
[DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

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[DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

This thread would be solely dedicated to our beloved memes which never left us in times of loneliness and depression. Memes are there when your wife isn't; meme's have saved your lives for countless of times; meme's have made your life more meaningful and last but not the least, memes have taken over your life! .. or not.. Lol

I challenge you all to show your best memes and be proud of it! Doesn't matter where you took but much better if you made it!

Tip: For those who don't know how to add images, just click on the gallery icon at the top and insert the URL of your picture. If in case it doesn't work, save the picture to your computer and upload it. Resize if needed.

Let the memes begin!

How about Tahoma?

[DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

Incoming MEMES!??

[DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

Sure! I'm kind of brushing.. *wink*

[DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!


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Haha, this thread already made me laugh so much. There is nothing better than some memes to brighten up your day! I love to Google them all the time because it's very interesting with some of the things that the internet comes up with. Some are dumb but some are absolutely fantastic. Here are two of my favorites:

[DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

[DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

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This is really funny and shaddy at the same time.

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This is a personal favourite of mine and I'm sure that a lot of Game of Thrones fans will love this meme as much as I did
[DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

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LOL, am laughing, but i don't really get it, can you explain?. hardcore GOT fan here. *face palm*

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Oh the irony. "Hardcore". Haha. So basically the wight walkers are already marching and almost reaching The Wall. So Sammy told Jonny that there is a mountain full of dragon glass at Dragonstone where Dany is currently staying during that time. So he went there and asked Dany's permission to mine the dragon glass and also asked her if she could use her dragons and help him kill the wights. Dany then said that she won't unless Jonny "bends the(his) knee" as a sign of accepting Dany as his queen. Hence, Ben D. Knee. :3

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[DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

I think I get your joke here but I'm still not sure so let me call an expert and see what we can do about it. LOL

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Game of Thrones is one of my favorite series movies and I'm really looking forward to watching the latest season which would be released next year 2019 - season 8. Anytime I see a meme about the movie, I'm always thrilled to look at it over and over again because it's very interesting just like the one above in this article reply.

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Nice one, I've got several of Danaerys holding a writing board but the best one is Danaerys saying : Bend the Knee.

Jon Snow replied: Suck the D.

That made me laugh out loud.

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[DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!
Am not a meme fan, or do i really relate with memes. but this very one got me.

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Excuse me but I don't really see the meme here. I can't even read the texts. All I see are delicious foods waiting to be eaten. <3 Yum yum yum! Deliciouso! If I were Spongebob, I would pull them all back and eat them all together. [DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

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Are you kidding me in saying that you don't see any meme in that post? Well, in as much as they appear to be a bunch of food but they are tagged a name which signifies games all fighting to get more gaming time from us.

I'm a Manchester United football fan and I always enjoy trolling Chelsea football club. I have one latest meme for them, just enjoy the picture below. [DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

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hahaha but they are fishes in costumes?

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So that's the thing about a good meme, it is not only supposed to be funny and utilize some sort of pop culture reference, but what makes it the funniest is it being relatable. The more personally relatable a meme is, the funnier it is going to be and spread like wildfire.

That or it can be just plain stupid and irrelevant yet somehow everyone is still going to share it. Memes are an interesting cultural phenomenon.

...I'm looking way too deep into this.

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I agree with you, like there is something behind the quirk.

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Haha, I so much love football ( soccer) meme more than any other kind of and this one looks pretty funny. Well I have one funny one to share as well and it's about the Champions league match between Chelsea and Barcelona. [DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

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This is really hilarious. I love the the art and the meme is funny.

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I relate to this, when you have a lot of work to do but these things are occupying you.

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Haha! Nice one guys! Indeed, it's nice to have a good laugh here and there once in a while. Here's something I found way back before and I forgot about this for sometime. Luckily, I've seen it again. Some of you may have seen this also.

The real HACKERMAN! (in a nutshell)

[DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!

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Oh my god. The last meme about the knife just made me chuckle so much. I hope that really did happen because I'm EvilClone would have had a massive laugh out of it as well [DARE CHALLENGE] Show your best MEMES!. The thing is, there are actual people out there that try to scam people like that but they are so easy to figure out. If I ever come across a person like that, I will make sure to absolutely waste their time so that they think twice before trying to scam another person.

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We just wish that this was really legit but nonetheless it's really a good laugh! I am thinking that the guy trying to hack him is still a kid and desperate lol. He probably thinks he knows a lot ahaha. I know a lot of people like that from my high school days. Feeling pro but can't even see their own mistakes.

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Yeah. To be fair, it might be true. Being a hacker has become such a "cool" thing to do that most people will want to be some sort of a hacker or scammer. So I wouldn't be surprised if some amateur person actually tried to trick the person by doing this. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a kid and was actually an adult. I mean, think of how many scam emails that people get sent. Those are all sent by adults but are so stupid and childish XD

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I agree with you, it's like they don't know that both are crimes.

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True, but there are some people who still get scammed.

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This is a classic meme especially in the gaming community, and you would often see people referencing 'hey its me ur brother' in various forms and it's just hilarious when it suddenly pops up in a thread or in a conversation.

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This is classic meme thay never gets old.

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This always cracks me up, classic.

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