
How to increase website loading speed?

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How to increase website loading speed?

One of the reasons for slow loading of a website is related to images. How do we optimize images on our websites so that the loading time decreases.What do we do for already uploaded images and how do we optimize the new images. 


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It depends on what you're using for your site. If you are using Wordpress then you can just get a plugin - one to optimize your images and another one to increase the speed of your site as well. If it's just a normal site, then your best bet is to optimize your images and then re-upload them. You can use this site: http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/imageoptimizer/

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I am aware about image optimizer wordpress plugin and webpage optimizing plugin. I have tried such plugins on my wordpress site. However, I did not see any big difference, when I checked the website speed, after using such plugins, it improved only by 2 seconds. What might be other reasons for slow loading of website?

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If your content has been optimized and you are not running any scripts that take long to load, then it's most likely that your hosting service provider is to blame. If you're on a shared hosting plan someone else might be using up the server resources, leaving less for you to use, or the company might be cramming too many customers on one server, leading into slow performance to everyone.

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I think you pointed at the right reason. I am on shared hosting. I get moderate traffic and do not deal with secured data, therefore, I have never considered upgrading my hosting. Shared hosting means the server is shared by numerous websites and when the same server space is used by multiple websites. your website loading speed might be affected. Perhaps, this might be the reason for the slow loading of my website.

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It is nice you mentioned this. I plan on using wordpress soon and I am glad to know it is possible to check speed by using wordpres plugin. Thanks for sharing the link too.

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That's one of the easiest and quickest method to use in speeding up your website, if it's wordpress. However, it still might not work or make any significant difference like someone stated below. I suggest you go about a full website diagnosis with any of the many tools you can find on the internet, this way you'd be sure to detect exactly where your problem is coming from.

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Thanks for the tips. Contents on your website, for example too many higher dimension images or videos, can slow your website speed. However, contents are not the sole reason. Using too many plugins can also slow your website. Outdated theme and plugins can also slow your website. If you continue to use older version of CMS, your website will also load slow. Therefore in order to speed up your website, you need to update the CMS, plugins and themes.

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True, not always is about images sizes or plug in, maybe there's something else on your website that's making it slow. You can check tools you're using for it, or any applications/links on it. Certainly Wordpress will help you a lot, but checking around another options will be useful too.

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The first thing to do is compressing all the images that are used on the website on every page or even a single page. This will drastically improve the loading times because the images take the longest time to load and are also the one that contributes to the file size of the website the most.

Next thing to do is to minify the codes for the HTML, CSS, JS, or other scripts and languages that you may have. It's best to keep the original files because once you minify your codes, it is no longer readable.

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Great points. I couldn't agree more to this. These are what my school taught us too as a former IT student. Images takes time to load, and so the best thing is to compress them without ruining its quality. Also, we were told to always ensure to have a precise and simplified code. The computer takes time in reading and execution of each line of code, so its better to remove unnecessary block of code.

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Image compression is a good way to reduce your webpage size. When your webpage size is reduced, your website loading speed will substantially increase.
The best advice is not to use big size images, or not to use too many images. However, if you have to use big size image or too many images, try to use a plugin that compresses your images.
I do not know about minifying the codes. I will have to check this out.

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I would not be so technical about website slow loading speed caused by images because I personally fix things from the very basic one. In this case, first, I will unplug and plug all the connections and give the system a few minutes before I click start. And then, I clear or delete the cache and cookies in my computer. After, I will open first the latest or new images to load and reload it if it still slow following all the already uploaded images.

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Thank you for the nice tip. I would definitely look up at that when I get report of slow loading of photos on my blog.

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Yeah, in terms of the user having problems with the loading speed, this should do the trick, and of course, opening one tab at a time and focusing on one connection only.

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Most sites load fast for me but I've found the ones that take a bit longer (few seconds) are ones using resource intensive advertisements and such. Videos ads, huge ads that take up the whole page and have to be clicked off or clicked away - that sort of thing.

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I always click the cancel button on such videos for they make things look tough while we try to browse.

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Yeah I just "X" them off too if it's not an advertisement that interests me. Even if it is - I've probably already seen the ad or movie trailer a bunch of times already so the giant one-page video ad isn't necessary.

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That's why I don't dwell on video ads since they are really heavy in use. I use moving photos and some just embed links, and they seem working well.

