
Do you still watch cartoons as an adult?

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Do you still watch cartoons as an adult?

I can not forget in a hurry the days of the popular Tom and Jerry series in our time. That was the time when we won't eat anything because we are trying to catch up with the series. 

However, as adults, I think that this is different and I would like to know if you still watch cartoons because this is what I always enjoy watching even at this age. 


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Yes, cartoons are still an acceptable for adults to watch so I still watch them. The difference is that cartoons for adults exist now, so rather than watch the ones meant for children, I watch adult ones like BoJack Horseman. I was also never really into cartoons to begin with, so my experience with them has been someone else introducing me to the cartoon and then, I decide to watch it too. Shout-out to an ex-boyfriend for introducing me to BoJack in the first place lol.

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This is nice. I always have fun watching cartoons and one thing that I have gotten to understand is that it is even better than watching some movies that are poorly scripted as well.

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Sime cartoons are really well designed. One will be absorbed in them and enjoy watching them.

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I agree with you. There are cartoons that are well designed. My children and I love to watch them.

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I.am in that with my kids too. We watch together. Some animes are beautifully done and look like real movies.

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I agree. Sometimes these cartoons make more sense compared to some movies with a high budget.

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That’s a good point - there are a lot of cartoons designed more with adults in mind rather than children. Just because something is animated doesn’t mean it’s created for little ones! I’ve heard a lot about Bojack Horseman and I really need to check out some episodes.

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Cartoons is just telling a story in style. One can watch the children ones and enjoy. Once the story is well told, I see no problem in watching cartoons

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That is right. There is no problem for adults watching the cartoons also.

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I still watch cartoon shows and cartoon movies. In fact, some of my all time favorite movies are actually cartoon movies. When I was a kid I watched a lot of cartoons, however, I stoped watching cartoon when I became a teenager. I stopped watching cartoon because I though cartoon was for kids and I was no longer a kid. Then after a long time, when my nephew and nice began watching cartoon, I sat with them watching cartoons. These days I watch cartoon with my two years old child.

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Cartoons are not bad to watch. Cartoon s just tell a story very nicely. I love to watch them.

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I haven't watched BoJack Horseman. It's not that familiar to me actually. But, reading this from someone who says that she is not a fan of cartoons, makes me curious. I'll check this later.

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That is true. It is acceptable for adults to watch cartoons. They can relate to kids if they also watch the cartoons.

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We cannot deny the fact that cartoons are still entertaining even though we are already adult. It was the best days of our lives when we was young. We sacrifice everything to watch our favorite cartoons but as we grow older, we already have our priorities and we don't have much time on watching cartoons, but sometimes I am watching some clips when I have my free time and it was so relaxing to watch them once again.

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Well the fact still remains that we still watched our favorite cartoon as adults. I like to watch a all cartoon station on my cable called jimjam and I enjoy all the cartoons shown on that station.

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It is one of my best ways to relax and enjoy. I don't joke when I hear that a new cartoon series that I love is out. I have spent so much money on cartoons and it is something that I will do over and over again.

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That's right. I can still remember that I needed to come back home from school very fast so I could watch my favorite cartoons. Gone were the days when gadgets aren't the trend and children would love to watch entertaining animes and cartoons.

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Yeah, I watch cartoons with my daughter. Especially because I don't like modern cartoons, as they seem very evil and not kid friendly. So we watch the old cartoons I used to back in the old days. Like Samurai Jack, Jimmy Neutron and many many others. It's fun to this day, hehe.

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Jimmy neutron is a nice kid cartoons and one that you can watch with your little children. There are some new generation cartoons that are not nice for kids and this is something that I don't really like when we are talking about cartoons watching since there is ought to be a balance on that angle.

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What I dislike in modern cartoons is the art and the animation. Modern animation seems not so kid friendly. It even seems somehow aggresive, at some point. Not suitable for the mind of the children. I'd even prefer my 3 years old daughter to watch Courage rather than these "new cartoons".

