
Why Is a Website required to have Good Design and Graphics?

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Why Is a Website required to have Good Design and Graphics?

Why should a Website have Good looking Design and Graphics?

Great graphics play an amazing role. They give more strength and more attractiveness to outer users and people.

When a website has good design and graphics, properly sized, it can mean less time to load on Web or Mobile.

Also a higher chances to get more Interest from site Users.

Good design means user's who are thinking to start business and looking for a web design can contact you.

Attractive graphics on a website can help your site's appearance and can so visually affect the appearance on your site, as day to night.

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The design for a webpage is almost the deciding factor whether if a visitor stays or not. Not only the webpage design will attract new visitors and easy to use, but more importantly, it presents the integrity of the owner of the website. For example is that using a theme that is focused on using color white may symbolize purity and transparency, which is very important for a financial institution website. I am always hoping that websites do not use bright colors since too bright can be uncomfortable to the visitors and often times they will just leave the website.
Another important thing to consider in designing a website is that always make sure it is easy to navigate through. A website may have wonderful designs but if it is not welcoming to new users because of navigation complexity, it may be useless.

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Website design is the primary factor to attract visitors. Appearance is the key, therefore, in order to attract visitors, you should have a website that is visually striking. You can make your website visually striking by using good graphics and images. Web design also matter in SEO, if your website has a good design, it will be ranked higher in search engines.

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A good design matters alot, because 95% of the people visiting your site, don't really care about the functionality of the website, what catches their feeling is the beauty of the website and the balance.
A look at this statistics shows why design is important.
  • First impressions are 94% design-related (content matters a lot but is powerless when embedded in poor design)
  • 75% of users admit to making judgments about a company’s credibility based on their website design (Stanford Web Credibility Research)
  • Websites that are perceived as great looking are also perceived as usable and trustworthy (Harvard 2013).

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I agree with the data that you are presenting here. It's interesting that people automatically assume that something which is attractive has intrinsic value. This is not always the case, but I can totally understand how this pertains to web design, and, I must admit, I react to the design of a page in much the same way as this Harvard study outlines. The first point, regarding content, is so true. Thanks for this post.

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Content is the king and it will always be King. Content will make or break your website. If you have valuable contents people will stay on your website. If you have valuable contents, one time visitors will be returning visitors. However, design and graphics also matter. A well written unique content properly optimized for search engines will help the website to rank higher on search engines, however, having a good design also help in your search engine positioning.

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I totally agree with you. I think that finding the best balance between content and the appearance of the site is key. Content is always the first priority, but the delivery device of the content must be pristine and fitting in order for more of an audience to be pulled into the site and stick around for the content itself. Many people are much more visually oriented, and so they might not even peruse your content if the graphics do not immediately appeal to them. In any case, I agree with you, and I do think that content is the most important aspect, but the deign needs to compliment and accentuate the content to the utmost.

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The design is the packaging, if your best product is not packaged well, it may never sell. Well written and unique contents are your products, the overall design of the site is your packaging, if you want to sell your products, you should package them well.

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I couldn't agree more, having an excellent web design is a must. We can simply put it in this way, a website is a frontline. A website must be treated just like the frontline of any other business that deals directly with customers. Thus, it must have the qualities similar to the staffs of the frontline, and these includes its appearance. It gives an impression, as well as captures interest.

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It's weird because a few years ago, graphics and the overall appearance & design of a website didn't matter much to the end user. As long as the content on the site was good then it was perfectly fine. But now the appearance and design of a website are much more important. If you don't have a modern looking website then chances are people may just close your website and not browse it much. If your website is not good looking but has amazing content, it won't matter as people may just ignore your site. The good thing is that there are loads of sites that offer pre-made templates that make your job easier and sites like PixelClerks can help you to have great designs.

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I will have to contradict. People did actually care about the website design in the past. One of the preferences for using a site was the design. However, in the recent past, the design did not matter to search engines. The search engines did not consider the website design as a category for ranking the websites. However, these days site design is one of the major criteria for search engine position.

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I fully agree with you on that, in the past, the popular websites didn't have too much graphics in it. It's all about the content. Nowadays it's still the same. The simpler looking sites get a lot of visitors.

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I think that people now value aesthetic beauty in anything they are doing, and it's actually why good designs now means a lot to anyone visiting any site. People like to be on a site that would appeal to their eyes and not just having a good content to read.

But care must be taken not to overdo it with the design because it's important to know that too much of everything is bad, it's more likely make the site to lag which is not good.

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Not only do good website designs matter because of aesthetic, but also to make it easier for people to navigate the site. These days people have far too many alternatives so companies shouldn't take their tools for granted, and should treat each advantage with as much time and respect as they can give. I've seen a lot of sites done by amateurs and I am often baffled because the companies that pay for them are very big companies that you'd assume can afford to pay more. Unfortunately, I think a lot of bosses just don't care that much about websites, especially the older generation that may not notice how important sites are in the new age, so they don't seek out the best or feel the need to pay for more than minimum.

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It also baffles me how some of these big companies don't take good care of their websites. I mean does it mean they don't understand how important websites are in this age or they are willing not to have more clients? Ensuring that the site is of high quality will bring in more visitors to it in no distant time.

