
Have you ever started or entered and won a logo contest?

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Have you ever started or entered and won a logo contest?

Have you ever started or entered and won a logo contest?
Have you ever entered a won a logo contest? Or even started your own logo contest and bought a logo that way? They're a great way to get a logo made for you by different people so that you always end up with a fair bit of choice on which one to go with! Have you ever started or entered and won a logo contest?

Plus most people who submitted a logo will be happy to make any changes to it if it means you pick their submitted logo so that you're happy with it and they win the contest.

I've used logo contests myself several times to get a new logo for my site made up. Sometimes they go all out and make you not just a logo but a banner or a favicon etc too.

If you need some logo design created that can be your brand image or logo, you can usually get something nice looking made up for you if you create a logo contest on the top forums.

Some of the best forums to use to get a logo made for your site or brand are the top Internet marketing forums as there's usually always people there that have the skills to do that or know someone who can and will forward it to them (for a cut of course!)

And you can search around for the top design forums as well as you can always find people on those forums that have the skills and want to show those skills off to other people on the forums so other people hire them and so they can win the contest!

I've started my own logo contests and entered them. I won a couple once and used what PS skills I picked up from making sigs for people on a forum I was on in the early 2000.

But I was wondering if anyone does this quite a lot and if so, what sites and forums and places you use to enter them in. Or do you have another way of finding logo contests?

I guess you could set up a Google Alert for "logo contest" etc etc and then see what it finds and visit those places and then enter them by submitting your design.

Then either mock up something yourself, or go at it from another angle and find someone that does and tell them about it and get them to submit something. Then if they win the contest you can split the earnings or something.

Have you ever done or do anything like that?


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Well, to answer your question its a Yes and Yes. Yes, I already joined lots of different logo contests. Yes, I already won some of it. Before joining the contests I have to make sure I know the contests are all about so I know what ideas or creations I should make. Researching about the contests is one way of getting an advantage to others. Joining contests sometimes painful especially when you expect high and yet you don't meet that expectations. Losing in a logo contests is part of the system if you take it negatively well it will let you down forever but if you're optimistic and keep improving that's great.

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Congratulations! I wish I had the guts to join such contests. I know that I still need more experience and learn more about making logos and graphics. This is why I strive hard to be more creative and learn about techniques until I can confidently join such contests.

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Same here. I only wish I had the needed skills to enter such a contest giving the sensitivity of the work. I've heard a lot about such contest but haven't viewed it in the description manner of this post. It's actually a very good and creative method of coming up with a new logo design for that intended project. Thanks for sharing this idea. I'll look forward to starting one whenever I'll be in need of a logo.

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Yes, I used to do a lot of logo designing and I often signed up for various contests... I mean, why not? it can give you possible rewards and a good exposure. I often got some clients from entering these logo contests. But of course, I also didn't win many since you can't expect to win them all!

I was mainly using two websites: DesignHill and DesignContest. I actually had more success than I initially thought. All of my logo designing and general PS skills are self-taught and I expected really tough competition. I think that those two sites still regularly have different contests so it's still a viable option to try out your skills Have you ever started or entered and won a logo contest?

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I like your zeal in entering those contests. I haven't learnt how to design logos and I wish to do so in the near future if you can really help me with tips and we'll as sites that I can visit to become perfect with logo designing.

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I was part of a media team for my hostel back in my university days. I won a logo design beating some of my peers who were from the design department. I think it was pretty good to be in the team as I managed to learn a lot of skills such as videography, photography, IT and design. We used Adobe suite to complete our tasks in the PC lab.It's great to have some mentors and a group to provide feedback on my logo.

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The only logo contest I have ever entered was while I was in college. I went to school for Advertising and Graphic Design, and as part of the course I had logo design for about two semesters. At the end of the second semester, our class held a logo design contest. I'm actually not a very big fan of logo design, so needless to say I didn't really put as much effort into it as I should have. I'll get logos done if the work pop ups, but there is other work I would much rather do.

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What is your specialty in the school? I am curious about the software they used to teach in design school since I was an Engineering Major. I think using specialized logo software trumps Adobe suite.

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Me too, I remember joining some of the contest when I was on college but some of it was on online contest. I also remember trying to join for me to probably practice my skill or getting myself ready in the future. When I was in college I always join some contest here in my local area, for something like a charity and for a shirt design as well. It always made me think that whatever I do or did my skills,still it wasn't enough for me to be one of the greatest or top someday, but I also do think that it's part of being a great artist like a challenge to be on the top someday. Since then, I always join any contest that requires my talent to be seen or to be showcased.

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Yeah when i was in high school, i was the best logo designer among my peers, i was very skilled and prolific with Corel draw, i got the attention of my teacher, he had to select me for the competition.
I reached the venue and discovered that my fellow competitors were kinda average on the use of Corel draw, some where even rehearsing with some videos, i laughed my ass out.
when the competition started i went into the hall and bounced out like a boss.

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Nice! and in fact something like this happened to me too. My graphic design teacher decided to make a contest, enrolling was required, so there I go, decided to make a logo of female gymnastics team, nothing fancy, super simple and boom! all my partners did a very poor job, and I was thinking my logo was quite too simple. Easiest 10 of my life haha.

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I'm not amazing with graphic design, unfortunately. I can make basic logos and banners but other than that I'm not very good at creating unique and creative logos and banners. So because of that, I have never bothered to enter a logo contest because I just know that I am unlikely to win it. I have designed a few logos and banners for people in return for money but I have only done that a few times because again like I said before, my logos and banners are pretty basic so they are nothing special

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This is what I always felt too. I can make simple logos for some clients, but not that good to enter contests where they are things that are going to be considered which is the reason I've decided not to join any contest as well. I've seen some contests for best logo designs done on some of the sites that I work on, but I don't really feel like participating on any.

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Graphic designing isn't one of my greatest or strongest suits, I just know the basics knowledge in the field and what I posse isn't going to be enough in getting into a logo contest and actually win it because there are lots of experienced and creative experts in field whom I'm 100% sure that it's going to be impossible to compete with and win.

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I won once but it was just for a small business client so I didn't think much of it. I did enjoy the prize money of a hundred dollars though and I did still feel somewhat proud of myself for winning. I never won anything else after that as I don't think I am that good at making logos anyway, but it was nice to have been able to luck into a win at least. I feel that I am not really that well versed in logo creation and would need a specific type of company and client to bring out the best in me, so I never really thought of it as being lucrative for me as a career so instead I just focused more on other areas of digital design.

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A prize of $100 sounds amazing, it's not exactly a small amount so you should be really proud of winning that contest. Winning anything, no matter what the prize is great because you feel a lot better about yourself. You just feel so lucky to win a content. I think of all aspects of graphic design is pretty lucrative especially since a lot of people are starting their own websites for their own businesses. Because of that, the demand for graphics has increased rapidly over the past few.

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Recently I entered a logo designing contest on Freelancer.com. The winner would receive $50. I entered the contest because there were not many entries. However, later I found that there were over 300 entries. I did not win, however, I did not like the winning entry.

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