
Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

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Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

Hello everyone! Can you share to me the best photo you took, using your phone?


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As I had mentioned in the other thread about our “first smartphone pictures,” I take a lot of photos of my cat, simply because she’s adorable and obviously always around (since he’s a housecat). Most pictures I try to take of her with my phone just end up as a blurry mess, but sometimes I manage to catch her relaxing and snap a cute photo.

This is one of those moments where she remained still enough for me to snap this picture! It’s probably the best one I’ve taken with a smartphone. Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

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Are you a professional photography? What you did was amazing. I liked how everything match on that photo. Perfect.

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Thanks so much for the compliment! But no, I am in fact not a professional photographer, haha. I’d definitely consider myself nothing more than an amateur photographer and a hobbyist.

I did take a course in photography while I was in college though, so I do have a slightly more advanced understanding of cameras, composition, and editing, but not much more than your average enthusiast would already know.

Sometimes, photography can simply boil down to the right luck and timing. But once again, thank you!

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The course actually explains a lot as there is a lot of professionalism in that picture. It is amazing and I think that you can always pursue it in future if you ran out of things to do with your life.

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I thought you are professional photographer because of the photo shot you did. I really liked it. Hope you will take more photos soon.

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I love taking pictures. I really want to learn photography. I have some pictures on my phone but since it was not one of those expensive ones, the quality of pictures are not that great. However, I can say that the best picture in my phone was the picture of my baby nephew with a beautiful innocent smile.

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I love how she’s staring right at the camera - there’s something about her stare that makes me think she’s a bit mischievous! I’ll find one of my pup to upload too once I work out if its possible to do from my smartphone or if I’ll have to go to the desktop site.

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She actually took a little coaxing to get her to look straight into the camera. She was doing her usual kitty thing of cleaning herself up before taking a nap, so I had to do a bunch of hand waving and flailing in order to get her attention towards the camera, haha.

She’s indeed a mischievous little one, but she’s a cat so mischievous is just her default setting by nature. I’m looking forward to seeing pictures of your pup! I’m an animal lover so any cute photos always make my day.

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Please do! I adore photos of dogs, they transmit so much happiness and positive energy. I'll look forward to seeing that picture.

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I love dogs too. I have 1 chowchow and 1 husky. They give so much love and happiness to us. I will take photos of them and share it here.

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Oh my gosh, you have a husky? Those are my favorite dogs. I had one as a child, but she died of a tumor. I've been meaning to adopt one, but haven't been able to bring myself to it. Hopefully next year!

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Yeah I have. She is 2 months old now. I have other one dog which is Chowchow. They are very good to each other. Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

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I can't deal with the level of cuteness! Both are so beautiful. You've definitely inspired me to have one, I think it'll be my Christmas present to myself.

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You can really have it. Dogs are one of the best pet that we should have in our households. They are stress reliever and very loving animals.

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Oh those dogs are so cute, I want to have one too because unfortunately just recently two of my dogs died, the one die from a disease, and the other one the Chinese dog got hit by a car, I'm so sad because that dog was so loving you can really tell that he cares for me and he loves me, but unfortunately it got hit by a car, I'm really mad about myself for not being a responsible owner.

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I am glad that you love dogs too. I love them and I treated them as human. I brush their tooth and giving them their vitamins daily. I bath them daily. I really love them. I hope one day you will be able to get one again.

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Same here with me I have photos of my pets on my phone they look so adorable and I love that they can really post for the camera

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Yes, same here. I really love dogs and it really makes me feel comfortable just by looking at them.

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Dogs are wonderful pet ever. They are really man best friend. I am luck that I have these two dogs who are very smart and easy to train. They are giving so much joy to us.

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Cats are mostly mischievous. They like playing around with stuff. Especially, yarn balls and similar objects. I remember how our cats chased around Christmas balls while decorating. It's so funny.

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You must be a professional photographer. This photo is so cool. The cat was ready for the photo from her look and pose.

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I feel the same way. It's as though the cat likes the limelight. I feel like felines are naturally drawn to cameras. They're always make the best pictures as subjects.

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wow, this is really good. Your cat is so Photogenic and very cute. You really have an eye of a photographer.

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I'm not so good with taking pictures of pets, but I have to admit that this is pretty nice. I mean getting to take this picture when the cat is relaxing is something that is nice and exciting. I will rate this as one of the best as well.

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I feel you, I would love to take good photos of my pets but I am bot really good at it.

