
If your life is made into an Anime what would be the title?

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If your life is made into an Anime what would be the title?

This question was posted by one of my admins in one of my anime sites and I would like to share it would you guys.

If your life was made into an Anime what would the title be?


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"Gotta go fast!" - Would be the perfect title.
I'm always running around, on several jobs and house duties. But I imagine it would be a boring anime, haha.

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That's funny. I think I've seen a similar anime show title. Sometimes they have exclamation points at the end. They're usually comedies and fun stories about everyday life. I guess you'll have a target audience.

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Are you sure it's an anime? Because the only thing I can remember with "Gotta go fast!" is the Sonic cartoon, haha!

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The title is actually funny. I can imagine myself being oh so curious about the title and laugh after realizing why it's named like that.

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I think that a catchy tilte. I think more audience would be curios with this. Great title by the way.

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That's funny then you will be a little mouse since they keep running in circles and never stops. I wonder if those little creature ever takes a nap.

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I would beg to disagree. I think your title is very catchy. It could be a comedy anime with drama or real life stuffs. I think that it could be a great funny one, if you think of it. Gotta go fast! could be a catch line as well.

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Very funny indeed. It will be interesting indeed. It is true that you better go fast. A novel idea you have here.

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If my life would be made into an anime, I don't even know if I would add it to my playlist. Unlike the animes that we watch on the television or online, mine must be so boring that it's just about sleeping, waking up, eating and working, just the usual stuff. But, if I would be given a chance to name it, it would be "Awake". It's because I'm not living in a dream. My life is not dreamy, it's very real, very realistic. Lol

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Sometimes the realistic shows are the best kind - after all that’s why there’s such a market for reality TV! You might have a real success story on your hands!

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Yours would also be a slice of life anime then? I enjoy watching those kinds of anime as it gives you peak at someone else's world. It's not even boring at all knowing someone on that personal level. I think it's great If your life is made into an Anime what would be the title?

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I would love to reconnect with the avatart in the last sirbrnder film. One of my best movies.

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Avatar: the last Airbender was one of my favorite shows. While watching it before when I was a kid, I also dreamt of becoming an Airbender, earth, water and fire. I had fun imagining myself doing those things back then.

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I love this too. I also like the live-action adaptation but not as much as the anime. It is one of my most unforgettable animes. If I'm not mistaken the latest now is the Legend of Korra? It is also a good anime.

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True, the live action movie was a flop, it didn't live up to its expectations. Unlike the Anime in which the characters are filled with emotions. The live action film was boring and the actors didn't fit the characters.

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Hahaha it was a fantastic one and I also had imaginations of how I could be the kid that could save all my people and also possessed fantastic powers. You can never skip that when you are a child.

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I'm a big fan of avatar. I has a great story telling and good story plot. I think if your story would be like that I would watch it fo sure.

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I think that if my life would turn to anime I would choose a title the Dragon Balls because it is one of my favorite anime when I was a kid. I want my life to be full of action and a very challenging one which would makes it more interesting to have.

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I'd say that my life's title would be The Chosen Path. I just thought it sounds nice. I'm really looking forward to making the best of what God gave me. So choosing the right path in life is precious to me. We only get one life to live. The rest is up to us.

I think it would be a relaxing anime show.

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I think that would be an inspiring anime. I also think that it would be different as the idea is not as intense as the usual animes that we see online or on the television.

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It sounds like a slice of life anime. Those are always nice to watch, they have those really detailed backgrounds, and really catchy theme songs. I've watched a few of those when I'm slowing down with life.

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The Chosen Path sounds nice. I think it would make a great show. Although it has a kind of adventure-themed anime. Sounds like action with real-life morals of a young hero caught between his mission and destiny. The Chosen Path has a really nice ring to it.

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Better Tomorrow. I always trying to be better day after day. But at the end of the day I just end up looking up to something that I'm not. Always striving to be someone else.

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Catchy, simple and inspiring - it sounds like something I’d watch! I always like seeing people strive for better in all aspects of their life because it encourages me to do the same.

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I can totally relate. I thought I was the only person that go through this. Always looking forward to tomorrow and the funny is that tomorrow never comes. Irony of life.

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This honestly sounds like a manga title and it's about a sports related anime. I think it's upbeat and fun! I'd definitely watch!

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I’d probably call mine Busy Mom. Maybe I’d be like a superhero who had to deal with a whole bunch of crises that my family was dealing with!