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I guess they all have different reasons for neglect. Maybe some of them are just run by older people who don't see much value in it, or sometimes the business is just doing well enough offline that they don't feel like they need to pump up their presence online. Our local market here really doesn't have that high of a standard for online content so a lot of the designs I see are sort of well made but still a few inches shy of being professional.

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Your second point of the business doing really well off the internet might be the reason some of the big companies don't really care about having that good website with great designs that can get more buyers via the Internet. However, they do this at the risk of being over taken in no distant time.

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I was made to understand sometime ago about the importance of having a website that has a good design and good graphics, because users of internet and sites lately are more comfortable visiting sites that have a good designs and looks, it brings about increased traffic on one's site which is what Google looks out for in ranking a site as well. But when a site is poorly designed with low quality graphics, visitors come and run away and it's not a good thing for the site.

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As someone mentioned above, first impressions are of the utmost importance, especially if you want your customers to return, or if you want to attract new customers. It is so competitive out there, so your sites need to be as appealing as possible so that they catch someone's interest and hold it instead of them just moving on to the next site in line. I am pretty minimalist, I must admit, when it comes to my site designs, and sometimes I wonder if this is a good thing or not, but I want my site to be inviting and to be user-friendly for the visitors and potential customers. If a site has too many "bells and whistles", or even too many ads, I think that it can definitely turn off its visitors.

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First impressions are now more important than they have ever been especially for websites. The design and appearance of a website is a massive deciding factor for people and a poorly decided website will result in a lot of users just closing the website straight away. Like you said, there are so many websites now that you need to be unique. If you can differentiate yourself from the competitors then you will do well.

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You are so right here, and it is hard to differentiate one's self, as you have mentioned here. Like that saying, "There's nothing new under the sun", this has never been more true than what can be found on the internet. I hope to rely upon the quality of my content, but presenting the place where my content dwells in a good enough way to keep people looking at it is the challenge.

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I can't agree more. Obviously a good design and modern graphics, are always very attractive on followers and clients. Maybe they're just visiting for being curious, and they become another customer. However, that doesn't mean you're bringing quality to them, a good looking website is important, but your attention, competitive prices, quality products, are the main factor for your business.
There's nothing wrong on having a minimalist website, on the contrary, those are the ones I preferred. I rather check on a very organized, plain, user-friendly site, than spending hours, trying to figure out where are the things that got my attention.

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It's really not a requirement but if you want your website to gain more traffic and success you need to have a good design, it must be mobile friendly and quick loading.

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Don't know about these guys but I don't really get impressed on a well-designed website that much. I mean, I don't want to sound salty here. x.x But I've seen a lot of websites who have very low and poor designs yet the contents are on point and very informative! And the good thing about poorly designed website? It is very easy to navigate them! I mean, you can easily find anything that you are looking for! I don't mean that you can't do that as well on beautiful websites but it makes it easier, for sure.

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It could be the opposite as well though. A poorly designed website may actually be much more difficult to navigate around because they could just not think about the user experience and may just put things all over the place. A poorly designed website may have text that you cannot read or may have a menu in a place that you just can't find. Of course, what you said is true for some sites. I know of a few sites with older and less modern designs that are great.

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My expectation on poorly designed websites is that they doesn't have any designs at all or the owners did not even bother adding templates or lay-outs whatsoever. Well if the poorly designed ones mean that they have overlapping templates or broken links etc., then that is not ideal for of course. Why Is a Website required to have Good  Design and Graphics?

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I also think if its a bad website design then the owner could care less about the website and it's probably not worth giving it a twice look over. At the minimum there are free templates out there, matter of fact my blog uses a free wordpress template but you couldn't tell. And there are also free logo makers out there as well. It's not that hard to get a decent looking website these days.

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Having elite level artistry used for website graphics is important but color scheme and design is far more important. The design has to make sense. Things can't be placed in odd areas or too cluttered. An active site is fine, but objects, ads, etc must be spaced apart so they don't look too cramped. Also, loud and bright colors scare away potential customers and visitors. We want information, not seizures.

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Exactly. I've checked tons of websites that are a complete mess. Some are stuffed in graphics, neon color templates, hundreds of banners, so i couldn't figure out what was the website about. I literally got lost in the carnival. Some others on the other hand, look minimalist, but that includes the content. Not a single opinion that could worth the visit. So, definitively a balance between content and design is a must, if you want to have a decent website.

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Yes, websites should be pleasing to the eyes. Not just the content but the design as well. It is important because it attracts more clients/customers. We should always invest on the designs on our website. We should take serious effort on that.

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I am glad to have learned the importance of design and graphics from the original post. I only use templates and rearrange the layout to make the website look neat. Are templates and layouts the only thing a good website needs?

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Templates and layouts are an important component of a websites overall architecture. It allows for things to fit and slot in nicely, neatly and cuts down on any difficulties visitors may have reading your content.

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That's a good point. A nice presentation, will always cause a good effect, specially when you work with public business, so I totally get it when you talk about poorly designed websites. However, good designed site doesn't mean good quality either. You can own an amazing website, full of great graphics and organized menu, but what if you sell cheap/easily breaking items, or a despicable service? A well designed site helps a lot, but it won't last long if your products are bad.

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I would have to agree that whats important is the content and not the graphics. Being minimalist ensures a light and fast loading site which is very important because most traffic tends to fallout whenever it's slow loading. Also some designs can be really bad, too complicated and hard to navigate.

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