
Do you design your own website?

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Do you design your own website?

Whenever I make a new website, I have a vision for the website. And I search around for templates that fit my vision. And then change the colors and setup the layout and then I get with my graphic designer and explain to her what I am looking for. And then she gives me a few different graphics to chose from and I pick the one I like and load it on the website. (So far she hits the nail on the head every time I ask her to do anything. She always knows what I am thinking.) How about you? Do you design your own website?


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I've learnt how to design websites from the lots of YouTube videos that I've watched on how to design as well as create websites. However, I always give the job to my friend who is into web designing for he is an expert on that field.

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So, you've learned how to do it but you still don't feel safe enough to do everything from scratch?

Did the video lessons teach you how to do only the basics things or something more complicated / specific (which is generally used on more complex websites)?

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Luckily for me I had the honor of designing my first ever website by myself. It really took me a while to get a hang of how it's done and with the help of my online mentor I was successful in achieving that task. Although my site is still in it early state, I'm taking things slowly to fully understand how to run it effectively and efficiently.

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There are a lot of means to learn how to design a website, especially online. However, I find it easier to learn from a face-to-face tutorial. That's why because I am still studying, I also ask other people who are expert on designing websites to do it for me.

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I do not design my websites from scratch. I don't do web design as a career, so the sites I've build have been for myself or for my own business. I have a decent eye for design I think, but I just don't have the knowledge to build something on my own. I've build sites through Wordpress and Wix, and that's always worked pretty well for me. If they give me the platform and the elements to design what I want, I can generally do a decent job at it.

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I don't know Dreamweaver, CSS, HTML therefore, O cannot build websites from scratch. However, I know how to use wordpress and I can build wpordpress sites by customizing the website with theme and plugins. Building a website is really easy because there are so many website builders available.

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I actually had mine designed making use of WordPress platforms. Everything was made readily available for me, so I had to slot in and fix up my website the way I see it fit to my taste. It was really a great feeling getting to actually own a website in my life for the first time.

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I can't say that I can do this from scratch because I don't feel completely empowered to do this (though I kinda understand the subject).

In my mind, the project exists completely (in the smallest details) but I prefer someone else to do it when it comes to designing it (but I'm always around to follow the process of "creation", haha).

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It's pretty neat to follow through the details and learn from it, right.

I always love to design, though I'm not an expert yet, so still have a lot to learn.

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I am actually developing my own gaming platform at the moment and I actually decided to buy a ready-made template for the site because I just wasn't prepared to spend time designing the website. I wanted to focus 100% of my time on the code for the site and marketing without having to worry about HTML and CSS code. It is just better because you can save a lot of time and you can spend more time on the things that actually matter for your site. Of course, it may not be the best all the time because you will end up with similar looking sites to other people.

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Nothing wrong with a ready made template. Just be sure to make some custom touches to it. otherwise you're going to look like every other website that is using that template. Customizing it is not that costly if you shop around for graphics.

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Definitely. Ready-made templates make your job a lot easier which is why I went ahead with purchasing one. I have made a few custom touches to it as well but I hope to do some later on down the line as well. I just haven't had too much time to focus on customisation because of the fact that I am focusing on the code to ensure the site is functional. Luckily I am pretty decent with basic graphics and CSS so I should be able to do it myself.

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I subscribe to this point of view as well, Souwatcher. I have no the expertise to create or code my own site, and most likely do not have the finances to maintain it, if I did, but I have used templates, and still do, in order to blog and to promote my ebooks. I have had some good luck with customization and with images that I could apply to the templates. Also, many of the free templates out there are pretty versatile and image and and ad friendly, for the most part. To answer the question of this forum, I guess I should say I've never designed my own website, but I have provided original content to a template and have "augmented" the blank slate of the template for my purposes.

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I agree. Templates are great options to have and they really are very useful and shouldn't be as taboo as they have become. I guess in the past there were fewer of them so it was easier to get sick of them as you would probably see the same ones across many different sites but these days there are so many variations and like you said you can customize them a lot more now to the point where they are almost unrecognizable.

