
Improving Your Photography

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Improving Your Photography

I think it's safe to say that we can all improve in some aspect at whatever it is we're passionate about. I've noticed a lot of people here are passionate about photography, which I think is wonderful! As someone who is always actively striving to improve my own work, I'm curious about what each of you want to improve about your own photography?

I do a lot of portraiture, and one of the most difficult things for is posing. Not just posing well, but posing someone in a unique manner. I take pictures all the time, and as a result, I end up seeing the same poses in my photos time and time again, so I'm working to expand my repertoire of poses at the moment.

What about you? What kind of improvements are you wanting to see in your own photography?


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Honestly, I'm not a photographer nor a photography enthusiast and making a poses is really hard to think of something that is unique and that would catch the viewer's attention. But if you are having a hard time to think of more poses then I suggest that you may read some articles, video tutorials or any resources you may find on some tips and I think to make it easier for you to think of a pose is to think of a nice theme first. Most poses are carried by some inspirational themes and you need to be resourceful as well. Props may sometimes helps the photograph to be more appealing and interesting to the viewers.

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We don't have to be a photographer to enjoy photography. We have a phone with inbuilt camera. Why do you think we have a camera on ou phone. It is to enjoy photography and record special events, things and person. Photography is something that is learned by practicing rather than attending classes. It is try that photography class can teach you how to use your camera better or the photography rules, however, you can master your skills only by taking photographs.

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I like that we now have cameras on our phones. We used to only get to take pictures through digital cameras. Now many gadget users can record stuff without much hassle. It's thanks to the innovation of smartphones.

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When the producers of cellphone began including camera on the handsets, it was mostly for fun. The initial cameras on cell phone was VGA. However, these days cellphones come up with upto 21 mega pixel cameras. The quality oc cellphone cameras have surpassed the quality of point and shoot digital cameras.

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That's fascinating! I too have noticed this trend in the latest cellphone gadgets. I've wondered how digital cameras will fare if this continues. This is probably why sales of cameras have been less than encouraging lately.

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Yes that is right, many smart phones are now becoming better and better as time goes by. The cameras of it are really great which makes it more attractive to customers since some people are patronizing smart phones which have a good cameras for selfie and other photography purposes.

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Smartphone cameras are good for general people because they cater the needs of taking photos. However, the smartphone will never replace a DSLR. Smartphone pictures are good but not the best. A professional photographer always need a good DSLR but for a layman a good smartphone camera will cater every photography needs.

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Yeah that is correct. But some mobile phones today is making a big wave and improving their cameras quality. One of them is Huawei P20 it has same as DSLR power. The photos shot is same as DSLR. It is powered by Leica.

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Some phone manufacturers are improving the quality of cameras in the phone. I have not tried myself but I hear that you can get 21 MP camera lens on your phone. These phones surely take high quality photos, however, I am not sure whether these well reproduce as well as the ones taken from a proper digital camera.

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Do you have an idea what kind and brand of phones you were referring to? I am interested to know more about that. Anyway I am using samsung j7 pro and I like it very much specially the quality of camera. In addition to that it has also a flash in front of the camera for selfies.

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I am using Samsung A5. While this phone takes great photos, however, the photos are not as good as the ones taken from a proper camera. I have also checked photos from iPhone 9 or S9. The photo output is great but not as good as the one you take from cannon DSLR.

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I see. I hear Samsung A5 has a good quality of camera. I have not check it yet in the Samsung store but I am now interested to go there and will see it personally.

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Photography can be compared to writing. You have to regularly take photos and study the photos taken by others in order for you to progress and be a good photographer. Also you need to invest on training.

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To improve your photography, you must develop the correct skills and that means you have to attend a photography class first to learn the basics and then apply what learned time and time again until you've mastered it. Being a good photographer is like being a good writer, you must practice taking photographs daily until the time you've mastered it.

