
What application do you prefer to watch movies on your laptop/smartphone?

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What application do you prefer to watch movies on your laptop/smartphone?

There are so many software video applications that can used to watch movies on either their computer, laptop or smartphone. Examples of these softwares are VLC media player, MX player, Boom player etc. My favorite one is MX player because it comes with the feature that would allow you to download the movie's subtitle while watching. 


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I watch on either YouTube, Facebook, Netflix and iflix. Media Players aren't that useful nowadays because there's a lot of platforms that you can use, download and save videos and movies in and besides Smartphones comes with their own video app player already installed.

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Netflix seems like the new home movie theater. I read an article that shared how it affected people's desire to go to the cinemas. Nowadays they only consider going if they think a movie's going to be really good. Such as famous mainstream flicks.

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What I like about it, is that there's a lot of superhero series on it like The Punisher, Daredevil, Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, The Defenders and these are only the Marvel based superhero series. Also my fave Anime is being shown there, Baki: The Grappler season 3.

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That's neat. I like that many new shows are premiering there as well. You can really watch a variety of TV series. I'm currently waiting for Stranger Things Season 3. I wonder what will happen.

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Count me in! People really like Netflix due to the big content they have. You can find almost any TV show or recent movie there, they all have HD quality, and you can watch them whenever you want. BTW, I'm waiting for Stranger Things too, I can't wait to know what new power Eleven is going to show.

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That's great. Honestly, I don't know anything yet about the upcoming season. All I know is that it will premier sometime soon. I didn't know she'll get new powers.

What I'm interested in is finding out the powers of the other numbers.

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Apparently, this season will have a bigger gap, so that means more than just one year will pass since the last time, that's because the kids are getting bigger, so they have to go with it. Also, this season will develop during summer, so we will see more vacation moments. They will add new characters, and there will be new couples and romantic issues.

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That does sound interesting. It's kind of weird seeing the actors grow up. I know how much change can happen in that short amount of time. Puberty will make them look so much more mature.

I guess we'll have to wait until next year.

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Yes, unfortunately the next season won't come until next year, but you can check the season trailer on YouTube. They made it look like a TV commercial from the 80's for a new mall, and it is great, I had a flashback from when I was a kid. Also, a year for puberty is like a decade, they can grow hair in their faces and body to look like bears hahaha.

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Yeah. It's a common thing for the most anticipated shows. The waiting time feels like forever. I remember other famous TV series back then.

Waiting for the latest season was exhausting. It's like you can't focus on stuff until the season finally airs.

I'll check that out. They actually run on people's nostalgia. That's one of their advantages as a show.

I would also like to see how they look as teenagers.

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Well, I want to know how they will they look as teens, but remember, with teenagers anything can happen. So, that's good for the show, because it will be open to more drama, action, and suspense. Actually, both seasons have been great, but first one was amazing, so I would like to have more suspense like in the first season again.

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I actually want less drama and more suspense. I like it when a show is able to make its viewers invested in the season's mystery.

I'd like the romance part to be short and sweet. It should be timed properly and executed with finesse.

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Yep. I am even thinking to subscribe. There are really good movies on Netflix. It is affordable too. my cousin is a member, he only pays $10-$15. The only problem I have is the slow internet connection in my place.

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I'm very aware of all these online platforms which you have just mentioned where one can watch any movies or videos of their liking but you can't take away the possibility of some people who still make use of media players on either their smartphone or laptops. Some people still have the habit of downloading movies online and needing to watch it using media players.

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It's all built in right now unlike 20 years ago where you have to download media players to play your videos.
Nowadays you don't need it, all gadgets have one.

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I agree with you, I usually download movies to watch it later that day. Because, the internet here is very unstable and the movie you are going to watch will buffer and buffer, if you don't download it.

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I can relate. It's so much easier to download the movies you want to watch. There's no buffer time and watching stuff becomes seamless. Another advantage is you can choose high quality without worrying about loading speeds.

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True. I also watch online nowadays because it saves me a space on my HDD. However, I still prefer to use other Video Player apps because the built-in video player on my phone doesn't play subtitles.

