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Have you ever entered a won a logo contest? Or even started your own logo contest and bought a logo that way? They're a great way to get a logo made for you by different people so that you always end up with a fair bit of choice on which one to go with!
Plus most people who submitted a logo will be happy to make any changes to it if it means you pick their submitted logo so that you're happy with it and they win the contest.
I've used logo contests myself several times to get a new logo for my site made up. Sometimes they go all out and make you not just a logo but a banner or a favicon etc too.
If you need some logo design created that can be your brand image or logo, you can usually get something nice looking made up for you if you create a logo contest on the top forums.
Some of the best forums to use to get a logo made for your site or brand are the top Internet marketing forums as there's usually always people there that have the skills to do that or know someone who can and will forward it to them (for a cut of course!)
And you can search around for the top design forums as well as you can always find people on those forums that have the skills and want to show those skills off to other people on the forums so other people hire them and so they can win the contest!
I've started my own logo contests and entered them. I won a couple once and used what PS skills I picked up from making sigs for people on a forum I was on in the early 2000.
But I was wondering if anyone does this quite a lot and if so, what sites and forums and places you use to enter them in. Or do you have another way of finding logo contests?
I guess you could set up a Google Alert for "logo contest" etc etc and then see what it finds and visit those places and then enter them by submitting your design.
Then either mock up something yourself, or go at it from another angle and find someone that does and tell them about it and get them to submit something. Then if they win the contest you can split the earnings or something.
Have you ever done or do anything like that?
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