
CANON or NIKON? which camera brand do you prefer?

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CANON or NIKON? which camera brand do you prefer?

I use CANON honestly because that's just what I have, and I am contented with it, it produces high quality images.

Which one do you have? Kindly share your experiences with it.


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Between Canon and Nikon, I prefer much on Canon. It's easy to use for me. However, the camera brand that I usually use was Olympus.

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We have Olympus camera also before.

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I don't know why I prefer all the three brands. You can always take some pictures.

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I had an Olympus as well, it was pretty good, I used it as a practice camera. I mostly took macro shots and pics of the kiddos. But if I'm to choose between Canon and Nikon, I'll choose Canon just because of the auto focus. And canon lenses are just the best!

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We do have an Olympus camera too. We love using it especially during travels and for me, it's easy to use than the other two.

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In the past which means pre digital age, my brand of choice is Olympus. Olympus cameras are really user friendly and takes good photos then but sadly when the digital cameras took over Olympus didn't make the cut that's why I bought Nikon and it's my fave brand nowadays.

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I like Canon than Nikon. It is more popular here in my area. But just like you, what I am using is an Olympus camera. It is easy to use.

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I think I prefer Canon too. Maybe it's because I'm more used to it than other brands. I just have a simple digital camera. Nothing fancy. Though, I don't use it as much anymore due to phones getting better cameras.

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I would have to choose Nikon because it's my favorite camera brand. It's DSLR and Coolpix cameras are affordable, uncomplicated and very simple to use and it takes professional looking photos and clear videos.

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I choose Canon over Nikon. We have proven and tested this already.

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My family also prove how reliable Canon cameras are. We've been using it eversince I was a child and still gives us quality photos.

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I’ve always been a fan of Canon cameras. The first camera I ever got was a hand-me-down, point-and-shoot digital camera from Canon. It wasn’t anything fancy but it’s what kind of sparked my passion for photography. Later on when I went to college, I took a course in digital photography so I ended up getting a Canon DSLR. It’s lasted me about six years so far, and it still holds up very well considering the pace at which technology develops. Sure, it doesn’t have 4K and all of that, but I consider that unnecessary for the time being.

In any case, during my time in college I got to try out a wide array of cameras, including Nikon and Sony cameras. While I can’t rail on them too much, there is something about the user interface and general design of Canon products that I always preferred over other brands.

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I think that I would prefer the canon brand of camera because it is more popular and more reliable for me. I had once a canon printer free with my purchased laptop and I can say that it is really good in terms of service and one of the trusted brand that I am using for now.

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Interesting that so many of you like Canon - I've honestly never had a Canon and always prefered Nikon myself. I might have to see if any of my family or friends have a Canon that I can test out to see how I like it. I'm always open to new products but have just had great experiences with my Nikon products that I haven't seen a need to switch.

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I think that would be nice. I use Canon and I never really has the chance to use a Nikon before. But I think that it would be a nice experience to try out something new. I wish I could try out Nikon sometime.

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Definitely ask around from family or friends. It’s surprising how people usually love to share products they enjoy - you might find someone wants to let you use theirs so you can experience it!

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I tried. It turns out we all had Canon. Lol. It seem that we even get from the same local mall. Which shouldn't really be surprising since its pretty convenient. I think I would try my luck on the next meet with our group. We'd be shooting next week.

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I have had both brands, but I prefer Canon. That's the brand that I am currently using because it meets my photo demand. However, I am planning to try Olympus.

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I love both Canon and Nikon. They both deserve a spotlight for me since they both work well on their own. Both have distinctive texture when taking photos and so you'll definitely see the difference. When taking photos in motion, Canon is on the upper hand. When it comes to taking still photos, I would go for Canon. They are both good on their own fields.

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I love Nikon because I've used and still using their products. When it comes to canon, I've never bought or used any canon product ever.

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I'm in a bit of a dillemma because the first camera that I ever used and indeed the one with which I learnt the majority of my photographic and videographic skill was actually a canon. That being said, my absolute work horse is now the Sony A7Sii and from my understanding it is effectively a sister to the Nikon D line of cameras because not only does it share sensor and processor qualities but also has lenses manufactured by the same organisation. In other words, I'm torn, I would probably go with Canon for the colour science and perhaps Nikon if I needed something more run n gun.

