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In choosing a shirt for your shirt printing, what are the usual characteristics do you consider in choosing your shirt blanks? Are you more about the brand or the price? Is the fit more important or the comfortability? And what brand usually suits your taste with regards to shirt blanks? 


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When at all possible I use Hanes t-shirts. The quality of the material is my absolute most important factor in choosing a blank. As far as I'm concerned, the fit is the concern of the consumer. You will drive yourself nuts trying to facilitate every possible fit for every possible body type. That goes triple for women's clothing, given the wider variety of shapes and sizes a female torso takes on over men's. My advice for maximizing your profits is to find the brand that has as high a quality as you can get without raising the target shelf-price of your merchandise. Then, find out what the most common best-quality fits they have and use those as your primary stock. Again, don't worry about facilitating everyone; swim with the current and let their better products decide that for you.

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There are several characteristics that you must consider before buying the t-shirt blanks. Just to mention some that I personally would look at are:

- price,
- the material,
- softness,
- quality,
- durability.

Perhaps look into the American Apparel or the Standard Tees. Those are both two really good choices.

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I do agree with the terms you listed above in determining what makes you your choice of T-shirt. Price is a very important factor to consider because even as much as you desire a particular brand but cannot afford it, it's just a wishful thinking without backup. The materiel on its own must be something that is comfortable for one to wear and must definitely be durable.

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I totally agree with what Tronia suggested. Always give & take considerations of what he had enumerated. But I just also want to add that you should also have to look for a compatible ink/print on the material of your choice.

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A bit of everything, to be honest with you. Quality and price are equally important. There is no point buying an extremely cheap blank t-shirt to have your print on if the quality is absolutely poor. But then it's not wise to spend a large amount of money on just one t-shirt either just because of its quality. You need to find a blank t-shirt that has a good balance of the two - not too expensive but pretty good quality as well.

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This is a very important point. Early on, I tried to follow the cost-saving rout, figuring volume would make up for lack of quality. Huge mistake! I ended up getting boxes of prints on shirts that were essentially cheap undershirts which no one with any sense of self-respect would wear in public. The poor material quality had compromised the print, as well, leaving it wrinkled and cracked. While the company itself should have never even offered such a poor product, I can't hold anyone but myself responsible. They did give me exactly what I asked, and paid for, after all.

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Yeah. I think a lot of these companies try to take advantage from people like you. They produce extremely low-quality products so that they can charge low prices and people end up buying them because they want to save some money. The fact that the product came with the print being compromised does not sound good at all. Did you try to get a refund because of that?

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They way they handled it was they gave me a refund on the unit they sold me. At the time they were wholesaling their product in units of 10, so if I had one shirt in that unit which was faulty, I got a refund on the whole block of 10 shirts. That's nice, but I wasn't able to get all of it returned. I don't necessarily believe I deserved a refund on all of it because, as I said, I have no one but myself to blame for cheaping-out that way. And that was less the shipping fee, which came out of my pocket. At the end of the day, it was a hard lesson learned.

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That's good to hear I guess. It's actually quite nice of them to give a refund on the whole block of 10 shirts even if only one of them was faulty. Was the shipping fee a lot or was it only a tiny bit? I guess it is a good way to learn a lesson without losing too much money on the purchase.

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There is a lot of cheap materials on the market with good quality. The thing is you really have to take your time looking for them. Checking materials out yourself and handpicking it is a good thing to do. Just like what I have said on my reply earlier you must also consider not only the fabric but the printing medium itself.

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  • Cotton. Cotton is the most popular fabric for T-shirts. ...
  • Linen. T-shirts are also made from linen. ...
  • Lycra. Shoppers often hear the term lycra; however, this is the brand name for the material known as spandex. ...
  • Polyester. ...
  • Rayon. ...
  • Blends. ...
  • Plain Weave Cotton. ...
  • End-on-End Weave.

found on google

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It is not about the brand. When choosing t-shirt blanks, it is important to take the following things into consideration:
1. the kind and quality of the fabric - take this in consideration to insure the correct or right contact of paint or contact applicator.
2. the kind of medium of printing material - fabric paints, rubberized or contact applicators responds well with fabrics that are
compatible with them .
3. the price of the t-shirt - if you are planning for a small business this would insure you a decent profit if done wisely. Choose
good quality with a reasonable price.

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Yeah, quality is very essential, it should be taken into consideration, because people really tend to go for quality, even if the price is high, as long as the quality is up to the mark . People will always flank around it.
So it's wise to chose the quality of your material wisely.

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If you are on Usa, Hanes or Fruit of the Loom are super good for printing on. I have noticed the cotton is durable, soft, and fresh, and also the design lasts longer in those brands. Also, the synthetic materials tend to keep the design less than the average, they literally comes out after some trips to laundry. In my country I choose Ovejita brand (little sheep), and it's all about the cotton, is the best cotton by far.

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I'm more of the price than the brand, when it comes to the stuffs I wear, I don't really care about the brand as long as the appearance is what looks cool and good to my eyes, and at the same time, no so pricey, then it will be my best bet.
And coupled with the fact that, I usually go causal , so price comes first for me

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As much as possible, it should be cotton to have a strong adhesion for the ink. It usually better to use a black or white t-shirt as they can easily match to any design that you would like to put in. It doesn't matter the brand names as long as the quality is top of the line.

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Comfortability comes first in any product I buy. Same goes with T-shirts. I first check if it comfortable enough to wear and if the design is pretty good for my liking then goes the price. I am not really into brands because I believe we still can get good quality products even without the brand. Brand makes the product expensive though. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE T-SHIRT BLANKS FOR PRINTING

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I really don't have a preferred choice of brand when it comes to T-Shirt prints and most because I don't do them professionally.