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Taking best photos is a result of your camera operating skill and photo taking skills. In order to take great shots you must be skilled in using your camera as well as be equipped with photography rules. You can learn photography if you enroll in photography class, however photography is more related to practicing.

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I agree with you. Being just a lover of photography doesn't make you less-entitked to doing it everyone has the right to love the hobbies that they wabt.

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Yes, I agree, the purpose of our camera is to enjoy it, to record certain events and important happenings in life, but if someone wants to improve their skills on photography then you can just try it on your own, try to play around, take pictures on your own and then if it's amazing to you then share it online, maybe someone might notice it and you'll get commended by it, uniqueness is a great attribute when it comes to photography.

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Props are a great way to help with posing. Really, having your model interact with anything while shooting can really help. I follow a lot of professional photographers and models on Instagram, so I'm always looking to their content for inspiration and advice when it comes to posing subjects.

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I also believe that. Sometimes we just have to be creative to achieve that picture-perfect photography.

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Yeah creativity is a must to produce perfect photos. Photographers are well known in adding some weird things in order for them to have a unique produced photos. Sometimes they have used props and other weird materials as well.

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I agree with you. Creativity is the key to achieving great and atmrtiatic results in photography

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I agree with you. Creativity is the key to achieving great and atmrtiatic results in photography

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To help you improve your poses I'll share to you a guide that I'm using, here's the link.


In that link you would also see links of different posing guides for men, children, couples, groups and even weddings and celebrations.

As an amateur photographer, these guides are some of the basics I've learned in photography class, and is a must know for photographers. This should help you in your problem with regards to poses.

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I know Digital Photography School. I have even subscribed to the newsletter. I always check the emails I receive from digital photography schools. I have read the posts from digital photography skills and enriched my knowledge. I never took interest in street photography until I stumble upon an article from digital photography school. After reading the article and seeing the photographs, I was fascinated with the line of photography.
There are a lot of online resources on photography. You can improve your skills by reading resource articles.

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I am not a photographer, however, I enjoy photography. I was introduced to photography when I was a fifth grader when my dad bought a professional camera. Prior to that, I had never seen a professional camera so close. My dad taught me to take pictures. I have been taking photos since then. You can call me a hobbyist photographer. People have appreciated my photography skills, however, I have never attended any photography schools and classes. I learned photography by doing it myself.

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I have taken up some course to improve on my photography skills. The last one which I took up was a course on photojournalism. This course opened up my mind to how to use photographs in writing a story and it all hinges on getting the best shots when snapping the pictures because it's those perfect angle shots that would help in writing the story without needing much words.

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I also took a photojournalism class in college, and it helped me approach photography from a different perspective. The one thing I took away from that class was that though there are rules to photography, and while it's good to learn the rules, award winning photojournalists will ignore the rules (sometimes purposefully) and still be able to create phenomenal work. I think that's what I liked most: that by learning the rules, you also effectively learn how best to break them.

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It is said that knowledge is power, I knew that first hand when I took some courses in photojournalism. It showed me beyond imagination what I never knew about how photography works.

Photography is a lot more than just snapping but you have to take into account the shadow, you have to take the light into consideration and then you have to take your position and angle into account and all these can contribute to how your picture is going to be once it's taken. I really enjoy my photo journalism courses because it taught me a lot.

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Even though have a deep interest in developing my photography skills, I have never attended any photography class. I understand the importance of taking photography lessons from an experienced photographer. You might develop skills through practice, however, you will never be able to master photography if you do not learn from the experts. Photography is not just clicking your camera, it is more than that. You not know need to operate the camera properly, but also understand light, color and angle.
I enjoy photography. If I was not a writer, I would have been a photographer.

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You are absolutely correct with that assertion, being a photographer isn't all about taking shots, it's a lot more than that. It's a shame that you are yet to attend any photography lessons or seminars or workshops, if you had, I'm 100% certain that you would spot the difference that makes between an ordinary amateur photographer and a professional photographer. The difference is pretty clear.

