
Your Thoughts on Motion Graphics?

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Your Thoughts on Motion Graphics?

More and more in the past couple years, motion graphics have become increasingly popular in marketing and advertising. Essentially, motion graphics are simply animated graphics. Pretty simple, right? These animations tend to be minimalistic in nature and add a whole new element to your videos. I don't know why, but there's something incredibly professional about a well designed motion graphics package. Having a nice design is good, but the motion that's added to it with software like After Effects can make your message much more eye-catching and interesting to your viewers.

My job recently pitched a motion graphics project at me which I had to tackle head on. Nobody at the college where I work has After Effects knowledge, so I had go about developing the concept for the video as well as teach myself how to animate as I went along. It was rigorous, but very rewarding. I now have a much better understanding of After Effects and am working toward a new skill that I can market myself with.

What do you think of motion graphics? Have you tried your hand at them? Do you think a consisting of motion graphics would be beneficial to your business?

To see what I mean, here's the promotional video I produced this week at work:


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I'm not going to lie, I had no idea what motion graphics were until I saw the video you made. I've never produced one because I'm not really that good with graphic design or making videos. But they are extremely useful. I think it's always better to use motion graphics instead of for example a presentation because it just makes it a lot more interesting and the people watching it won't be bored. It's extremely beneficial to a business because it makes it easier to pitch ideas and products.

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Exactly! I've found that motion graphics are much more engaging than a simple slideshow or a set of static graphics. They're slick, professional, and eye-catching, which I think makes them very effective if you're trying to sell something.

In our case, we were selling our new brand, and this video took the various elements of our new branding packaging and seriously brought it to life, which was great for our students and faculty to see.

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This is really cool! This definitely appeals to me more than just a slide show or basic graphic design. I think that this would hold my attention and make me very interested in someone's products and services. You really did a great job of presenting this concept to us here, and if you can do that with this idea, just think of what else you could accomplish as you evolve and learn to do this even better.

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Thank you! We have a similar thought process on the matter as well. I fully intend to continue learning how to animate, but I've begun to think how incredible it would be to be able to create my own graphics to animate. I have no working knowledge of Adobe Illustrator and no graphic design skills really, so it's a tough thing for me to do.

As a result, I've enrolled in a graphic design course at the college where I work (I'm allowed to take one free class a semester as a staff member) in an attempt to build up my graphic design skills.

I'm very excited to take these steps forward!

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As long as anything keeps me entertained, and grabs my attention, then for sure I like it. And if this is some kind of advertising, way much better, because that shows everybody will keep it in mind, and will get the attention you are looking for. So good job on this one, this guy put some good effort on those motion graphics.

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It's just like using PowerPoint for presentations, it makes the presentation looks more lively and interesting to those present at the venue of the presentation. Motion graphics is very eye catchy especially when it's designed well with good color and placement of images and information it contains.

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Yeah, motion graphics are great promotional materials because they look more eye-catching to the viewer just by itself, so they are more interested with watching the video and seeing the ad.

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Well,Motion graphic is an important aspect of design that can help grow your business, because in the world we are, he who entertains rules,. why am i saying this?, Motion graphic approaches are becoming increasingly popular for web-based marketing videos, and for a good reason: Unlike traditional drawn “cel” or computer animation, motion graphic applications use video, still images and graphics to create a feel of movement which is engaging, A major splash that gets the attention of your audience is just more fun, and makes it easier for clients to “accept” institutions such as banks and insurance/real estate agencies because they come across as friendlier and warmer.
And a research has stated that 90% of people are likely to remember an advert or message passed through a motion graphic, than the status quo.

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It's interesting to see motion graphics for other businesses now that I'm noticing them more often. They really are an effective tool, and it's taken me making one to fully realize how powerful they are when you're trying to sell something. (Plus I had a blast learning to use After Effects and animate!)

But yes, the motion that's added to the graphics and color palette for a brand makes the video just seem so streamlined and professional, which makes it a huge selling factor when clients see it.

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No kidding--"he who entertains rules". One of the quickest way to have your audience lose interest is to let them get a little bored at your site. That really is an interesting and startling statistic at the bottom of your post, and it first it shocked me about, but now that I think about it, it definitely makes total sense. We live in such a visually demanding and visually dominated society now that it only follows that we react to this type of media more than others.

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I know a little bit of video editing and putting up a motion graphics but that's just about it. I also don't publish anything. It's just for personal use. But this project of yours is very impressive and you really did a good job at this one. I just notice that some of the texts have darkish colors even if the background image has reduced opacity. Have you considered making the text lighter? But anyhow, it's a great video and good job!