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The Nikon D line is my favorite line of cameras. I've got a Nikon D500 and an old Nikon Coolpix which I bought in 2008.

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I honestly can't decide since I have neither of the two. I use a different brand, but, I also hope that I could one day buy a new camera of another brand. I don't care if it's Nikon or Canon, I would want to try both.

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That's a good perspective to have. In terms of photography, both brands offer quite a bit, and it's good to try both to see which you prefer. When it comes down to it, one doesn't necessarily take better photos than another (it's all about the photographer using the camera, not the gear), so it's better to pick a brand that has the features and ergonomics that suit you.

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Just personal preference for me, Nikon is my choice. I have used Nikon products for a number of years now and I've always had great experiences with them - there just hasn't been a need to differentiate to another brand. They've got durable cameras that perform well in a range of conditions.

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I agree that Nikon has a very good line of cameras. Also Nikon cameras are made with superior quality and design, making Nikon cameras durable.

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Well I have never tried Nikon but I am also open for any possibilities of trying such brand to compare the difference of the two camera brands. But unfortunately I don't have any Nikon camera for now, maybe in the future I will buy one of it if I have already the money to know its reliability and trustworthy.

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Nikon is a Japanese brand which offers a lot of great camera choices for a reasonable price. Nikon has been making quality cameras since 1948.

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Nikon Cameras are very popular in South East Asia because it's being made in Thailand. It's also cheaper than Canon Cameras but they have the same quality.

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I'm a Nikon user and have been for the past 20 years. I do think that Nikon Cameras are very good cameras also it's value for money. It's pricing is just right.

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Canon all the way. Since I lean toward video production, I think it's important to note that Canon offers a much better selection of cameras that have powerful video capabilities as well. Nikon doesn't offer much that can challenge Canon in this area.

My dad was a Canon photographer growing up as well, so that played a huge role for in terms of brand loyalty. Growing up around Canon cameras make it easier for me to start working with them much easier.

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I didn't know that. Canon has more to offer when it comes to taking videos. All I knew was that these two brands equally offer good quality photos. Thank you for the information.

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I do agree that more Canon Camera models offer better video capabilities than Nikon but when it comes to photos, they're just the same in terms of quality. The thing is Canon has more models than Nikon does.

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Of course Canon is still the best for me. I have tried the Nikon but I don't know how to navigate it as I use to shoot in Canon SLR . I tried to borrow Nikon from my cousin before back when I was in college and when we had a class for Photography subject, I found it hard to control and navigate the settings since I am not familiar with it. Canon is more easy to use and it's good for close up portraits. Nikon is for landscapes but I will still choose Canon.

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It’s interesting because I feel like a big part of it comes down to what you started out using. I’ve always been a Nikon user so I find them exceptionally easy to navigate but that may not be the case for someone who is completely new to the brand.

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I think it happens to all of us that the first brand you use is going to be the most comfortable to use and when you try to use other brands, you find it more difficult since you are more familiar with the controls of the first brand.

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I have never really used a Nikon before. But base on the description and the reviews I think that it is a pretty great device. But what I have is Canon, and I am pretty satisfied with it.

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I think if you’re satisfied there’s no need to change! As the old saying goes, if it isn’t broken then don’t fix it!

Always great to hear of good experiences from product users directly!

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Well it's true. The specs are pretty neat and I have gotten really used to it. But reading these reviews from user's themselves makes me curious about Nikon. I've read reviews before too and I think they have really great cameras too. It just really piques my interest.

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I would go with Canon. Ever since I was a child, my parents use a digital camera to take photos of our family. I was amazed on how long my parents working it and still provides good quality of photos. The brand of our beloved camera is Canon. Now, it is displayed in iur cabinet for preservation as it helped us keep a lot of memories with us.

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Both Canon and Nikon are popular Japanese camera brands. But I like Nikon cameras more than Canon ones specially the Coolpix and D series.