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I've never attended a course either but now I'm thinking I need to! I'm self taught really but I think there's something important about continually developing your skills - always getting better and trying to challenge yourself is a good thing in my opinion. I'll have to research what courses are available in my local area and see if I can enrol in one.

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Yes, "It's a shame that you I am yet to attend any photography lessons or seminars or workshops." Some with deep interest in photography should always attend a photography course. However, I could not take any lessons from the masters because I had other priorities in life, Learning photography is very expensive. You need equipment that are very expensive. You need to invest in a DSLR, lens, tripod, lighting equipment, even a studio.

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Photojournalism is very interested course to learn the photography I forgot this one, when I was in college, I was thinking to get this course during summer vacation but I forgot. You're right, Photojournalism is how you going to communicate with the people by a simple photograph and no need further explanation.

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Photography is one of my interest topics. Unfortunately, I'm not that good when it comes to be a photographer, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate and love photography. So, I took a class or lesson while I was in college. I didn't even have a proper professional camera, but anyway it helped a lot to do some new shots. I would suggest you to do some investment, and pay for some updates, lessons, tutorials, anything that will give you tips and tricks, and you will see the difference.

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They say camera does not make the photographs, it is the person behind the camera actually makes the photograph. Having said that you also need a good camera to take a good picture. Having a good camera also does not help you unless you know how to use a camera properly. So basic requirements for taking good pictures are: photography skills, good camera and skills to operate the camera.

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Actually that's true. A good camera helps a lot! There's no need to have a super expensive one, of course, if your budget allows it, don't doubt on getting a great one, but a semi pro camera will do more than enough. Let me tell you, I've seen photographers with very few pieces of equipment, and due to the fact they know the proper technique, they make miracles with what they can use.

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Great points! The great thing about photography is that the essentials (lighting, composition, posing) can be learned without an expensive camera. I agree with you on the camera, though. When I upgraded to a more professional camera, I saw a huge difference in the quality of my images.

This was probably also enhanced by the fact that I learned how to edit my photos in an appealing way, as well. I think one of the biggest things is to shoot your photos in RAW, that way you have flexibility with them when it comes to editing them afterwards.

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Taking great pictures is more about photography skills than the equipment. However it is also true that you get a great photo from a good equipment compared to an average camera. For instance, photos from a DSLR is always better then photos from point and shoot camera. I am a hobbyist photographer. I do not make money from my camera, therefore, I do not need high end equipment. But for those who want to go pro, you should always invest in learning the tricks of the trade and buying good equipment.

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Mine is, as usual, the camera. I want my photos to look sharper and clearer even if I'll zoom them. However, because I'm not a professional photographer and just an enthusiast, I only use the built-in cameras of my phone. It can take good photos but not as good as the ones I could take using DSLR and other cameras. I want to purchase a DSLR in the future, and I hope I'll be able to improve.

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Taking up courses on photography is one of the best ways that you can get to improve the way that you take pictures no matter how blur it looks. I have always harbour that idea of being a good photographer and that is one thing that I am looking forward to in the sense that I am going to register on a training site soon.

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Really? I haven't thought of that tho especially that there's only like one or two schools in the city where I live that offers photography classes/courses. If it would really help me, then I guess I should consider going in to one even if it's a little bit expensive, Thanks for the advise pal.

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That's a great advice. I would definitely take up a course in photography, only if schools around here offered that. Our programs here are very different, but I will find a way.
Thanks for the tip!

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Camera phones right now is not really bad, and sometimes it's comparable now to DSLR cameras. A lot phone camera's with high definition are capable to give us the best shot we wanted. All we can do is to use our creativity to get the best shot,

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That's actually true especially with iPhones and flagship phones. However, I could only afford mid range phones as of the moment and I don't think buying such expensive phone is necessary because I do believe that dedicated cameras are still unbeatable.

