
What is your favorite designing program from Adobe?

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What is your favorite designing program from Adobe?

Adobe has numerous designing programs. Some of the well-known designing programs from Adobe are Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom, Spark, XD, Muse, Animator, Fireworks, e-learning Suit, Creative Suit etc. Among these programs, which one do you use? What is your favorite Adobe product?


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I love using Adobe Photoshop. I use it most of the time, specially if I need to repair photos that I use in different types of projects. Adobe has made many programs that are very useful and flexible to use. I am very fond of using Adobe because it really helps me in my line of work. I am hoping to explore more programs and learn them for future use.

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I honestly don't know what I would do without Adobe. Their products really are second to none. There isn't a company out there that can match with them in terms of quality, capability, and versatility.

Dogs are a man's best friend, diamonds are a girl's best friend, and Adobe is a graphic designer's best friend.

I agree with you on Photoshop, too. I use it literally every single day, and I'll never grow tired of that program. The potential is limitless once you learn how to use it.

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I agree with you. There isn't any other applications out there that has wowed me more than Adobe products. It is truly a graphic designer's best friend.

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I definitely agree with you. I've used so many softwares out there including the free ones but I didn't find any who is similar or at least can get in to the level of Adobe Products. They're just very helpful and the things that you can do using their softwares are limitless and full of quality. Before, when I was just starting, I thought of Photoshop as a very complicated software. However, after I decided to try it I became addicted with the software because it made me experiment a lot and it made me try to learn more because it has so many features you'll have to study a lot in order to discover the other features which are very very helpful.

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"...the things that you can do using their softwares are limitless..."

This is what gets me the most when it comes to Adobe products. Yes, it's true that they're not very user friendly. If I were to ask my mother to open up Photoshop or After Effects, she'd stare at it not knowing where to begin or what to click. They really aren't made for casual users. However, like any professional tool, once you get familiarized with it and really learn how to use it, you're practically only limited by your own creativity and skill. Well that and computer hardware, of course.

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Exactly. Adobe Products are not for everyone. I remember a classmate complaining about how hard it is to use Adobe when we had a film making project for the history class. He used Adobe Premiere Pro at first and ended up quitting because he said it was really hard. However, for me it wasn't really hard to familiarize Adobe Premiere Pro but it really needs a lot of practice considering that it has a lot of complex tools that aren't very understandable if you don't give a lot of attention to it. And yes, sky's the limit with Adobe but if you're not that creative then you will really feel that it's limited. I'm actually like this at first. My creativity was limited because of the time I gave for learning the software, I only knew some tools and so I can only use some and not the all of the tools.

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I enjoy designing even though I am not a designer, therefore, I have limited use of Adobe designing programs. I use photoshop for minor editing of images and creating graphics. I have also learned Pagemaker and coral draw, however, if I had known about Indesign and illustrator before I started learning Pagemaker and coral draw, I would have definitely learned these programs.

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Oh man, why must you make me choose? Can I just say the Creative Suite and choose them all? Haha.

I would have to say that it is probably a tie between Photoshop and After Effects, leaning more towards the former. I've been actively using Photoshop since I was 15, so that is about 10 years now. It's served me very well for all these years, and was actually the reason why I decided to pursue graphic design and majored in Graphic Design and Advertising during my time in college.

I love After Effects because I started experimenting with video editing shortly after I became familiar with Photoshop. Film turned into a hobby for me, and I spent countless hours just editing trailers for made up movies and designing special effects.

I'd dare to say that I had even more fun in AFX than in Photoshop, but Photoshop is still fundamental for me.

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I use photoshop, however, my skills are limited. I can do logo, flyer, poster, book cover designs in Photoshop, can also do a little bit of image manipulation and air burshing images. However, I cannot do complicated design. I have always wanted to learn after effects ever since I knew about this program and whaat we can do with this program However, I never got started. I have a lot of interest in video making and using after effects for enhancing video, though/

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We're on the same page. I have limited knowledge when using photoshop but still I'm trying to study more so that I can use this skill to my advantage. I dream of becoming a graphic designer someday. I wanted to do a great visual art using photoshop one day.

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I attended a training on Photoshop. I went to the photoshop class for 6 weeks. I attended photoshop class for 5 days a week and two hours a day. Yet, I could not master my photoshop skills, I have rudimentary skills. Despite having a lot of skill, I could not develop specialized skills. That was because I did not have time to practice. If you practice, your skills will become better.

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I mostly work with photos, so Adobe Photoshop has been my go-to program ever since I was in college, and I got used with its various features which are perfect for my editing needs so I haven't even bothered looking at other programs.

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Yeah, you're right, I think the adobe Photoshop is complete tool for photo editing. I tried some photo editing on my computer, but still adobe Photoshop is the best. Before, I thought that the adobe Photoshop was complicated to use, but I can handle it right now.

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You really have to take the time and effort to learn about all the features of Photoshop and how to use them for every situation, but it really is the best program out there so it's worth the effort especially for people who want to make a living out of editing.

