
Discussions about Website

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For some reason, whenever I use Illustrator I always have random issues that seem to appear out of nowhere. From random errors with photo placement to challenges reducing the file size, I somehow encounter every problem ...

  • Janie1994
    Janie1994 Level 1
  • 82 6 years ago

    Hello am Diana, I started this thread to know how other freelancers are faring, I know the whole challenges being faced by all freelancers, like you having to keep up with posting and having new ideas every time to follo...

  • Adesuwa08
    Adesuwa08 Level 1
  • 89 7 years ago

    Whenever I make a new website, I have a vision for the website. And I search around for templates that fit my vision. And then change the colors and setup the layout and then I get with my graphic designer and explain to...

  • Soulwatcher
    Soulwatcher Level 1
  • 60 8 years ago

    Graphics on websites or social media can be extremely important because first impressions are everything. If a user has a bad first impression then they may leave your site and never come back. Because of this do you pre...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 25 8 years ago

    Why should a Website have Good looking Design and Graphics? Great graphics play an amazing role. They give more strength and more attractiveness to outer users and people. When a website has good design and graphic...

  • Babbar86
    Babbar86 Level 1
  • 35 8 years ago

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