
Motion Blur in photography

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Motion Blur in photography

I have seen blurring being used as a technique in photography, specifically motion blurring. I'm really interested in the method and how light and blur come together to create unique shots. Have any of you tried using blur for your site? If so what methods have you used in order to create an effect.
Motion Blur in photography


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This technique is called long exposure photography. This is a really cool style, and if you have the gear to do it, I'd highly recommend trying it! Light trails from cars are one effect, but people also use this method for astro-photography, or taking photos of the night sky.

You'll need two main things to get light trails like the ones in the photo you posted:
  1. A camera with manual settings (DSLR with interchangeable lenses is a plus)
  2. A tripod
So basically, what you'll do is set your camera up on a tripod, and then dial in your settings. You'll want to set your shutterspeed really slow for this. You'll be looking at maybe a 2 to 4 second shutter. Basically what this means is the shutter on your camera will stay open for 4 seconds before taking the photo. This allows the sensor to absorb a significant amount of light. If you're at a busy intersection and cars are going by during the 4 second interval, the light trails will be left from the exposure on your camera.
You'll probably want to play around with your ISO and f-stop as well, but that's a whole different thing (especially if you've never shot in manual mode on your camera before.) And the reason you'll need a tripod is because with a shutterspeed that low, your camera has to be absolutely still, otherwise it'll pick up the motion of your hands and cause your entire image to be blurry.

I'll leave you with a quick video for you to learn more about long exposure photography.

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Thanks for the tip @TheArticulate. It seems that you are an expert on this method. What you have shared is really helpful specially for beginners like me. I salute...

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Thanks for the comprehensive tips! I’ve often seen these kinds of photos and envied how cool they looked - I’ve really gotta give them a try myself!

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Great write-up on long exposure photography and the video tutorial is top notch too. But yeah, you really need a good camera to do the trick.

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Wow! Thank you for the information. You really gave a good write up on this topic and I sure learned a lot from this. I always wondered how these type of photos are taken. Thank you

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Thanks for these tips! I like photography but I do not know specifically the different kinds of effects that can possibly make my photos look great. I'll try to do the technique 'long exposure photography' you mentioned and I will give you an update how it went. This is a big help. Thanks for sharing!

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Moton blur creates really cool pictures. Thank you very much for your detailed tips on how to take motion blur photos. I have never done this myself, however, I knew thatb you need to set your shutter speed slow in ordert to take motion blur pictures. You also need to have steady hands. If you cannot stay still it is better to use a tripod.

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Thank you for sharing this information. It is always amazing to see people willing to share their knowledge on a particular subject. I have always wondered how they make these kind of pictures. Now I know how it's done.

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Wow! thank you for giving others an idea how to create that kind of technique. I already knew this and did this one so particularly all he said was accurate and correct.

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This one is very helpful. I really like this kind of photos, it's looks hard to take and make it perfect. I learned something from this article and video and can't wait to try this on my own.

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Woah, this reply is so intense! Photography is not just photography, it is art. I am just a newbie in photography and to bumped in this kind of reply is so helpful. I took notes of your words and I will definitely try this too. I am from a rural place and having city lights is impossible for me. But there is this a giant tree near my place that has so many fireflies flying around it once a year. I will definitely use that as a subject.

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That will be a very good subject. I can just imagine how it will look like. I think it will be magical to capture a photo of fireflies flying around a giant tree. The subject itself is captivating and applying this technique will really be amazing.

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I appreciate those tips! I like to try out this kind of photography, it is really cool and amazing to see kinds of photos like this. Those tips you gave are really helpful because I was just thinking on how that kind of photo was taken. I know that this could take time and patience but I believe that this is going to be worth it. Gonna try this out very soon!

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Thanks for the tips. I never tried this in photography but seeing motion blurs in pictures makes me interested in doing this. I think motion blur has a different effect on a picture. It turns a simple picture into an attractive photo. As long as we know how to execute the techniques you provided, then we can definitely create a great one.

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Quite some jargon that left me drier. You did explain well and I wish I had all those and try this technique.

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Amazing! I appreciate that you share this wonderful video. I'm not actually a photographer and I think I'm not into photography as well. But I like how different styles applied on a certain photo like motion blur and at least now I have already idea how professional photographer do they magic tricks to look like it that amazing! Actually, one of the professionals out there that I have very high admiration is no other than the photographers.

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I haven't used this technique. But I sure would love to try now. Thank you for this. You just enlightened me.

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I haven't used this technique called long exposure photography but I have seen a lot of photos that these techniques were used to prefect the photos the way the photographer wants the pictures to be. I must admit that it looks so beautiful, interesting and intriguing to see pictures that are put up to look like that.

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Yeah i have also seen some unique one's that captures art form and figures by using this method. It's all around social media and it is really interesting. I like the fact that it captures things we didn't see naturally.

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Technology gets better and better every day. Years ago, this trick wasn't possible in photography but today, we have more than this alone when it comes to getting one's work to be done with artistically design coloring and patterns. I'm looking forward to learning this design. It looks awesome.

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I agree. Technology gets better and better as days pass by. Now, I am wondering what will be the upcoming techniques that will be made in a year or two. I know it will be more and more exciting as technology evolves completely.