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The present cartoon s are adult content. I do not like them too.

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Do you mind sharing with us what cartoons do kids watch nowadays (if they do)? I'm kinda curious to know what cartoons should I prevent my child from watching. Our daughter grows up, and I'm afraid of what effects these so called "child friendly cartoons" might leave upon her.

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I don't see why adults should not watch cartoons anymore. Actually, there are a lot of cartoons that I have enjoyed as a child, that I come to understand better when I watched it as an adult. Like Spongebob. Or Adventure Time. There are a lot of cartoons that you come to appreciate more when you are older.

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You are right as watching cartoons while we are old enough is one way that we can get to understand some basic things about what they are trying to show us. I have learnt so much by watching cartoons and I don't really bother about what people around say about it.

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Yes I still watch cartoons. I still watch anime, I read manga, I read comic books. I even play games from time to time. If you enjoy doing something, just do it. Age doesn't have anything to do with something that brings you joy. There's nothing wrong with an adult still doing stuff he or she enjoyed doing when they were younger.

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I completely agree with you that there's nothing wrong for adults to enjoy anime. It's a form of entertainment.

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Most anime have better storyline compared to other shows on TV. I think the only shows I watch are HGTV shows, the rest are anime, cartoons, and Korean drama series. (I'm actually finishing a Korean drama as I type this message.)

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I wonder why age should take away a thing as entertaining as cartoon. Why will be an age limit for this. I still see the ones I have the time to see.

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That is true as age shouldn't limit us to enjoy the things that we used to enjoy while we were still kids. This is important as that is the way that we can work out ways to be better and focused on the bigger picture that we have about life.

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Exactly. I also do all those. Cartoons were a very important part of my life, and I still like to watch them. Besides, my inner child need them hahaha. Also, we have to face there are some very good cartoons, I like Phineas and Ferb a lot, agent P is the heck of a spy platypus.

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I still watch anime and cartoons (Adventure Time, Steven Universe and Rick and Morty). Why? I grew up watching those plus some cartoons right now are more suited for adults than kids. Though to be honest, I only watch them alone. It feels awkward watching with other people.

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I don't watch cartoons anymore except for Pixar, Marvel and DC Animated Movies. What I do watch on a daily basis are Japanese Anime series and movies. This kind of anime is more suited for adults unlike the Disney Kind which is more tuned for kids.

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I still watch the ones meant for kids as well. That is a good way that I get to have a good laugh since it brings back awesome past memories as well.

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Watching those series you've watched as a kid not only brings back memories. You also get to understand more of the cartoon you're watching. Like sometimes when you're watching you'll think to yourself "I don't remember this cartoon being so violent." Lol!

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I lived in Japan for several years and anime is so popular with adults. You’ll often see adults even wearing merchandise from popular anime series. I think watching anime is a great way to just relax after a long work day.

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You mentioned Pixar and I instantly thought of Coco.

That animated movie is my most favorite of all! It not only gives you a nice look at a culture and tradition but it also teaches you a lot about family and love. It's just one of the movies I love watching over and over.
And I think I watched it 4 times when I got the DVD.

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Coco made me cry....such a good movie and it really does have an important message behind it about the significance of family relationships. I thought it was a great movie for both kids and adults to enjoy!

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Adults need to watch it more. Most kids know the value of family. Most adults have forgotten about it. I think as kids age they tend to forget the meaning of family which is sad.

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I still watches the cartoon I can laid my hands because I know it has no age restriction. I have a cable station that only showns cartoon Network and I have been watching it for a very long time now.

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That is one of the ways that we can get to feel pretty fine and happy. I have always enjoyed my time watching cartoons as it is one way that I get to have a good time laughing.

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I agree. Cartoons know no age. There are a lot of shows that adults also enjoy. It's not always about for little kids. Well, there are cartoons that I still enjoy since I was young.