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I also avoid video ads on my blogs. I also avoid using too many images and graphics. I understand the importance of using videos and images on the website. The visual media not only generate a good presentation but also engage the audience. However, if you are using too many visual media, your website speed will substantially decrease. You have to keep your page under 3 MB for greater loading speed.

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"…the ones that take a bit longer (few seconds) are ones using resource intensive advertisements and such."

Ugh, I absolutely despise sites that work that way. Auto-play videos and unnecessary video advertisements are the bane of my internet surfing experience. I don't mind banner ads, as websites need to make their money somehow. Even animated banner ads are completely understandable. But if I'm in the middle of reading an article on a website, and then they shove a pop-up video advertisement in my face, that is a guaranteed way to get me to click off and never return. I have little patience for such tactics.

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Generally speaking, I do not use video ads or flash ads on my website. These kinds of ad contents will not only make your website slow, but may also deter the visitors because these are more of eyesore. I also tend to avoid sites showing too many ads. Well, ads are a way to earn from the website, however, having too many ads does not mean the website owner is making a lot of money.

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Yeah, images can be a big issue because if you have too many that aren't properly optimized they can greatly reduce the loading speed of your website. I will guess that you're using WordPress since the majority of people are nowadays and if so, I'd highly recommend a free plugin called "Smush". It's completely free (or you can upgrade) and it will automatically process and optimize all of your images. Trust me, it's amazing and you will love it.

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I have tried Smush. After using this plugin and optimizing my images, I noticed that my website loading speed increased, However, the plugin was able to improve website speed substantially. Therefore, I am looking for other options.

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Optimizing those pictures is of great importance when we want our sites to have more visitors for no person will want to visit a site that loads slowly as a result of large images.

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Bigger image size is a major reason why most forums or blogs become too slow when load. It's best to keep the image small or average sized. Also the hosting used to power the website is also another thing to consider. Paid hosting happens to be exquisite in speeding up the website loading speed.

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I use EWWW Image Optimizer for WordPress and it works great and there is a free version and a paid version. Google was complaining about my websites images being too large until I ran EWWW Image Optimizer and then everything was fine. I only used the free version and I am sure the paid version is much better.

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The EWWW Image Optimizer or the Smush one that I've mentioned in my comment seem to be the most popular choices by far. It's great to see that they both offer good quality free plugin but I wonder what's the actual difference between these two? Have you ever tried the Smush plugin and saw anything better/worse?

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many people have recommended me to use EWWW Image Optimizer, however, I have not used this plugin yet. I am using Smush. Have you used smuch? If yes, how do you compare Smush and EWWW Image Optimizer. Can I use two plugins for the same purpose?

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I use blogger. I always upload smaller images which are kb in size. I always avoid using too many images. Although my site loads faster, I think it would be extremely faster without any single image. So it is normal for images to take longer. It all depends with the size of the image and the speed of the internet connection.

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Don't forget that it's not just images that slow down some pages but improper page design as well. If your site is badly coded - or images don't slot in neatly into certain areas - browsers will take longer to load your page because they're trying to figure out the best way to display it to the visitor. This is particularly the case with older sites not optimized for Chrome and more modern browsers.

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Uploading images with small file size and dimensions obviously reduce the webpage size, which ultimately improves your website loading speed. How fast your website loads depends on the webpage size. Website also loads slowly due to plugin usages, if you are using too many plugins, then you should remove less used plugins.

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Also true. Many sites will crash inside a browser if there are too many plugins trying to operate at the same time.

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generally, I install plugins that are absolutely necessary for my website. Some of the plugins that I think are necessary are SEO, security, backup, image optimization, site optimization, social media plugins. I don't know coding, therefore, I also use plugins to add meta tags. I also use footer credit remover plugin because I use free themes and I replace the default wordpress credit from the footer.

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You actually picked the right size of image to use on your site, having it in smaller kb would ensure it allows the page to load faster. Also the kind of hosting service used adds to how fast the site would be in general when it comes to loading fast.

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I just started using Litespeed cache on the Wordpress part of my website and so far it has been a major improvement. But there is a catch the server your website is hosted on needs to be running Litespeed web server. Right now I am using Hawk Hosts semi-dedicated plan and I haven't had a single problem with my website.

