
Photos of the Authors

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Photos of the Authors

On a book cover I am creating, I need a picture of myself and of a person living in another country. We are co-authors. Is there any way of merging two photos so we appear side by side, but not in separate photos?  Would this anyway, be beyond the capabilities of a novice with photo editing? Somehow I need to get us both to have the same size and resolution of photo anyway. Any ideas or advice is welcome. Thank you in advance.


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From my knowledge of editing photos, PHOTOSHOP is still the best for editing. That seems so typical kind of design and I see a lot of photos of lovers doing that. Try to watch and search videos of how to create that kind of editing in the net. There are lots of tutorial there.

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Yeah that is the best option to do. Photoshop can be done by herself.

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You are right. There are a lot of tutorial videos online that all you have to do is just click, type and search them.

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Photos of the author should be on every article so that people will see who is the writer of every article so that they will have an idea about the looks of the person.

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I was thinking of telling you to learn from magazine. Magazines front page usually has pictures of people. You can imitate the idea from a magazine's cover about pictures of the author.

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You need to photoshop both photos. This is very easy to do. I am sure there are someone in your house or in your office that knows how to photoshop. If you cant find someone, go to Youtube, there are several photoshop tutorial there.

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Photoshop can do the trick. It might be quite challenging for a newbie, though. You will probably need to remove the background of both photos, merge your photos in one file, and edit the colors and lighting so it looks like both photos were taken at the same time and place. I find the process of adjusting the colors and lighting most difficult, but for more experienced people it's a piece of cake. Good luck!

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The easiest and most common photo-editing app is Photoshop. If you don't know how to use it yet, there are a lot of tutorials on YouTube. It's actually easy to navigate once you know the basics.

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Learning the basics on YouTube is something that is really good as well! I always know that there are YouTube channels that can teach you virtually everything that you want to learn as regards the world of technology.

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This can be done with the aid of any photos software on phone or laptop. One of the easiest things to do as well. On phone, you can make use of sweet selfie which is an app to do it while you can use photo shop to perform the task on the computer system. It is something very easy to do.

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Photoshop will do it right for you. Get somebody to do it. You may take photos with same dimensions. It will happen.

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I agree with you. Photoshop is the best and most convenient application for editing pictures. If you cannot do it, then you can ask someone or watch for tutorial videos on YouTube.

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He has to do that. Photoshop will do it. With technology things have become easy. Photos were not easy to edit before

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Thanking everyone for their replies. I think I see now I can remove the background of two pictures of similar sizes and use photo shop to join them. Off to watch youtube on using photoshop.

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Yes, it can be easily done. You just need a photo editing tool to change or erase the background and change it, resize the photo, and enhance it. Google "Photo editing apps".

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Well, first of all i would like to congratulate you for your book. I think that it is an amazing achievment to have written a book and published it. Now regarding the merging of the two pics into one. I think that this can be done very easily on many photo editing apps. The best amongst them is Adobe Photoshop which you will be able to download from the playstore on your laptop or desktop.You can combine both the pics into one and then use the auto align feature on Photoshop and your job is done.

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I have not published yet. I would not do that till the cover is complete with the photos of the author! However, I am definitely getting the picture I need Adoble Photoshop to complete the task. The writing of a book is easier than the formatting and creating a killer cover, but to look professional and sell you need those as well as the text, no matter how great the text is.

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Why don't you ask to a more professional photo editors so you could request what you want and that person might also give you more ideas about what you want. If it's possible for you to watch how he's going to do it, observe and learn so you would know already how to do it on your own to save money and also make some research about it.

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I agree with you. It's best to do it by yourself next time as you'll definitely save money. Well, if you have already your budget and your books are doing great, then, there's no problem with hiring someone to do the book covers for you.

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