
Saving digital photos

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Saving digital photos

I love to take photos with my smartphone. However, everyone knows this takes up space on the phone so I tend to upload them into the cloud. Usually, this is to Google however as time goes on I'm realising that I'm going to run out of space. Someone I know had a very bad experience of Dropbox where they lost a lot of photos and I'm just wondering what else there is out there that would be really sensible to use. Has anyone got any particular preference they can recommend?


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I think digital photos should be stored in Google cloud storage. This app is flexible to store in and quite scalable. Try it out.

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I agree with you, that's where I store my photos if my phone run out of storag space.

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I think there are many ways to save digital photos. You can save it in the Personal computer. You can also save it in the USB.

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Saving digital photos is so easy to do. Unlike before, I remember the fuji film is limited to just 24 shots. After the 24 shots you will to the store and have it developed. There are times many blurred pictures come up. You don't have a choice if everything is blurred. All your blurry pictures go to waste can.

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The most useful and convenient storage for photos is the Google thingy. Used it and never have a problem.

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I have tried out the app before when storing content from my laptop and it was awesome. I think that any one should try it out. The other option is the onedrive cloud if one happens to run out of storage on their google cloud.

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A lot of people choose to use online storage formats such as the Cloud, but I’m personally not a fan. Anyone who has been keeping up with the times knows that there have been a lot of security breaches as of late, which have compromised a lot of personal information from millions of people.

Let’s say you stored some “personal” (you know what I mean) images on the Cloud, and that information gets hacked—those images are now somewhere out there for the world to see.

It’s why I personally prefer to store my images and documents on physical, external HDDs. I drop the content onto the drive, unplug it from the computer, and once it’s in my drawer, no one is getting to it.

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I've got 2 external drives just to save my photos. I also have backup copies which I keep in my hard drive and thumb drives. I thought at first that digital photos are convenient, but because of the storage issues, I miss the good old film cameras, where I could physically store all my negatives and photos in 2 seperate boxes.

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This is awesome I did not know why i did not think of posting it. I only store much valuable information on my hard drives that I keep offline however and as such there are not too much photos that I can say are stored.

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Most times I upload my photos to Google pictures and my Gmail account. This way, I can't lose them ever as long as I can login into my account. Sometimes, I upload to social media with Facebook being the commonly used one for me.

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Google is the best place to store photos today. But try this one out, too: Shoebox. It's free and with unlimited storage space, but the original will be compressed if the image is more than 10 megapixels. Been using it for maybe a moth now and had no problems with it so far.

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Google photos works quite properly for lots people aside from serious photographers. There’s limitless free storage for images with good sufficient resolution for display viewing. You could caption pictures and include every photo in more than one albums. The search function isn’t terrible for person pictures and albums. you may also choose a couple of pictures from your library or out of an album and it's going to provide you with a link to that advert album.

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What I do I upload my photos in Facebook but it's private. I also save my photos in laptop but I am afraid I will lose again my photos as I already experienced losing all my files including hundreds of photos that were taken in my DSLR camera. All my files lost because my laptop was stolen and it hurts me so much.

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Well one of the easiest options that comes to my mind is Facebook. You can upload your photos there and set the privacy options to “Only Me” so only you can view them instead of everyone on your friend’s list. There are also sites like Imgur where you can upload photos and either choose to share them with the internet or keep the albums private.

However, the way I’d personally do things is to just get an external HDD and transfer all your photos from your phone and onto there. Not only is it the quickest way to upload content while retaining its original quality, but it’s the safest as well. Once you unplug that HDD from your computer, no one is getting to those photos.

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This is a new method that am learning now. It sounds a good way to save images. So facebook id this important?

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It’s definitely one of the methods that you can use, but it honestly isn’t one that I’d recommend for any professional purposes. I’m an amateur photographer so I work with a lot of very high-resolution photos. Whenever I’d upload any of my work to Facebook, it would either stop me from uploading because the file is too large or they would automatically downgrade the quality even of smaller files.

It’s understandable considering how much bandwidth it takes, but like I said, it’s by no means a professional way of backing up any high-quality photos. It’s kind of just a “worst case scenario” option, in my opinion.

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The only cloud storage services I trust are those of Google Drive and Dropbox. However, if you want to be extra sure, you can opt for an external hard drive instead. You can buy those with more than 1 TB of space so you won't have to worry about memory.

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For my very own opinion Dropbox isn't so secure, there are latest hacking attempts and that verify this. As for me, I do not want both hackers or maybe Dropbox personnel have get entry to my information and documents. I simply use Google to store my photos or documents so far I am satisfied.

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Having a google back up is good, tho I recommend to still have some back up on your computer so that when something happens with Google back up, you can still retrieve those lost files in your computer.

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Its always better to store your pictures in some kind of cloud storage. I think that storing your pics in the Google cloud is the best option if you have a lot of pictures that need to be stored. Google cloud provides you with a storage space that is enough to store all your pictures. You can also store your pics on external storage options such as memory cards and flash drives.

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I save my photos on my external drives, and in case when I lost it, which I hope wouldn't happen, I tend to upload the photos on my social media, especially on Facebook. If I feel like I don't like sharing it with other people, I just change the setting into private.

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Saving pictures on social media is something that some of my friends always do as well. I believe that people can get to save their pictures on their social media profiles and always hope that nothing happens to it at the end of the day.

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I save my photos in my PC it's got a huge HD. I also back it up with a few USBs, just to be sure that it has extra copies. Also having it in USB can be very convenient sometimes when I'm out and I need to access some photos.

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Sorry for the loss. I once lost some videos important videos and photos of a certain occasion. Since then, I usually use Google Drive to save photos and documents.

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That is the situation that we are having as there are limited places that we can save our digital pictures. Something that I am going to suggest is for you to print some hard copies of those pictures and also hope that the cloud storage does not have issues in the future as well.

