
How good are you in creating an infographic?

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How good are you in creating an infographic?

Basically as a beginner, I've just taken an interest in the field of infographics lately when one of my subjects is graphics and visualization. I learn about the basic things to remember when creating an inforgraphics especially the color combination for the design as well as how to conduct thorough research for the information in your infographics. I'm not yet good at designing but I am really interested and I believe if I practice it well then I can be a good infographic artist soon.

How about you? Are you having a lot of trouble being an infographic artist or you are enjoying it? I'd like to know your experience especially for those who are infograhic artist experts already.


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I actually have never bothered to try it because I just know that I'm not going to be that great with it. I'm not that great with graphics in the first place so it's not at all a surprise really that I can't make infographics. What I tend to do is just use graphics makers or online photo editors that allow me to make some basic and semi-good looking graphics.

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If you want to learn about making infographics the easy way I'll recommend starting with an Adobe program, you can use Adobe Spark, it's free and you don't have to download anything. Just go to their site and pick your project, there's a lot of templates available and the program will walk you through until you finish your infographic. It'll take you 10 minutes more or less to create an infographic in this easy program.

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Thank you for telling us about it. I actually only found out about Adobe Spark recently from another user on here and it's great to hear that it's free as well. I didn't know that you could learn about and create infographics using it, to be honest. I thought it was more for simple graphics especially ones that you use on social media so thanks for letting me know about this.

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True, Adobe is a good point to start from. Mostly, I tend to use Photoshop, just because I got use to it, and I didn't know about Spark since couple of days ago. Someone suggested Spark over here, so I took a look at it and it seems really easy to use, it has a lot of tools you can apply, and generally speaking any newbie can use it. I don't do a lot of infographics, but thanks anyway for all the info and suggestions.

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I definitely agree with you that anyone relatively experienced in graphic design should start with Adobe products. Adobe Spark certainly isn't bad for those just starting out, but I'd recommend going even further if possible. When it comes to making infographics, my personal favorite program is Adobe Illustrator. As most graphic designers already know, Adobe Illustrator is used to create vector images, which are pretty essential if you're making infographics from scratch. Vector images result in nice, clean, crisp designs which can be scaled up or down depending on your needs and are much more versatile than the standard raster image in Photoshop.

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Loooove Adobe Spark. Easy for beginners, and it makes doing graphic design simple. Especially if you're just starting out, I think it's the perfect program to get your bearings and more of an understanding of design.

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I appreciate infographics and they are very fun to read but I do not know how to create any. I'm not really good with arts and graphic design but I am good at distinguishing what looks good and not. If you want to learn more about this craft, I suggest you join forums or groups that tackles infographics. They may have good and friendly members that may be of help and are willing to guide you. How good are you in creating an infographic?

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This is a very good suggestion by the way for anyone looking to acquire the skill on infographics by joining forums or platforms where learning would be very easy for such individuals since there would be lots of experience experts in the community who would be very eager to teach new members.

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It's always a good idea to surround yourself with people that are smarter than you. I believe that is the best place to grow and learn something that you are not good with. You will see how professionals do it and learn from them slowly, every day. How good are you in creating an infographic?

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True. No man is an island indeed. Once in a while it is good to learn new things and learning it from other people is a good thing. When it comes to infographics, I believe that you must learn how to capture one's attention and show them what interests them. So, if one can relate to what you do, the more effective it will be. Knowing the facts about what people wants and can relate to is to mingle and learn from them.

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I feel the same way too. There're a lot of features topic here in this forum but sad to say haven't try some of them yet, like this infographics, and all I need to do right now is just to gather a lot of information as long as I can, and try it during my free time, well if I have, and for now all I can do is to appreciate these artist.

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I have too much on my hands now and I don't have time to learn the art of making infographics. How good are you in creating an infographic?

I'll just enjoy the infographics of other people and consume all the information that they hold. I found books that only consists of infographics and it looks fun reading a book that tells you its contents through infographics.

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Well sometimes reading for me is not enough, I need try it on my own. I need to know even just the basic things. I'm not contented by reading sometimes, It feels like, I'm just wasting my time by reading if I will not try to make my own. I do appreciate the works of other people and I will appreciate more if I did the same things too.

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Wow, that's a great way of putting it. You may have changed how I view things. lol

I always feel that I can also do those things that I read about but I also think if it's just a waste of time to try doing. The reason for this is I think that maybe they've spent a lot of hours practicing it and because it's their passion, they never get tired of it.

