
Video Editing Softwares

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Video Editing Softwares

I have entered the realm of YouTube... I have been working on some video projects that I would post on YouTube. It is a very competitive site due to the fast growing number of creators using awesome effects on their videos. Do you edit your videos? Can you help me have an idea on which video editing tool to use? Thanks for your response :-) 


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I don't really post anything on YouTube anymore so I don't edit videos at all anymore. Which editing tool to use depends really on a few things. Do you want a software that is free or are you prepared to pay for one? And do you have time to learn more about the software or do you want one that is extremely easy to use from the start? The best ones that I would recommend are Adobe Premiere Pro and Apple Final Cut Pro.

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Thanks for the heads up on your selection. For now I am eyeing Adobe Premiere Pro.

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Go with Adobe Premiere Pro bro, everybody are switching to Premiere Pro because it has a lot of pictures and it's also is easy to use, it is user friendly and you'll enjoy learning to edit in that software.

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To be honest, I don't think I have ever posted anything on YouTube before. I mostly use YouTube to watch videos clips online and not post anything on it. It was only when I was working on one networking program called MMM that I was tasked to create a YouTube video which I never actually completed. A friend of mine makes use of Adobe Premiere Pro and it works just fine for him, so I suggest that you make use of it. Good luck.

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Yeah, which video editing software you choose is definitely going to vary on the complexity of the actual editing being done. I mean, depending on the format, some people can get away with using Windows Movie Maker, if all they're doing is cutting up clips together. In terms of more professional yet still relatively simplistic software, there is Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere Pro, as you mentioned. I'd say one of the hardest to get into, but most useful--and my personal favorite--is Adobe After Effects.

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What I use for editing videos is Cyberlink PowerDirector 15. I don't think that this is as powerful as those other video editing software that professional uses but this will really help you edit and make some effects on your videos. I use this software mainly for some normal video editing like making a video for events where there are some slideshow of pictures and some background with effects but if you're into putting hard-core effects, I suggest to use a different one. If you're just gonna use it as a youtube blogger, this software would suffice for your needs.

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Thank you. I'll try to check it out. It seems to m that this software could be another option for my editing needs.

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I will try checking out Cyberlink PowerDirector 15 and see how good it's going to be for me in little video editing that I mostly use, especially for my Facebook uploads. At times I would have a video file to upload but I would get the notification file too large to upload. So I hope this Cyberlink PowerDirector 15 would be helpful in fixing that for me.

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It's not easy when starting out on the world of video sharing on sites such as YouTube and the rest. I would advise you check out cyberlink for I've seen friends that uses the software to edit videos before uploading them on major websites. Also, going into further research can be helpful as well.

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Thank you for your tips. I have already conducted my own research. Regarding the softwares, I have ended up liking two, Filmora and Adobe Primiere Pro. Have you used these softwares? If so, please give me some reviews about it.

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I've not used filmora and would be keen to see how it works as well. The issue is that I've not got any work at the moment that would require using it, but I will definitely take a look at it in the near future.

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My experience with video editing is limited. I have used windows movie maker and xilisoft movie maker. Windows movie maker is a free program from microsoft. You can edit videos on this program. Even though you can edit long videos on windows movie maker, you should always use short videos because when editing long videos your computer slows down. Install the program, open it on windows movie maker, delete the unted scenes, remove the background sound add new background score, add front and end credits, add special effects. For youtube videos, windows movie maker is really good.

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Yes, Windows Movie Maker isn't a bad video editing software but compared to the real deals such as the Adobe or Corel it can't do anything similar.

If the thread starter is serious about making a ton of content on YouTube and really wants to try go all in, I would suggest staying away from WMM and invest into a higher quality software.

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Editing video is not about the tools you are using, but arranging the scenes so that the viewers will like the video. The youtube viewers will like the video based on the content and not the effects or fancy editing. On WMM, you can easily cut unwanted scenes, add background sound, add front-end credits. Therefore for a youtuberWMM will be a good program. In my opinion, if you are a beginner, it is best, to begin with a free program instead of investing in expensive vudeo editing suit.

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It is not bad, but there are some features that an Adobe or any high editing software have that a windows movie maker don't. What I would recommend you is the Adobe Premiere Pro CC which is probably the easiest and fast way for you to edit videos, I remember using this software for making a movie, which is actually for my sister's project at school and I'm glad it to turn out pretty good.

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I am talking about windows movie maker because it is a free program that will help you create vdeo for youtube. The vidoesare not of professional quality, however, it is good as long as you are not paying anything. I have heard about Adobe Premiere Pro CC, however, I am yet to try this software. The lowest price for Adobe Premiere Pro CC is $19 per month (on rental basic). This might be a good program, however it is also very costly.

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If you are looking to become a serious YouTuber then I would advise you to stay away from Windows Movie Maker. It is software that would be deemed as amateurish by professionals and will not be good enough for you to edit your videos to a standard that people will be willing to watch on YouTube. There are several other free video editing software out there which are a lot better than Windows Movie Maker.

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I agree. I know to use professional software and I have also used Windows movie maker and I would say it really is lacking in features and ease. I would say that if you were to use any other freeware that comes with an OS then Apple's would probably be a better choice as I always heard good things about it from content creators and from the products they put up I would say I don't really notice that much difference between what they use and what I use.

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Using movie maker isn't that bad, but the work could be a bit frustrating because it is too limited. Free stuff could also be found in the net. This will help you have a feel of the product itself.

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That's true WMM is just for amateurs or hobbyists. If you are serious about making good videos, you need to have a a proper video editing software. Since I have never used any heavy weight software, I cannot many any suggestion, however, I am also looking for a program that is cheap yet very good.

