
How important is a good logo?

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How important is a good logo?

Sometimes the appearance and design of the business itself can be a massive factor for a customer when deciding whether to visit/buy from them. Because of this your logo should resemble something that is professional, well designed and unique to make sure that customers can identify you from your competitors. It's not easy to come up with a unique logo which is why several different logo design services can be extremely expensive, sometimes running into four digit numbers (££££). But how important do you think a logo is to a business? Do you not focus on it too much and instead focus on the actual products/content?


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Most company or businesses use logo to signify their names and services. It is important because logo makes people understand easily what the company was. It also a way of attracting potential customer. Having a good logo is important because your name and your business or company reputation are connected to it. Company or businesses to make their logo better they sometimes hire professional Graphic Editor. Hiring professional will make your logo safe and can have an advantage to others.

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o, if your brand is strong enough to make it, your logo can evolve down the road to reflect your growth or send you off in a new direction. Or, simply put, you can get a better-designed logo, once you have the money to hire a firm!

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This is an excellent point! Logos are the public face of your brand, thus you should take your time to get it right so that it sticks in the minds of people who view your materials. That said, branding isn't just about logos. I'm sure anyone who's read my posts around here is tired of hearing me say it, but it's about narrative. You need to format your message and imagery in such a way as to tell a story about your brand while making it visually distinct. There's a reason Coca Cola immediately comes to mind when you think about red and white color schemes and holiday themes. They have made themselves the official soft drink of Christmas!

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I totally agree with you here about logos, but I would not obsess over the perfection of the logo in such a way that it kept me from launching my brand in the first place. as dave023 said above, you can always tweak the logo later and as you go along. I can think of several companies who have been around for a very long time who have changed their logos more than once. I think it is difficult to come up with a lasting and permanent logo out of the gate, like Apple did or something; that would be awesome, but I say hurtle into the business with the best logo you can at the time and then augment and evolve it later as you go.

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I do agree that it's all about the strenght of the brand. Logos are secondary, the really important thing is branding and sales. And having a good logo helps in branding and that affects sales.

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A company's logo is the first thing that people see attached to your company when they first hear of it, and it has to stand out in its design apart from others and it could also tell the customers what the business is all about. There are also certain research applied into logo making by the more wealthy companies, which involve the color psychology, the use of shapes and lines to draw customers in, and the typography.

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I couldn't agree more to this. Logos serves as the indentity and the name of a certain brand or an organization. It gives the overall vision and it also marks an impression to the customers. A good logo isn't just made of a fancy text and meaningless symbols, this must contain the message that the company wants to perceive.

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A good logo helps attracts customers to your brand. It makes your brand stands out and it elevates and your brand againts competitors.

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Well it's very important because if you have a bad logo it would have negative effects to your business. When people stars associating a bad logo to your company that they may think that it's also no good.

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I think a logo is very important in regards to branding your company or product. Just think of all the hugely successful businesses and how quickly you can identify their logos. Facebook, McDonald's, Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc. If you're just starting out with a business, I don't think you need to spend a ton of money on logo design, but I think it's beneficial to spend enough money to make sure the logo is close to your vision as possible (if you're not designing it yourself).

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Definitely. Logos can help associate a certain image with a brand and that helps create brand loyalty and customer retention. Like you said, McDonald's is a great example. Whenever you see a golden arch, you think of McDonald's. I'm sure that a lot of these companies spend thousands on logo design to ensure that they get it right but of course, you don't always need such large budgets. As long as you are creative, you can design a good logo for free (if you are good with graphic design yourself)

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I think you are very right here. Being on a budget is tough when it comes to these things and getting a business started. As they say, it takes money to make money. You made some good suggestions for me about logo design sites in another forum. However, coming up with a lasting logo that people will instantly recognize and always remember is definitely a design and conceptual challenge which I am just not quite up for yet!

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Whilst it is not easy to do anything without money, I wouldn't say that it is impossible. I understand that not everyone has graphic skills which they can use to design logos. The only thing that you can do is to use various different tutorials to learn how to use different software and maybe learn how to design your own graphics.

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I went to college for Graphic and Advertising Design, and as part of the course I had two semesters of classes that focused solely on logo design. That alone should be enough to tell you that good logo design is incredibly important when it comes to marketing and advertising. Good logos are an effective method of conveying exactly what your company is about. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and the same applies to logos. A customer can either consciously or subconsciously base their opinion of your company simply by their first impressions of your logo design.

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This is interesting. The focus in deign on the lasting symbol or image really fascinates me. It makes me think of things as old as hieroglyphics. When you can capture the essence of what you do or what you provide in one sleek image, that is genius. It seems to me that this is a very hard thing to do. I would have to do it in a moment of inspiration, I think, because otherwise I would most likely overthink the image to the point that it was clunky or awkward.

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You should always focus on the logo as well as the product and content. They're all equally important and logo plays a vital role in branding yourself and your company. You can go down the street and show people logo's of only big brands, 90% of them will recognize the logo and right away say ''Oh, that's McDonald's'' or ''Oh, that's Adidas''. Ask yourself why? Because the big boys know how to create a memorable logo that stays with you. A logo is essentially an image and humans are very visual beings.