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LOl, you're right, Instead of buying expensive phone and the intention is for photography, then choose the DSLR. This is worth to buy, and I think the price is also the same. But for now, we should be practical and use what ever we have.

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Yeah, exactly. Smartphones maybe useful but they're not very reliable for photography. But yes, if you don't have that much budget anything will really do the job. I've actually looked for second hand DSLR cameras and some of them were cheaper, but still my current budget's not enough so I still have to save more money.

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There're a lot of cheaper DSLR camera in our country, specially in Quiapo, the place where a lot of stolen gadgets sales for low price. But I don't trust the seller. It's looks like the owner just behind you after you bought something from them, and anytime they can get it back the item and you will just lose your money.

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Aside from the fact that I don't want anything second hand, I also don't live in Luzon and so I don't have access to Quiapo. I also hate thieves and those that sell stolen gadgets should be in jail. I might be desperate for high quality photos, but nah my first ever should be a product of my hard work even if it's expensive. I do believe that all good things comes to those who wait so I'll just wait for the right time.

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Yeah, that's right. Much better to work hard if you really want to have the expensive things like cameras. That place or Quiapo is surrounded by thieves and it's really hard to make a deal or buy things there, even it's legal.

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Exactly. Hard earned gadgets feel better on the hand. And yes, Quiapo is very dangerous. My relatives live there or near that area and so I know a lot about it.

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I don't think we can compare camera on the phones to DSLR even though we can find a phone with 21 mp camera. No matter what phone you use, the camera can never be compared to something like DSLR. If you don't believe me try taking photos by zooming lens on the phone camera and
DSLR and compare both pictures. However, I believe these days cameras on the phone are as good ad point and shoot camera.

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I don't think we can compare camera on the phones to DSLR even though we can find a phone with 21 mp camera. No matter what phone you use, the camera can never be compared to something like DSLR. If you don't believe me try taking photos by zooming lens on the phone camera and DSLR and compare both pictures. However, I believe these days cameras on the phone are as good ad point and shoot camera.

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I would like to improve in taking pictures of a human model, as I work mainly on nature photography such as trees or animal life particularly marine life, so I don't really have much experience working with the angles for photographs involving people.

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I think in some ways capturing human is more easy than taking pictures of plants or natures because you can ask your human model to project in their own. You can let them post according to what they want or what you want. It is much easier I guess.

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Watching video tutorials seem to be the most effective for me. After watching them, I make it a habit to also practice what I learned myself. I learn better if I experience things for myself. If that still isn't enough, I grab a book that is focused on what I am learning and practice it again while reading the book.

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I agree, technology nowadays plays a big role in improving our skills. Video tutorials are a very good way to enhance photography skills. The fact that its free and visually rich, learning and improving photography skills will improve significantly.

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I had a friend in college who was really good at photography and she would help me in some aspects of my shots, but now that she's moved to a different country, I find video tutorials to also be my best mode of learning for photography because I can easily understand the lesson when accompanied by a video, and I don't have time right now to be taking photography lessons.

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I've learned nearly everything I know about photography and editing from watching YouTube videos. There are a ton of great channels to watch, like Mango Street or Peter McKinnon, who share insight, tips, and advice on how to improve your craft.

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Yeah, this one will help a lot. A lot of tutorials video on YouTube and other sites that will give you a lot of tips how to get a better shots or angles depends on your subject.

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I personally need to work on advancing my compositional skills. It's pretty easy to get decent lighting in a shot, and following the Rule of Thirds isn't exactly rocket science either, but arranging subjects in a way that makes the image compelling isn't always easy. A great image has something going on in both the foreground, middle ground, and background. Getting all three right in random situations (such as shooting outdoors) can often be tricky, as I think one can really tell if someone tried to brute force the composition to make it more interesting.

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This is something that I've been working hard to improve on as well. Since I do portrait photography, I think I'm given ample opportunity to incorporate things into the different planes of my photos. I've found that either using a prop, or shooting through something (leaves, plastic, colored glass, prisms, etc.) are great ways to get unique things going on in the foreground.

