
logo design services!

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logo design services!

Last month, I had an opportunity to contribute my ideas to anewly formed company as a marketer from a marketing point of view. The company
invests in Inexpensive stocks and fully depended on foreign profits. My first impression
about the company is that I had issues with the company logo, the logo of the
company doesn’t look any professional for the company that is incorporated with
many foreign companies, their logo looked like, when a 6-year-old gets their
hand for the first time in a computer or laptop.
Logos are extremely important and it speaks for the companyitself, it is the face of the company that’s going to be stuck in the
customer's mind, for an instance the logo of virgin airlines, the company logo
reflects a fun and friendly experience for the customer. The visual elements
and typography should convey company information.
Logos are the powerful visual component of a company'soverall brand identity. The logo appears on stationery, websites, business
cards and advertising. For that reason, a well-designed logo can contribute to
business success, while a substandard logo can imply amateurishness and turn off
potential customers. However, a logo should cohere well with other aspects of a
company's visual presentation.
In my opinion, can one can create a logo but it’s just goingsome drawing in small image, I highly recommend to try pixelclerks logo
services, there are thousands of professionals here, that will create not just
a logo, but a brand for you, based on your company description and it is
cheaper than any other websites found in the Internet, remember even on the
websites famous are creating logos, there you will have to create one for
yourself and here creative minds will create for you.


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The company should not limit their budget when it comes to a logo that's why I agree with you both. The logo symbolizes their mission, vision, and services. Customer or client can easily remember them by means of their logo so if they limit their budget in hiring professional who can make their logo unique and creative well good luck with their business. The company should have always budget for a logo or department managing the logo because it's like the face and heart of the company.

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I agree. Far too many times, I come across clients that opted for cheaper services by way of less experienced designers and when it comes time to design further materials for their company, it just makes it even more difficult for the designers to make good designs out of the bad logo since all themes usually stem from that one foundation. Also, like you said, it really does represent the company and gives the first impression to potential clients, so if the logo looks cheap and off, then potential clients might get put off.

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As a person working in a business which deals with imports and experts, I can say that we always look at the name cards presented by our counterparts from other companies. A brand is symbolic of our organization and is meant for us to be proud of. Therefore, we hire skilled designers to come out with the logo. The approval process is not an easy one since this logo will be used on official letterheads.

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A logo is something that almost everyone that interacts with your business will see and that is why it is so important. Like you said, the approval process for a new logo when it is being designed should not be an easy one. The business should make sure that the logo they have been shown is perfect and something that the owners will like. A poorly designed logo could lose you a lot of potential customers.

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I have no skill in logo designing, so I normally save myself the stress of trying to design them myself but outsource the job to professional in the field. The guy I have that does the job for me does a very brilliant job for me, so I'm 100% contented with the job he has done so far for me.

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I have trouble working with companies that have bad logos as well. I find that it's very difficult to provide a good layout when the foundation is already compromised, in this case, with a poorly designed logo. I feel as though I should just be refusing jobs with bad logos because it would just tarnish my reputation as some might see my designs and think that it's entirely my fault, but I do need the money and have to accept jobs where I can. It's why I always advise clients to find good artists to make their logos as that always serves as the foundation from which the themes and designs of all their collateral will stem from.

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I agree with you. It is like making an ugly road beautiful. It is hard to edit something that is really ugly and your client will refuse to change it.

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