
How do you get inspirations to design the logos?

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How do you get inspirations to design the logos?

I am not a graphic designer, but a web developer. Sometimes I help clients to create websites too. I am often asked to help them create a logo for their company website, if they haven't have a company logo yet. I always have no idea how to start and where to get inspiration to design the logo. Though at the end, the clients are fine with the logos I created, since I have told them I am not a graphic designer and the logo design is a free service to them, so they usually do not expect much. I think it is also good for me to learn more about logo design, so it will bring more benefits to the clients, and I won't be so struggle while designing the logo. 

How do you get any ideas or inspirations for the logo when you look at the company name? 


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There are tons of logo design online, you can easily check out some of the work done by others and take inspiration from their work and make your own designs. You are already a web developer, so I'm quite convinced that you are going to pick up just fine in designing logo as well. Good luck with your endeavors.

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This is a great idea but you should remember not to take too much inspiration from other sites and logos. This ensures that your logo is unique and not just a copycat of another sites/businesses logo. There is nothing wrong with getting inspiration of course, but it's also important to put your own spin on your logo so that its unique and nice.

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Checking others work can also give you inspiration. However, you have to abstain from copying the design. You should always try to make your design original. If you copy you will earn a bad reputation.
Another good way is to find templates for logo designs. You can use a template and make some changes to make the design original. If you are using templates, make sure you have the license to use.

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Yes, checking others work is a good idea. You could get some ideas from it but make sure to not copy the design. Always be creative and avoid copying works of others.

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That's what I think. By checking other's work, you can get a lot of inspiration. However, simply copying other's work is a bad idea. This is stealing. You can also use free templates to get inspiration if it allows you can build your own logo on these templates.

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In making a logo, I always take in consideration what the customer wants to see. It is also nice if there is a personal touch which represents them. Also, just like what @Martinsx1 said, it's nice to check out other logos. That will give you an idea to what to do and what not to do, and also what is in an what is not in the market today.

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I get inspiration from researching what services or products the company has and from the name of the company.
My way of getting things done is after a brief research or interview, I usually ask what their company slogan is, or in its absence, I make / propose several slogans first, from there I can get the inspiration needed, its a big help in designing a more accurately effective logo. Try it and trust me logo making would be easier.

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Inspiration in anything we do in life can come from series of angles. Just like a music writer can get inspired about writing music songs by listening to great songs done by others, that is the same way some that are into logo designing can try to get inspired by checking some of the logos done on popular logo designing sites. The choice is yours, but I get inspired by works done by others in my field.

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What I do is browse through artworks and different designs.

The easiest way to do that is the internet. There are lots of options for design inspiration. The biggest challenge is deciding on what you want to happen. Like the final product. It's really hard to make up your mind because you have so many ideas to consider. But picking the one most relevant to your client will narrow them considerably.

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I can do logos and other graphics, however, I am not a graphic designer. I am a writer, digital marketer, and web designer. Sometimes when I get web designing contract, my clients also want me to do logo. In that case, I will be doing a logo for my client. First, I ask if he has any specific requirements for design, color, and text. It is easier to begin if I get some cues, however, if there are no instructions, I will be doing the logo base on the niche of the website.

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I think that your move of consulting with what the client wants is the best move anyone can ever do to achieve the best logo. If one designs only without consulting the client, most commonly the design wouldn't fit the liking or the need of the client itself.

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If the client is paying extra for the logo (when I am entitled to web designing work), I will try to create the best logo and I will be using photoshop program. If the client is not paying me and the logo designing is also the part of web designing work, I don't tire myself with the logo, I will look into the programs like canva to create logo. However, what the client wants is always my primary concern.

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I like giving my personal touch with every project I do. I also find it difficult sometimes to find inspiration, but it would become a bit easier if the client gives out a specific result on the other hand if he or she doesn't and leaves it to my own choice, I think looking at the principles of the company or companies similar to it would be great to look inspiration from.

