
Best SLR or DSLR Camera for videos and images

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Best SLR or DSLR Camera for videos and images

I have been looking for the best SLR or DSLR  cameras on the market. I am just a beginner who would like to start on photography. Can you give me some suggestions on this matter?


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Unless you are already trained as a photographer and you have a chance of earning from your photography, investing on costly camera equipment is not a good idea. If you have surplus money, that is another matter. You can enjoy photography from your cell phone camera. You can even make money from your cell phone photographs. However, if you have already decided to buy an SLR or DSLR, the best DSLR/SLR for beginners is Nikon, followed by Canon and Pentax. Look at the models from these brands.

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Thank you for your suggestions and sharing your point of view. I am now eyeing for a Nikon DSLR, which I plan to study photography further and maybe someday earn from it.

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If you want to learn photography and make it your vocation, investing in good equipment is a wise decision. I think you can try Nikon D500 Nikon D7500. I have used these models and they are really good.

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I really wanted to learn more about photography and I'm also gonna start making vlogs that is why I am very much interested with the idea. I have settled in purchasing a good Nikon camera and I think I'm gonna enjoy using it. I still need to learn more though. Thank you again for your wonderful suggestions.

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Since you are still a beginner, I would suggest getting any cannon camera probably EOS SL2 which comes with Canon DIGIC Image processor that enables high-quality image capturing and quick camera response. Getting a high quality image is a good way to start off in the field of photography and having a camera that has quick responses can be very handy when you have such snapping task at hand.

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It's good to read your advise to him as well for I've been planning on getting one as well. I would try to check if my smartphone can be able to do such work as well.

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Well, I'm not a pro on photography, but I've taken some lessons, and let me tell you, if you want to get an amazing equipment, that will last like forever and will give you great shots, then Nikon and Cannon dominate the market.
The only issue with those is that usually they're very expensive, but you will be paying full quality and won't be disappointed.
On Nikon, look for the D series, like D500, D750, D7500, and Cannon for sure the EOS series.
And if you want a cheaper option, always check for some Fuji ones, not a bargain, but honestly they have more affordable prices.

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Yes, it is true that dslr and slr's are very expensive. This is why I am hoping that someone out there could guide me on ho to choose a good quality camera. Specs and performance wise.

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Given that you're just a beginner, you're not going to need something super expensive or professional right off the bat.

For starters I'd definitely recommend starting off with a DSLR. Traditional SLR cameras are fine and all, but let's face it, in this day and age developing photos the old way is pretty unnecessary unless you're aiming to go for fine arts photography, or you just prefer traditional media. I myself am a digital man because I simply find the process of digitally editing and storing photos to be more fun.

You're going to get mixed opinions from photographers as we're all fanboys of certain companies, but I personally am a Canon guy. When I started my photography course in college, I bought myself a Canon Rebel T3i DSLR. It isn't professional grade, by any means (I found that out when I got my hands on a Canon 5D) but it is leagues above any point-and-shoot camera for sure. It got me through two photography courses and a film course with straight A's, and I honestly have to say a lot of my grade was thanks to how well the camera shoots. Even the greenest of noobs can pick it up, set it on automatic and take some great pictures.

I think a starter kit for the current Canon Rebel T6i goes for around $600 on Amazon.

I've attached a picture I took with my six year old T3i just yesterday. More than half a decade in and it still works wonderfully. Best SLR or DSLR Camera for videos and images

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Thank you for your great insight and for the beautiful sample of your photography. I really appreciate you kind gesture. I for one, am a bit skeptic when trying to buy things. This is why I need a lot information and recommendation about a product. I really love other people's opinion on a certain product and I do love your point of view and suggestions. I'll keep the things you have said in mind, till I have reached my final decision.

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"I for one, am a bit skeptic when trying to buy things. This is why I need a lot information and recommendation about a product."

As you should be! Skepticism when it comes to purchasing products--especially potentially expensive equipment--is absolutely necessary in this day and age. I come from a background in graphic design and marketing, so I'm personally familiar with the lengths people are willing to go to in order to sell a product. You can't even trust professional reviews as there is always the chance that they have been bought out by a company or brand. Places like this where you can get real, live opinions are the best.

I'm happy to help!

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To be honest, I'd recommend you head the route of Canon as opposed to Nikon. I don't have anything again Nikon necessarily, but I feel like entry level Canon DSLR's offer for in terms of video for a beginner. This, coupled with the fact that they're great for photography too, should be a selling point for you. You could get a Rebel series t6i and be fine, but I started on a Canon 70D, and it was a great entry level camera.

As an example, here's a video shot with the 70D, so you have an idea of the quality:


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Thanks for your recommendation. I'll check it out for sure.

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This is really hard to tell you because you didn't specify the budget you are working with. Are you truly willing to spend over $3,000 for the camera even though that you're a beginner or?

But I think brand wise and quality, you should go with either Nikon or Canon. People will always have personal preferences between these two though. Look into something like Nikon D3400 - quite cheap for the things it offers.

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I have a decent budget for it. I was eyeing on two specific models with the brands you have suggested. I' like to have a lot of info before I buy stuff so that I won't regret purchasing it in the end.

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Unfortunately, I know very little about cameras and photography. I just take photos with my phone whenever I need to and haven't bothered to really buy a proper camera because personally, I don't need one. But I did do a quick search for you and I found this great list of SLR and DSLR cameras for beginners and I'm sure you can find something that you might like to purchase. You can find it here: https://www.cnet.com/uk/topics/cameras/best-digital-cameras/dslr-for-beginners/

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Thank you. I'll check out the link. I hope that it'll help me in deciding.

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I would recommend 2 brands which has good and affordable cameras. First is Nikon which I prefer because it's quite easy to use and it takes great photos. The second one is Olympus a very dependable brand when it comes to cameras.

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Canon had always been the leader for me personally when it comes to photography. I only use this brand. Nothing else except if when I'm using a smartphone that has a camera. Canon can always meet my expectations for vivid and clear pictures and videos. What I also love about it is its high-quality performance. It's worth buying for since it can last for years. There are also useful and logical features to help me out in capturing what I really want to see.

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Thank you for your suggestion and point of view. I will sure put that in mind when purchasing a dslr.

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