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I didn’t really until I had children and now there seems to be some cartoon on in our house daily, even if it’s just for background noise! My kids especially like Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig.

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Well, I've been watching cartoons all my life. I was a child of the 80's that grew up watching them every afternoon. Right now, I don't have kids of my own, but I have a Godson and a God-daughter, and they really like to watch Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig. Honestly, not my favorite ones, but certainly they really get entertained with those, and whenever you go to their house, for sure you will see the TV on with cartoons on it.

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It's funny how almost around the world kids like similar cartoons. There must be some kind of magic formula that these cartoon makers use to make their shows a real hit with a younger audience. Sometimes hearing those shows on in my house drives me nuts but the kids just adore them!

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I know right? sometimes the repetitive sound of the characters gets in my head too. And believe me, those guys that make cartoons, really do their research on what keep kids entertained, so they use the right colors, the right words, the perfect drawing, so they can make that cartoon a worldwide success.

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First, an adult lacks time. Secondly, what interested them more before soon does not anymore.

Otherwise, adults can watch cartoons too. There are those who enjoy watching them.

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That's the biggest thing that deters me from watching cartoons - there just aren't enough hours in the day. When I do get a chance to watch TV it's generally more sitcoms or documentaries that I choose to watch rather than cartoons, anyway.

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Yes I am still watching some cartoons sometimes even though I am already an adult person because I find it to be cute and very entertaining. I always remember my childhood times whenever I am watching it because it brings back the old memories which is full of fun and excitement.

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Do you still watched cartoons as a adult: I was a big YES! and i love Tom and Jerry too even now. I always have fun watching this kind of movie because it can make you forget even a single of time your worries and problem by the way the treat each of one. It always remebered my childhood days in which My only problem is to fight with my mom to watch a movie than having a breakfast.

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Yes, I still find it enjoyable to watch, my friends also enjoy watching it. It kinda brings back some memories when I was just a child and I love it.

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Sure, it is a way that we get to feel the memories of old. I prefer to watch it alone unless it is at that point where my friends and family members were around to enjoy those cartoons with me.

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Yes of course. even if I am already adult, I am still inlove with cartoons and anime. I always do watch animated 3d cartoons and even old cartoons and anime. I like it when I already finish all my works and by watching it, it relieve my stress. It is also serve as my memories from my childhood. Every time I watch the old cartoons I do have nostalgic memories about it.

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Cartoons are easy to watch, the storyline is simple and entertaining. With cartoons there used to be no adult content. Nowadays bad ones have.

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Yes! I still watch cartoons even as an adult. Cartoons are for all ages. Cartoons are not always how to get the attention of the baby with it's baby language, cartoons has a lot to offer. Thinking that cartoons are just for little ones is something that you're not doing right.

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Yes, true. There's no restriction in watching cartoons. It's not the same as children who are not allowed to see R18 movies. It's totally different, and besides it's for family related experiences so there nothing wrong with that even if you are already a senior citizen.

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I still watch cartoons even I am an adult now. I believe I can understand it better because they make stories for children to understand. If children could understand it, adults could understand it better.

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If Anime does count as cartoons, my answer is Yes. If not, then no. The last time I watched mainstream cartoons were years ago, and it was Dora, the explorer which are for kids learning how to read.

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I think anime counts! I also think that a lot of animes are designed in a way that appeals more to adults than it does to children. Depends on the anime of course but one of my favorites, Strike Witches, is loved by a lot of young adults I know!

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I still watch cartoons because my little kid watches it and I always check a few episodes of shows she watches to make sure that they are suitable for her age or if there is anything in the show I don't agree with it.
There are cartoons and animations that are targeted for adults like Family Guy and Adult Swim and adults enjoy them and are huge fans of them. Animes are also big nowadays even with adults.

