
What is your favorite image size?

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What is your favorite image size?

When it comes to taking pictures with smartphone, the camera are set on default image size for the pictures taken. Some are set at 1MB, 2MB, 3MB or even more while some are at set at Kilobytes. 

Do you prefer your images to be in Megabytes sizes or kilobytes size? 


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It doesn't really matter to me. I imagine the bigger the picture the more than likely it'll be MB's. So I guess by default, I prefer MB or megabytes.

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Some smartphone camera default are set at 3 megabytes and even bigger when you take the pictures in a landscape mode.

My device image capturing default size is 2 megabytes. It's good to my taste, otherwise I would have reduced it.

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Yes. same here, because the higher the quality of the image is the higher the size it would be, so I think image size doesn't matter to me.

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Same here. I'm more of a quality seeker when it comes to images. It's just that high definition pictures usually have big file size. So it can easily take up your phone's memory.

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Me too. I'm not really that specific when it comes to image size. I guess what's important is that it's compatible. And that it looks great wherever I decide to use it.

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Same here I go by default because it comes out just the way I had anticipated,at least a picture to be and just be the way it should then it should be a bit big as in MB.

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I think I prefer the medium size of images. I don't like the bigger size of the image but I also don't like too small. I am not sure if that will be Megabytes or Kilobytes since I am not really good at it.

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When the images are too small in captured size, it makes the picture blur when you zoom it in.

This is actually the very reason why I prefer to have bigger image sized pictures to the smaller ones because I always zoom in my pictures to see more on the image background.

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I agree. I used to think that it's okay to zoom in on all pictures. I found out that most images can't be magnified more than a few times. Doing so makes it lose fine details. So this is when image size and quality comes along.

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Same as mine. I dont like huge images of photos. But you know what in case of no sizes to be chosen, it does not matter what the size is as long as you have a good photo shot and the quality is amazing.

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That is right! You can have all the sizes of the images but what important is the quality of the photo. Good quality will make the photo standout.

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Great quality distinguishes a photo from far and makes it likeable. I always like to check on the quality especially on cameras at all times before choosing any.

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That is correct. Good quality is all matters. Size of the picture it does also but what more important for me is the quality.

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I also don't mind the size that much. I'm more focused on the quality of the image. Because it's the thing that makes the pictures worthwhile. Better to take care of it.

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I thought I was the only one who prefers medium size images. Bigger and small size images are not attractive.

On the other hand, I will always choose megabyte images. The quality is amazing.

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I choose MB. You guys are right we want it something not too small or not too big because it will eat too much space on our memory. By MB we can get already the right picture we need an we can already zoom it or zoom out but still in a good condition. So I guess MB are just enough for me.

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This is exactly what I feel about having my images being captured in Megabytes sizes because it helps the image resolution to still be of high quality even when it's zoomed in.

When an image is small and you try zooming it, you are definitely going to notice some breaks in it image which ruins its quality.

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I prefer a clearer image in megabytes. I don't really mind about the size of an image as long as it does not move up 10MB. I'm not really into keeping a lot of images in my devices such as phones and laptop. But for photographers and selfie or picture/image lovers out there, then the size is considerable.

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The only problem you are going to be experiencing with images closer to 10 megabytes in size would be having difficulty with trying to have it uploaded to some websites especially freelance websites. Most freelance sites have I have visited set its image upload to a maximum of 2 megabytes.

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That’s a really good point you make and something I’ve encountered myself. A few websites I write for limit the image size for uploads, so if I have a bigger file size I’ve got to go and shrink it down (which takes more time!!)

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I don't actually have a personal preference when it comes to the sizes of my smartphone camera captures. My phone's camera is set on default because it's an Oppo thing to not have any control with your camera settings. However, with my old smartphone, I tend to always set them in to the highest quality setting so that they'll always come out great. Although, they tend to become a little bit over exposed during day light shots so I lower them back to default.

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For me, 2x2 is the best size of the picture, because it's most commonly used for ID and it's really handy.