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Windows MOvie maker is not a good program for video editing. I have been touting about this program only because it is easy to use (no technical knowledge required) and it is free to use (all you have to do is download from Microsoft store). I have not found a free video editor as good as movie maker. Cna you please suggest some of the free resources for making videos.

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I also like using windows movie maker but the thing is it is very limited. Just like what you have just said, it also slows up the computer whenever it is uploading, saving or while it is being edited. I would prefer a editing software which will allow me to create different kinds of effects such as multiple screens, insertions of graphics and such. I want to b more advanced in that sense.

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I do not have experience with advance video editing software. Apart from windows movie maker, I have also tried xilisoft movie maker. It is a lightweight paid program that allows you to edit and add effects to your videos. If you are looking for advance program, this might not help you however, if you want a simple and easy to use program, xilisoft movie maker might be good for you.

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While editing can help a youtube channel be more successful, it doesn't really require a more sophisticated video editing program to achieve whatever you want, and the basic video editing software available (like iMovie for Mac) is more than enough for Youtube purposes. Content matters more for Youtube, except in a few cases where you really want better edits, in which case Adobe Premiere and Apple Final Cut are great programs to use.

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Content is the king, your youtube videos need to be interesting, useful and informative to go viral. Good editing helps, however, good editing is not the only reason to make your videos get views. You need better content.
Furthermore, in order to invest in editing programs, you need to be earning well from videos., Unless you are a professional video editor, there is no need to buy expensive editing programs.

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Yeah, spending money on expensive programs isn't wise if you can do the same amount of editing on the free video editors available online or already installed in newer laptops. A better editing software also doesn't mean success, you still need talent and practice to take your skills to the next level. Even the best of the best video editors can make a high-quality content using just your free software.

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If you are a vlogger, investing in a good video editing program is a wise decision. If you are an online marketer, you should also try video marketing and to do video marketing you need skills to make a video as well as video editing programs. Even if you are just a common blogger, you should also seek another avenue to produce your content, vlogs for instance. Investing in skills and programs will always benefit ou in the end.

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It's always great to broaden your horizons and try out things like vlogging as they can be pretty immersive and is a great way to interact with your audience.

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I do edit my videos, not as often as I used to but still. I used to make a lot of videos for clients so I have of course also used the software needed.

I am a huge fan of the Adobe Premiere because that software literally allows you to edit and make almost anything. I tested some others as well but nothing came close to it. I suggest you research it.

Also, remember that every beginning is the hardest but keep doing what you are passionate about and you will make it.

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I suggest to use Wondershare Filmora for basic editing as it is easier to use and Adobe Premiere Pro for more detailed and cinematic editing. These two are the bombs. I wouldn't dare to try any other video editing softwares cause they literally have everything I need, specially the Adobe Premiere Pro. Though it is more confusing than other softwares, it is really worth learning for.

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I was planning to buy an editing software and I am torn apart with Filmora and Adobe Primiere Pro. I have seen some tutorials on youtube which suggest the given editing softwares. I like the results of both softwares and I find it really hard to decide whether I should purchase one from the other. Any word of advice to give me since you have used Adobe premiere?

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I have never paid for a video editing program and I have always used free video editors. However, I also want to invest in a good video editing program so that I can create good quality videos and do video marketing. I don't know which program is the best, however, I will always choose the program base don my requirements such as pricing (I have a small budget), user experience (I cannot spend a lot of time mastering how to use the program) etc.

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Any suggestion of good video editing software or app. Without displaying credits of their brand or their logo.

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I don't know the rules guiding this section, but I would advise that you browse about it on the search engines and see the ones that are good for use.

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Movie Maker is one of those video editing softwares that doesn't display any logo or credits. That is what I am using right now, but it is quite limited. If you are just going to cut are add video clips without placing much effects, then movie maker is for you.

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I haven't used Movie maker before even though I see it often anytime that I hit up the Google play store to download some applications as suggested apps which I would like. Maybe I should download it and see how it works, if I'm probably going to like it.

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Youtube themselves have a software called movie maker which has all the features that you want to have. You can create a movie, add sound, add photos and do whatever editing you want to. It is free for movies that are within 5 minutes. If you want to have movies longer than 5 minutes then you have to pay for it.

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That's really interesting to read that Youtube have such platform that can enable one to make video of up to 5 minutes. I'm going to check it out soon.

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It's true. Youtube has a video editing app which creators can use to edit their videos. But, just like what I have said before, it is quite limited when it comes to effects.

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This is right, I've used it before and it has really limited tools. it is pretty basic, like the normal free editing app you'll see in google play.

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I have edited some videos that are 10 to 15 minutes long using the Youtube video editor and I think it's quite convenient for beginners. The thing is, if you are trying to have a mo personalized video, you are bound to look for more advanced softwares.

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I also have that and I have also used youtube's video editor. The thing is, the given apps really does limits you if you really want effects in your videos. The in thing now as I see it in a lot of youtubers, the like reviewing or having reactions on other videos which is a bit challenging to justify if there isn't a second screen to somehow show the video. So, I am still in search of that perfect video editing software that is suitable for my needs.

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I use VSDC video editing software for my creations. It's a user friend app that creates a variety of output files to choose from. If you are familiar with multi-track recording , this will help you on your videos. And the best part of it is it's free...

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I'm not really a fan of making use of YouTube although I know it's a very good platform to carry out all sorts of video tasks and get the best results from it. It's just the I'm not used to making use of it but I would definitely give it a trail one day and see how my video with it is going to look like.

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