
Answers from user kaellic

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Graphic design is as much of an art as music, painting, drawing, or sculpting. How do you get your ideas flowing when you need to pitch a project to a client?

  • Janie1994
    Janie1994 Level 1
  • 120 6 years ago

    My first logo design wasn't the best and wasn't the worst either but I can't say it is good because I look back at my first design and I laugh because I can't believe I designed something that bad, lol. If I am to r...

    53 6 years ago

    Do You Like to Make Angels? As a child, it was fun to learn arts and crafts. My school teachers had many different art projects we had to do. One Christmas we made a Christmas tree out of macaroni, fake snow and glitt...

    81 6 years ago

    Growing up, I have always looked at the work of being a T-shirt designer as one where you can be able to make a living from it. What do you think? Can one earn a living through this way and is it possible to grow bi...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 607 6 years ago

    I wonder if a lot of people still print business cards and give them out or do we do this one now virtually, too? If so, do you take a lot of time in designing and making sure your card looks good or conveys what you are...

    78 6 years ago

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