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It's difficult. If you are not a graphic designer then you will always tend to find the design a logo for someone extremely difficult. I tend to only design simple logos, maybe with the text of the company name and a small icon/image somewhere on the logo. I'm just not that great with graphic design so I can't design anything complicated or beautiful.

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One should really make their work according to their own capability. One will perform better and the product wouldn't feel forced if they work on things they do best. Another point is, sometimes the simple things makes the greatest impact. So don't be discouraged because your designs can possibly turn out for the better.

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We are actually in the same situation. I wanted to design but I know that my imagination is too shallow.

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I don't make my own logos, but I have a graphics lady that I always hire and I talk to her about what I want and she can make it exactly how I described. And as far as logo's go I never try to have another person's logo recreated for my website. I can picture how I want a logo in my head before I have her make it and then I let her know.

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For me the very first thing I would do if someone would tell me to create a logo for them or for their company, I would basically just questions them about what they want it to be, like not the exact image but the image they want to portray. And also, I would do like a little background research about the company on what do they represent and also the themes they have or they want. I think this kind of thinking or getting the ideas before doing logos for someone, can actually make you happy and make your work done as fast as possible.

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True, good communication really does wonders. I know some artists that insists what they want to incorporate in a logo and more often they get rejected. Why make products which clients doesn't need, right? It's better to learn what the client prefers and needs and make that your inspiration.

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My best logos have come from inspiration. Usually, I base them on what people or myself want to express through it. So if you want to show a vintage side, then you go for vintage icons, if you want to show a vibrant or modern look, then you can go with retro neon ones. Another option is to make a pool of your best ideas, then choosing between different opinions from friends or customers, like some kind of contest. You will gain more followers, and will have a higher quorum of opinions and suggestions.

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Inspiration for logo designs varies it depends on how you want to firstly then who you are designing it for, also you might want to ask yourself the aim of dsigning the logo, if you have got answers to those questions the inspiration for the logo design comes in.

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I think if you're trying to tap into your inspiration to design a logo for a client, you should maybe look into things connected to the topic. For example, if a client wants a sports or military style logo from you, watch some films about sports or check out some war movies. You can also scan google images for similar logos for inspiration as well.

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Yeah, It's up to the clients if what kind of design, or influence, and what is the possible customers they have, and then you will get the idea and slowly creating it to your mind. The research of logo makers will depends on the idea coming from the clients.

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Brainstorming, brainstorming, and more and more brainstorming. Did I also mention brainstorming?

I know I'm being silly, but it's actually true. Sure inspiration might strike at times and you can come up with something brilliant straight from your noggin', but if you're designing logos for different clients on a daily basis, you're not always going to have the answers right away. While I was in college, they specifically taught us methods for enhancing creativity through brainstorming, and honestly without an organized system for coming up with unique ideas, I'd be screwed a lot of the time.

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Same here. They have taught us various ways of brainstorming. It is actually quite useful in almost every aspect of your life that requires creativity or inspiration.

Brainstorming saved me many times.

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Yup. Nothing beats good communication. The thing is, it is more likely that you are going to make the logo for customer and hearing them out is the key. It is also a great idea when you converse and pick up a good idea or two to enhance your design. This is why I think that communication is one of the best things to get inspirations from.

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"This is why I think that communication is one of the best things to get inspirations from."

Communication is fine and all if you're working with a team of designers. One person throws in their idea, then another expands on it, and another expands on that, and next thing you know the seed of an idea has sprouted into a design tree, so to speak. But when I refer to brainstorming, I mean more along the lines of finding a system of organizing and expanding on your own ideas alone. You start with a root idea and then branch off by combining different keywords which would describe the client you're working for and the message they're trying to convey.

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Well, most of the clients that I have worked with have at least some sort of vision of what the logo should look like so that makes your job a bit easier.

However, if the client just gives you free hands then it is definitely important to get inspired. The best way is to just think about the company. What does it represent? What is it about? What would make it stand out? And so on.

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I just finished making a logo today. Surprisingly I got the inspiration this time on a competitors site. This is the first time I made a logo based on one of its competitors.