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I agree with you. You can watch movies from YouTube, Facebook, Netflix and Iflix. I prefer to watch in YouTube and Facebook because I always use them.

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Me too. They're the most convenient to use. That's why users love using Youtube. It gives you easy access to whichever content you like. Movie trailers are famous right now. Lots of shows coming soon.

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I agree with you. Facebook and YouTube are the most convenient of all. Its easily accessed than the others.

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There are also lots of free movies available on Youtube. They've made it easier for us to access old films by uploading them online. Sometimes I find fun movies to watch there.

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Wow! That's great. I also love to watch fun movies on YouTube.

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And it's also fun to read the comment section. Many people there share the same interests. So you'll enjoy getting to know what others think of the films you're watching.

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I agree with you. It's fun to read in the comment section. Its great to read their thoughts and reactions about the film.

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Me three, why bother with separate apps if the app already has a built-in video player right? Plus YouTube has millions of content for free. Though ads are sometimes annoying and I usually skip them.

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I know, right? Youtube is practically the modern TV. You might find yourself watching stuff on the internet more than cable channels. In fact, others have completely stopped using cable subscriptions. We have Netflix to thank for that.

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Yes, YouTube has come along way in their content, and I'm pretty sure cable subscriptions will not that be substantial in the future. I saw an ad on Instagram that Facebook is launching a platform for content creators too, and I think monetization is possible, just like what YouTube does.

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I haven't heard of iflix before, I think it is not available in our country, is it like Netflix or is it different from it?

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I think so. It's currently available in some areas such as Asian countries. You can watch TV shows and movies there. Even anime shows. You can check it out on Google. It's a paid subscription service.

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Me neither. So apparently is something very similar to Netflix, but is kind of restricted for certain countries. At least, is not available in my country. Just like Netflix you can watch TV shows, movies, but I think is more for Asia. Oh and you can connect up to 5 devices, and 2 can watch it at the same time.

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I prefer YouTube. I can watch my favorite videos on my smartphone. This app is sufficient already for me.

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I also watch movies on Youtube but sometimes, I use VLC media player on my laptop. I find it very useful and what I really like about this is that it does not require you to download add-ons to make it work.

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VLC media player is a very good player and if I'm to calculate the most used media player which I have used, it's definitely going to be VLC media player until I was introduced to using MX player which comes with the feature of downloading the movies subtitle using the MX player. I still use VLC media player from time to time if the movie already comes with inbuilt subtitle.

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Are you referring to VLC on mobile? I guess one more convenience of VLC over MX player is that it has the codecs pre installed compared to MX player where you have to search it online and install it yourself. I downloaded a movie and put it in my phone. I installed all the codecs necessary for MX player to play it but it seems the file format is too new for the 3 year old codec and it can't play it. I downloaded VLC on a whim and it played it flawlessly. It auto downloaded the subtitle I think since on MX player, though it can play it, it doesn't have sound or subtitles.

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For laptops I usually use Vlc player or Gom. For andriod I watch in Mx player. In ios I just watch youtube or netflix. I love using vlc player in laptop because of the keyboard shortcut. Yes I also love that it supports downloaded subtitles.

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I think that it's right to say that VLC media player is the best software applications for watching movies on laptops. Forget the windows media player, it's good but not as good as VLC media player.

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I agree with you. I love watching it in my laptop too, because it has better screen and the shortcuts.

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You-tube is my favorite. I watch it on my phone. It is more convinient since it is mobile. I do enjoy so much.

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Me too. Lots of modern audiences prefer watching on their smartphones and tablets. It's more convenient that way. I also like the HD quality of the latest gadgets. You see the images much more clearly than older phones.

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You are right here. In fact, nowadays you can enjoy the luxury of watching anywhere, anytime at your convenience.

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That's right. It's like you have a mini television wherever you go. I still remember the time when phones could only send text messages and make calls. Now they pretty much do anything.

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I do agree with you. It is very convenient that you can open it and browse for videos anytime, anywhere as long a you have the internet connection. Also, Facebook has served us great too, aside from being a tool for us to connect with people all around the world, it is also an avenue where different videos can be seen and be discovered.

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I definitely agree. Facebook has given us so much in terms of connecting each other. We can see important events in other people's lives. The live stream option allows us to engage with a variety of people in real time.

