
Designs on Social Media And Blogs

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Designs on Social Media And Blogs

What do your social media pages or even blogs say about you. Do you have a clear image on what you are about? Do you have a logo about your business or personal blog!

Have A Quick Coffee Then Time for A Makeover

                                                           Designs on Social Media And Blogs
Above I just used a quick sample for you. You see how I did this further down.
So what does your Facebook page look like or group, or even what does your blog look like what do these say about you? Do you manage to put in the time and effort around the visual effects and graphics. 

To me, I like to try my best at what I do around my content. With my blogs, Facebook pages/groups, Twitter and my Subreddits. I always make sure I create a banner and logo for them all. The more you work around this the more it will attract more people. I have been in some facebook groups and they just googled an image and used it for there cover or Facebook page. 


If you need images then use the free sites out there, there is a lot of resourceful websites which is free and can help. Some don't have the time or patience they just create groups and pages hoping to get seen or members join. Yeah, they may join put create an atmosphere in these places like nice quality images or one which as detail on what you made yourself. Now, you wouldn't move into a house or apartment and not decorate, would you?

SO if you think your Facebook pages/Groups looks dull with plain covers spruce them up to give them a clear image of what they are about. You will notice the Difference. Also, your blog does it have a Favicon the little image what appears on your browser when on your site. It shows the logo of your website on the browser tab you are on. Do you have a plain theme or detailed one? For much better themes and logos/images for me, WordPress is the best and your own domain would be better.  Add a favicon add a good theme and also when working on your posts try to create your own images which I will show you how in a moment. Create them around your posts with also the alt tag which will help with keywords.

Use Canva

Canva.com is a brilliant website, it is free with an Optional choice of an upgrade but you don't really do not after have to upgrade. Upgrade just allows you to get more templates and images. Canva is a simple easy templates/logo and banner design website. It allows you to do some of the following for free.

  • Create and design Facebook Covers for Groups/Pages also Twitter covers
  • Allows you to create post Images
  • Create Detailed infographics which are very useful for Pinterest
  • Blog graphics, Blog title even email headers
  • YouTube Channel Art and Thumbnails And so much more check the image below.
Designs on Social Media And Blogs

So give it a try give your content an image an image which will attract more people. Work with different designs and logos even make banners. It also allows you to set your own image dimension, for example, say you need a banner for 468x60 you can easily achieve this. So try giving your blogs or social media pages the image they need. You could give it a try create one with a set template like it as on their site and just change some of the writing. I used this at the top where I mentioned time for a makeover. I used this to create it to show you it is easily done.


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I always use images that represent the purpose of the business /services that I'm offering on the internet. Since I'm always careful not to merge business with personal life, I try as much as I could to use business logos in all that I do.

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I also try as much as possible to not mix business with personal life and I think that is something everyone should be doing. I always use images that support or compliments the specific blogposts.

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They say that pictures speak more than words and I'm in total support of that assertion. One picture or logo can say a lot about you than a hundred words can't put in adequately. So therefore, I endeavor to make use of creative and descriptive images that pass across a good detailed message of what my business is all about in all my social media platforms.

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Yeah, it does help for business and also for personal use. Some just create a site or page title description about 300 to 400 words and that's it. Then they wonder why their content isn't popular.

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What is the point of engaging so much in the external aspects and not having a recurring work on what will be produced to fill the internal part?

It's like being thirsty and having a nice glass to drink the water, but not having the water... Haha!

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I agree. I think for some it may work but for most businesses it will only hurt them to keep the site so plain because it keeps people from remembering the site. For the most part I think many are knowledgeable enough nowadays to make their site more identifiable but I think for some others they still don't see much value in it which is a shame, because as the OP has mentioned, there are already too many new resources that make it easy for the average user to be able to make a good enough personal design that it would be a shame to let such a resource go to waste.

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Absolutely! The content you publish online and on social media is essentially how your brand yourself, your product, or your service, so it's incredibly important to be aware of what you're posting and how it looks.

I run a video and photography business offline, and my social media accounts are dedicated to sharing some of the content that I produce for clients, that way other people who visit my page can see my work (sort of like an online portfolio!) and be able to make a better informed decision on whether or not my services would be best for them.

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That is great. Buyers look for exactly that when trying to find someone that is perfect to purchase from. Especially in the video and photography industry, people like to see what type of content the sellers have produced before and showcasing that on your social media pages or on a website that acts as a portfolio is a great idea. It tells your users what they will receive and allows them to make better decisions.

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Just out of curiosity, do you have more images (which I am assuming that you do) on your page(s) than you do written content? In other words, how do you strike a balance, or what do you think is the best way to strike a balance between the images and the written words? I have seen some really great photographer sites who seem to do this well, as i am sure you do too, but i do think there is definitely an art to this. Does one show his or her best work right off of the bat, or does one just try to show enough to whet the appetite of the audience or clients and then draw them in? I think it is a pretty fascinating process once we start breaking it all down.