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It's been more than 5 years since I had any pictures of mine printed in hard copies. I noticed that some hard copies of pictures tend to peel off if it stays for too long and the matter gets worst if you're living in a moist humid environment. This is why I'm no longer a fan of hard pictures copies.

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I am saving my digital photos on my social media accounts so that it will not be deleted in times that I would be having a problem on my mobile phone. It was mainly because before I usually save my digital photos in it but I realized that I must have some back up so that I will have a problem later on.

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Normally when saving my pictures on my social media accounts like Facebook, it's not every picture of mine that I would want every one to see, so before uploading these private pictures, I set the viewing privacy to only me. This way, I'm the only one who can see the pictures.

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Yes that is right since I am also doing that way so that I can have a privacy on my important photos. Saving my digital photos on my social media accounts such as Facebook is really helping me to have a safe place to store all my precious moments in my life, since I had encountered before that I need to reformat my mobile phone and memory card because it was infected with some viruses which is really annoying. I lost some important photos for that which leads me to secure now my renaming photos because otherwise I will really missed a lot of precious memories in my life.

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I also do the same too. I save my photos on social media and set it in private, if I feel like I'm not confident to show it. It is the easier way of storing your photos since external drives may be corrupted in some cases.

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Yes that is true and we should be prepared for any instance of corrupting of our data files so that we will not lost some important occasion or events in our life. It is better to be safe now than never because every photos is important and besides saving our photos in social media sites is great because of having unlimited storage which a mobile phone and memory card doesn't have such features.

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Normally, I make use of memory SD CARDS to save my digital pictures but on a very sad and an unfortunate day, the memory SD CARD of 64 GB damaged and I lost all my pictures and the sad thing was that I never backed up any of these pictures.

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You can save your digital photos in your computer, smartphones or even in flash drive. You can also save it on Google.

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I also save my photos in Google. It's one of the best ways if you want somewhere to safekeep them.

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Oh my! Thank you all for the answers. I am reading through, but there isn't enough time in a day to reply to every response. This site is so very helpful to me! One think I can add is I had not realised I can also save photos and videos to google drive.

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Same problem here. I always ran out of phone memory because of photos and videos of my kids so I end up making a folder in my Google drive and save it there whenever I need space. I used to save them in what they call "OTG Usb Drive" but lost a lot of photos when it got corrupted.

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Saving digital photos is a good way to do because having it saved can really make you feel relaxed because you can look at it whenever you are missing someone.

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I don't know if this is widely recommended especially by professionals but I actually like to save my digital photos on an external hard drive with a storage capacity of not less than one terabyte. Although it might get corrupted with mishandling, I am confident about how I handle my externals hdd's and I also bought a high quality and expensive one to ensure that it stores my files safely.

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Honestly these days I back mine up on an external hard drive. I guess everyone's preference is going to be different, and some people will rather back theirs up on places like Dropbox. For me though, I like the stability and storage space that an external hard drive offers.

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Why don't you stored it in a physical storage like memory cards. They are easily access whenever you want and can never be hacked. Most effiecient way to store your digital photos.

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You have a point. It's the most efficient way of storing photos. But, in my experience, I have a trauma of saving my documents in the memory card without going for another back up. It was actually corrupted and I had a hard I'm back then. Well, that might be just one memory card, but it affected my general percerption about those.

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I have not tried cloud storage to store my photos. You need high speed internet to upload photos on the cloud or access your cloud stored photos. I prefer to store my photos on external hard disk. I have two hard disk with 1 TB storage. I can access my phones when ever I want. I think this is the best option to store your photos.

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Aside from google drive, you can save photos on one drive. One drive is a cloud storage service from Microsoft. However, this is a subscription that you need to pay monthly. Or you can subscribe to office subscription and get the one drive as part of the subscription.

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I think the two or three storage locations is the best way possible do it:

1. Use Dropbox, it's a great service you can back it up a million times and if you invest in the Professional version you get 2TB.
2. External hardrive!! TBH everyone should own one of these it makes like so much simpler and you never have to worry about deleting anything.
3. This is my fail safe- I have an iPod that I store all old photos and documents I've not recently worked with on it.

With the three locations everything is backed up in pretty much every manner conceivable (expect for printing out photos because that would be insane) and you don't have to worry about anything being lost. I'm also a big fan of dropbox because I once accidentally deleted every photo and document off my computer but I had the dropbox app downloaded and it had backed up everything onto my Dropbox so I didn't lose a thing!!

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That's also my problem before. But when i realized that i can upload the photos in my phone to my social media account and make it private to only, I am doing it until now to save more space in my phone.

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Why don'y you buy usb or sd card just for your photos. By doing so, you'll more secure and just store them in a safe place.

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I am planning to buy a new external hard drive in the coming weeks if I already have the money where I can copy or back up my digital photos because I want to secure them from possible loss for some unidentified reasons. I am taking good care now with my digital photos because they are important for me and I want that the next generation of my family see our precious photos so that they can always remember us even we are not anymore in this world.

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I don't know if this helps, but I think every new gmail has their own particular google photos storage. So what I am doing, is I created a second account with which I save other photos. The downside is that, if you are using a single phone, you would have to switch accounts every time between the two google photos.

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You can get an external hard drive and you'll definitely get lots of memory for photo storage. But if you're looking for something online, you can try this site here. It's been around for a long time and I've never had any problems with it. It's a reliable site and I can assure you that as I still have my photos from 2008 on my account there.

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I only save digital photos via Google Drive and Facebook. Other than that, all of my memory card, flash drive and hard drive are full. I always make sure that I have a duplicate in case one of them will have a problem in the future just to be safe because you'll never know when those instances will happen.

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