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I agree with you. YouTube is also my favorite app. You can watch it on the phone.

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I prefer using the mobile website than the app itself. Maybe it's because my phone isn't compatible with it. Whenever I used the Youtube app, it won't function properly. Anyways, that's okay.

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I usually use vlc on my laptop when watching movies because there is a way there where you could amped up the volume in case of low quality audio. I do not prefer to watch with subtitles since my attention will be on reading the subtitles instead of watching the movies except of course in movies with foreigh languages.

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There are some people who aren't used to subtitles when it comes to the movies that they watch especially when the movies are American or British movies where good English was used in its production.

But personally, the subtitles makes me to pay more attention to the movies which I'm watching and it's why I enjoy it so much.

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Me too. It's weird to hear dubbed audio since a lot of times it looks awkward. So I actively search for subtitled ones because the voice feels more authentic to the story. I can better appreciate the story better like this.

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I've actually used VLC media player for that purpose as well. It's useful for files with low audio. I'm okay with watching subtitled movies. It's much better than dubbed audio where the lips don't match the words being spoken.

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I like watching videos using YouTube. It is a very good source of videos with contents that interests me. It also has a wide range of genres that would keep me entertained for a very hefty period of time.

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YouTube is getting popular when it comes to making use of it to watch movies. However, something that is necessary to be done is trying to make the best move on getting the data which is pretty expensive in my country. Aside from that, it is an awesome platform to watch movies.

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Yes, that's true. I hope you can get unlimited data plans for your internet. It's much better than those with data cap. You'll quickly use up your data whenever you watch stuff on the web.

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The same is true with me. I like to watch videos in YouTube. It has many videos of our interests and everything.

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Same here. Youtube is very good is with keeping its users entertained. It already did that way before it became the new TV channel. But now they have special content for regular subscribers. That's how channel creators began their careers.

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I am a fan of YouTube. I must access it every day. Apart from the entertainment genres to choose from, I like the fact that I can anything through YouTube.

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VLC media player on either devices takes it for me. I think that the app is the best and when you have a video saved it can be played easily and manipulated to play in several desirable means like on the background of your phone as you continue to use other apps. With youtube videos however I just use the app itself.

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I like watching videos on Youtube. It's very convenient since practically everything is available there. It's interesting how it's become the modern television. All of my friends are watching it more frequently than TV. I'm sure it will continue to grow as years go by.

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YouTube is also handy when you just want to watch something short to fill in a small amount of time. I don’t always have the time to watch a 1 hour long show, so a 10 minute video is much simpler!

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Me too. I feel like it's better to watch Youtube than to play games. Because you simply have to finish watching before going back to whatever it was you're doing. Unlike with games, there's always that feeling of wanting to play more.

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I watch online movies on Youtube, iFlix and Netflix. However, if I need to travel, I download my movies and watch using VLC for my laptop and MX Player for my Smartphone.

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Since I watch movies on my laptop I just use YouTube and also Netflix and go to some sites that allow free streaming. I don't ever download movies. I'm not brave like my kids. What application do you prefer to watch movies on your laptop/smartphone?

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So do I. I like watching Netflix and Youtube videos using my mobile phone. It is easier and easy to use. More convenient the mobile phone also compared to laptop when it come to watching something.

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Most of the time I watch movies and even series in my mobile phone because it is less hassle for me. Unlike using laptop I needed to move in different places wherever I like to stay. Mobile phone for me is easy to use than laptop for watching movies or series.

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I prefer to watch in Netflix or Hulu on my laptop, however the handiest time I'd watch a complete film on either of those gadgets is if I am away, and then it might be my laptop as it's bigger. We've got used Laptop or Smartphone for this as properly but I keep in mind my smartphone to be my primary communications device, so I would not waste the battery on some thing like movies.

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I would love it if the internet is not unstable, but it is unstable in our country. That is why I need to download first, before I can able to watch it.

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On my laptop, I use the Windows default player, the same on my smartphone. I do not think there is a need to download a separate app like VLC and such as their function remains the same (play videos), and the difference (features) is only minimal.