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He's not talking about that. Are you in a hurry? Please kindly read first what he said before making any comments. Thanks!

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I always prefer the bigger size images most of the times when I am taking pics with my smartphone. An image size between 1MB AND 2MB is ideal for getting good quality images that can be easily stored and shared online. if you go for very smaller images then you can encounter a problem of clarity in images, especially when the camera on your phone is of an average quality.

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I agree. Bigger sizes have its bigger chance to give us a good quality photo comapred to the smaller ones. It is like the size depends on the quality of photo itself. If it has a high number of megapixels, it will really eat up bigger memory. But it will definitely give us good quality of photo.

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I agree with you. When you upload pictures of great quality and higher image size, it would come out great when you upload it, unlike pictures in smaller sizes.

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Well I'd still go for the larger file. While it is true that it takes too much storage this way, I wouldn't compromise the quality of my photos. I love capturing the littlest details and if I opt for a lower file that means losing some details. Besides I could always convert them to lower but not vice versa. Plus when I upload them on sites such as Facebook and google photos, the platforms automatically converts them to a much lower resolution thus lower file type.

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2 mbs is the best size of an image for me mostly due to the transferability between different devices and platforms as well. More than that can bring up issues and too low might not be of the excellent quality.

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The bigger, the better. For me, I would prefer MB for my photos. It will be better if we will be using a bigger size of photo so that it could give us a better quality of photo. Although it may consume too much memory, I noticed that photo with bigger sizes has a lot of things captured compared to the smaller size. Which makes sense as the photo will be firm and whole if it will be used with the bigger size.

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I totally agree. It makes clearer photos as well when you decide to print it. And If you edit a photo in an editing app, the app would produce a much lower pixel in the edited picture. As such, low size pictures would just tend to be pixelated more, especially when you try to resize it in a larger frame.

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I agree. Pictures with lower sized appears more to be pixelized compared to those pictures with bigger sizes. Bigger sized picture creates higher quality photos. I would really prefer having bigger sized photos than lower sized photos.

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I always like images in megabytes size as try are clearer and more pleasant to try eyes. Also, it's best to set the size to MB because when you upload it, sometimes, the size reduces. So, it's best to keep your ohoos in high definition.

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About 2MB is fine for me, for everyday stuff. Any bigger than that starts to get cumbersome for emailing, plus then you've also got the issue of file size and storage space.

Sure, if I wanted something large to print out on a big canvas or something I'd want higher quality - but for most things 2MB is fine.

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Anything that is bigger than 2mb is something that I don't really think is okay for me. I always look at ways that I can take simple pictures as well. The best thing also is always for us to clean up the gallery too.

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I’m actually trying to do that quite a bit lately. I have so many photos on my phone camera roll that I really need to organize and even delete some pictures off.

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Sometimes pictures are just large though. The way they're taken and then produced. As a person who is sent pics often for articles and write-ups - I have to download large photos all the time. Some as large as 20 MB's.

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I prefer images in megabytes sizes. I want to have the most of what photos I have taken especially if it is a good one. I love editing photos to enhance the quality or to make it fun. Using a small sized image makes the quality of my work messed up. Sometimes I need to zoom, crop, or resize the photo which changes the quality of the original image . The size of the image as your primary file for editing is a very big factor. Also, if you want to capture all the details especially the small ones, you would prefer to pick an image that is big enough for the image not to blur that much when zooming in and out. The sharpness, texture and the other qualities of the photo is also affected by the size of it. So it really depends on where are you going to use the images.

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We have the same perception here. I like editing photos so I prefer larger files like megabytes sizes than kilobytes. I usually use photoshop or lightroom so I need some larger image files as this will clearly see how good the clarity of shot and how I can edit it easily since it is not a pixelated.

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I prefer medium size images. Bigger or small image sizes are not appealing and the quality at times is low. This is according to the photos I have taken.

Megabytes are amazing. Also, I realized that 2MB images are preferred by professional sites. In case I want to resize the photos, I always use Canvas.