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I know this plugin, but I have not tried this yet. I am using Autoptimize. By using this plugin, I am able to delete cache. I use smush to optimize my images. However, I don't see substantial improvement on my sites. I am on shared hosting plan. Has my hosting plan anything to do with site speed?

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Just like I thought, as much as large size image slows down the speed at which the site loads, the hosting plan used is a major factor in determining how fast the site would be generally as it's the root speed determiner for any website.

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generally, the website loading speed is depended on your internet connection and your server speed. In case slow loading speed is not the result of either of these, you need to make sure that your web pages are smaller. You need to keep your pages less than 3 MB. You can do this by not having too many graphics on your pages and if you are using graphics, keep them small.

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It's absolutely true what you mentioned about the internet connection strength as one good factor that would determine how fast one's website would load/connect. When the internet connection is strong and stable, websites seems to load with great speed and vice versa. But keeping the graphics and images used on the site to a reduced size would affect the site speed as well.

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Website loading speed is one of the search engine ranking factors. Even though internet speed also determines how fast the site loads, the website speed is not analyzed in terms of your internet speed. Website speed is basically determined by server speed and audiovisual media and plugins used on your website. If you are on shared hosting, your website will be slower than while in cloud hosting.

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Having a better internet connection can also make things work better in terms of loading the pages better. Having the strong internet connection is a good way to keep things going better when it comes to loading speed.

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generally speaking, your internet speed is the main reason behind the slow/fast loading of websites. If you have a better internet speed websites will always load fast. However, some websites may not load fast even if your connection is really fast. These websites are not loading fast because of the contents (too many photos, videos, plugins etc.). Another reason for the website not loading fast is the traffic to your site and server over load. If the website os on shared server with around 1 GB bandwith, it might slow when thousands of visitors flock into the website at the same time.

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I think the main factor of having a quick download or upload depends on the internet speed and the capacity of your to do such tasks. .

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Website speed is of course based on your internet speed, however, some websites take long to load even if you might have a good internet speed. Server speed also effects website loading speed, high traffic on the website when you are trying to access the website also is a reason for slow loading of a website. Too many big dimension images on the website also slows it down.

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I agree with you on the fact that website speed can be affected both ways by network connections. However, they arr many other reasons why a websites's can be affected poorly from the user's end. Some few of the reasons are photos/images like said above, memory size can also affect a site's speed as well as poor hosting. They are so many other reasons to look at. Thanks for sharing the contents of the post.

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If you are using heavy weight themes, your site speed also could be affected. having too many plugins also lowers your site speed.

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I don't really go well with this, images and videos are not the causes of slow loading on a websites, there can be various reasons and causes but if the images and videos are from an Ad then it causes it.

Causes of low internet speed...

Domain service provider .

Your website service provider.

The devices being used for browsing.

Your local internet provider.

All these are just a few which I can list out, so anything causes it ranging from technical faults to network fault.

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Yes, those are some of the reasons why website internet speed can be slowed. Have you been on an image/video website where it takes seconds, sometimes minutes to load images feeds by feeds? Facebook does that a lot especially when you're accessing the site via mobile devices. That's what i mean when i say connected speed can be affected by images on the users end.

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Okay, I am sorry about my ignorance, I will be glad if you excused it for me, I was thinking in another direction when I said that. Thanks for your elaborations at least now I know better.

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You might be mistaken friend, website loading speed is not only affected by your internet speed or your web host, but also the images and videos used on your site. If your website is loaded with too many images, graphics and videos, it will always load slow

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That's one factor, that's why it's also proper to talk to your web host more so if your site is getting a lot of traffic and is getting slower. An upgrade in your hosting services might be needed.

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I don't know how others do it but for me I usually just rely on my photo editing software which in this case is Photoshop. I like to look for the least amount of file size I can get without degrading the picture quality. It's part of my training in university and we were taught to do that at a time when the internet was still not as fast and streamlined as it is now so I just carried over the practice to this day. I even do it sometimes for pictures I get off of online resources too especially when they are too big although admittedly I don't do it as much anymore because speeds have gotten much faster anyway.

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I also use photoshop and always try to use a photo that is less than 1 MB on my website. Generally speaking, my prefered size for the image file is around 500 KB. If I use a small sized image, size of my pages will also be small, which helps in loading fast. I also do not use too many photos.

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