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Me too. I've tried taking pictures of our pets. But it's not that good. So I guess there are people better at it than me. I'll just enjoy the pretty photographs they have of their cats and dogs.

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Yes, I agree with you and the surroundings makes it more beautiful.

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Wow this is really beautiful, your cat si cute and this photo is very aesthetic.

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Denis! I've picked up from other threads that you had experience in photography, but I think I've only ever seen a couple other photos you've taken. So in short, I'm excited to be seeing more of your work here!

Love the shot, especially because there's so much going on. I have a soft spot for cats and dogs, but the first thing I noticed was your composition. You've definitely got a good eye for the rule of thirds, and you use it properly which I really appreciate.

Now what I love most about this photo, are the shadows that are cast on the wall in the background. I love shots that use shadows like this because it makes your photo tell a larger story; a picture that goes beyond the frame of what you took. I'm left guessing what those shapes really are (I assume they're a plant) and if they are, what kind of plant is casting the shadows.

Very intriguing. I always like seeing your stuff, man. Keep it up!

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Wow! This is really good! And I am not saying that just because I am cat lover. It is a major point though. The dark contrast adds to the feline aura of the cat. It is both endearing and sinister at the same time. I am having mixed emotions. This really is eye capturing photo.

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I am a cat lover too, but it's not just the cat that makes it good, everything in this photo is really good.

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I really love cats, the shadows and the picture of the cat looks amazing.

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Exactly. The shadows are so amazing and it reveals the excellence in his photography skills. each and every detail has been captured so well that no one can guess it was taken using a smartphone. If you told me it was a professional camera I would not argue.

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Wow. This is so amazing. The quality is really good. You know it very clear and the subject is really cute. The angle is just perfect. It seems like the cute cat is doing some sentimental moment under the shadow. Nice shot. And you really have a good camera phone, huh.

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Wow That's super cute. Did you train your cat? Or you just happen to take that shot? That's so cute though your looks fierce, he/she could pass as a model.
I also love using my cats as a subject but why I did not have this level of shot? I hope you could share us more of your shots.

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Wow! You just used your phone? Everything comes together in the picture and seems not randomly taken. It's like a DSLR is used. It looks to me as if a professional has taken the picture. Great job!

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Wow, nice shot! This is great job. Your cat in the perfect spot, and quiet still. Did it take long to take the picture? Usually, it takes a lot of time for me to make my dog keeps quiet, so I can take a picture. More often than not, I have to wait until he's sleeping, so you can see hundreds of picture of my dog completely out of service hahaha.

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So I'm going to share two photos because they were taking at essentially the same time and location, just with different focus on the subject (because I'm indecisive.) Knowing PixelClerks, my photos will probably become smashed in my post since they were taken in portrait and not landscape. So click on the photo to see the correct, high resolution photo if you want.

Both photos were taken on an iPhone 8 and edited in VSCO.

Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

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Wow this is real nice, it is so beautiful.

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This is really a beautiful photo, it is taken in aesthetical manner.

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I think the thing I love most about these shots is how the same subject can come out so differently depending on things like the focus! It's part of what makes photography so interesting - different people can take shots of the same thing that look entirely different.

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That's what I love about photography! It's all about perspective. I shoot pretty regularly with other photographers, and we sometimes end up shooting the same model in the same location. Naturally, we look at the scene differently and stage our photos according to our tastes, and it's always awesome how different our photos turn out from each other.

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I agree with you, both looks really good and different.

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Niceeeee. I like the first one better, as the subject is blurry and it gives an artsy vibe. The colors are amazing in both!

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It was beautiful. I cant figure what it is but it was amazing piece. It was like a fog or something during cold weather.

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The photos were taken through the windshield of my car during a rainy night. The rain on the window distorted the photo and colors a bit depending on the focus, which I found appealing for the photo.

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I never thought it was the side mirror of a car. It was very beautiful and lovely. Hope you will capture more interesting photos in the future.

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Wow, this is very beautiful. You deserve to be recognized ymfir your artistic skill.

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Am still trying to get my best shot. Most of what I have are not so good. Am afraid to show one that looks better. I will come to see others before I post my own

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We share the same sentiments. I'm still at the point of my life where I haven't produced a photograph of very high quality that is worthy to be in a travel magazine. I'm still not confident about the best photo in my phone.

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Wow! That's great. You will really produce a very high quality picture that would be published in travel magazine.