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Actually even not your source of income. Just and additional knowledge is enough. it's hard to depends on something like app to make you, or like you, said source of income or something like you get something from learning on one thing.

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I guess it still helps to work with other programs similar to Photoshop so that in case you're using a different computer without Photoshop or the client requests you to use another program, you can still do the job.

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Yeah, that's right. We have to become resourceful in terms of apps or software. We have to know the basic things about the software similar to our favorite tools to edit the pictures, and as long as we can, if there's a new software, we have to try it.

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I think the adobe Photoshop and adobe lightroom. I'm using this most of the time, I really love editing some pictures. Although I'm not yet proficient about this software but I'm still able to edit and make my pictures looks great and it's fun to use, sometimes I used to watch videos on YouTube about this Photoshop and at the same time editing my pictures so I can get a lot of info while editing my pictures.

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Photoshop is my favorite. I have used Lightroom, however, since I was already using Photoshop, I stopped using Lightroom. I have also taken interest in InDesign and Illustrator, however, I never tried learning these programs because I use PageMaker and Coral Draw, the program similar to InDesign and Illustrator. I am interested in Learnin Animate.

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You're right, there's only few things to do in adobe lightroom compare to adobe Photoshop. I think much better if they should just include the lightroom to Photoshop because most of the time I'm just using the Photoshop. I never tried the PageMaker but based on the reviews they are also great tool for lay out.

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Lightroom is basically targeted towards photographer. Lightroom is photo editing and image management program. However, photoshop is a complete photo editing and graphics designing program. Since heavy editing is discouraged in photography, Lightroom is more preferred by photographers.

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Photoshop is very handy in any graphic related project. I have used Corel Draw before and ended up not using it again since I learned to use photoshop. Corel for me is just too complicated to use and I really can't manage my time effectively with it. That is why I love Photoshop, it is easy to use once you got a hang of it and it is time friendly for me.

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When I was studying photoshop, I also started studying core draw. However, later I lost interest in core draw. When I was studying photoshop and corel draw I was also studying page maker. Had I known about InDesing and Illustrators back then, I would never tried corel draw and pagemaker.

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I like InDesign and now I love making infographics so I do a lot of Spark, which is easy to use and design in. Unlike Photoshop and illustrator which is not that user friendly to me Spark is quite the opposite, you could finish a project in several minutes.

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I always make use of Photoshop and never knew that InDesign is that user friendly as well. Making infographics has been such a huge work for me, but it seems that I have got the solution with this recent idea that you just gave out, I appreciate.

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I haven't had any experience with using Spark for any of my design work. I have used both Photoshop and Illustrator on several occasions for my school design project. I have made some breakthrough but it's true what you just mentioned about both tool not being user friendly. I'm definitely going to look through trying to work with Spark.

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InDesign is a great Adobe program, it has a lot of templates that you can use to save time and effort. This helps save money in marketing and design since it's easy to learn you can create your own projects for a fraction of the amount of having your graphic projects made by others.

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I do not have experience with Indesign. Many years ago, when I was learning Graphic designing, my trainer intoduced me to pagemaker and free hand. I wish he had chosen Indesign and illustrator over pagemaker and freehand.

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I love Adobe Photoshop! When I was a kid, I use to think it was only good for making funny blended images of things that didn't go together. The older I became, the more I understood that it can be used for way more than just funny pictures. I love video game design and I found out that I can use Adobe Photoshop to create high quality game textures.

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Oh, wow. Honestly, I just thought that adobe photo shop is just only for editing some pics. but you did something beyond my expectation, specially for games. So, it means that adobe Photoshop is also for games developer and not just for only photo editing.

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I use photoshop, however, I have not explored the possibilities of photoshop much. Basically photoshop image editing program, however, over the years it has also developed as powerful program for creating modeling for video games and stop motion video creation program.

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I've been using Adobe Photoshop for many years now it's been my favorite though I've tried Illustrator before but I uninstalled it after a few days. I always use Photoshop when I needed to edit some pictures, create headers, front page, invitation cards, logos and other stuff. I also wanted to learn the other software of Adobe but I didn't have much time to study it maybe I'm gonna try to explore Adobe again.

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Same here, Photoshop has been a useful tool when it comes to editing. Mostly, I use it for pictures, but recently I've been needing some help with logos, and it turned out to be really great. In the beginning, I was somehow afraid that I was doing a mess, but the results were good, and I think I would keep using it and adding more things to try out.

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I have used Lightroom for editing and managing my photos, however, I use Photoshop more. Photoshop is a complete package for image editing and image manipulation. However, if you are a photographer, photo corrections on photoshop to perfect the image is often frowned upon. Therefore, it is better to use lightroom for photography. Having said that if you want to do more than airbrushing, photoshop is better.

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I would go for Adobe Photoshop as my favorite. It is one of the most popular software in Adobe's line of products and almost everyone you see is using it. I honestly don't know how to use it yet but If I were to choose among those on the list, Adobe Photoshop would be my number one choice.

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It is the most popular as we can see that it is the software that many are making use of at the moment, but we should also try to explore other options that we've got to see how good that they are as well.