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Then supermom might be more appropriate Lol. Mother's are always at the top of the game always without that crises will occur all the time and it will be beyond one's control.

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I might like to the called the busy bee. I can be cold,fuzzy, sociable, workaholic,throw tantrums,rant, complain. I just get busy over nothing. I hate to stay still. It can make me sick LoL.

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I think the best title for my anime life story would be "Fireproof". Just like the Christian movie Fireproof, our lives are full of trials and struggles but if you have the Lord with you, you are in good hands. Fireproof doesn't mean that you will never experience fire but if it comes you will be able to withstand it if you have God in your heart.

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Living for the day after tomorrow.
Not because it has anything to do with the story of the anime, it's just the title itself. It seems like at the rate my life is going, I'm just living for the day after tomorrow. That helps me get through today.

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That sounds catchy and cool. I'm glad you're not like others I know who are still stuck in the past and still wishing that they should have done this, should have done that, etc. They can't move on.

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I've come to the realization and acceptance that the past can never be changed no matter how much we wish we could have done something else differently. There's no sense living in the past, there's even no sense in trying to remember most of them. The only wise thing to do is live the present while hoping for great things for the future. Maybe if more people thought of things that way then life wouldn't be so full of regrets.

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Amen. I would also like to add that there's nothing wrong living in the moment, although you need to prepare for the future. Everything might be all well today, but you can never know what tomorrow might bring so it's best to be ready for that.

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"Seimei no shink?-ch?"

I think that this title would aptly describe my life as of now. I wrote it in Japanese because I think it would be more catchy this way.

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I think the title would be "The Magical Life of a Lone Wolf". I for one is a loner which best suits me and I love magic. Since most of the Anime were fantasy, I would grab the chance to incorporate magic with my lifestyle. So basically it's all about me in everyday life but with a twist of having a magic. Beware of the lone wolf. You'll never know that even the weakest kid in town who has always been bullied will bite back.

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Ne'er Throw up! It will warn people of ugly me. You will be prepared for the worst. Forewarned is firprepared.

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If my life were to be made into an anime, I think the title would be "Unknown". Most people who think they know me end up proving to me that they really don't. Everytime a discussion comes up about my core values, they just end up getting it wrong. It's so weird how they always sound so sure about what they think they know. I'm unknown to them. All they see if who they want to see.

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Hahaha, I can't think of a great title of a great anime title to represent my life. Anime has a lot of genres we have horror action adventure and so forth it is hard to tell what kind of genre my life fits in, but if I would choose I genre it would be Slice of life an anime that is about the daily life of the protagonist and the title would be "The story of a boy and how he becomes a man"

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I can't think of any as I am not good on making titles. I just love to watch anime but giving ideas about titles is not best for me I think. My life is a roller coaster so my life has different genre which I can't choose from it. It's better if I just watch anime shows which will enlighten me.

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It has to be a Slice of Life Harem type of anime titled "Crazy Thing called Life".

I chose this title because like Forres Gump said, Life is like a box of chocolate, you'll never no what's in it until you tasted it.

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I've got another one and it's got a Quentin Tarantino influence to it, it's "From Dusk 'til Dawn"Haha, I'm an insomniac and I do most of my work from late in the afternoon until day break.

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LOL! This made me laugh and at the same time I feel so bad for laughing. Having insomnia is so hard! Not only on the body but also mentally. Hopefully we get a good night's rest soon.

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That would be a good Christmas Wish, to get a good night's sleep. But if you're an insomniac you know that it's only wishful thinking.

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If my life will be an anime story, I will entitle it as "The Brave Queen". It is simply because I am a brave woman. I keep on fighting even though there's a big chance that I will lose the game. I would like to share my experiences in fighting all the negativities and hindrances in my life.

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If your life is made into anime, what would be the title: I can't find a title for me being an anime lol.. Maybe a " silent crazy girl?" A kind of anime in which is very silent most of the time if you don't know her exactly and seems don't care about thers surrounding but if she's with her friends, she love to do crazy things by her powers to make there friend intertain.

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If my life is made to into an Anime it would be called "Still standing". It would show how I never give up even thought life has handed me lemons time and again. I am still here standing, pushing through and having fun along the way!

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If I will have another title, I will go for "Semper Fidelis" A US Marines motto which means always be faithful. In my life, there's a lot of time that my faith was tested. It feels like I'm in a test of fire. But this motto always reminds me to always be faithful no matter what.

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