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Me too. If only we were that good, right? I'm just glad that we understand how difficult it is to get the perfect shot. For those lucky enough to have done so, congrats to them. Let's hope we can do the same in the near future.

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Well, as long as you feel like that's the best photo for you then be it, no one can judge you from that.

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I agree. The best pictures are those we appreciate the most. Especially, the ones with sentimental value. I feel nostalgic whenever I look at old photographs. They're so interesting.

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It seems that most of us are afraid of showing something less than stellar. We don't have to be nervous. Each of us understands that photography is about growing each day. So even if it's not that good, people still appreciate the effort you took to capture the image.

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I think you're right! Plus, often we are our own worst critics. Something we don't think is perfect can be something that is enjoyed and loved by others. It can be a little nerve-wracking to put your art out for public consumption, but I also think that it can be really encouraging getting feedback from others.

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Haha, no harm can ever come from sharing your pictures no matter how bad you think they are, it may surprise you and most people would love it.

There was a picture which I saw on Shutterstock, ordinarily it wasn't supposed to have many hits but to my greatest surprise, it maxed out over 500 downloads.

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That's part of what I remind myself. Everyone is drawn to different things in the artistic world. What someone loves, someone else may hate, and vice versa. Part of being an artist is being confident enough to put your work out there. Sure, you may not have everyone loving it, but I have no doubt that some absolutely will.

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If you think it is good, then show it to the world we have different perspective in art, if they don't like it well that is not your problem anymore.

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I think I have not yet made my best photo. I am still pondering of buying a phone with good pictures. I will post it here if I have already.

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The same is true with me. I would like to get the best picture yet. I still don't have the best camera also to do it.

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My nephew has just bought an oppo phone. Its been advertised here in the Philippines as a camera phone. I hope it could get best photos.

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That's okay. Photography is an art of change. Each picture has its own merits and beauty. It's never a competition of who took the best shot. It's a celebration of the best moments we appreciate in life.

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I think that all of has taken great pictures with our phones and it is always a matter of how special the opportunity or photo is to someone hence we should never really compete.

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That's true. It's why some photographs mean a lot more for certain people. Like how old pictures are worth more than money for grandparents. Because they can never go back to their youth. It was a once in a lifetime photo of when they were at their best.

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My best shot was my face and it was a delight to have that on my phone because whenever people go through my gallery,the so admired it. I have other shots of things but I think my face looks better.

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My actual phone has an embarrassingly low-quality camera. I'm saving up to purchase an iPhone, and then hopefully I'll be able to take landscape photos, which are my favorite.

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Wow! That's great. I also like landscape photos. IPhone is also a great camera phone.

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I am also saving up so I can buy a good phone with an impressive selfie and rear camera. I wouldn't think of buying a digital camera, because it's just burdensome to travel with two things in your hand.

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I actually don't think I have taken good quality photos using my phone that I can proudly show to others. My phone camera is fine but not that 100% reliable. I use my digital camera in taking photos, except for selfies.

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Selfies with a DSLR are such a pain. I feel you. I have the same issue, I have taken photos with my phone but the quality is just not enough for me to post them or show them to anyone.

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My mobile phone that I am using now seems to have a low quality camera which hinder me from taking any photos. I am not taking that much now into consideration since I am planning to buy a new mobile phone next year if I would have the money. I would choose those that have a clear and reliable camera for selfie or photo shoot purposes because I love taking photos on my own and it has been already one of my hobby but I cannot mainly do it now because of poor camera.

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It's such a shame that some Android devices are built with camera having low mega pixel quality. Seriously, I see it as an insult to that particular Android phone in particular because I see no reason why the phone company wouldn't upgrade the camera they have installed in every of their devices.

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I agree with you. If I were to manufacturer of a phone and I would hear someone say something like, I don't like this phone because the camera sucks, I would definitely be ashamed of it.

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I agree with you, my old phone has better camera quality so I get really conscious when I took photo with my current phone because it is not the same.

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Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

How about a very hot sunny afternoon? This is one of my favorite so far taken with my smartphone.

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This is really nice and artistic. Where did you took it?

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I liked it. I assumed that it was hard for you to capture the sky with the shiny sun. What time of the day did you capture it?

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Wow! That's a nice picture. Is that your house or your neighbors house?

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I think this shot was taken at 1 pm. Thanks for the clouds that covers the rays of the hot sun.