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I would chose like everyone else Adobe Photoshop as its simple the best program that Adobe has made.Not only is it the best one,but it is one of the most popular and most used programs for designing various things like banners,logos,templates and so on.I worked with Photoshop for a long time and I am really satisfied with how much it offers.The price of it isn't the best,but hey,you can't go wrong with buying this software.

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I guess most people would choose Adobe Photoshop since you can do a lot of photo editing here. It may seem difficult to use upon seeing it for the first time with all the tools that are displayed on the screen. But once you familiarized yourself on the use of each tool, you will be able to maximize the software.

Aside from Photoshop, I would like to learn Illustrator as well. I am following this artist who do typography and thought that it is such a cool thing to learn. She's using Adobe Illustrator so I may one of these days install the software and try using it.

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Photoshop is also my favorite designing program from Adobe. I choose photoshop because you can do anything, from designing graphics to creating abstract arts and image editing. You can create logo, banner, book covers, posters, anything you want. I have not tried Illustrator, though. That's because I am just a hobbyist designer and what ever I want to do I can do on photoshop

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I'd choose Photoshop. Simply because it provides variety of activities. What you can do with other software can be done as well with Photoshop although not all. But still, Photoshop is the most useful.

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Photo shop is used by most of the popular graphics designers that I know around here. The good thing about it is that you are going to be making use of some of the latest tools in doing your work.

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Adobe products are so useful each has their own unique features. But when it come to designing I prefer Photoshop. We all know Photoshop are pack with many useful features what we only need is to familiarize ourselves on how to use. First timer will find it difficult but their is lot of of tutorials where we can learn to.

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I'm pretty much on board with the general consensus here too that Photoshop is my preferred option. There are just so many things you can do with it, and I'm finding that even after using the program for several years now, I'm still learning about new ways of doing things and improving on my skills.

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The most software I use from Adobe is the Adobe Premiere 2014, it became my favorite since I always edit videos. For me Adobe Premiere is the most efficient and effective, it’s very user-friendly and not intimidating when you first use it. The second favorite is Adobe Photoshop CS6, it’s what I use when editing photos and for all of my multimedia projects. When you became familiar with the keyboard shortcuts, it will be much easier for you to edit photos and texts. I love Photoshop, you can create high-quality edited photos and it retains the pixels unlike when you’re editing with phone apps the quality becomes lesser. The third favorite is Adobe After Effects for motion graphics, there is a lot of effects to choose from. It’s very friendly as well and it makes me comfortable editing movable texts in Adobe After Effects and then I would import it to my projects in Adobe Premiere.

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I have never used Adobe Premiere because I am not into video making. A long time ago, when I started using windows movie maker to create simple videos, I looked for a professional program for video editing, and found that Adobe Premiere is the best option. However, I had other priorities in life and never tried this program.

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Adobe Photoshop would be the best pick. There are lots of features that it offer and I personally use it to edit my photos and sometimes made my own designs.

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Adobe Photoshop is the best since it gave me a lot more capabilities to edit photos. It widen up my skills in editing photos. There are a lot of editing tools that could really make a photo a better or edited one. I could say that it could make an impossible to possible but in a picture.

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My favorite Adobe program is Photoshop of course. Who doesn't love Photoshop? I started learning the program 12 years ago believe it or not. I started editing my friends into embarrassing photos. Hey we were kids once. I guess the skills I got doing those stupid things translated into what my current job requires. My job requires quite a lot of Photoshop work and I'm glad I learned the program way back then.

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I have used lightroom in the past, however, I use photoshop more. Lightroom is for photographers to manage photos and do some minor corrections. As heavy editing is disapproved in photography, lightroom is perfect for photographers. However, for designers, photoshop has more value.

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I am loving premiere pro but I am lacking of videography skills. I still have to learn more on how to shoot it smoothly and not a shaky scene in a camera. I was able to look some tips and tutorials in youtube but I still have to execute those things for me to master and practice it. I am also loving illustrator as I was able to create a sweet icons.

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For me I will choose Adobe photoshop, because its the one that I am using and it access easily, the tools are not that hard to manipulate.

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I agree with you. I'm also happy that they made it convenient and free for everyone. If installing would require us to pay, few might have the knowledge of photoshop-ing to date.

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These adobe products are really helpful and innovative. I am using Adobe Draw, Lightroom and Premiere Pro. These softwares are all that I need and it helps me a lot in producing aesthetic works. I'm looking forward to use other adobe products and would try some of recommended here.

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My favorite would be Adobe Photoshop. To be specific, it's CS 5. It's actually very preferable to me as it's the first Adobe Application that made me feel like I can be of advantage. I first learned photoshop-ing using this app and I was completely satisfied. Though there are new versions of Adobe. I just want to mention the version that helped me.

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I also use Photoshop. In the past I used to work in Adobe Pagemaker, however, I have not used pagemaker since many years and I even don't know whether I can actual use it or not. However, I started using photoshop about 5 years ago. While I could ot perfect my photoshop skills, yet I use it to do image editing and image manipulation.

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