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It is really a good idea to learn how to design and at least learn how to implement some codes to your site. It is expected that, by 2020, that almost 80% of the world population will know how to code.
So It is really cool to get handy, with CSS and HTML.

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Where did you get that statistic from? That seems like a really bold prediction, to be honest. Maybe it is possible because I'm not sure what the current statistics are like for how many people are able to code basic things but 80% of the world seems like a lot especially considering I'm sure more than 20% of the world probably don't even have their own computers or are homeless.

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Having the ability to design your own website is great thing. You'd be able to personalize it according to your liking. Sometimes, ready made templates limits you specially if you have something specific in mind. Also having the knowledge of designing it could help you tweak and fix minor or major problems when it comes to your website.

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That's very true but still, I feel like we have many great options even if we can't fully design our own websites from scratch. Just look at how many different themes and templates we have all over the internet, some free and some paid for. But still, the majority of them let you change a lot of things.

And you can even hire a designer if you want a completely unique web design. There are many options Do you design your own website?

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I agree but there are just so many benefits of getting a template as well. It can just help you get things done much quicker because you don't have to worry about designing a site. Sites have to be extremely beautiful nowadays because appearance is an important factor. Because of that, you need to spend a lot of time if you are building a site from scratch. A template just makes your job easier

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I don't think that there is anything wrong with using a template, matter of fact my website uses two different templates but you could never tell they are templates because I customized them. And I feel like as long as you customize your template then you set yourself apart from the crowd because these days thousands of new websites pop up every day!

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My current blog is actually set up on the WordPress - I bought the domain through a hosting company and then I installed the WordPress. I feel like WordPress is a great platform because it gives you quite a lot of creative space and you can change your website to it matches your vision. So no, I don't really design my own current blog. The only thing that I've done is changed the theme to my needs.

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I've worked with WordPress before and I really enjoy all the tools that are offered to customers / users. It's true that some features are still relatively limited, but still, the effectiveness is worth every penny (at least for the most basic needs).

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I have heard a lot of good things about WordPress, and it seems to be the venue of choice for bloggers. I have been using blogspot, but i am really thinking about switching over to Wordpress and transferring both of my blogs there because it is obviously better and recognized as having better quality. It seems like it does provide a lot of creative leeway and opportunities, and where I am currently at is definitely a lot more limited than the other blogsite providers out there which I have encountered.

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Wordpress is really nice and there are a ton of customizations for it. And matter of fact I read somewhere that 50% of all websites are powered by WordPress. So that says a lot about the software and I can for sure tell you that you can't go wrong if you switch.

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I am not a designer, however, I design my website. When I was launching my blogs and websites, I did not have a budget to hire a designer. Therefore, I read DIY articles and designed my websites, Since I use WordPress, designing is pretty easy to work. My knowledge on website design is very rudimentary, I know how to find themes and install themes. I know how to customize the website with plugins. I know how to create header menu, format the website layout and build contents. However, in absence of programming knowledge, my designs are very basic.

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"I am not a designer, however, I design my website."

I think depending on the type - and the grandiosity - of the site this doesn't exactly represent a problem. It's clear that knowing the subject with priority offers a greater trust, but willpower can be a good substitute in more urgent cases.

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I am in the same boat or category as you here, vinaya. I have gotten okay with using templates, fonts, colors, themes, etc., but I do not have the expertise or experience with design or coding in order to completely build a website from scratch. I know I could watch youtube videos and other tutorials to figure this all out , but so far, I have not really found myself so motivated to do so. My sites are basically just content related, in terms of writing based, so I think I focus more on writing and presenting good content in that way than on the overall design. This could be a flaw on my part, but that is how I currently feel about the process.