Recently I did a photoshoot that resulted in the image below. I used party streamers as a prop, which resulted in a nice blurry blue effect that contrasted well with my model's red shirt and gave me something neat in the foreground of the photo.
Improving Your Photography

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That picture actually perfectly exemplifies the point I was trying to make! You've got something going on in the foreground, your subject in the middle ground, and a background to set it all. As you had mentioned, there are plenty of ways to pull off the technique, it just takes some creative thought to integrate certain props and environmental elements into the image.

Another concept I've been wanting to experiment with is framing subjects. I love when I'm taking pictures of, let's say birds for example, and it just so happens that a set of branches perfectly encompass the edges of a photo to create a natural frame.

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One improvement I would like to see is stillness. Up until now, I still have a hard time avoiding blurry pictures. It probably has to do with my not so steady aim. I guess it's something I need to work on.

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You need the high definition camera for that or maybe use the tripod to make sure it's steady. I have a problem with that before, but the iphone did a great job, even my hands is not really steady, my shot using the IOS camera is fine.

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Portraiture in Photography is all about poses and one needs to learn the basics of it. Just learning the different poses that can be done for different categories like, men, women, children, groups, and occasions and how to properly shoot those poses will greatly improve your skills.

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I think it can also be hard to capture poses. It's really important to have a good rhythm with the one you're capturing in photographs. Sometimes you're lucky to get a perfect shot. But aside from luck, we can improve our aim and timing with practice.

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I am pathetic at poses. I am trying to improve on that.

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After learning about the different poses that next thing you have to learn is the proper backgrounds to be used for said poses also the correct distance and height of the shot for each pose.

Learning about backgrounds, distance and height would help you a lot in developing your portraiture photography.

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I'm an avid fan of photography, and right now, I'm improving that skills by taking a lot of pictures and use the backgrounds to make your subject looks great. A beautiful subject in an ugly background really challenging for me. I want the viewers to recognize not only my subject but also the things around it.

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Part of this is just being familiar with spaces in your local area that you know make good backgrounds. Solid colors, brick buildings, or skylines are great for urban photos, places with plenty of plants and flora are good for nature shoots, etc.

However, something interesting you might look it is the "ugly location challenge" where photographers purposefully seek out unattractive locations and try and make their photos look good there. This is a great concept because it can help train your eye on what to look for while you're shooting. If you can make a ugly location look good in your photography, you can probably make just about any location work!

If you want, you can check out Jessica Kobeissi's video on the challenge:

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This is such a unique and out of the box way of looking at improving photography! Love it - I think it also makes you look for beauty in spots where you may not think beauty exists, so I really like it for those reasons too.

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I am not also a photographer but I do love taking some pictures since it was already a hobby for me to capture images that catch my attention or motivates to capture things on my own. Improving one's photograph is really a challenge to deal with since sometimes not all people have the passion or interest in photography. You can only improve one's photograph if you have the desired passion and interest in it.

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Here's a few good tips on how to shoot good photos.
1.Get close to yoursubject-someone once said that if your photographs aren't good enough then you're not close enough.
2. Take a picture daily-practice always makes it perfect.
3. Use the light-use the light source to your advantage, whether it's the sun or a lamp, it can highlight or cast shadows and this makes a photograph interesting.
4. Use your flash atdaytime-if it's a bright day outside and the sun is creating shadows on your subject, try using your flash to add additional brightness, this will negate the effect of the shadow.

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Well that is great to know, thanks for sharing some important tips because it can be helpful for me as a neophyte in photography. I am looking forward to learn more about it and I will even try to attend seminars just to increase my knowledge.

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For me I just find practicing a lot helps. I read a lot of photography blogs about developing techniques or trying new things - and I feel like that concept of continual learning really helps improve photography. I do also think equipment plays into it - you’ve gotta have a decent camera that has decent quality! But for technique I really think practice and learning from others is helpful.