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Right, it's all about passion. They spent a lot of time doing the things they really want, and they earn something from that. or maybe their passion is their primary source of income, and for me, is just additional knowledge, that's why I want to try it.

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Same Martin I have far to much on my hands as well. I know how to do them but recently become busy in other areas. My writing and link building

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I honestly think that infographics are extremely important when it comes to things such as general information and specifically marketing/advertising. You can summarize all of the advantages and main points while still keeping it interesting for the reader.

If you read any of the latest articles or blogs, you will see more and more infographics. It's probably the easiest and best way of grabbing somebodies attention.

I have made my own but it does take some time to find the right way to go about it. If you just want something quick and easy, you can always use one of those websites where you just type the information in, choose the design, etc. and they produce it for you.

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"If you read any of the latest articles or blogs, you will see more and more infographics."

I don't read too many blogs, but I've noticed just from generally browsing the internet, that infographics have really grown in popularity in recent years. Not only that, but the designs have gotten more interesting, intricate, and informative as people have begun to realize the potential behind infographics.

If you know about the site Reddit, they have a subreddit (which is like a sub-forum for a specific topic) called /r/Infographics which is solely about--you guessed it--infographics. It's a great place for inspiration and even learning a few random things you might not have known about.

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As someone with a background in graphic design, I can say that infographics are really not that big of a deal to make. Sure there are a couple of things you want to keep in mind, but it's mostly just fundamentals of graphic design. If you've noticed, most infographics don't really stick to just one or two colors, but actually feature a large palette of colors in order to make it more attractive and exciting. Some of the most important factors to keep in mind are what colors you choose for your text and backgrounds/shapes, as the biggest mistake you can make is having an infographic that is hard to read. I'd also recommend using a program like Adobe Illustrator which works with vector images, as it will keep all the shapes and text nice and crisp.

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I have done simplistic ones, not too hard of a thing really, but I have to admit that I'm more interested in coming up with the content itself, and leaving the designing to someone with much more skills in that department. But you can find lots of free starter content online that you can use to basically build your own infographics, and have them look half-decent without much skills.

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I agree with this. There are people who are really good at writing or researching content. Some are very good with design and layout. With both people from different departments work together, you can create a very high-quality infographic.

It's also the same in a programming/development team. One is only good in writing the functions of the website (back-end dev) while the other is a designer that is very good with CSS, HTML, and design in general (front-end dev).

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I used to join infographics contests in school way back when. The thing is, they always limit us in using just one program. We are required to use either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Power Point and we are not allowed to get any kind of images from the net. Another challenge was, the theme of the contest was given on the spot. With those kind of rules, it is really challenging for all of us as contestants. It is like literally making images and ideas from scratch.

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That was pretty a tough challenge to those that mean to use more than one application for the infograpics. I always wish I began learning things about computers while I was still in school for I would gotten lots of experience being a part of it then.

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That's pretty amazing to make infographics just using the MS office like word and power point, and you're right, it was challenging at the same it's fair for other participants. I wonder how hard to create your own images to use in that infographics contest.

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Yeah for me I do feel I am good at creating infographics. But really anyone can create these and for free as well. Just check out canva as these let you create any free infographics with the use of ready made templates.

Always try write catchy title with descriptions and also clear images eye catchy aswell.

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I hear a lot about canva and quite frankly they do give out a good review about it. I personally haven't tried it, but I do think that it is a must try.

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Yeah, I think this one is good for creating amazing and professional quality graphic designs. Canva also offers a powerful features like a simple drag and drop design. You can create a perfect graphic design in just a minute, and can use by anyone because it's very simple and intuitive.

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I can tell you that starting up anything is the most difficult aspect of that endeavor but once you are determined to master such act, with determination, dedication and persistence, you are definitely going to be successful with such tasks. Quitter are the ones who fails to achieve their aims, but one you believe and never give up, you are bound to pull through.

I had difficulty with my own work with Photoshop but I never gave up until I mastered it very well, so I'm quite sure it going to be the same story for you as long as you don't quit.

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Creating infographics has gotten better with the latest softwares we have on the internet which anyone willing to learn can easily download and make as much as the number of infographics needed. Just like you said with starting anything, we need to be persistent and we time we get to become the best in what we do and that is what is applicable in every facet of our life.

