the old forms adding a vibrant and fresh outlook. It is only such individuals that can accomplish the approriate designing work effectively.

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I picture out that the future advertisement will have lesser people on the content and much of the animated thingy instead. It will be more cheaper and eye catching kind of advertising.

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I think so too. Like how cartoons nowadays are even more popular than models. It's like a thing. Especially, for kids. I get how they're more attractive in terms of appearance.

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Yeah, cheaper and entertaining. Having talents on advertising is really expensive compared to animated contents unless the characters are from famous animation series or brands.

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I would have to agree with you especially with the statement, ' it will be cheaper and an eye catching kind of advertisement.' Since this is animation, commercials won't be needing to many models for such advertisement. Also, if the commercial need to be made is for youngsters, animation is the key for more viewers especially for the kids.

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That's so true. It's going to be a big factor since they won't need to pay humans to act or model for them. They could just use art through digital animation and create their own characters.

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For me personally, as an animator, I can see a great future for animators in an advertising industry because nowadays there are a lot of people being entertained by animation. It can create beautiful, attractive and eye-catching advertisements with the use of 3D or 2D animations. It's amazing what animation can do, it can look very realistic and inviting in the eyes of the viewers. Animations can be very appealing to kids and also kids at heart so definitely there is a future for animation in the advertising industry.

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I agree, animation has not yet reached it's full potential and there are still ways to improve either by technology or by production. I also see animation as a great simulator for future developments and technological innovation. Although it is being used right now. but i still think animation has a lot more to offer.

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Animation in the advertising industry is unfailing. A lot of advertisements have been using Animation for years. As a viewer, I find Animations very enticing. Animation can help an advertisement promote their business in a way that will not only attract adults but the kids as well. It a great way to deliver the features of a product and keep your viewers engaged with your comprehensive animations. Moreover, the medium of animation will continue to grow and keep on developing.

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I agree that promoting a product whether its for adult or for kids, animation still a plus for every viewers. Sometimes they use this kind of tactics on how they express to be easy to understand how their product works. I believe many of us even adult still appreciate animation because its really entertaining. If the commercial or an advertisement wants to capture the attention of kids like to check it out or to purchased their collectible toys, or a food, these always works all the time.

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Animation is just something for all ages. It builds trust between the consumers and those who market the products. I guess what they're selling is feelings of comfort and joy.

Because watching cartoons and modern animation makes us feel alive. It gives us a sense of wonder at seeing ideas come to life. It helps that others do this so well. They create memorable characters that shape people's lives.

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I think the future of animation in the advertising industry is very bright. Lots of us can easily pay attention to advertisements if the animation is well done and is entertaining. Most of the people today hate reading long posts and advertisements that only has text and this is where animation shines because it is visually appealing to viewers and there's a higher chance of them remembering the product or service that's being advertised.

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Yeah, more people nowadays are more into visual media maybe because of the fast pace of life. Visual platforms and social media is also trending that's why i think animation as advertising is really promising,

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I strongly agree with you. The shorter the advertisement is, the better for viewers to catch what the advertisers want to relay. Meanwhile, it is not that easy to relay something in a short time. In this situation, animation is indeed a very big help. It visualizes something well and better and most specifically, the product being advertised has indeed a higher chance to be remembered if the animation is well made and more interesting.

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I think the effectiveness of animation in the advertising industry has a lot to do with the novelty of it. I think that most of us have gotten very used to live-action commercials, since we’ve been bombarded with them ever since childhood.

Live-action commercials easily take up the majority of advertisements, simply because they’re easier and cheaper to make. Animated advertisements tend to grab our attention more effectively because they’re fairly uncommon.

I don’t really watch television anymore, but if the TV happens to be on while I’m doing something else and the commercials come on, I’ll probably ignore most of them. But if an animated commercial happens to come on, it’s fairly likely to grab my attention at least for a couple of seconds.

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This makes me wonder how effective flashy graphics can be. I guess it depends on the target audience. Adults seem to prefer simpler animations compared overloaded graphics. They're more attracted to clever ideas than full on advertising.

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In order to expand our business we must adapt into the current trends of the society that will in turn make a huge demand into the market. Sustainability is not enough without innovation and the use of technology because overtime the consumers will expect more and more improvements into the products that they buy. In order to do that we must use technology an ve updated with it. In having a good place in the market, we must introduce ourselves first so that the consumers will be informed into "What id your profuct for? Is it affordable? What is tge use of it? etc." Ads or advertisment is essential in increasing the overall space and income of a business.

In conclusion, ads serves as a gateway in gaining a space into the market and introducing ourselves into the target market.

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It has definitely a great impact where in fact it is what the advertising industry is doing - animating everything. It is also the trend because it attracts more people and I personally like animations that are really cool and amazing. Animations help advertisement tools not to get boring and lifeless. I believe the future of animations in advertising industry will be more in demand as the technologies improve and upgrade quickly.

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As long as the animation industry can cope with the technology and consistently improve it's method the future is bright in any platforms. Advertising is only one option and the means of advertising differs in lots of platforms and media. If evolution of animation improves consistently the possibilities are endless.

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We can only imagine how things will turn out in ten years. It's amazing how far we've come since then. The world is so technologically advanced right now. Like how advertising has greatly shifted focus from television to social media.