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That is a very nice photo of yours. I would also like to have and opportunity 2 take a stunning scenario like that. I assume that it would take patience and a good camera to be able to get that perfect shot.

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Wow! This is Avery artistic picture. I must say that you have an eye for good photos.

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Am I missing where I can upload a picture directly from my smartphone? I have several beautiful shots but when I’m posting on here from my phone I can’t see a spot to upload a pic. Maybe I’ll have to email it to myself and upload it from my laptop.

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How about uploading it in social medias, or platforms like Pinterest and We Heart It?

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Oh, I meant to be able to post it in this forum. I don’t see a part in the comment box when I’m on my mobile for uploading pictures.

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oh I thought wrong, you can scroll down the tools and look for that photo sign.

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There is a part where you can post a picture where there are options for changing the font and colour there is a picture art that you click and select the picture that you want to upload.

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Thank you! Oddly on my phone the option wasn't there - just for changing the font - but I'm on my desktop now so I uploaded one of my favorite phone pictures at the bottom of the thread.

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The best photo I took is probably lost somewhere in my old albums. It was me with my family. We were having a nice time eating outside. Things like this are really precious to me. Simple joys make life worth living.

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I totally agree with you about the simple joys being some of the best things in life. I also think some of the best, most memorable pictures are those spur of the moment, natural unposed ones. I think it just better captures the spirit of an event than getting people to pose does.

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The best photo I took with my phone was gone, it was a sea of clouds in Baguio, but my phone has been stolen so that photo is gone forever.

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Oh that's really unfortunate. Make some new memories with your new phone.

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I plan to and will do that. I will make more memories and took more photos

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I am so sorry about that, must have been terrible to lose some precious memories along with the phone. I hope you are able to buy a new phone soon and continue taking awesome pictures! Best of luck.

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It is, I almost cried because everything is on my phone. My drafts, my photos and some important documents.

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Not the best photo. I am working on my skills and this had to be "in the moment" seeing as a cat realising you are about to take a photo, will move. (Well mine does, anyway.) But this is one of my funniest. I would love to know how to make it better.
Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

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You did amazing job there but I would suggest that the light should be brighter. What kind of camera you used here?

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I like this photo. The cat decided to take a pose. Your cat seems to know what you exactly do with your laptop.

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I think cat does know too. Cat was the main subject there I assumed. That picture was very nice. Everything was in perfect.

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Your cay is really cute and he/ she was looking at the screen. The photo is really adorable

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Yes I agree on that, it was an interesting shot since he look great at that photo, I wish to have a similar shot on my mobile phone if I just have a clear camera.

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I wonder what your cat is watching, he/she is so cute. The picture is cuteness overload.

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The cat was the best model there. He/She knows where to look at. Very smart move too.

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I love the photo and I love your cat. It seems like your cat is so serious on that day or he is focused on what he is watching. A good lighting will make the photo more beautiful!

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Your cat is cute and adorable. I can say that you got a very rare shut because it is really hard to take a photo of a cat. I also have my best shot because it is a photo of my favorite cat. You are lucky to be able to get that shot.

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Throughout the first day of excessive excitement in using my new smartphone, I turned into a photographer. I used to be visible in awkward positions in public and stared at such things as a freak through smartphone's camera. With pals trolling around and me ignoring them and being focused to a camera lens.

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The best photo I took using my phone was the nature, I'm really amazed by the nature and I won't get tired on looking to it every day.

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I agree with you, the nature is very beautiful and we should take time in appreciating it.

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As a lover of photos, I always see each picture that I take as one of the best. The thing is that it is always a good way that I use to keep memories which is pretty nice and okay to me as well. I have really enjoyed this kind of situation where I always take the nice shots.

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Wow, you must be really talented to have a good shot everytime.

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It was 2 years ago, I was in the mall and I snapped some photos of a giant Christmas Tree while im on the escalator and the lighting must be right because the resulting photo was just perfect.

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That is wonderful, Christmas photos always make me feel giddy.

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The best photo that I took is a photo of my favorite cat sitting over the table and looking at my phone. I can say it is my perfect shot as it shows how cute my cat was. He died four months ago and I miss him so much. In the photo, he was just staring at me while sitting down. I grabbed the opportunity to take the shot and luckily, he didn't moved. It was now my favorite photo of his.

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That is really sad. I have a cat too and I can say that I am really obsessed with her and I do have more photos of her than myseld.