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To be a good photographer of portraits you must first learn the basics of photography and that's how to properly take good photos of people. There are guides available online on the right poses for single subjects, which can be subdivided into Women, Men, Children. Then you also have to learn the different correct poses for pairs of a man and a woman, family and groups.

Mastering Poses is the most important thing in portraiture, and is the first step in becoming a good photographer.

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Yes that is right, I agree that in order to be a good photographer then one must learn first the basic steps or procedure in taking photos since this is the most important part of the training course to be successful. I also believe that practice makes it perfect that is why one should have the patience to do it regularly to achieve the desired results that we want.

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At first, I thought photography is just as easy as I expected but it's not. You will need to carefully develop your creativity skills,concept and knowledge about photography. You need to think outside the box for you to take a good or excellent shot but of course you will also need to know how to manually setup your camera. You will need to study all areas about photography and practice it manually and one day you will realized how wonderful is it to know photography.

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That's right, if photography is just a simple thing, many of us right now are professional photographer, specially with the technology right now, that every phone has a good quality camera, but aside from your camera, you should have the passion and knowledge to find the best shot for your subject.

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Yes I agree with you. With passion, you will be able to learn easily and will have interest in learning further this kind of skill.

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I am not a professional but I personally like taking pictures and experimenting with them any time I can. In my line of work, documentation is a necessity. Every now and then I tend to explore more in photography so that I can get much better results. I would like to learn more about angles, lighting and photo effects using simple techniques.

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I think drone photography is beggining to be the norm nowadays and unlike normal land based photography, drone photography has an edge in taking photos of subjects overhead and this creates a number of new unique poses which can be done only by the use of drones.

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I think we should just enjoy what we are doing and don't pressure our selves to be a professional photographer as long as we do it exactly then we should be happy already for that. Enjoying things on our own is one of the best thing that we should do to be happy and feel convenient at all times.

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Agree with that. A simple photos from the place where we have been are priceless, is not about a photos sometimes, but the place and memories. It's doesn't matter if you are professional or not, as long we enjoy the moments and we really love what we are doing.

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I always look at the right angles. It's kind of hard to find the perfect angles when I'm taking pictures. Sometimes I have to take a lot of pictures and repeat it again until I'm fully satisfied with it. Thank God, we're already in the digital age it would be a waste of films just to find the right angles.

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For me authenticity and a story behind the picture is a great deal. I think everybody knows how to take a shot or have skills through training, but i have seen dozens of good photos and awesome shots. I just noticed that the pictures that are taken on a significant event or a profile taken with a story are the one's that are likely to be famous. Specially in journalism and entertainment.

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This is something I think about all the time, and it's mainly because cameras are so affordable. When I go downtown in my city during art festivals, nearly everyone has a DSLR camera they're using to take photos. Anymore, it's definitely the content and your eye for creativity that really separates you from others.

If you have time, I'd recommend taking look at Ben Zank's Instagram page. He posts some really bizarre stuff, but yet it's insanely creative. I love how he creates stories in his images that are so vague and weird, you just can't unravel them. This is something I'm striving toward in my own work!

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Every craft in this world, if you add it with passion and a lot of practice you will be good at it. Try to picture more and more even though it is an amateur one. It will gives you idea to see and be comfortable with angles you shot.

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You have a point. You need passion to excell on any field. If you do not have passion for teaching, you cannot become a teacher, if you do not gave passion for photohraphy, you will never become a photographer. LIkewise, in order to excell in ;pixle arts, you not only need to understand what it is how it is created, but also ablity to use programs to create pixel art.

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In my opinion photography is not all about skills and perspective, using the right tools and equipment is the right and professional way to do it . As the old folks say, you cannot punch a nail through wood with a spatula. So having the right tools and equipment along with the skills is one way of improving shots.