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There is no way of knowing unless you are in the field of developers behind the techs. All we can do is wait for the release of new products that would improve on the current ones we are using at the moment. Sooner or later, we are definitely going to be seeing an upgrade and I'm sure it's going to be exquisite.

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I feel exactly the way you do! All new products or even the upgraded ones have something that really makes our eyes amazed all the time. Of course there are flaws sometimes but they are much more wonderful features we can see.

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Actually it's quite easy to do. Just set your DSLR camera's shutterspeed to a slow one about 4 secs and your off to go. Also it's recommended to use a tripod for convenience.

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I have not used long exposure technique in taking photos but have used motion blur. I often use this kind of effect whenever I want to emphasize the subject. I feel that people tend to look at the subject more if the background is blur. In addition to that, I use motion blur to hide the background as well. If I think that the background is not worth to be seen, I would blur it instead of deleting it. In a way, it helps to make the photo better with an artistic look.

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As someone that is still any how to become a professional photographer I think that this is one of the ways that I can learn he said when he comes to taking motion blur photos and as I just read what the first commented said, it makes me see the reason to believe that it is something that I can be able to do without any form of fear or anything.

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Yeah, i also have an idea about these technique for emphasizing subjects on photos. I thought it was more of a digital editing thing. But i found out that it's also attainable with methods and techniques.

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You can get better as you make use of some techniques and ways that we can get better as we make use of photography. I have tried as much as I can to always do it in the right way that I should do it.

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I haven't used it in my site but I've done it for brochures and posters it's best done during nighttime outdoors between a stationary and moving subjects. Lighting is also an important factor when utilizing the blur effect.

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I also enjoy the results of the work that has been done. I myself have not had quite the opportunity to do it but I sure hope to find it. I always find it nice to explore the possibilities of photography.

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You need to have a tripod for you to produce this kind of technique. You must know how to control manuals and settings. At the camera, we have there shutter speed. This setting controls capturing the length of time of movements . The higher seconds or slow shutterspeed you have, the longer process of capturing pictures so this creates a blurry effect if there's a movement. You should also know how to control your ISO and aperture as this will also give an effect or they are connected . If you make your shutter speed slower, it will give you more light or brightness effect so you also have to adjust the ISO and aperture. If you use manual control, it is important to know the functions of this three settings depending on your taste of capturing depends on your style and technique you want to achieve, The Shutter speed, Aperture and ISO.

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Thanks for the additional tips @edencaga, it's all noted. i'm gonna try this method on my next vacation on my home town. I would to try this on the beach at sundown. I think it will be a good experience for me to try this technique.

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Your welcome. Before I am not really used in taking pictures with manual settings. Its always automatic since I still have to familiarize those. A friend of mine told me to use manual settings for me to learn how to adjust it and to produce some kinds of technique. At first its very hard for me to control the manuals especially if you are outside a room or your expose to sun as you can't really see the screen of camera because its looks darker than the usual screen you can see when taking pictures in a normal light. I just continue to set my camera into manual settings and familiarize and trying to learn more about the balancing of shutter speed, aperture and ISO depending on the techniques I want every time we travel. Yes, you must try it. I have tried this one when our car was stopped by at the side of the road. I don't have a tripod so what I did, I just leaned my camera at the driver's seat and tried this long exposure, it may not be that really good because I don't have tripod but somehow it gave me good(just a little bit) result.

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Wow this is well said! Thanks for such great tips! I basically have not used a tripod when doing this kind of technique. The Shutter speed, Aperture and ISO are all noted! I will try them all when I go hiking. I know this will be fun.

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Yeah! Try this technique. It's fun especially when you are in adventure. You can really find a good spot capturing good places. You can try different techniques here such as when capturing someone with blurry background effect or capture someone as if he or she can almost touch the whole mountains something like that. You can also use this technique in water falls or running water if you go trekking. Just make sure you bring extra battery when hiking. Its really important and as much as possible tripod also as this will also help your camera become steady especially using that kind of technique from the aforementioned topic.

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These are all noted! I always wanted to capture someone with blurry background effect or someone who can almost touch the whole mountains and clouds. Capturing of how beautiful nature is one of my preferences.

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I think it is not just a simple blur that makes that photo a great one. It needs a simple application to make a simple blur photo into a colorful and awesome in the eyes. Just look for the applications that offer that kind of effects.

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As TheArticulate had mentioned, the blurring effect shown in that picture is a result of utilizing long exposure techniques. This is the same way that people do light painting. You keep the shutter open for an extended period of time, and stand in front of your camera with a light source while you draw shapes. I’ve experimented with long exposure photography in order to capture footage of stars, but not for any artistic effect such as the one shown.

That being said, there are certain situations where I reduce my shutter speed in order to capture light trails and motion blur. For example, just the other day I took this picture. My grandfather is a blacksmith, and whenever he takes hot metal out of the forge and strikes it with a hammer, sparks fly out. I didn’t want the sparks to just appear as dots in the photo (the way they do at high shutter speeds), so I turned down the shutter speed in order to get some light trails going for a nice effect.