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Making infographics can be easy now with sites like Canva which makes infographics really easy and look really good, even without too much experience with making an infographic or in using applications like Photoshop. But infographics isn't all about just the design, but also on the content and in the way you handle that information for your target audience.

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I have made use of Canva site once or twice with incorporation of my usage of Photoshop on design some of my infographic works. There are lots of features to pick up from the site which can be used in carrying out any kind of infographic design task that one's gets the job to carry out.

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Yeah, while Canva may be enough (especially when you have a paid subscription), it can still be improved by Photoshop, so a good background on the application can really help improve your infographic as long as you have a knowledge of how to present your information in a clear and concise way.

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Actually this is what I do right now for a living. It is hard if you don't have an artistic taste. Like me I find it hard thinking designs. But with canva, you can actually do a good one. Nowadays, there are lots of apps that can help you.

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Well I think you're right, It's really hard to make you own infographic design if you don't have artistic taste. I think you need to look for other infographic artist for design just to get inspiration, but this is your source of income, I think you know what to do.

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I love the look of infographics, but I'm not much of a graphic designer, so I wouldn't say I'm very good at making infographics. But I like to think that I know a good infographic when I see one! Which is something to be said since so many businesses and designers are turning to infographics to help display information in a way that's more engaging and entertaining for readers.

The college where I work is beginning to put more of an emphasis on infographics on our website to help us market more to the generation of students who will be arriving on campus or potentially see our website.

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In order to create infographics, you need two different kinds of skills: one, you need to be good at creating graphics, two you need skills to write facts in interesting and captivating ways. Generally speaking, I do not create infographics, I use graphics and images with my online articles, however, I barely use infographics with my contents. Perhaps, I am not very good at creating infographics.

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You don't necessarily have to create your own graphics, but instead you can use freely available content to create something by combining things as well. Sure it takes a lot of practice, but then you'll manage to save a lot of money because you don't need to hire any freelancers to do that sort of content for you.

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Well, you can open an image, even a blank page, in an image editing program and write your text. Your infographics will be ready. This is the simplest way of creating infographics. However, infographics are more than pictures or text, infographics is an article shown with few words and graphics. Actually, creating infographics is not very difficult if you use image editing programs. Even if you are not using image editing programs, you can easily create infographics in an online image editor.

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I'm moderately okay in making infographics by using Adobe Spark which I learned from a guy named Vinaya, who posted it for discussion a week or so ago. Since then I checked out and used the site and made several infographics already, it's quite easy to make, you just have to create good short and attractive lines for it. The sites automated and has a walkthrough, it ensures that you would finish what you have started.

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Aha, thanks for giving me credit. I find Adobe Spark handy when it comes to designing various kinds graphics, including infographics. On Spark, you can find a lot of templates, you can choose a template that best suits your niche and size. Then you can easily layer with graphics and texts.
If you do not use image editing programs such as Photoshop, you will find Spark very easy to use.

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It's really fun to see some artistic design of infographics. I want to know sometimes if who's behind that idea because it's really great. Aside from being helpful, the viewers or readers also enjoying the view about the information inside the infographics.

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Infographics has a lot of uses it can be used for boardroom presentations, product launches etc. It's a visual representation of various data's compiled and other complex information which in written form can be difficult to understand, by making it into infographics these data can now be viewed and easily understood by viewers.

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Infographics are also very important for online writers and bloggers. If your article is informative, you can present your important points in a graphical presentation. If your article deals with facts and figures, you can have them in a graphics. Basically, infographics present information, facts, and figures in a graphical way. People easily comprehend the infographics rather than the entire article.

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Yeah, it definitely is very useful especially when done properly by someone who doesn't only know how to design infographics but also has mastery of the subject matter itself.

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I agree with you. It is also helpful to students who are visual learners. I should know, because I'm a visual learner myself.

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Im not really good in making infographics manually, because ive recently made my first infographics using templates and a wizard,vso all I really have to do is supply the words for the speech bubble, which was really easy because it was pretty short.

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I have never tried infographics honestly because I find it to be complicated for me because I really don't have much interest on that particular thing but I am willing to learn about it in the future. I have seen a lot of infograhics data before and I feel amazed about it because it really gives much information about to certain thing around us.

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I'm not good at it Some of my friends help me out. It's like trying to combine effective visuals and clear communication. I take some time to think it through. Then, they assist me with the difficult parts.

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People who could make decent infographics are in demand nowadays. There's a lot of work for someone who's adept in doing this kind of work. There's a lot posts in several job sites for it, that's why I'm currently studying how to make them professionally.