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This was a picture I took using my Sony Xperia phone in 2014. It's just a random plant that I took a picture of when I was bored. This was taken in a Zoo when we traveled to the United Arab Emirates. I don't think it's the best photo I took but it's the first good-looking picture when browsing through my old phone's photo album. Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone
Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

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Hmm, there's definitely something mystical and mysterious about it that I love. The lighting is perfect and the blurred background definitely adds a lot of character to it. Did you edit it?

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Thanks! If I remember correctly, I didn't use any editing software. Sony's cameras are great and they can focus well on the subject.

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Kudos to you then, you timed it so well, the lighting is just amazing. I used to have a Sony Alpha, and for its price, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the photos I took with it. Sony sure is a good option among the low-priced cameras/phones.

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I love the level of detail there! The fact that you can see every single fiber on those plants just gives such scope for how great phone cameras are these days. I rarely use my DSLR these days because my phone camera does just as good of a job in most instances.

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Thanks! I agree that phone cameras are rivaling DSLRs when it comes to quality these days. I also don't bring my DSLR anymore when I already have lots of things to bring with me since pictures taken using smartphones are already good.

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Even though it is an old photo, ot looks great and the quality is really great.

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This is a beautiful photo, despite the fact that it is very old, it has still a good quality.

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This one will be a great wallpaper for a desktop. I think it only needs a little Photoshop to enhance certain features, but it's all good.

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Agreed. However, I don't know how to enhance pictures using Photoshop. I haven't tried learning Adobe Photoshop because I am not good with graphic designs. Maybe you could give it a try? Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

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I am not proficient with Photoshop as well. But all it needs are a few enhancements here and there like making it more vibrant and things like that. I don't know the terminologies, but you get what I mean right?

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I don't have a copy of the best photo I've taken. It was when I joined a photo contest and I didn't won but my photo got into the Top 10 photos. It's a photo of a man in stilts wearing a tall hat. I think it was way back in 2012-2013 when I joined the contest.

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Well, I don't have a copy of the best pic that I had taken by my Smartphone. Actually, I lost some of the very best pics that I had clicked when I accidentally dropped my phone in sea water last year during vacation time. The phone went out of order and I was not able to recover anything from it as the motherboard was completely damaged due to seawater. I have not clicked a very good shot from my new mobile yet which can be shared here.

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That's really unfortunate, but you can make more memories and photos in your new one.

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That's really unfortunate, it happened to me too and I was so frustrated.

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Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

Here's one I took recently from my phone. I live in Japan at the moment for work. This was at a shrine with some of the autumn leaves changing.

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Wow this is really beautiful, I've never been in japan but I've always wanted to go there.

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If you ever have the chance to visit I highly recommend it. It's a fascinating country with plenty to see and do...not to mention all the delicious foods!

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This shot is so beautiful, Japan is indeed a beautiful country.

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It really is! I have so many photos of scenery and temples and shrines on my phone from Japan. Both the natural landscape and the man made buildings have so much aesthetic quality! I've visited quite a lot of the country and I'm always in awe of the beauty.

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Nice shot! The wispy clouds really make the photo, and the contrast in color between the sky and plants is pleasing as well.

What part of Japan do you live in? My mom's side of the family is Japanese, so I visit fairly regularly. They live in Fujisawa, so the farthest I've traveled from there is maybe Tokyo or Yokohama.

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Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone
Well I like taking shots of silhouette just like this. For me silhouettes gives more emotional and deeper meaning of the event on the picture. I like this picture I took when we went to Sagada peak sunrise. This picture looks like the person in the picture seems lost in the middle of the foggy forest.

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wow, sea of clouds? This is really a wonderful ohotos

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Yes, we were on top of the mountain to see the sun rise. I just found it amazing when I saw my classmate there. She didn't noticed that I took picture of her so it was a stolen shot. It was like a surreal when you see those clouds while the sun is rising. You will really amaze by the beauty of the place.

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Absolutely dreamy - I love it! Looks like a beautiful spot in nature, and I love the person in the picture looking like they're lost among the clouds. Fantastic shot!

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Thank you. The spot is wonderful. It's natural by its nature. We were on the peak of the mountain to see this beautiful spot and to see how beautiful sunrise is. That time was very foggy since it was a cold place,so the sunrise can't be seen clearly.

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This is absolutely beautiful photo.

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Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

Anyone else take a million food pictures on their phone? I feel like that's a big part of my camera roll too. Here's one of my favorite burger place near me!