Motion Blur in photography

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Wow that is a really nice shot, i see what you mean about the sparks. In the normal eyes you couldn't possibly see the trail of lights. It's really fascinating to see something beyond the eyes perspective. Thanks for sharing.

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That's such a cool picture! I usually see light trails like that used for traffic pictures, so it's nice seeing it utilized in a more unique way.

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That's a great photo, Denis! Not to mention your grandfather sounds like an incredibly interesting person, especially since I don't know a single person who's a blacksmith.

I don't know how often you see your grandfather, but have you considered doing a photo story over him and his occupation? I think it'd be a pretty unique story, very personal, and a great blog post/article.

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I do artificial motion blurring from post production. Sometimes it's even better than doing the real thing. Plus with the real thing you are limited to what you can blur in the photo and more often than not you don't know what the image will turn out to be. You don't have control on what's going to happen. With post production, you do. I think that as long as you are happy with the finished product, it shouldn't matter if you used Photoshop or not. The only time I would think of it as wrong is when you submit the picture to a competition.

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Wow, i really don't have an idea that it could be made artificial. I also think that doing it artificially takes an amount of skill in digital editing. I agree that's there's nothing wrong with the method just as long as the photo is yours and its not presented to a competition.

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It is my first time knowing about Motion blur photography. My all life I thought that photography focus on focus and clear images so this concept is really new to me. The whole concept is unique and interesting for me. I hoped that I can see more articles about this topic.

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This effect really looks great and almost cinematic I could say. I can see apps that resemble this effect- motion blur and I believe that they will pale in comparison if done manually by a skilled photographer. This effect is usually used in magazines and it will really fee great to be able to master this skill.

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That's correct, i have seen this effects on magazines and other advertising material like posters and streamers. It's really amazing how they incorporate the method on advertising and other media.

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I've seen a lot of techniques in photography. Motion blur is one of them which is often use to give an emphasis into the main object. Perspective, adding filter, retrolaux etc. are other tricks that we can make in improving our photos. We can also add some lighting in certain areas or the overall lighting of a photo, edit it's contrast and many more. As you can see, editing is a vast place to be we have a lot more to learn butstill thanj you for your tips.

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This technique can also be used in capturing water falls or running water and also writing your names or draw a thing out of flashlight or cellphone. What I like about this technique, it really gives you a stunning effect. I have got this from internet though but I do have shots before like I have drawn a heart, since I don't have tripod I just put my camera at the table and put a timer on it.Motion Blur in photographyMotion Blur in photography

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The second photo looks stunning. I absolutely like it. How did you create that effect? Is it only via a photograph and no editing software used? Care to share a tutorial regarding how it's done. Thanks!

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I love taking pictures. I often delete my photos that are blurred. It gets blurred because I think my hand is moving or the object that I am taking picture with is also moving. It really takes a careful shot so that the picture could be perfectly taken.

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I wonder if there's much difference with motion blur or just background blur. My colleague actually captured photo of me using this technique or effect but it's an app on her phone. The effect is really lovely and dramatic. As if there's a lot of app or software that can do these photo tricks. But I guess it will not beat the authentic or actual shot with motion blur.

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I love that too. My brother tried to show on how to do it by some of his technique and I loved it. I appreciate the style on how the come out of the picture. Its like full of emotion, story, happenings going on in one shot. They are giving life to the main subject while everything are blurry but still it blend perfect to the photo. Very impressive.

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I am not well versed into photography. But I've heard the motion blur effect has something to do with long exposure of the lens of the camera. For me, motion blur photographs captivate me. It adds story and emotion to the photograph. It's up to the viewer on how he makes that story.

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This thing is great because the content of the photo will look brighter than the ordinary one, because the photo will stand up.

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I love how people become so creative with photos. My friend acrually love playing with blurring photos and lighting. It is so cool that I want to do it myself, but I don't have the necessary tools and equipment for it. Can anyone recommend an app that can do it?

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I feel the same way. I envy those that have creativity in photography. And those that have the equipment for it. I would very much like to learn photography but as of the moment I could only go for mobile photography. I hope I could save up a DSLR soon.

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I am not a professional photographer but I want to be one, one day. And this technique is one those technique that I am interested with. I love how the effect looks so cool and it is so pleasing ti see.

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I accidentally took a blurred pictures and by not expecting it has a good result. I look prettier when blurred. I still keep it on my computer. Having blurred pictures doesn't mean less appreciated. Others may do tricks just to achieve blur pictures.

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That's kind of funny that you look good when the photo is blurred. I guess you're joking, anyway, I kind if gree with you. There are photos that are creatively taken that the blurry aspect of it is not downgraded, but aporeciated.

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I like the effect personally but as owner and operator of a horror movie site - I don't see where I'd ever find a place or use for this particular type of photography in any media or materials we put out.

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This guide is amazing! It's loaded with great tips and tricks.

100+ Creative Photography Ideas

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Well, I have been a fan of long exposure photography for years now but have never have thought of doing such kind of work on my own. The tips and the actual work that has been posted here is very informative and inspiring and it surely has motivated me to try it on my own. I think that the use of a tripod in taking such pics is a must in order to get the best results.

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