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Advertising is one of the popular way to introduce a certain product or services but because of the strong competition in the market, other companies think of using an animation to their advertisement in order for it to be attractive and realistic to everyone. Many companies used animation films especially if there primary target audience are those children because of being fanatic to some animation. It is great that companies are thinking some strategy to innovate their way of advertising a certain product or services to its respective customers.

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I also believe that it will remain essential for companies moving forward. It's something that has given them a great boost in media traffic as well as income profit. They even gain more followers by targeting fans of certain shows. Like anime and cartoons. Imagine how powerful they've become through advertisement alone.

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I believe animation can be used more when your audience or target market are mostly children or youth. But i think for adults they would prefer the normal or inanimate way of advertising. Today there are many beautiful ways of advertising and I think animated can still survive because there are still children living from one generation to the other.

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I agree. It seems that most animations are geared towards a younger audience. But I've found that it's also effective for older audiences like teenagers and adults. People are starting to appreciate it more. Especially, if it's done well.

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Thanks for you comment. Thanks for giving time to read and reply to my comment. Thanks also for your agreement on my points. I also agree with you that if the anime is done well its also effective to the adults.

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Effective story telling is the secret of any advertising models. Animation for example could create effective story telling mainly because the characters in an anime can easily portrary emotions that could connect to its audience.

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I absolutely agree with you. Stories have the power to pull in viewers of all ages. That's why the most engaging ads are often ones from the movies. It's because people recognize the story they were featured in. The same goes for commercial animations.

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Animation can can be effective if it catches the attention of viewers. I think when it comes to portraying an emotions, animations could be a good presentation because it can portray the situation in an emotional way unlike the not animated one, I find it OA sometimes.

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I think that animation in the future would become more interesting as it will have more innovation in terms of its creativity and attractiveness. I really like to use animation in advertising since it is catchy and very unique in its nature. Most people love to see animation in the television and in the social media sites as well.

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Great animated characters' impact in advertising is very influential that without so much effort their images will continue to market products to customers for years to come.

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I can easily this with Disney. They've even shown this through their latest movie release Wreck It Wralph 2. It's about the internet and how they pretty much own everything famous in the media.

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Perfect example my friend. The only relevant competition they have as far as animation studios are concerned is Pixar.

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One of my fearless forecasts would be that someone would create a user friendly Animation Site which would make animated clips and even full length films easy for normal people.

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Animation in the advertising industry is quite a unique and a very nice approach to catch the people's attention for some products and services that one is endorsing to the public. It is a fun way for attracting consumers to buy for something because animation is colorful and very convincing to the people. I really admire this kind of strategy by certain companies because there are only few who are doing this kind of advertisement.

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Animation is Indeed evolving. The movement scene in the nation is evolving. Prior, the main wellspring of enlivened substance for youngsters used to be kid's shows that were made in the west, named in provincial dialects. Today, there are Indian toon characters that direction an equivalent offer of room on diverts and in the hearts and brains of youngsters who watch them.

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In my opinion Animation has a bright future. With the current advances in technology, time will come that even normal people would be able to create good animation at home via user friendly free sites.

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That's so true. Like how everyone nowadays can practically create their own websites. Everything's starting to look up for social media. We might have a future where hologram chat is a thing. Just like those in futuristic movies.

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The future of animation in advertising is motion graphics. At least, that's what I've seen during my time shadowing commercial producers in my local area. Motion graphics have a sleek, professional look to them, and they're increasing in popularity recently. For this reason, I think it's imperative that people looking to go into advertising or commercial production should have some knowledge of After Effects.

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Animations have, by nature to take more time to produce so I think this may be a downside for a small business owner on a budget. However, they do engage an audience if they are well done and can get views even where the person may not immediately buy. I suppose this leaves an imprint on the mind for the products. If I could afford it, I would choose an animated advert for any business. I think they will probably always be a good part of advertising.

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The future of animation in advertising is clear and gold! Through the years, people have become more innovative with concepts, marketers spend a big amount of money for advertisements. They will do anything just to catch the attention of people of different ages. Though it takes a lot of effort, time, and ideas to create a great clip, once it's finished, guaranteed, it will help the business. I'm definitely sure it will continue to flourish in the future.

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Animation has a great future when it comes to advertising and marketing products .the field of animation is very creative and one of the most effective way of communicating with the viewers cutting across the age and language barrier. the use of animation is increasing on a large scale when it comes to direct marketing products online through various platforms.there is no doubt that it is going to increase exponentially in the coming days.

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Yes, it's true. In fact, most of the money being made nowadays is through advertising. It's what sells. Animation truly shines in marketing. So many have become rich by making use of it online and offline.

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I agree with you. In the world of advertising, one should be creative and imagination is the limit. Animation is really fit for this field as you can create different things with just the right equipment and tools and the right people to do the job.

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The questions you ask are very difficult to answer. Especially the question about the impact of blockchain technology. But one thing is certain. Animation will have a future in advertising and an article in Voices.com says that animation is great for today's digital economy.

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Animation has a bright future in advertising industry. I observed animation has captured not just the younger ones but even adults. Animations are appealing which make them effective tools in advertising.

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Hi there!
Well it's obvious that modern technologies are developing, and there will always be progress.
I'd say animation has a very prosperous and bright future. From my perspective, a lot could be done in that direction.

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I agree with you. I have also read from an article that some production team is aiming for 3D to be like a standard and regular thing, and not an "option" when you watch movies. Well, through those aims, you'll know that the future will give us more than what we expect.

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