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Back in the old HTML days, I knew how to design websites from scratch. But these days I use templates, but I highly customize them and most people don't even know they are templates. They ask me how much it cost me to design my website. And that's because I have an awesome graphics lady who does my graphics work and I customize all the coloring etc. Together we make a great team and my websites always turn out super nice.

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If you have decided to stay longer on your website, then you should certainly think about learning programming. If you do not know programming, your website will look basic. That's why I have decided to join various programming courses. You can build wordpress site without any coding skills, however if you are a coder, your website will become even better.

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Although I have not started working with WORDPRESS yet, I am guessing that your post indicates that you can use code to augment the templates which WORDPRESS already provides, right? Or is that wrong of me to assume here. I could go and just check it out myself, but I know very little about code, so I would not be able to do much just yet until I also took some classes and read some books on it.

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Wordpress is quite simple to work. There are lots of plugins that will help you to design your wordpress site. When I did not know much about wordpress, I could not change "powered by wordpress" footer link. Then I found a plugin "remove footer credit." By using this plugin, I could remove "powered by wordpress" link and include my own. My point is if you look for the right plugin, you can customize your wordpress site in your own way. You can even make your wordpress site a social network with buddy press plugin.

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It actually boils down to what I need in the website, the functionality, the features and how customization will be laced through the website. When I need to have full control over my website's activity and functionality, I build and design them.
But when I need the fast route, I go with CMS platforms.
And yes, I design most of my website.

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It's great to read that you're a good website designer. One thing about designing our websites is that we have the option of designing them to our taste and the way we wish to show it to the world unlike when we give the work to others.

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Yes, I always design my own website. I always choose a template that can support all my blog's posts without having to displace the blog archive. I also change the template once in a while so it suits the new update on my blog. When it comes to layout, I always make changes especially if I want to place ads. I can add or remove gadgets to suit the new look I want my blog to have.

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I'm like you. I can never stick with one template because after a while I get bored of it and end up wanting to try out a new template for my site. It's probably not a good thing to keep changing your templates regularly though because it can get quite annoying for your users to always have to get used to different designs on your site.

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I don't think it is not a good thing. I think it is fine to change it. Especially when you feel it has become boring, you should probably assume that your regular visitors also feel the same. If you like what you put out there, even other people will learn to like it too. So I feel it is okay to change your template.

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I don't design my website. Not that I'm lazy for it. I am quite preoccupied already. Wix does it for me. It's user-friendly and works likes magic. I just need to put a bit of content about my portfolio, etc. The outcome would really look like you paid a huge amount to set up an awesome website. The mentioned service helps me make a website that would seriously look like a Pro. Well, they are in their own craft.

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Yes Wix is good and they do make professional looking websites. But you can tell that they are templates. More or less what I am talking about is making a custom blog or forum. Or at the very lease using a template and customizing it to your own liking. Having said that there is nothing wrong with using Wix to make a website.

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I also used WIX to make a quick personal site fr myself which contains a list of my publications and my C.V. and other contact information. It was very easy, and I found the template to be attractive and easily manageable. I think that WIX is a good place to get started, and it has been useful for me in my own self-promotion. Come to think of it, your post reminded me that I need to update my WIX site, so I better go get on that!

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I have never tried wix, the only free blogging platforms that I have every used are wordpress, blogger and weebly. I stopped using these sites a long time ago because it is quite impossible to monetize these sites. You can use adsense on blogger, but not on other free publishing platforms. You can use affiliate networks, but it is difficult to sell affiliate products through free sites.

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For my blog, I just used a template since I didn't really have enough skills to make a design from scratch nor did I think it would have been worth the time and effort to learn because I would take too long to figure out how to make a structure as good as the templates offered. However, when it came to the designs, I was very hands on with the colors and images because I am a graphic designer and I am able to make logos and banners very quickly anyway so I just tried to compensate there, so in that way even if I was using a template, I could still feel like it was a personalized design in a way.