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I'm glad that you made one. Having a competitors makes you motivated. Keep up a good work. That was the best way to look at you competitors

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Am not a logo designer but I believe I can relate the topic around some of the world I do which in some way can talk about inspirations on the works of art.

I do sound productions every now and then, it's mostly a hubby to me. I get really inspired doing works when I listen to other sounds made by other people. My surroundings also inspires me sometimes. I get sounds from objects, moving vehicles, from cutlaries when they meet with plates, even from people when they chat and laugh - as crazy as it sounds, it works for me.

Drawing from all said above, am sure a logo designer can also get inspired by things around. It can be other designs by people and random visible objects.

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The logo should help your target audience understand in a simple way what your company is about. A simple look at the logo can tell your customers if you are going for a more professional or casual feel to your business/website. You can find inspirations from your competitors' logos, or from logos of other companies who have made it big in the market. Find out why their logo has become iconic in the media. A good color combination is also key in making a good logo. Just make it clean, minimalist, with only a maximum of 3 colors, and with an image that reflects your company's product/services.

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Sometimes I get inspired by looking at the logos of big successful companies. And by mixing some of their notable or unique designs, I can then create a new logo.

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I think It's alright to get some inspiration to other logo designer. You will find a lot of example through internet. The problem of Logo designer, you should have a unique design which is really hard to do without looking at to other design and get some info.

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I start with understanding what kind of atmosphere the website offers. If it is formal, then the logo design can be simple and minimalistic. I also visit the location of the place, if I was making a logo for a store, so I can understand what will look best in the perspective of the customers. I can say that being able to see and feel the website/location helps me in determining what kind of design I should make.

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A good way of getting inspiration for designs is by by going out with friends and by asking them their opinion. Almost half of the time more heads are better than one.

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Another good way is to browse the list of the top 1000 companies and take a look at their logos. Hey if they became successful then no harm copying a little.

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Another easy way of getting some ideas for logos is by using some of the logo design softwares like print shop, print artist, print master and others which literally has tens of thousands of offline and online templates. You can just browse for a suitable design and customize it.

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You need to know about the company background. You have to relate it with the background of the owner or the products/service s. What kind of product they are promoting?. What's important is you need to know a little background of the company and there you can create an ideas out of those backgrounds . Actually it depends because there are clients who will give you some references and guides of what objects you will used or served as your reference. You should also know the color combination you will use in logo. Approach your client if this or that colors are okay. You can used geometric patterns and lines.It will help you, just take a look for tutorials and see how it works.

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Some of my logos are just immediately created in my mind. Like something is being printed in my mind. But a lot of times a got my idea just by typing in the internet my topic then see if what pictures it will give me. Then from that I'm making imaginations to create a new one.

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That also happens to me often back when I had a print and graphics shop. Sometimes just seeing the company name of the client, an idea of an image would pop to my head.

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Well the idea of the logo is always depends on the product, the name of the brand, and the things that connected to product or to the clients, and then it's easy to get some idea through internet, the people or the consumers also should consider to the logo, if how they will easily remember the logo, the simple and unique is much more better.

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Another trick in getting inspiration in designing logos is by using Google. Search for photos or images of related terms or theme and by looking at these images you might get some ideas to make your logo.

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No shame in that. Designers buy stock photos to use in some of their logos or banners.

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You can also do a poll on social media on what should your logo look like, you can be creative in doing this. Again more heads are always better than one. You can ask about the color, and the figure or font.

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I get inspirational when listening to music. But also I know it sounds weird or even strange but I also get ideas when I am bored and just sat with a pen and paper just doodling. You be surprised what you think of.

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You can get inspiration directly to the nature of the business. Of course, the logo should represent the nature of your business. Think of all the things that your business mainly do then you can easily think of what design you should create.

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I do agree sometimes the name of the business could be the motivation for the logo.
Concentrating on the company's services and or product line can also be a good way to influence the design of the logo.

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