
Logo Design Generators?

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Logo Design Generators?

This might be an off the wall question, but does anyone know if there are "logo generators" out there online? In other words, is there a place I could go and plug in information about my business and have it generate random logos for me to help with ideas?


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You might give Design Mantic a shot. You put in your business name, and designate what field your business operates in, and the site generates pages and pages of basic logos for you. If you're not a design-oriented person like me, this could be a quick fix for your logo needs, but I'm not sure I'd use it.

The designs are pretty cookie-cutter, and aren't anything to be overly impressed with. If you have a little to spend, I'd check out some of the logo design gigs on Fiverr. You can get a higher quality logo there for as low as $5 most of the time. Plus, it's always great to support our fellow freelancers!

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I would also suggest spending a little when it comes to logos. Since you will be using it for your business so you want it to be unique, like all of us do. I mean, 5$ doesn't hurt that much when it comes to logos and it will greatly help you a lot in your business and promoting it. At least you have something that you can call your "own logo". Free logo makers are cool and nice - just remember, you aren't the only one using it. Logo Design Generators?

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That is a very good point, and yet again, another reminder that to make money you have to spend a little money, as they say. I do want an original logo which I can display on all of the books I am putting out or on any other product idea hat I come up with, so I appreciate what you are saying here. I can definitely afford five dollars, or more, for something as important as this, especially if I end up get a good product that I am really happy with from a talented person with vision about such things.

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Indeed. The best thing about ordering logos from freelancer markets is that, the freelance market has tough competitors and everyday there seem to be new and aspiring talents waiting to get their first clients! And if you get lucky, you might end up with a freelancer who will be doing much more rather than just whatever your job offer price would be. Some might even give you multiple versions and passive revision warranties! How cool is that? Logo Design Generators?

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Well, the only website that I know, that may be useful for you on this topic, can be Logo Maker www.logomakr.com. It's easy, and you can generate a logo according to your preferences, although, I'm not sure if it's still works as I knew it (haven't used it in a while), but you should check it out.

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Definitely, a logo can be such an important part of your business brand and it will usually stick to your business so you might as well have a bit of budget towards the creation of your logo.

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Most of the logo design generator we find on the web have high charges. However, if you buy a gig on Fiverr you can get two logos for just $5. If you want the working file, you will have to pay an additional amount which is usually $5. Logos designed manually is always better than the one generated automatically by using a generator.

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Thanks to this response I also have an idea of where to get logo designs for my new site. Design Mantic will suit me since I am a design-oriented person.

I have also checked the designs on fiverr and I really liked them.

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Fiverr is a good place to look for logo design for your site, remember it's not going to free of charge, it's definitely going to cost you a few dollars or any currency that the seller is dealing on but you can be rest assured that you would get a good design.

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Thanks for the tip, it's the first time I've heard of Design Mantic and I think it could be a great help for people who needs quick logos or logo ideas. I'll visit the site later.

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I just tried out Designmantic and it was great. It's very easy to get a logo there. All I did was input my company name and the industry type and I got the logo in a second not just one but lots of logos. I think Designmantic is a great site to get free logos in just seconds.

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Thanks for this link. This looks pretty cool, actually. This is awesome, and you never let me down with your comments, lol. If I could get some basic design ides or inspiration from this type of site, then it might spur me on to augmenting the basic design with my own creativity or ideas. I really just needed something to get me started and to maybe spark more of a concept as to where I want to go with a brand or image for myself and what I do.

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I've not checked the site that he mentioned where we can easily get logos generated and I would be glad to read your feedback on how good you found the site. It seems I might be in need of one in the near future as well.

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Hey Joe,

I have tried some in the past when I was too lazy to make them myself and just needed a cute small logo. They aren't terrible at all - some are very clever and the best of all? Made within a minute, for FREE.

Anyway here are my suggestions:
- FreeLogoDesign.org
- Logojoy.com
- Graphicsprings.com
- Logomakr.com

I truly hope that one of these will fit your needs and that you will manage to make whatever is your vision Logo Design Generators? I wish you the best of luck and tons of creativity!