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Youtube is my everyday partner, especially when I feelwas bored and I want to watch something that's entertaining. Whenever I want to watch TV series or movies, I go to Netflix. You can never go wrong with Netflix and Youtube. As of now, I haven't found any video streaming sit that can top these two.

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I use VLC if I'm going to watch on a laptop. No other application comes close to this program. On Android, I use MX Player. You have to install some codecs from a third party site though if you want it to play all file formats. Sometimes, the torrented movies and TV series you put in your phone isn't going to have audio when you play it. The codecs fix it.

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I am using YouTube whenever I want to watched some movies since I find it great because I can stay tuned on the latest movies in the web. I am not relying so much on some software or player in watching some videos or movies because it is now becoming obsolete in my point of view.

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I used Netflix and YouTube when watching a movie and I love to use laptop better, it has wider screen and my phone has a bad speaker so Laptop works better for me.

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I used VLC media player for my laptop. I think it is the most popular media player software. It is free and easy to use. It can read most formats depending on the Operating System. Running on platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, Linux. It is also available on mobile platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows phone. However, I am using the default media player on my phone.

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Yes VLC media player is a great application to be used in some laptops because it is really free and very convenient to use. I had been using it already for a longer period of time already and so far I don't have any issues from it. It is great because it works well on my laptop and it is the most software that I am using whenever I am watching some videos.

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The only real app I use to watch media on my phone is YouTube. It's great for instructional videos and DIY stuff, or just unwinding and watching something fun.

I have to be honest - I don't really watch a ton of videos on my smartphone, when it comes to media I'm usually watching Netflix or Hulu on my TV!

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I simply love to watch movies whenever I get time, either on my laptop or mostly on my smartphone. I have installed and subscribed for most of the paid services like Netflix, Hotstar and Amazon video and I make use of each and every one of these to watch movies online. I guess Netflix is the best in the lot. I also use Youtube to watch old or some local language movies that are not available on the platforms like Netflix. I think I have almost stopped downloading movie sand watching movies because most of the movies that you want to see are available on these sites.

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I assume you are referring to media player applications or softwares. Youtube and netflix are totally not one of these, they are actually platforms. Well, I personally use the built-in media player for my smartphone, and Windows Media Player for PC. I haven't considered any other media player as these two works just fine for me.

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I use mostly VLC and media players that are already installed on my gadgets because it really gets the job done and easy to use. For phone app, it would be Youtube and Netflix. But if there are some tv series or movies that comes in mind that is not available on these two then ittime to surf the net and squeeze anysite who can play it for free or download it instead for later.

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I love VLC media player, especially when I use my laptop in viewing movies. Well, there's not much of a difference from Windows Media Player, but with VLC, I can easily increase the volume more than the standard 100% volume of the PC.

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I prefer to watch movie or other videos using my smartphone, everywhere I go, at office or while travelling I can easily access. It is awkward to open my laptop during travel time.

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YouTube and Facebook are battling it out over free movies. There's a lot of movies which are uploaded in YouTube and Facebook and what I do with YouTube movies is I use its download button so that I can watch movies offline. In Facebook I just save the movie or share it to my group or page so that if I want to watch it, I'll just open Facebook.

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Personally I love VLC media. Some of its interesting features include: the subtitles—and it also allows you download subjects for movies that doesn't have, the forwarding, the reviewing, the brightness adjustment, and the volume adjustment —which are all available by the making of certain gestures on the screen. In addition, I also love the fact that your movie resumes where you stopped, even after leaving the app

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Yeah I'll throw in another for Netflix and YouTube. Gone are the days where I used to watch all of my content offline, curating collections on external hard drives for shows that I'd never watched.

The convenience and availability of these apps across multiple platforms to me makes for a great viewing experience.

My only complaint with Netflix is that while lots of popular films and television programmes are available, a lot of shows that I'd like to see are not. Conversely, YouTube just has so much material, but a lot of it is very clickbaity.

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Yes, you are right. With YouTube, you can't easily trust the title or the thumbnail, unless you're on an account that is verified. But, most of the time, you will be fooled by different videos on the platform.