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The final touches in the designing of your logos for your website. It's always good for it will set your site apart from others that used templates without adding any extra touch to it. So, it's always good to have some skills.

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I designed a good portion of our site and templated the rest. The template was purchased by us, and then heavily modified and edited though. I think it doesn't matter if you built your own site totally from scratch or not. Like coded it all yourself from the very first letter. Most site owners these days aren't even coding half of their own sites. They're buying templates as a whole, and revamping them to their liking, or paying someone to implement them fully with added modifications, bells and whistles.

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I cannot build a website from scratch because I do not know programing and I cannot use programs like Dreamweaver. However, I can build pretty awesome website by using templetes. I have many wordpress websites that I designed by customizing themes and plugins.

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Yeah, it's better for a website to look more professional and to be designed adequately even through purchasing templates, compared to trying to do it all on your own.

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Yes I design my own website. To persuade others to review it and join at my business.

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It's good that you use that as a way to promote your business as a website designer. One good thing about that is that those who are looking for who to help them will that with come to you for assistance.

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When my cousin decided to begin her small business, she had to do her website. None of us had the proper experience to help her, so she obviously needed help from a web designer. Of course we could do some basic designs, but she wanted it to look very professional and clean, and the only way to do that was with a pro. That's what you're looking for when you hire a web designer, a very solid work, that will be the face of your company/business. So, don't be cheap when you have to invest in this part, because people all around the world will check your site, and for sure you want it to be great.

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When hiring a designer, make sure that designer fits your sites niche. Sometimes a website falls into a particular line of expertise. Therefore not just any web-designer can give the client what they want. It needs to be a designer who has experience with building for example - sports websites, film websites or fashion websites.

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Totally agree, that's why you hire someone that can truly upgrade the work you're already doing. As you say, an specific web designer is the best investment you can do. Besides it will give the professional touch your site needs, it will enhance the way to present your product, and that will increase your sales.

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Yes, I do design my sites but not from scratch, I use templates, it's much easier if you already have your base. I just do the add-ons, colors and buttons.

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Colors are the hardest part of web design I've found. They all have to flow properly with the site, and some colors albeit useful, clash with other colors positioned in certain areas of the site. Finding the perfect collection of colors for a site is arduous work.

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Not really, but I have a partner who has really good skills in web design who does the job. I'd say that I have a good eye for what looks good though, so even if I don't do the job myself I can still contribute.

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If the platform and features to use for the website design isn't already in place, I find it very difficult to start from the scratch to build and design my own website. I rather commission the task to these that are more skilled in the field instead of trying to do it and make a mess of the whole job.

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While I have a small degree of website design experience, I know next to nothing about coding. Besides knowing a little bit of HTML from the days of editing my MySpace profile, I really don't know enough to open a website by myself. Because of this, when I decide to get my website up and running, I'm going to have to go with pre-made layouts for some time, before I can learn enough to edit things myself or make enough money to hire someone on my behalf.

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I haven't actually done much to my website. But I've designed it. I like minimalist designs because it provides better focus on your content. Rather than flashy graphics and designs, I opt for the clean and polished look.

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I'm actually just designing my own now. I'm using Wix, which I think is pretty user friendly and intuitive when it comes to design. It's also super clean without a lot of clutter, which is the look I'm trying to go for with my site.

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When it comes to designing your own websites, I guess it would be fun to design it on your own if you know the basics of building a website. you can learn how to build a website right from the beginning by watching videos online. it is relatively easy to do the work of your own website on WordPress where you get everything ready to start a new website. bot in order to get a professional look to your website it is always better to take help from a professional web designer.

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I have never designed my own website. I have always taken a free template and customized it. It's the easiest way for a person who doesn't know how to design a website and/or can't afford to pay someone to design a website for them.

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Yes! I like to be in control of everything that I do but I use templates, I don't start from scratch. Actually, I don't have anyone else and I can't afford to pay for professionals so I have no choice but to do it myself. It's hard but I have to do it and everything worked out.

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