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Japan really is renowned for producing quality cameras. There, you can even get second hand cameras that are in amazing condition for a fraction of the price. Anyone who visits there, try Akihabara in Tokyo. It’s known as “electric town” and you’ll find all manner of technology and even appliances for sale at some incredible prices.

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Really? This is a very helpful piece of information to me. Someday, when I get to visit Japan, I would really put Akihabara on my itinerary.

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Id have to lean slightly, more towards NIKON, since I own one. But my next camera will probably be a CANON.

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Nikon is good as well. How have your experience making use of it been? I believe that getting an answer will help many people that are looking at which one that they are going to buy at the end of the day.

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Canon or Nikkon, Which camera brand do you prefer: To be honest I don't own any of that two camera brand so i can't really compare the two but i have a chance have one of it I want to have a cannon one because it is the brand of the camera I usually saw that has been use by a photograher in the event that I've attended.

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They are both good brands but I would choose Canon because we used that brand way back when I was little and it was very good and could deliver amazing job. It is also easy to use and has good quality also.

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Canon is also popular here and while I make use of some Samsung camera for my work, I feel that Canon is also a great one that we should be thinking of making use of as well.

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I have a chance to own both cameras before but I could not see the difference. Maybe I was just not knowledgeable before in determining the right specs for photography. Either way, both are still good in digital photography.

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In terms of most of their models, there isn't a whole lot of difference between the brands. Their ergonomics are different and they sometimes offer some different attributes (i.e., Canon cameras typically offer better video capabilities than Nikon), so it's up to you to personally decide which brand to go with.

Honestly, you won't go wrong with either one. In the end, it's not really so much about what camera you're using, but more about the photographic eye behind the camera. You could have the best Canon or Nikon in the world, but if you can't take photos to save your life you're not going to take good photos regardless.

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I'm more of a Nikon fan but that's because I was taught photography exclusively on Nikon cameras and have only ever worked with them. To me, Nikons have a much more professional feel that Canon cameras have. At this point trying to switch or even borrow a Canon is something I am simply unwilling to do. As they say, don't fix something that's not broken and that's excatly my relationship with Nikon cameras.

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Majority of the comments are on the side of Canon, and what I have is a Canon DSLR but if I have enough money though I'll try Nikon brand too because I don't know I'm just curious about things, I want to try new things in life not just in cameras but all aspect of life.

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Check out lensprotogo.com. You can rent a Nikon camera and lens pretty affordably for a week or so. This will give you the opportunity to try the brand before you actually drop a lot of money on a brand (that you might or might not like).

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It seems that Canon is the winning party. I voted for Canon too. I want to have this camera as my Christmas present. I've been longing for this for a long time.

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That's great! It's nice that Canon has some good entry level cameras for people looking to get into photography. These are typically pretty affordable, too. You could get a used or refurbished Canon Rebel T3i or T6i, and start taking things from there.

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Oddly enough I ordered it for Christmas as well (well actually the shipping will make it arrive a bit later than that), as I decided to provide myself with that wonderful gift for a camera, hehe.
I currently have a Nikon, and it feels alright. But I wanted to try out a Canon one for a while now.

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Well i think that Nikon cameras are much better than Canon cameras. However i have always used a Canon camera for a long time now and it has been working great for me. My first camera was a Canon camera and i have always prefered Canon cameras as they have been very easy to use. Nikon cameras are undoubtedly better but i have always felt that they are meant for professional photographers.

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In what ways are Nikon cameras better than Canon cameras? What functions or attributes do they have that make them "meant for professional photographers"?

I don't doubt that in some aspects their brand may be better suited for something, but nobody here actually seems to put any reasoning behind their decisions.

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I think that both of them have some pros and cons and we can really enjoy them both depending on our interest and preferences. It is good if we can have them both so that we can have some great choices whenever the other one experiences some difficulty or problem in using it.

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I'd say CANON is far more superior, however, I'm a NIKON user currently. Both camera brands are great of course, but CANON is just overall better.

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Of the two brands, Canon cameras are used more where I come from. Canon's colour is known to be pretty good. Although some people will hate it for its sharpness. I haven't used Nikon a lot so, I can't speak with any authority how their cameras are. I have however seen a friend use one. I have to say, that didn't make me want to leave canon for Nikon.

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