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I'm also currently studying on it because I'm really interested in making a design since I was a kid I'm trying to make my own design but unfortunately I did not practice my habit on designing while I grow up but my interest went back on me when it became one of my course in college and the detail is a no problem for me since I'm also good at researching and it seems pretty interesting to make infographics.

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I'm not really good with infographics, but I'm very much familiar with it. If it's really in demand nowadays, then I would think of honing my skills then.

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I'm getting better in making infographics i think it's all about getting the message clear and coherent enough for people to easily understand it. So whatever the message is you have to make it Short and Sweet.

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Yes, I agree. My instructor always reminding us the same thing as yours. Your infographics shouldn't be too crowded with designs and a lot of images or texts because the reader will tend to just ignore the message so make sure that the message or the detail is short but clear. Anyway, in the industry, you have a team to work on for an infographic project. There will be some researcher, content maker, designer, editor and a project manager.

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In concepts I am quite good ,(since I am a computer teacher), but not in applications. I know the principles in making infographics. The do's and the don'ts but I'm having a hard time creating one. I know how to do it but I can't do it. I'm confused why. Maybe because it's always easier to be a critic of someone's work rather than to make your own.

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I also enjoy reading infographics but haven't really tried doing them on my own. Might need to study first on how to make it look good and interesting. I believe that in doing an infographic, you should have the ability to show and let the people viewing your work grasp the information in it. Being able to do it without them putting too much effort in remembering data only shows how good you did in the infographic.

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Here are some apps which can help beginners learn how to make good infographics.


I prefer Canvas and Piktochart because the end result always looks professional.

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Well, Im still a beginner at creating infographics, but Im a fast learner I think I would be better in no time. Im still new at my job as a VA and creating infographics is part of my job so i have to learn fast. How good are you in creating an infographic?

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I love creating infographics. You can convey a message in a fun and artistic way. I have gone through a lot of research and Youtube tutorials to be good at it. For me, the best way to start with your infographics is to write down the things that you need like the characters, scenes, the style you want and the message you want to convey. Message clarity is very important in creating infographics. You may want to create a storyboard for a detailed draft. The storyboard also serves as your guide. I use just some extra paper and a pencil for creating my storyboard. And for the actual infographics, I use Adobe Photoshop, you can also use Adobe Illustrator because it’s also great at creating infographics. There are a lot of software you can choose from. Find a software that works for you and the one you’re comfortable with. Practice creates an experience so it’s best to do a lot of research and watch helpful tutorials on Youtube. All it takes is patience in practicing and being open to learning new things and you will be an expert in creating infographics in no time.

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I love infographics. I just don't like to make my own. However if I were going to try create my own infographic I would probably use the tool offered by Canva. ( Free Online Infographic Maker by Canva ~ www.canva.com/create/infographics/ ) I have used the tools at this site before to create other graphics and it was really easy. So no doubt their infographics tool is easy to use also.

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That's a great help! I will give it a try soon! I might get a lot ideas or important points need in creating an infographics. I guess this will be a helpful tool in the future, so I appreciate your kindness for sharing this site.

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I know certain elements in the field of infograph like the use of great contrast colors and the ability to gather data to produce a outstanding result. Even so I never invest my time in giving it a try I just learn in from my old aquiantance. I am not that determined in pulling up something that I can't imagine of how things will work. I would rather pursue of being a musciasian because I wwnt it.

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I first learned how to make Infographics through PowerPoint, where I would do my slide reports, charts and graphs when I was still working in a company. Then I tried illustrator but it's not exactly user friendly, until I tried Spark which I think is the most usable Adobe site when it comes to Infographics.

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I am very much familiar with infographics. But I do not consider myself as an artist when it comes to that field. When we were still in college, we were always asked to do is a part of our projects. It could be exhausting, but it's fun creating it.

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I'm not that good in making Infographics but I can hold my own if we're talking about Powerpoint Presentations. I've been using it for years and I'm comfortable using it. Another good program that I would like to recommend is Adobe Spark, which is great for beginners. It is user friendly and can easily be learned in an hour.

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I have never tried to create an Infographic even though I know there are free tools you can use to help you create one and even though I know people love infographics and they say it's a good way to get traffic to your site. But I remember when I was in college and we had to do those flow charts for computer programming classes. I hated those flow charts. So I'm pretty sure I'll hate infographics too! LOL.

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