
How often do you update the skin on your website?

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How often do you update the skin on your website?

I just upgrade my forum to Xenforo 2. (AWESOME software by the way) And instead of using the same old software I decided to use a new skin and OMG does my forum look a 100x better! And the funny thing is I was dead set on using the same skin, I didn't want to upgrade. And then I saw that the skin that I bought was 50% off so I took a chance and boy am I glad that I took a chance and bought it. How about you?  How often do you update the skin on your website?


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It's quite nice to update your forum theme regularly because it gives your users a much more varied choice and pick a theme that they like. It's much harder to completely change the theme of websites though especially when you have custom coded everything because it's just harder to change almost everything without it being just a massive task.

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Thank you, I am glad that you like it. I spent the last 17 days overhauling my website. I completely overhauled the blog, I updated to Xenforo 2 and like I said I updated the skin, I got rid of all useless posts and I replied to a lot of threads that I missed and I fixed a lot of broken links. And my hope is now that I will start getting some new members because so far its been a slow process.

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Sounds like you went on quite the mission to improve your site. And I hope that it works well for you and that you can start getting a lot of members for your site. Do you mind sharing the URL? I am sure that quite a few users here, myself included would love to have a quick look on your site and who knows, you might even get a few new members.

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I do not own any forums, however, I have a half dozen wordpress websites. Whenever the new version is available, I always update my script, theme, and plugins. I am not sure whether it is necessary to update as soon as the new version is available, however, I have been told that if you do not update, you are compromising the security of your website.

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Updating to the latest theme is one wah you can protect your site from the loopholes that existed in earlier site themes. I've not got a site, but I think that he took a go good decision with that act.

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Yes, he made the right decision. I would have done the same too if I owned a forum. I think upgrading is the best thing because it makes your site new and it sparks the feelings you had when you started out with the previous versions before you upgraded.

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I try not to update too often because I feel like that makes the audience feel a little less at home each time and also every time you do that, while you gain something in better aesthetics, you also sacrifice a bit of your previous or core identity. I probably change up my theme every 2 years or so but honestly I would be fine not changing it at all anymore at this point because the design is already a big part of the identity and it already looks nice to me anyway.

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Yep, that's how I feel when it comes to normal websites as well. I think that if you'd change to a brand new skin every month or week it would leave your visitors feeling weird and not so much at home. People like that feeling of familiarity and that's why changing too often might not be the best idea. But still, once in a while can't harm anybody.

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Updating is different from changing. Updating means you are using a newer version of the same script, theme or plugin. Changing theme means you are replacing the old theme with a new theme. When you change, your site will have a different look, when you update, the look will be the same but UX will be better.

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I agree, I generally only update when there is a better upgrade which can make the overall experience on the site better, and even then I ask the opinions of some viewers first before I roll out the update.

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That's a good point. I don't think it's preferable to update your website's skin too often. This might confuse some of your users, and you might even lose authenticity. Your web design represents the brand of the product or service you provide. By constantly changing its appearance, you will not be able to create a consistent image to the users.

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I finished designing our official forum skin in 2012. So right now I plan to change a few colors and graphics in the near future. I've also made some edits to the overall size of the forum as well. Bringing it more to the middle of the page ala Facebook's design.

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It's nice to read that you're planning changes to the website. It's necessary especially when you want to keep up with recent happening on the internet world.

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I've tried changing the themes for my website and blog. It's easy but time consuming. I have so many options to choose from and they all look great. It's funny because I don't know whether I enjoy it or not. Still, I do it every now and then.

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I never really owned any forums but I love it when the owners change it up a bit since it can get dull after staring at the same theme for years and years. I also love those forums that have special holiday themes all ready!

I own a blog but I have to admit that I don't really change the skin very often at all since I don't feel that it's needed on a normal website or a blog. I think every year or so, I do some minor changes but nothing huge. Some people hate the changes but some don't.

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Changing to a new website skin and updating some other things is a way to show your audience that you're active on trying to give them the best website experience. The truth is that most new themes come with better packages.

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Updating though should be a more stealth act. You can tweak things here and there but overdoing it can have dire consequences. People can revolt against the changes and you lose visitors both new and old. Better to slide a few new bits in every now and then. But total overhauls are risky when people like what they already have.

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I agree. There have been some sites I went to that after they drastically updated their design I didn't feel much like going back anymore. Granted, I visited their site for so long that I witnessed two drastic redesigns and the first one was actually good so I kept coming back even more. Like you said though it can backfire, and for me it did as I lost a little interest after the second one which I didn't like that much.

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Another important part of redesigning or changing a website is functionality. Not only does a site change visually when it's redesigned - but functionally also. If that part isn't smoothed out after the changes are made - it can create a very dicey situation.

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More than showing you're active, it shows you are trying to keep yourself and your blog/forum/website updated. Whenever my sister updates her website's skin, theme, menu, she's always trying to get what's trending, adding new content, putting new info, everything that promotes new visitors/clients, and to keep having the current ones. The main goal is to avoid falling into boring scheme.

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I have never tried making my own forum, but, I am really interested on the said idea. I have sen a lot of forum that really as great content and it takes my interest. I love it when forums have great themes. I think it is not only the skin but the way forums are designed. The way the fonts are readable, the contents strategically designated to certain topics and subtopics and like what you have implied the skin being attractive to the audience makes a forum very engaging and successful.

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I had my own blog site before and I could still remember of changing my sites' skin once a week. Right now, I only have my own FB group which are garnering a lot of members from all corners of the world. I seldom change my group cover since the current one is kind of irreplaceable. I owe a lot from it due to my increasing number of members that come in daily.

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It's hard to change your website's design when you've grown fond of it. Some themes are just too good to replace. This is why I keep them and only consider changing if a better one becomes available.

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Though I haven't tried blogging or making forums but I sometimes visit sites where I can respond or leave comments. Something that look like this. I don't know if this would consider as blogging or something. However, with the sites I sometimes visit, it has really a good background or skin which I think emphasizing the very nature of the theme and the content. A very interesting displays that would not sacrifice any elements nor the subject or the message of the site. And, I guess that makes me stay there and take some time to participate. How often do you update the skin on your website?

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For me I do prefer to use MyBB as it is far much easier to update themes and make your own as well. They have tons designs but I not really tried Xenforo so can't say much on that. I was going to try it but it is pricey. MyBB is totally free and well worth it, even tho there are also some good premium themes.

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I dig Mybb but some aspects of it (such a very tiny font) can use a little bit of work. It's still one of the best free forum software's - and forum software's in general, out there though.

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I just completely overhauled my website again, I ditched the forum because it was overwhelming to try and keep up with all the posts and promote the website and to come up with new daily topics. So I turned it into a blog and now it's 100x less stress and I don't have to worry about it every day.

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While I'm not familiar with your site, forums and blogs are two entirely different things, and if you have been running a forum and now just ditch your user base by switching to a completely different medium you could easily run into issues as you might end up having a completely dead site in your arms.

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My preference goes to MyBB software. It has lots of cool themes and very easy to use without any sort of problem. Most websites I have seen using looks exquisite. I'm more comfortable working in sites that makes use of MyBB software.

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