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Wow that looks really good. The patty looks like shedded meat.

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I agree with you and it looks really delicious.

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It looks delicious. This is why I enjoy food photography. It somehow makes me hungry and satisfied at the same time. I'd like to have that burger now.

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I feel like I often end up taking food pictures to remember delicious meals I've had. That burger and fries absolutely fit into that category. I hope I can re-visit their cafe sometime in the next couple of weeks....the food is super good!

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This looks really good, the burger is very delicious to look at. My mouth js watering.

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Ok this looks like a commercial for that burger place. I mean, look how juicy that meat looks, and the bread with not imperfection, the fries apparently so crunchy. Honestly, you just killed it, the photo is great. Good job amelia88.

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Just love this shot before my niece left the country for good. She was talking to my sister while she doesn't noticed I took a picture of her. The sky were really shady that morning. No sun yet came out that moment. Still an amateur here hihi. Still need more practice and right camera to use. Just love the shot and that day too.
Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

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her smile looks really genuine. Where is this place?

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It's a nice photo. Her smile looks funny. I actually enjoy simple photos such as this. You don't need a bunch of stuff in order to capture one of life's moments.

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I agree with you, the smile and the background really got me.

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The background in this picture is charming, too! I love the architecture of the building. It's very unique compared to what I see around here in my country.

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I agree with you, and the smile on her face is the best part of the photo for me.

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My absolute most favorite photo that I've taken on my photo is of my sisters and I hanging out at the beach on a random day in July. We all randomly had off of work for unimportant reasons and we decided to take a roadtrip to our favorite beach which is a three hour drive from our house. At 5am we loaded the car, picked up some food along the way, and blasted our favorite songs on the car ride there. The photo itself was take at the end of the day when we were hot, sweaty, and a little sunburnt from a day spent napping under the sun, swimming in the cool Atlantic water, and enjoying fresh seafood which had been caught that morning.

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Best photo you took in your phone: The moment a captured the first smile of my baby while looking at me is the most wonderful photo i took in my phone. The feeling of being bless to have a cute baby is the best feeling ever.

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I like how the shadow adds up to the mood of the photo. I somehow feel mystery in it. Like the cat is thinking and panning to do something. The figurine gives the oriental vibes also which is kind of related. Some cultures treat cats as connections with heavenly being/s. With just one photo I had thought of so many ideas.

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Oh wow, this is some professional photo! Well done!
I remember having few "best photos", one photo also had the "shadow" trick done. Behind our dog was an image of a spooky shadowy monster. Shadow of the dog and the pipe outside the door binded together. Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone

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The best photo I've taken on my phone is...Best Photo You Took Using Your Phone
A picture of my cat. Isn't he the cutest? He looks so chill but he's really very mean!

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This is really cute. What is your cat's breed?

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I have no clue really, my goddaughter asked me to adopt him because he had nowhere else to go as his previous owner threw him out when he was a kitten. They rescued him off the streets after he almost got run over by a car.

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The best photo i took with my phone was when i went on a holiday with my friends. One of my friends stole a chicken. We were all running down a hill and i pulled out my phone and started taking selfies. Those were the best 15 photos ever.

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This is hilarious hahaha! For sure I would like to see at least one of those pictures. I mean, you were running with the chicken and decide to take pictures of the moment? Unbelievable hahaha! For sure, very funny ones, try to upload one of them please.

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Probably the best photos I take with my phone are the ones that have some kind of nature in them, like trees, water, flowers, stuff like that. I sometimes take selfies as well, and like to make them as humorous as possible. I took one with a cardboard cutout of a T-rex, another with a mannequin of Michael Myers from the Halloween movies. I take great pictures of my cat and she poses like a trooper. Most cats will turn their heads away at the moment of the snap, but not her, as she likes the attention.

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My best photos I took using my phone are the every day random photos. The best things happen when you least expect, have you heard that saying? We don't take many photos, but when we do, then it's usually on a vacation. It's just your average family pictures, but they're the best for us.

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Believe me, I've tried that and it never works hahaha. Whenever I take random pictures, I'm never satisfied with the result, and specially when I'm taking family photos. That's why I don't like to take a lot of pictures with my phone, I rather make someone else take them and send those to me.

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I think that I am shy to share my best photos in public since I am not comfortable doing it for myself. Maybe I will just post some of my best photos but only in a private mode and not available for public viewing as I am shy that other people might not like it.

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