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Photography is not an easy task since it deals a lot of things i order to achieve the desired shots that we like. I honestly love taking photos anytime and anywhere I want because it makes me feel relax and comfortable for some time. I am not so good at photography since I mainly treat it as a hobby and I am really enjoying it a lot.

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One basic thing that people forget to do is to fully read the cameras instruction manual. I would suggest that the first thing you should do is to read completely your cameras manual because it has a load of information you need to know to fully use your camera.

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I agree, researching and studying the fundamentals is the first step to improve your skill. It allows you to be aware of the do's and dont's in taking shots. Also researching allows you to be well aware of your equipment capabilities. Having both knowledge in photography methods and equipment function is a good combination in improving your photography skills.

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One sure way of improving your photography skills is by reading photography books and studying it's photos, there's a lot of knowledge a photography book can give you because you would see different photographs with explanations on how it was taken.

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First of all,a better camera/phone.I don't have a camera,I have a phone that has a 23 mp camera which isn't the best one considering it takes photos as its two times worse than it is.A lot of people like taking pictures of nature.I like taking pictures of friends and animals.I think I could improve my photography once I would get a better picture taking device.

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Taking pictures or photos was already been a hobby at the same time a habit for me since I feel happy whenever I am doing that thing. It makes me proud and amaze even in just taking some simple shots. I have never knew that I was already doing a photography which at first I really don't mind as long as it make me feel relax and comfortable.

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Here's a practical tip...Shoot some photos daily but try to capture the best subject you can think off for the day, take 2-3 photos of the subject using different angles and then study it when you get home, you can also ask your family and friends, which to them is the best photo then delete the rest and retain the best. Do this daily using different subjects and every 7 days ask family and friends to vote which of the 7 subjects is the best. Retain the best and delete the rest. Do this weekly and then monthly for a year and whatever is left would be your best photo. This helps in familiarizing you on how to take photos of different subjects.

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I don't think I am really good at photography. I like to take snaps of beautiful places, things, and people. However, most of the time they turn out looking normal rather than being able to show their beauty through my photo. I think it is somehow related to the angle where I took the photos. I try to better myself in this area by looking at professional photographers artworks online. I was able to get some tips on what angle should I place the subject of my photo. In addition, I watch some videos online regarding tips on making your photo look professional.

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One can really improve their photography skills with taking up photography classes or attending training courses and of course learning experience. Incorporating the knowledge you have gained and executing it. I am no professional photographer but when I take photos I make sure it would be pretty decent and not the norm, well it's just for personal keeps or for social media purposes. There are lots of photography tutorials on the net and if one is willing to study and learn the cheaper way you can always find almost any tutorial in youtube though haha

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Yes, I personally do it. YouTube whenever you want to learn something. I believed that all tutorials are there for you to watched. No doubt that YouTube is a very big role in our technology right now.

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I am not a professional photographer but I know the power of research and practice. I believed in the quote that "practice makes perfect". I believed that applies to anything. Experiencing something new and trying it again and again will make you improve to that. Adding some researches to it will definitely feed you some knowledge about what you want. Therefore, combining these two will improve what you want to improve.

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Here are some quick ways to improve your photography skills.

1. Read your camera manual thoroughly. Understanding everything about your camera is a must for photographers.

2. Make the most of the strengths of your camera.

3. Invest and learn how to use a Tripod.

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I once to be like ap photographer. I loved to captured things very much. It came to a point that I searched online on how to be a photographer. I watched in youtube the tutorials and it was effective.

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If I was not a writer, I would have become a photographer. I developed interest n photography long before I was interested in writing. However, I was in school and had to focus on studies. Later, when I had an option to choose between photography and writing, I chose to become a writer because photography was expensive.

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I improve my photography by doing a lot of research and also asking some of the photographers I knew. It’s really a big help to ask someone who is an expert at photography. I love taking photos on family occasions and special events but I can say that I am still on the learning process and there is definitely a lot of room for improvement. And the best way to be the best at something is really practice. Experience is truly a great teacher and by practicing you will improve your photography skills day by day.