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Thank you! It means a lot to hear that because I had very, very limited knowledge in After Effects going into the project, and a lot of the animations I did I learned on the fly.

I am not sure what you mean with your critique. Is the text difficult to read due to it's darkness? Or do you mean it's just unappealing against the low-saturation background? Unfortunately, the color palette and designs had to be approved through the other branch of the marketing department on campus, so I didn't complete freedom with the project, just with the animation.

But if you clarify exactly what you mean, I'd love to go back and take a look at the video and see if I can make some touch ups on it!

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I see. Nah it's all good. I just have this personal "disease" thing wherein I kind of want text colours and background colours to be, you know, "rhyme" with each other. I know that you know that too but mine is a bit different. I know, it's weird. But that's just me. Your Thoughts on Motion Graphics?

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I don't know much about motion graphics, but they seem pretty cool to me, especially in this video. Great job! The learning curve for software like Adobe After Effects is very high, so I don't have the time to get into more advanced motion graphics skills. I would like to be more skilled in the future because they are impressive and help things to pop out. They are more exciting than boring old PP presentations that you see in class or formal situations. I like the colors. I think motion graphics could help attract more customers eventually.

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I didn't know much either so that makes two of us. I have to agree, Adobe After Effects is definitely not for beginners, the learning curve is just enormous. I actually downloaded the trial for it a few weeks ago to try to edit this video template that I found to start a YouTube channel. But I had to start over several times because I would mess it up every time. It's just not easy at all.

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I think that's one of Adobe's biggest issues, is that their programs aren't particularly user friendly. I taught myself how to use After Effects from day one, and what I did was go through and learn how to do really small animations using the program. I animated simple shapes and some texts to learn the different ways I could animate something and how to work with mattes.

From there, I watched tutorials on how to make what are called "lower thirds", which in the video business are nameplates that go on our videos. Essentially it's the graphic in a video that lists the name of the person camera and their position or occupation. I learned how to animate these nameplates to give my videos a little more flair as well as get a grasp of After Effects in the process.

From there it was history!

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That's exactly what I've found! Motion graphics are particularly effective when you're trying to sell something. The animation adds a whole new level to your product, and it takes your graphics, logos, and color palettes and literally brings them to life, which I think is very impressive to clients. It's almost an experience in a way. They get to experience what you're selling when they watch your motion graphics. At least that's the effect I was going for when I sold the new brand to our faculty and students with my video.

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Since I've used the Adobe After Effects plenty of times I do know a thing or two about the motion graphics Your Thoughts on Motion Graphics? I really love motion graphic and I always had fun making it. It's very complex and diverse because you can literally make almost anything - you just need a clear vision before beginning to it's easier to reach your goal.

The best ways to use motion graphics is to present different products or give some sort of personal presentation as well. They're just amazing because they are very engaging and the audience won't get bored during the video. Oh, and by the way, the YouTube video you linked isn't available for me.

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Yes, I too find motion graphics very engaging! The extra movements that are added to the graphics give the videos a completely different, and professional, feel in my opinion!

Sorry you couldn't see the video. I had to remove from the YouTube channel to do some touch ups on it before it officially went live. The official version of the video can be seen at the bottom of this post if you're interested. I can't figure out how to edit my original post for this thread. There's no edit button for me to go in and change the YouTube link.

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I wish i had the resources to learn more about motion graphics now. i think it would be a great addition to my youtube channel. Can you recommend me some free site where I can learn and practice motion graphics which I can incorporate wit my videos? If so, thank you very much in advance.

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I learned most of what I needed to know by watching YouTube videos. Check out PremiumBeat's blog, which has a ton of useful tutorials and articles about motion graphics. They also offer some really great starter packs for free (assets, graphics, animations and such).

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I agree. I think this type of animation can benefit businesses a lot, but they really have to be done well. The software used probably can be learned easily enough and could probably be learned in a day or two, but there needs to be a strong foundation of knowing good design for it to look good. I find that a lot of the times I see flaws in videos either when people use the wrong font or the wrong picture, or even the wrong type of animation. Of course, in design or art, there technically is no wrong, but I think there is a standard that has held up as being the type that is aesthetically pleasing to most, so it's best to not only learn the software but also the basic information of what makes designs pleasing to the eye.

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Motion graphics can really liven up a logo or business ad. But the graphics have to be smooth and professional looking. Can't be too overdone either. Your motion graphic logo or ad should tell a story or prepare a visitor for what they will learn when they visit your website or buy your product. They shouldn't be obnoxious or flailing all over the place, distracting and confusing the website visitor.

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