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Thanks so much for this! I know you were not implying that I am lazy, but I am not, by the way; however, I am just coming up a bit short when it comes to making strong and marketable visual designs. I appreciate these resources and your well wishes for my success--I need all the support I can get! You use the word "vision", an that is so appropriate; I am trying to envision what would be the most eye-catching and memorable logo for my potential customers, and that takes a certain level of objectivity.

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"- FreeLogoDesign.org
- Logojoy.com
- Graphicsprings.com
- Logomakr.com"

Of those 4 sites that you mentioned, I know (and have already used) 3 of them. They are all great choices and have always been able to meet my needs appropriately.

The only one I didn't know was "LogoJoy". Thanks, Tronia.

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I have used logo design generator, however, I have not used any of the sites mentioned here. One of the drawbacks of logo design generator sites is charge is very high. Once I tried to generator a logo for my business through the logo generator, I was asked to pay $65 for the logo. Well, that is a lot of money for a logo. I can get a logo done on sites like Fiverr or even on Pixel clerk for $5.

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I have tried some of your suggestions and I think that they are very helpful and easy to learn. I just wish I could find a way to customize specific shapes using these sites.

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I would say that the FreeLogoDesign.org and the Logomakr.com are probably the best for me in terms of me using it or having an experience on it. This two are probably the easiest and most convenient in any other ways. Very helpful and has a clean and awesome quality indeed as well.

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"Anyway here are my suggestions:
- FreeLogoDesign.org
- Logojoy.com
- Graphicsprings.com
- Logomakr.com.... "

Thanks so much for this suggestions made on where to look up good logo design for one's site. I would definitely make out good time to access them and see what I come up with.

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The Logo maker that Ucraft have is pretty good. You won't be able to design something absouletely amazing but you can create some simple but still nice looking logos. It is free to use, all you have to do is register on the site. They have a wide range of shapes, icons and text fonts that you can use to create the logo. You can find it here: https://logo-maker.ucraft.com/

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I went ahead and registered here--you hooked me when you said free--and this is pretty cool. There are a lot of choices, especially for a free site. I think I can probably come up with something pretty cool here if I play around and experiment for a while. Thanks for this link.

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No problem at all. It's what I use as well and it definitely is great. The biggest benefit of this is that you can truly customise and make the logo look the way you want to. You just cannot have that with some other logo makers who give you a certain style and you can only really change a few of the colours and the text.

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I am seeing this and the possibilities here, and thanks again. It is a pretty cool site, and when I created this forum thread, this type of thing is exactly what I was hoping someone would point out to me, so I am glad that I asked.

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There are two websites you could check out. The first is logo.squarespace.com. The tool isn't very robust, but what it does provide is relatively polished. This is better suited for business cards than true logo generations, however.

The next site you could try is tailorbrands.com. They have you select your preference in design elements and their program generates a logo based on those choices. It is fun to play with, but it's very hit or miss. None of them will replace genuinely creative human input, however.

Consider the Fed Ex logo as an example. It has that clever arrow built right into the words. You are never going to get some program to understand the iconography behind that symbol and find a way to employ it into your logo. Whether or not that's particularly valuable to your brand is your decision, but I urge you to use these tools as a jump-off point more so than outsourced labor.

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I really liked your point here. I am a poet and have a lot of poet friends, and your reply reminded me of when a lot of those A.I. poetry generators started coming out and producing robot poetry. Sometimes, they would come up with these awesome lines and metaphors, but it was logarithmic and "accidental"--somewhat random rollings of the dice, one could say. I remember that a lot of my writer friends were a bit intimidated by this, and in a heated discussion or two, I had to remind them that the human perspective and aspect behind the artistic creation would most likely always be better than what the computer-generated mechanism could produce.