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Actually I download movies in torrent and the video player I use when watching is VLC. When it comes to movies I prefer to download it in highquality than watching in youtube or netflix. When it comes to series, since I am very fond of Kdrama or Asian drama, I watch it in kissasian website or Viu application.

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I also have an app on my phone where I download movies and stuff, it's called SHOWBOX, and it's not available on Google's PlayStore for a reason, and that is because they don't support pirated content LOL.

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Really? Haha. May I ask is the quality if the movies you have been downloaded from that application still good? I mean is it not too blurry or something? I'm not actually aiming for HD but as long as the quality is clear and good then it's great. For now, I'm watching at netflix.

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All of the movies and TV shows are available for download in HD. Actually, it's only available in 720p and 1080p, so yes in HD.

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I see. Good to hear that. Honestly, I'm feel like moving into another platform though the Netflix is still a good place to watch movies, I want to try another platforms. It's like exploring and discovering other existing apps.

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You have a wide range of apps to choose from - There's HOOQ, Amazon Prime, IFlix, etc. All the best!

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On my laptop, I usually use VLC player. VLC is simple, lightweight, and straightforward software, it can load most file formats with no problems whatsoever, the options are easily accessible, and it's so easy to increase the volume up to twice the original - my favorite feature. I wouldn't trade it for any other fancy software out there!

On my smartphone, I use MX player. Like VLC, it is also a no-frills video player which functions just as well. I have been using VLC and MX player for years and I have not encountered a single problem with either of them.

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I seldom watch movies using a player now. I often do it online. Netflix, Foxplus, YouTube and iFlix are my source of movies and show to watch. If ever I will be watching one on a player, I use VLC because I noticed that some file extension that don't play in other players would play using VLC.

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For streaming, most often Netflix, and sometimes Hulu. Though I've recently been using Amazon Prime a lot because they have a few exclusives that are really great such as Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams, and The Man in the High Castle (also written by Philip K. Dick...) though when it comes to actual files I use VLC. Definitely the best media player out there. Not only does it play almost every video file, it can also convert files, and can override your computer's volume by 50% (in case for whatever reason, it's not loud enough.)

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VLC really blew the competition away in this regard, been using so long that I can't even remember when I discovered it. But before VLC, there were lots to choose from and none of them were close to how easy to use, and how flexible VLC was, and still is now. But I guess most people nowadays just stream online.

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I use Facebook since all the new movies are in it. You just have to know where to look. I don't even have to download movies anymore because it's readily available in it. There's a lot of groups and pages which offers a lot of good movies, more than YouTube can provide.

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Well, I have never used Facebook to watch movies. Instead, YouTube has been my source. Can you name some of these pages if you don't mind?

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I just use Youtube and Facebook because it's both readily available.

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I prefer using VLC because it is very easy and convenient to use. It has a friendly interface that lets me easily fast forward a scene from a movie. Also, I could use the VLC to convert some videos into another type of video. VLC can also play most of the types of the videos which is very convenient.

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What application do you prefer to watch movies on your laptop smartphone: In my phone I am using a mixplayer in playing a video because this is the software that was already been intalled in it
here but when I use computer i orefer to use a VLC player because i don't encounter any problem with it as of it can play most of the video I want to play. It was easy to use.

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If it's movies I only watch them on my laptop. I use the default player in my laptop to watch I'm not even sure what it is What application do you prefer to watch movies on your laptop/smartphone? )
Random videos I just watch them on my phone and my go-to app is YouTube. I sometimes watch on Facebook but it's mostly cat videos because Facebook has a lot of them!

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I use VLC on my laptop if ever I watch a movie which I haven't done in a long time. I prefer to watch on Youtube and DVDs with family. Usually, if I have a movie I like I watch on DVDs or online. There is no need for me to use VLC on my laptop.

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I don't usually use some apps to watch movies or videos. When it comes to videos from your phone, I am just using my built in video player inside my phone to make it very simple aside from that you don't need to look for other apps and having a hard time what is the best. For movies, I usually download it and play with the same video player that is available inside my phone.

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I mainly watch in youtube. It’s the most popular in my country. Youtube already has everything. Music, movies, vlogs of both celebrities and even ordinary people are on youtube now. You can watch everything you want. What else am I going to look for?

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