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You're very right.

I can't understand what the point is in creating a beautiful shell if there is no content to fill it. I mean, it's something visually beautiful to be seen, but it doesn't hold attention for long because it doesn't have a content that is really interesting (which, by the way, is the soul of such projects).

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I tend to agree with you here, and it might just be because i have such a love of writing and am not good at or accustomed to working strategically or aesthetically with images. Canva does look interesting to me, but the "beautiful shell", as you called it, is appealing a first but does not stand up to lasting scrutiny without really good content to match, or even excel, the images supporting it. However, if I were to use Canva on my social media to grab interest, then I could link the social media sites to the blog/content sites, and that might be an interesting way to go.

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I don't completely disregard the importance of aesthetically beautiful work, but if I have to prioritize things... The content will always come first in any kind of situation (and I can't see things differently).

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The quality of the blog relies in its content, but in the same time the appeal starts visually so having an attractive blog with quality content is the best way to go.

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Canva is great to create social media images. No one likes to read a block of text or even a few sentences. It is always better to use graphics for your social media pages especially on sites like Facebook and Twitter where people just scroll until they see something that interests them. Images can help stop them scrolling and can instantly grab their attention if it is done correctly.

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Good point here. It's one thing if someone is going out looking specifically for text-central or text-specific content, but if we are just trying to catch the eye and get the potential audience to click on something, whether it be a link to an ad or to one of our pages, we have to find the right balance of image and text. I think that is what catches my eye when I am websurfing, and I assume it is pretty much like that for everyone else.

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My tumblr days flashing back in front of me. Making blogs and making both the content and background visually appealing.

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Maybe you can check the canva website as well. I mean with the way the software designs pictures and cover pages for some e-books will make you want to use them for business purposes as well.

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Yes, you can use canva to create stunning visual images for your Tumblr posts. Make them stand out and may be gaining some traffic along the way.

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I don't share images very frequently on my social media pages. However, when I am sharing images, I always make sure that they are properly edited. I have half a dozen facebook pages associated with my websites, blogs and products. I share images and graphics on these pages.
I have heard about canva, however, I have never used this.

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I think and act like you in relation to these types of publications and about the Canva, if you've never tried to use it, you sure should give it a try. I believe you will like it very much because the result is very good.

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I always have my logo and if you don't have, then I recommend you go get one for your site, blog, business Asap!. It is a symbol of representation, and it represents and speak for you at your absent.
So I own many blogs and each of them has a Logo, and for the ones that requires direct info, I usually provide my picture.

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Do you design the logo or bought that from sites? I would definitely want to take a look at the site where you got them for I need one as well.

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This absolutely true, and I completely agree with you on this. The logo is the very first thing visitors take notice of as well as your site design. Once these two things fails, the rest line of defense your site has left is the content available on it. If it fails in this department as well, then it's over for your blog or site because nobody would take interest in having anything to do on it.

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Definitely, the logo can tell so much in such a small image for your customers, and especially for starting businesses, a good logo can help you make an immediate mark in your industry.

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I agree that the designs and pictures that you use social media and blogs is very important, especially for the profile picture or the background one. I have made it all myself with the use of Photoshop because I know very well how to use the software. But Canva is a great option as well since it's really fast. Another website that's similar is called Snappa. I'd highly recommend it.

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I would have to check how Snappa work for I've got some good reviews about them on the internet and from friends as well.

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With a passion for photography I leave no opportunity to showcase my work, taking care to see that I do not overdo as too many images put off viewers.

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Of course. No one wants to see too many images and not enough content because what would be the point of that (unless of course the blog is based around photography). Plus it can slow down your site unless you have optimised the images really well and have very good hosting so its not a thing you want to do all the time.

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This craze for uploading countless images would be fine for newbies who would pay more attention to the appearance rather than the usefulness of their blog. I was one such newbie but not anymore. I have realised no one has the patience for pages with countless images to open

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I have never thought about having a logo for my blog. I have an account with Canva and I have had good experience making pictures with it. I agree that wordpress has good themes although I am using blogger now. I like detailed themes.

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It's so important to have a logo because it always your users to identify your blog. You can then use that logo on other platforms like social media sites to give your site a brand which your users can follow. Not having a logo is definitely not a good idea, to be honest, no one likes to see a plain text header for a blog.

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What do you mean a plain text header?
I do not understand where the position a logo should be or how to create one. I will sure read more about it and check various logo designs so I can create one for myself.

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Logos just generally have massive value in our society. This is the reason why big brand companies like Pepsi or Apple will pay designers absurd amounts of money (well into the millions of dollars) just for a logo. Some of us might look at it and think "All of that money for a dumb logo? I could have done that!" But the truth is there is so much thought and work that goes into creating a proper logo that many of us don't consider.