If it's fits into my budget, is of quality and fits s into my preferences, then it's the perfect choice for me. These are a few of the things i put into consideration when choosing the right brand for my custom branded print T-Shirt.

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Fitting and comfortability are the two best things one should care about when choosing a T-shirt, the price and brand are the secondary variables. When you get a good popular brand and costly but it's not fitted comfortably to the user, I believe that such T-shirt isn't worth wearing in the first place.

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I would go with the shirt that has a comfortability and price as well. Because not all t-shirt brands can have both the perfect quality that any t-shirt printing business is currently looking for. One has the comfortability but cost high, and the other one has a decent price but don't have that enough comfortability for a person to wear. But If I would to choose between the two, then I'd go with the expensive comfortable shirt rather than the decent price shirt, but has a bad quality on. Believe me, people would love to wear shirts that has a comfortablity rather than the design or branding you are trying to express.

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In my country we don't have a lot of good blank shirts, I mean were a textile producing country but all blank shirts being sold here for local use has a problem with sizes and quality. The textile firms are being controlled by Chinese business men so instead of making good shirts here they just import it from China. The quality is so poor. While those who still manufacture shirts locally tends to downsize their shirts to cut expenses. The result is comparatively a local Medium is like a U.S. XS - extra small.

Luckily we do have Hanes and Fruit of the loom both good U S. brands. Hanes is better in quality for me, but the price is a bit high and does affect the price of the end product.

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When it comes to T-shirt, what I look out for most is the textile quality and how unique the material is. I have this odd feeling wearing a common brand that most people do wear that is easily bought in the open market. I prefer my shirt customized in a unique way that even if it's the same shirt worn by two different people, they would differ.

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Hanes is my go-to brand too when choosing a blank. I sometimes use Fruit of the Loom too, as the quality of the blank shirts of this two are just better in terms of durability, comfort, and how long the design lasts.

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When using local blanks the best here is Lifeline shirts and what we call 'Lacoste' shirts but funny thing is it's a copy cat version but the quality is really good it can be bought by dozen or by bulk of 120 pcs in Manila.

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I am more considering its texture and comfort it gives to the one who will wear it. It should be not absorbing heat or sweat. It should have a texture that make you feel fresh.

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T-shirts that doesn't abosrb heats ends up lasting longer from the experience that I have had. You get to that point where you begin to enjoy the quality of the t-shirt when you must have worn it for some months and it is still good and nice.

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I usually check what kind of event is it for. Afterwards i always consider other details like material, cost, and design. Some people love a certain material for their shirts specially for events like reunions and gatherings. Cost is a very important matter in shirt printing, usually a good value for money is a customer expectation so both seller and buyer should work it out. Design is a more of a costumer thing, a seller usually suggest themes and design but overall it's the customers decision.

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I always check on the quality of the shirt. I also want it to be exactly fitted to my body. I consider how comfortable I am wearing it.

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It is necessary that you check out the way that the t-shirt fits you as you are the person that is going to wear it for long. I have been in situations where I ordered some shirts from online stores and at the end of the day, it ends up not fitting properly into my body and it was not what I desired.

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I prefer my shirt in cotton since it is comfortable to wear. I live in a tropical country where the weather is mostly hot than cold. So it is important that the shirt I wear doesn't add up to the heat. Apart from the material of the shirt, the size is always considered. Wearing a tight fit removes that comfort that the shirt material provides.I'm not really sure of the disadvantages of using cotton as printing blanks but I think that one would depend on the material/ chemical you are going to use to print. Certain chemical would go with a specific material. Might be a good idea to search which one goes well to the shirt blank you are going to use.

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I agree. I wear more cotton t-shirt. But I make sure there is no irritating tags at the back that makes my nape itchy haha! Usually more of branded clothes are best and comfortable to wear. I usually wear white shirts because that looks more breathable, neat and fresh. I've tested Paul Frank clothes that are really soft to wear. Then I used Uniqlo shirts for my everyday.

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Pure cotton shirts are best for printing. However they risk bleeding into the other side of the shirt. That's why a lot of printing businesses use shirts with more polyester in them. However this is sacrificing quality over quantity.

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Comfort is key. No matter how great a T-shirt looks, if it's not comfortable nobody wants to wear it. The whole point of a T-shirt is its comfort. I prefer round neck as opposed to V-neck. But that's just me. Expensive or cheap? Neither here nor there. If I have to pay a little extra to get better quality? OK. If I can get good quality at a bargain price? That's really OK! The main thing is to make sure the T-shirt is pre-shrunk, so the person does not buy a large size that becomes a medium after the first wash. Another thing to be sure of is that colors or dyes don't run and/or fade easily and the T-shirt gets ruins after the first wash.

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Durability is one quality I cannot do without. T-shirts that shrink are not good material for printing. Material used in printing is important. Do not print on any T-shirt.

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I think there needs to be a bit of a happy medium between price and comfort. It's hard for people to justify spending a fortune on a tshirt, but no one is going to continue buying shirts from you if you end up producing stuff that is really poor quality. Somewhere in the middle would probably be the best bet.

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It's campaign period again here in Manila, there would be an election next year, and that means a lot of candidates are ordering campaign t-shirts by the tens of thousands. I visited some shirt suppliers last week to update prices and I found a good quality blank. It's Thai made but the price is lower than Hanes and the quality is very good, it costs $3 each. While the low quality campaign material type of shirt costs $0.75 with custom print.

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