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Those things make me sad! Poetry is all about trying to give voice to those subjective, complex qualia experiences we all have but which defy easy definition. It is an essentially human thing to find comfort in these definitions, and thus to seek them out to help us navigate our way through life. After all, we have research that shows language is central to cognition! How we define things inherently affects how we think about things. Likewise, with logos, there is a need to communicate something specific, and usually complex in as concise a way as possible. This is currently beyond the capability of even the best neural networks at this point.

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I also agree that those mechanisms are a sad, and also strange, thing. I question the mind, or minds, who would even want to create a machine like this or a heartless robot writing poetry. It sounds like one of those "we did it just because we could" type of enterprises, and those are usually morally bankrupt even when they can be morbidly fascinating or interesting. I do not want to sound like a hypocrite; obviously this forum is about finding a logo generator which is also just an :inhuman" program. However, to me, this is somewhat different that a machine that writes poetry. That just creeps me out.

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What you wrote about the FedEx logo is 100% accurate. A lot of business logos have been designed properly without the use of any of these logo tools. Of course, a logo tool such as this is perfect if you are not good with graphic design and you are not thinking of your business or website becoming extremely popular right now. But if you are looking for something that is extremely creative and unique then you will most likely have to design it yourself.

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There are many which claim to be “free” logo makers but in reality, there are only a few which could be truly called free. Most of them let you create the logo for free using their tool but when it comes to downloading of using the logo, they’ll ask you to pay. A couple of big examples are logo maker and free logo services.

Here is a logo maker which lets you download the JPG version of the logo free of cost -Design a Logo Instantly With Our Free Logo Maker | Logo Factory. You only have to pay if you need source vector or high-resolution files.

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You can check out the The Free Logo Makers
  • The Free Logo Makers website offers a basic user interface that is easy to navigate and design with.
  • The logo design creator lets you choose from any of the pre-made designs,
    and then you can edit and create your own logo, which makes the process
    of making your own logo faster and easier.
  • If you get stuck with designing your logo or want something really special, you can hire a
    real graphic designer who can transform your logo creation into a great
    business logo from just $19
  • This logo maker is perfect for people on a budget but wanting a personalized company logo.

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This sounds perfect for my needs, actually. I can afford twenty bucks, and I can definitely afford it if the logo is quality for a price that cheap. Thanks for the suggested website and link here. I will let you know how it goes.

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I don't have any resources for this, but I do have a similar method that you may find useful, which is just to browse logos made for other people and just sort of combine them into your own. At this point, a lot of the unique tricks in logo making have been done, and it's not entirely taboo to take inspiration from other logos anymore, and if you combine it or tweak it well enough you could have a product that looks far different from the inspiration anyway. I have done this many times and it has worked. The tip I would give is to just make sure you are doing enough on it to make it different from your inspiration logo for it to be considered an original work.

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I don't mean to over step my boundaries here, but I don't know if a computer generated logo is necessarily the best way to go about logo design. I mean it might be a good means of brainstorming and developing ideas when you're feeling creatively spent, but there is no way a generic logo generator on the internet could ever match the potential of a human being with even the tiniest bit of experience in Photoshop. I've taught people the basics of using Photoshop and Illustrator and I've seen them come up with amazing designs that no computer or generator could (at least not at the moment).

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There are logo generators out there. But from my past experience is they are low quality and super expensive. If your looking for a quality logo you better off trying to find someone on fiverr and you're most likely going to get it a lot cheaper on fiverr as well.

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I'm glad you mentioned Fiverr since it doesn't seem to be a very popular topic of discussion around these parts. I think that site is both brilliant and ridiculous at the same time. Brilliant in that you can find some really creative designers working for fairly cheap prices, and ridiculous for practically the same reason. I don't think there is any other place on Earth where you can purchase a good, quality logo for a measly five dollars. It is definitely the better alternative to whatever any program can do, and you'll get the best bang for your buck so long as you are smart about who you hire, because there are a lot of below-average designers looking to make a quick buck as well.

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