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In this day and age, well thought out and personalized logos and designs are absolutely essential to attracting followers. It isn't just some flashy feature that you add on to your page or blog, it is the standard. Without things like customized logos, banners, cover photos, thumbnails, etc..., you're falling way behind the rest of the competition.

It is so essential that I'd dare to say that even badly designed logos and banners are better than none.

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Personalized logos are great ways to keep things working for the good of the business. It is like a way to brand one's product which marks the business out of others at the end of it all.

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That's a good idea, I've been using free images for my Facebook Groups and Facebook Pages and I really haven't thought of designing one myself. Maybe I'll try it soon.

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Now, I’m not saying that you should go and do this, but if I were in your position, I just hypothetically might go and “acquire” some sort of professional tools like Adobe’s Photoshop and Illustrator programs, and look up some introductory tutorials on how to use them.

Even as a beginner, there’s a lot of stuff you can do in both programs that would put you way ahead of the crowd that is still using stock photos for their pages. With a little time, creativity, and practice, I’m sure you could come up with some neat stuff!

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Imaging is a very importan aspect of a blog or website. Asides the fact that it tells or gives a viewer the first clue as to what is expected from a post,it also helps the writer in transforming words into imagery thereby allowing a visual understandig of wjat is being said.

I always strive toget the best picture forvmy blog post. A post wihout pictures sometimes feels like a half made post.

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Canva indeed, is the best in terms of creating a picture for your ad or for posting something on social medias as well. Like they're probably the perfect alternative for a non-software users or actually people that don't have time using their editing software. And also, this is the best alternatives that I did used in terms of creating something for your business ad or for some other related platforms as well.

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Using a logo on your different sites is good for identification and recall purposes. It helps people to know that the sites are owned by one person or group. I used canvas and Logomaker as well as several other apps and it's a big help.

Word of caution thought it's not good to have a very heavy site so it's better to limit your graphics for a faster loading time.

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Yeah, while adding graphics to your website is good, there should always be a limit and you shouldn't overload your website with various unnecessary images. Not only does it delay your website's loading time, it just straight up doesn't look good.

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I do agree that a Facebook Page or Group site should be properly designed with pictures that relates to the site. This would make it more appealing and easy to relate to whenever there's new traffic. Also a properly and beautifully designed site exudes legitimacy thus boosting your sites trust rating that would lead to more traffic.

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I recently found out that Facebook now has a facial recognition software feature installed to the site and this makes it very easy for an individual to be recognized anywhere in the social media network where his or her picture is used. Are you aware of this upgrade in Facebook?

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Pictures and logos have a good way of making one's social media account to look unique and different from other pages or accounts that flood the internet. It makes one's site very easy to be differentiated from its competitors, so it's paramount that a site owner makes use of one because it only adds to his advantage.

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I think having a simple logo is better and more appealing to site visitors. I noticed that whenever I'm visiting a new site where there's lots of graphics it tends to take a long time before it loads and more often I lose interest in these kinds of sites.

For me whats important is the value of the content and the speed it takes to see the content.

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Canva is a really good website, and is easy enough to be used even by beginners who don't have much time to spend in learning a new software. I got into their website when they visited our university to lecture on one of our marketing classes, and they gave each student free credits to use in our account.

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Well, on my Facebook page is just more on pictures and just a simple explanation. It's actually more on my travel, and pictures of some different places and also some great rock formation. I'm not using a logo yet, but I'm using my initial as watermark to prove that the pictures are my property.

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What I like about social media is that you get to choose your own pictures. I choose mine with relative ease. But it still takes time because there are so many great free images out there. I save those that capture my interest.

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I use my own photos when posting cover or banners but get the idea or inspiration from others. Here is a photo I use for my blog. Tried doing a flat lay of the things that I commonly use doing online jobs and doing my journal. Not yet a pro on this but trying my best to be as creative as possible.

Designs on Social Media And Blogs

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  • Many people use Canva or a similar tool. I have tried Canva and it is a very easy tool. I would definitely recommend it.
  • Many people use their own images. I don't. I am not a photographer.
  • Many people use free images. I DO!! There are a number of sites that make them available and there are literally bazillions of images to choose from. You will surely find one or more to suit your purposes.

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That's a good idea, I've been using free images for my Facebook Groups and Facebook Pages and I really haven't thought of designing one myself. Maybe I'll try it soon.

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Hi there!

First of all, thank you for the very well written post and informative thread. I have enjoyed reading it.
I personally have a blog myself, and I was just looking for some advice about the design. I used the template theme for a while now.
I like your idea, perhaps I'll try to do my own design instead of searching for someone to do it for me.

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