
Online Business Card and Logo Making

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Online Business Card and Logo Making

I have this idea of an online business in which people who needs logos and business cards will go to my site to order designs for business cards, banners, logos and other printed materials.  It's a design only site.  Finished design upon approval and payment would be downloaded from the site and they will have to print it in their location.  

Would this be marketable?
I would like to hear your suggestions.


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I think it would be profitable in the sense that there are many people who are looking for good designs of the product you are offering. I think you have a very good idea. The only thing is you need to have a good marketing strategy to introduce and promote your business on the market. I would like to wish you luck and I hope that you would be able to gain success in your endeavors.

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I agree the there's a great market for Card and Logo designs specially with a competitive price. Of course you designs should be unique and have good quality, although the market is there ....competition is also high in this platform. It's just a matter of product quality and good advertising. Anyway good luck....and i wish you success.

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I have a friend who is into the business as well and I can sure tell you that he is making a headway in the business. All you need to do is to make sure that your works are exquisite enough to entice people into demanding for your services. Social media sites are good resources ground for you to market your business and seek numerous clients.

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This is not a new concept. You can find a lot of business already doing this. You can find such services on freelance marketplaces like Fiverr and SEO Clerks. How would you outsmart your competitors when freelancers are offering custom made two logos for just $5 on Fiverr. How would you attract customers when people can design a business card for free on Canva?

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What you have just said is true. It is kinda had to compete now a days , especially if there are a lot of good options out there in the internet. I think he or she would be able to make such offers if he or she establishes a name for himself/herself in the said business. Just what I have stated before, a good marketing strategy is needed in order to be noticed. One should also live up with their brand which is important in numerous ways.

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This is what I said. The biggest benefit of using one of the freelancers on sites like Fiverr and SEOClerks is that the logo tends to be custom and unique as well. No matter how good your site is, the logos generated for your customer won't be as unique which may create doubts for them.

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If you still want to sell your logo and business card designing services, there is no need to create a website and pay for domain and hosting as well as spend time on promoting and maintaining the website. You can sell through freelance marketplaces. Freelance marketplace cuts commission, however, finding customers is easy on freelance marketplace. People prefer to buy from freelance marketplace because there is biuyer's protection.

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The problem is, you have to think about the market once again. There are so many people out there on various different freelance marketplaces offering both the logo and business card designing services. Are there really enough customers for someone to enter the market and do well?

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The competition is tough. I have been writing online since 2010, I have blogs and websites, I have even published books on Amazon, however, I am still struggling to get writing jobs. However, I believe it is easy to market your service through freelance marketplace than from your website. You can use your website to showcase your portfolio, however, it is difficult to drive sales.

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The writing market has a lot of people especially nowadays because of the fact that more people are now looking at making money online. It's not at all an easy market because a lot of people are able to write and provide content for buyers. I do wish you the best of luck though and hope everything works well.

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writing is a difficult career, even more so if you are writing on the second language. I am writing in English as a second language. Since I am using English as a second language, I have to compete with the natives. Generally speaking, people prefer to buy from natives rather than someone who is writing in second language.

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Yes. Gaining market is quite a big thing to fill. That is why one must have the sources and connections in order to succeed. One can also take it from the bottom up, but would really take time and luck to fully prosper.

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Not just in writing, but also in other areas, graphics designing, for instance, becoming successful is a daunting task. The market has spread, graphic artists have more resources and tools to sell his works, however, getting hired or getting jobs is becoming very difficult because of the competition. Furthermore, the free designing tools like canva are replacing graphic designers.

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Yeah, this industry is simply oversaturated right now and unless you find a way to differentiate your business and have a competitive edge over the current sites available, your business will not take off.

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It's tough to say really. What are they paying for exactly - just to design their business cards and logos on your site? There are quite a lot of sites that do this so you would have to make your site extremely unique and special. Plus most people willing to spend money would much rather go with a company like VistaPrint where they get to design the business cards and get it physically for the same price without having to worry about printing it themselves

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It's true what you pointed out about one starting up this online business investment, there are lots of companies in such market which are very good in what they are offering to their clients in affordable prices as well. So therefore, you will definitely have to bring your business A game to the field and possibly offer good price, because this is the only way you get to succeed in the business.

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While I certainly think that a business like this would be profitable, you're going to have to learn how to market yourself properly if you actually want to bring in business. A lot of sites out there already provide templates for business cards, and many people who are starting out turn to sites like these because the "premade" nature of the cards obviously results in cheaper prices. Fully custom business cards are most likely going to be requested from clients already making headway in their businesses, so you have to market yourself in a way there gives them a reason to turn to you and not reputable freelancers. If clients are going to pay more, they also need to know they they'll get more, so establishing a great portfolio and giving examples is key as well.

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Just to add, one of my thoughts is by making it a contest. A client will deposit the payment then members who wants to join and win must submit their entries and the client would pick the winner and the winner gets paid. What are your comments on this?

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Just from your description, I have to be honest but it doesn't sound like anything new or unique. If you simply google business card/logo making websites you will get thrown thousands into your face. All of them would be your competitions. You'd have to beat them to start earning money and that wouldn't be easy.