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Yes. At this age, I am still watching cartoons. Cartoons plays an important role in our childhood years. They have a big part in my heart. I have learned so many lessons from them. Watching cartoons at this age is not just an entertainment. They become a portal that bring us back to memory lane. What I love about cartoons is that they can bring out the child in us. They become children again because of them.

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I agree. Watching cartoons can take you back to your childhood. Making us to remember how simple and fun our childhood had been. That time, our technoloy are just simple and we spend more time playing and watching cartoons, very different on how children spend their leisure time nowadays.

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Oh yes I still watch cartoons. I'm more of a Japan animes fan. People can say what they want about animes being for kids, but when you watch them keenly, you will begin to see you could not be any more wrong. As a matter of fact, I have learned to not let my children watch just anything animated. Quite frankly, most mainstream movies have nothing at all on animes. Nothing.

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Yes, I am a young adult but I still watched a cartoon. I consider cartoon as an excellent source of entertainment and watching them is super fun. There are a lot of cartoons out there that targets more matured audiences like the Simpsons, South Park, Rick and Morty, and Family Guy. This cartoon show has more matured contents than kids show I would advise doing not let your kids watch this shows, parental guidance is a must.

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I love all those shows you mentioned. Those shows I'm not embarrassed to be watching in front of strangers. Anything else (Anime and cartoons for kids) I'm kind of hesitant to be watching with strangers in the room. It just seems so awkward for people in their 20s to be watching cartoons together.

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Yes, I'm an Anime Aficionado and I just finished Outcast which is a good anime. I watch one 30 minute anime series episode and one full lenght anime or live action based anime movie every weekdays. During weekends I watch the normal movies and sitcoms, series.

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Sometimes, just to reminisce and enjoy. I watch some cartoons mostly the classic fairytales. I love watching cartoons that have meaning and emotional impact. There are cartoons that you can learn from. I also enjoy watching them with my nephews.

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Adults still watch cartoons and they still eat frosted flakes because they love Tony the Tiger. LOL. My husband likes certain cartoons so much he video taped the episodes so he can watch them again and again. When it comes to Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam, some people never grow up! LOL.

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Cartoons are indeed part of my childhood. And eventhough I am now an adult, I still watch cartoons. I still find them very amusing and fun to watch. Especially disney cartoons, there are time that I choose to stay in our house and watch cartoons than going outside.

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I do still watch cartoons. I am a teacher to pre-school students. I watch the cartoons first before I let my students watch them. I screen first the cartoons if it is good for my students to watch.

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I am still amazed and interested to watch some of my favorite cartoons such as scooby doo and the tom and Jerry kids show because they are very funny and interesting to watch. I still have the interest and motivation to watch them even though that I shouldn't watch them already as I am now growing older.

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Honestly, I still watch cartoons until now like Spongebob Squarepants and Pink Panther. I do this when I am stress at anything. Most of them are very funny and gives you the feeling of being a child again. I watch this with my nieces which also serves as a bonding time for us. There are indirect benefits of watching these kinds of shows.

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I still watch cartoons. Watching cartoons brings out the child in me. I suddenly forgot my problems when I watch programs like this. They also bring me back to my childhood days.

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There is something exceptionally relaxing about watching cartoons. I don’t have as much time to watch them as I’d like, of course - the demands of adult life really do keep me quite busy. However, if I’m feeling particularly stressed out, watching cartoons is like a window back to the simpler days of childhood.

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Exactly. Is like having a flashback, specially if you're watching cartoons from when you were a kiddo. Nowadays, you can have very good modern cartoons, and they can keep me entertained like a child. Is somehow relaxing for me, at least I can forget from my day by day stress for a while.

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Yes. I love watching cartoons and I still enjoy it.

Specially that I have 7 years old and 3 years old sons, I am prone of watching cartoons. Aside from enjoying watching it, I am enjoying my time bonding with my kids. It is my relaxation time from stress of work and household chores.

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Yes, why not. whenever I have free time I love to watch my fav cartoon Pokemon and Doraemon

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