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Improving your photography requires effort and investment as well. It doesn't only require skills but also the right equipment and definitely, they don't come cheap. It is somewhat an expensive hobby but it's sure rewarding. It will be a lot better if it can be your profession and earn from it.

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I'm not a photographer and not that good at taking pictures or angles. In my own opinion, one factor to improve your photography is through experience. If you're doing photography for a long time, you'll know what's the properly lighting or angle. You'll also encounter mistakes and that will help to improve you. Additionally, you can check for tutorials online like in Youtube on how to improve your skills for photography. You can also ask for surveys or suggestion on other people, what they like or what would be lacking on your photography. I believe making a mistake will make you improve as a better person and with your profession. Lastly, I would say that you should also have an excellent camera to capture the best moments and capture motion perfectly.

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Am still a novice in phitography. I need high quality photos with unique poses. Clarity in images is what I want too.

These are the improvements I want to do. I am hoping to get tuition on the same.

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One advice that really helped me is to just keep shooting. Like they say the more you do something, the better you get at it. It's true with Photography even if it's just taking snapshots of your day. Day by day as you're doing it, you're slowing learning things that might not be big at first but will make you a better photographer.

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Well, you can simply improve it by simpy practicing it everyday.

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I'm certain that you've heard the maxim "it's not the camera. it's the individual behind." It's valid. the world's most costly camera is pointless in the hands of a man who doesn't know how to utilize it or somebody who knows nothing about the essentials of photography. That costly camera will take top notch previews however wouldn't make splendid photos. All things considered, that being stated, amazing rigging (costly stuff) helps. It enhances the nature of the photo yet to make it an important photo is the activity of a picture taker.

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you can improve your photography skils by practicing it everyday, by doing that you can enhance your photography skills and even get famous.

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Yes, thank you for your wise and invaluable insight. You've already said this once before in this thread, and it's truly of no use to anyone.

The adage "you'll get better if you keep practicing" is applicable to nearly any scenario, which why it should be assumed that when asking this question, we're looking for things that someone can do while they practice their photography that can help them improve in markedly different ways.

So I'm going to inform you kindly: unless you have advice that is actually worthwhile, I ask that you refrain from posting here any more.

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There are ways of how to improve your photography skill. If you don't have a budget you still learn by reading articles about it, or you can watch tutorial videos in YouTube. After you collect informations you give yourself a try. You may not be professional in photography atleast you know some points to improve your skills.

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Everyone of us loves good pictures and we always want to take pictures perfectly whether it's professional or just casual. People like me who just love taking pictures without proper training just look at photos from google, social media (e.g. Facebook and Instagram), and photos of models from magazines. We learn a lot by looking and by imitating the style. There's nothing wrong with that, because I believe that the combination of your learning will help you to improve and have your own style in photography.

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Discover ways to simplify your photographs. Within the photo you shared, there may be no attention at the subject at all. Alongside this line, traces in photographs are very effective. Find lines and use them to guide the individual through the image, to the subject. Confounding traces that lead you away from the difficulty are generally a bad aspect.

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I always find it hard to understand the angles, what better position it is to take a picture of an object, per se. Still photography is something I thought would be easier, but it turns out to be a lot more intricate than I expected it would be.

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Well obviously I must also add that the photography always have a place to grow and always getting new ideas and "ways" to photo. I think in order to improve you mostly gotta read and observe how others do it, those who have a far superior skill in it. I have a friend who is a professional photographer, he constantly teaches me.

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I want to try to take photos of he same subject but with different angles. I've seen a lot of this online and it makes me curious because some of the photos really changed when taken on a different angle. I want to learn how the lenses work and use it as a trick to add some spice in my photos. This is one the photos I saw online.

Improving Your Photography

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