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I try to save space as much as I can. I always set it to medium size of photos as this is something that we enable me to save some of my memory space as well. I believe that when the pixel is good, the picture will always look nice as well.

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Any image sized of the picture is okay for me, as long as I can see it clearly then that's awesome.

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It depends on the image's scale and for its use. Ordinarily an image size of 1 MB is good enough for me. But for important images, the higher the MB the better.

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I think larger photos are better justbecause you can always make them smaller if needed but trying to make a small photo larger makes it lose a lot of the quality and destorys the picture if its blown up too much. Plus larger photos are often more indpeth and capture more detail than smaller pictures as they have less pixels.

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I agree with you. With bigger-sized photos, whatever you to them, tmthey will still remain clear even if you adjust their dimensions. Even if the photos take a big part of your memory, it still is advisable to have photos in bigger sizes.

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The default image size when you are taking pictures from the phone is a better size for me.

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I don’t really go by sizes in bytes as much as I do by resolution. That being said, my optimal resolution of choice is 1920x1080, which is your standard high definition resolution. I like just about any size so long as it is in a 16:9 widescreen ratio.

I work with much higher resolutions in my actual camera though. The standard size that I work with in my DSLR is 5184x3456, which usually translates to an uncompressed file size of somewhere around region of 30MB.

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For me I prefer the megabytes size of an image because I believe that the bigger megabytes you have for a photos is the bigger chances of having some clear and great images. I am fan of having those bigger sizes of images because it gives me more satisfaction and enjoyment as well as from seeing them after taking some great shot.

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I am okay with the medium size of photos to save space for some photos that will be taken as long as the images are seen clearly and pleasant to the eye then there's no problem with me. I also have an exemption if it for my family photis then i will go to the bigger one, bigger one with clear image and good shot.

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Yes, and also the size of the picture that we used on a frame is a good size for me.

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I think that when we are going to use some smartphones that have a high camera quality then it is expected that its shot would have a larger size since the better shot that it takes the larger size or space it will consume which is a reality in most smartphones out there. I want to have those big sizes of images even though it would take most of my memories as long as it is worth it to have.

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I usually prefer going with a bigger image for great quality when uploading. Even as facebook sometimes specifies minimal sizes required for upload, contemporary displays have such excellent resolution that low quality images don’t reduce it any more.

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Surely Megabytes, the more quality it is, the better. I like having my photos in bigger sizes and with good quality.

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That's an odd question I suppose. To answer: I suppose it depends on the situation.

Personally, I don't like huge images, they're heavy and just feel uncomfortable.
I prefer smaller images with a better quality.

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I also agree that megabytes has more advantages because it can give us more quality photos than the kilobytes that are very small and sometimes hard to deal with. I really don't feel satisfied at kilobytes due to its uncertain features, I find it to be poor in quality and needs a lot of improvements.

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I have to agree to some of you here who commented large image file. I think it would be better if its larger image files as it means as it has lesser possibility of pixelated image most especially if use you the photo to edit something so it should be a large file. If your phone can't hold too much files then smaller or kilobyte would be more preferable.

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I agree 2 to 3MB is okay for me. I gives a clear shot and not a blurry photos. And I think that enough.

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Most of the images on my smartphone are about 5 MB (12 MP). I would like to preserve the best quality on every picture since I'd like to remember those moments as best as I can. Who would want a low quality res of their food? Size is not a problem for me since I have plenty of storage options.

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I leave my pics at least on 3MB default because I like my pictures a lot big. So depending on the type of camera I really need to use I could go for this size or something a notch higher.

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I love making tarpaulin for birthdays and other events of my friends so I prefer the larger size of the photos so the printout will not be blurry.

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Well it depends on what am I trying to achieve. If I want to have a good family picture, then I wouldn't mind it to be in Megabytes with a lot of clarity, because it's very important. But if let's say I take a picture of something less valuable, perhaps some regular text or information, then it can be tiny, and in KB.

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