My suggestion would be to perhaps keep that initial idea in your head but evolve it into something unique and exciting.

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I think that it is common nowadays. Nevertheless, I would still advice you to do so but in addition you could also try to go to freelance market just to increase the income or the exposure. And another is to try to be more innovative and maybe create app for your business that can be downloaded o n mobile phones.

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I got this idea that the site would be a contest site and the winner gets 50? of the prize and the top 20 designers would get the other half equally divided or by ranking percentage.
The unique thing about this is a lot of designers would benefit by receiving a proportionate amount equal to their rank per contest.
What do you guys think?

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The main problem with the site I guess is the amount of competition you'll be getting from freelancing websites, with established freelancers who offer the same kind of services. Unless you find a way to offer companies a certain competitive advantage, you will have a hard time maintaining the site and competing with freelancers.

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Every niche you can think is already heavily saturated. However, this does not mean you cannot do a business. If you do a research you will find that there are a lot of business doing logo and business card design. There are freelance market places where a lot of graphic designers are offering logo and business card design for a cheap price. However, you can still stand out if you offer better quality for less price.

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Yeah, I guess nowadays it's more about differentiating your business to stand out from the competition as every niche has been explored already.

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One of the best ways to succeed in your business is by catering to the niche market. Since it is difficult to capture the global market, you can try to market and sell your products and services to the local audience. For instance, if I want to start a logo designing business, I will have to try to sell to the local market as the competition is low.
Secondly, you will also have to consider about pricing. You can get two logos for just $5 on fiverr, you have to price lower than that or offer more service for $5.

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I agree, focusing on a much smaller market, starting with the local community can get things up and running for a startup business. It is also always important to do a research of your potential competitors so you can price your services adequately.

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The best way to outwit your competitors is by offering a better service in less price. For instance, if your competitor is selling a logo for $5, you can offer it for $4, or offer extras for $5. The extras can be the working file or 3D mock up.

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This is a good way of making your services better than your opponent, but if your competitor is keeping tabs, then it will become a game where one of you tries to outdo the other through promos until someone reaches the lowest point of just earning more than enough than breaking even. at that point, it will come back to a matter of who has the better quality.

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It's a good idea, having your own logo making site. But the problem about that is, some of the company are looking for different option from different logo artist. They don't stick to one artist, that's why some of them willing to pay for that logo, and instead of hiring one artist they will publish it in some sites and become a contest.

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I once entered a competition for logo design on freelancer.com. There were 270 entries. can you believe 270 people were competing for a job they will only pay then $10.The buyer had an option to choose from 270 entries and when the competition ended, he had the best logo.

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Sad to say, that the reality right now they are looking for freelancers just to do the job and will pay only one winner, the company or buyer save a lot of money and pay only one person, but the rest who work for them get nothing.

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A lot of artist have that kind of business. They are mostly a freelance artist, but the alternative way they do is to sign up in a freelancing site and they will find clients who are in need of graphic artist/ graphic designer. Or you may want to go and sign up to Fiverr, there, It's the client's responsibility to contact you so you just have to post your good works and portfolio and the price but since there are a lot of competitors you have to set your price lower . Creating site is also a good way to promote your works and portfolio but I think you still have to find more source and how will you market your website to make it popular as well as profitable. I suggest you can create a site that relates to your business and then sign up in freelancing site and look for clients. You should put your website link so that the client will see your works. You can also used facebook and other social media in promoting your site and business.

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This idea can certainly work. People always need logos and or business cards for their companies. Just make sure the site has an efficient pay window situation. Where customers can pay smoothly and promptly and artists can be paid for their work with no issues.

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The most important thing is to do a good job with the logo and business card design and market your work and website to have a wider reach of public attention because it's the only way that you can improve your business service demands from all around the globe. Then you can work on your mode of payment which I believe that PayPal financial system would be very good medium for payment.

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I just added some of my services in Pixel Clerks , Word Clerks and SEO Clerks but it's just my posting service. I'm planning to add logo making services on those sites also. I think it's a good way to get a gig.

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Of course it will be profitable if you will push it and focus with it. At first it will be hard for you to earn because you only have small selling area. But once people got to know the name of your business and how good you are, the profit will eventually increase as the day goes by. Only make sure to make it unique and pleasing to the eyes.

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Every idea is a potential, but a great product should have a good marketing strategy to get it running. Base on my observations, products that are very active in dissemination and advertising are more likely to have a good profit. Second is accessibility...if your location and means of delivery is not that good, it will affect your market. Be sure that your product is much better done other competitors in every aspect.

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I agree when it's about printed output like Banners, Business Cards, Posters, business owner must have an effective and dependable delivery system and its also best to keep the delivery cost and charges low to attract more customers.

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The beat place to get professional looking business cards is from Vista print. But also I you want business cards just for online use like flyers to banners not just business cards but canva do great designs and all for free
I use canva at least twice a week for blogging and creating my business cards and flyers and they are excellent.

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