Investing into a good logo is worth every single penny - just make sure that you have some sort of basic idea or vision before you contact the logo designers so it's easier to make it a reality.

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Of course, as you are making me think, Tronia, you could have the most amazing logo that was ever invented by man, but if your product is shabby or not marketable or insufficient, then the logo is wasted upon it, and the business will nonetheless falter.

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A good logo is definitely essential to your business and to the branding of your company’s name besides helping to attract new customers. Before a customer logs on to your website, they would have developed a first impression of your company, partly by your logo. If your logo is professional, you are more likely to make customers trust in your brand.

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Yeah, a logo can give the customer a basic understanding of what to expect with your business, and you generally see some companies change their logos with a change of management when they want to give a different approach on their business.

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You should focus on both the Logo and product. a good logo is very very important because it is your identity and it distinguishes you from the competition because there are certain symbols that come to represent particular industries or products. For example, how many pizza places have you seen
with a logo that features an Italian, mustachioed chef with a tall
white hat and a wide grin? Maybe holding a ridiculously huge pizza? A
good logo reflects who you are, but it should also distinguish you from
everybody else. A good logo should dare to be different.

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I agree on this. A good logo also tends to have some relevance to the name. This even makes it easier for the target clients to remember. It is very important to ensure differentiation in this global market no matter what product or service is being sold.

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I completely agree with you on this, in as much as the logo is the identity of the site, the products or services needs to be good as well because should the logo pass a value strong message and vibe but the product flops, this practically renders everything useless.

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A logo is not that important in my opinion. I mean, it's better to have one than none of course. But if you put more effort, time and money on that logo, then you will eventually waste some of them since people don't fall anymore for logos. Now I'm not saying that having a good logo is bad; of course it's best to have a beautiful and attractive logo that fits your product or service, etc. All I'm saying is, if you can make your own and would somehow look fine and relevant to whatever you will use it for, then it's fine. You should focus more on the content of your product or service because that is your source of income. Unless you are selling logos. How important is a good logo?

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I agree with you. I think these days when there are literally millions of sites and apps with their own logos, people are more understanding that not every logo can be that unique and memorable anymore. The best that companies can probably aim for now is the design being at least aesthetically proper. I've seen a lot of sites and apps make huge profits even when their logo design looked amateurish.

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True, specially the unique part. Not all logo are unique, well there are still some but most of them are copied from one and another. Sometimes, they just use it as reference and edit some texts or symbols just to be, well, "unique". Making an original logo with your own interpretation needs mastery and expertise.

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I agree with this as well. Logos can evolve and change and get better over time. Sure, having a memorable and sleek logo is great, and it can't hurt the ability for customers to recognize your brand and to remember you, but if the content, product, and services you are providing are solid, that, to me, is much more important than a sleek logo. People are more concerned about the quality of what you are offering them.

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I beg to differ on this opinion that logo isn't important because in my opinion they are very important. A logo is like your business signature and it can give you a striking difference from other related business. Take for instance two websites that offer page design services, one has a good logo while the other doesn't. Don't you think that the one with a business logo would be easy to identify and likely used if it's services are good?

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A Logo is an extension of your company name. It's another way for people to identify your company. If you want your company to be a success then you need to have a good logo which would remind people what your company or business is all about.

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I think it depends on the type of business and the message that the owner wants conveyed. Some owners or businesses don't really care that much about the logo and they do just fine and stay profitable despite not having a strong visual identity, perhaps due to the industry they are in where people don't pay much credence to image. Logos probably are more important to retail type businesses wherein customers will often gauge how much they will trust a business on whether or not their image is well presented. Ultimately, I think it's better to just play safe and come up with a nice looking logo anyway.

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I have come across a few online websites that have very poorly designed logos and they are doing extremely well, so what you have said is true. Sometimes, it is the content of the site that is important and the logo won't be important for the visitors of the site. But I do think a good logo will give your visitors confidence in your brand. If you have spent time designing a good logo then it shows that your business is professional and should be taken seriously. If you don't have the skills to design a good logo then it is not expensive to have one designed so I don't think people should take the risk like you said

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I think a good logo is very important to any website. It's what makes you stand out from the crowed. @DarthHazard I have seen some poor logo websites do well myself. But they usually are older websites that have been around for a long time and have a huge following. These days if you don't have a good looking website , most people won't look at it twice!

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I agree 100%. As the years have progressed, certain things, especially for websites, have become a lot more important and I think logos are definitely one of those things. Whilst some of the most older but popular sites still have poor logos, I think most have actually started to get brand new designs to try and look more modern for their younger visitors who value design more than other aspects nowadays.

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What you pointed out about having a good and well designed website in order to attract and keep your site visitors is absolutely true @Soulwatcher. When something is very appealing, there is every chance of it retaining the interest of those who saw it already but once it's eye scratchy, they would definitely zoom off 100%.

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It's really important because it helps customers to visually remember your company or product. Having a good logo sends a statement that the product it represents is likewise good and reliable.

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