
Sharing my love of photography

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Sharing my love of photography

I also spend a lot of time outdoors and my camera is always an essential to take along with me. I love taking photos, both for the beauty of it, but also to be able to later scrapbook and document the moments and little adventures of our life.

Since some of the photos go into our scrapbook, I find that I do sometimes need to do some computer editing before I print photos.

I try to keep it pretty simple though, mostly just doing color saturation or lightening/darkening. I rarely crop on the computer because as a scrapbooker.

I prefer to crop them physically, that way I can have different size and shaped photos in the scrapbook.

Occasionally I will crop on the computer because it's something that I really focused on and still be a full size photo.


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I kind of do something similar, in real life I like to take lots of pictures and I always put them on Facebook. And I have my own personal blog that I made for my wife that has all of our pictures that we have since we been together. And I have a game website, where I catalog everything that I build in the game and I think there are 529 game pictures on the website right now.

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I frequent your game site, as you know, I am sure, and I must say that I really like the images of your builds that you post. I post a lot of images on facebook, like you, as well, and, for better or worse, it has become kind of a place where I "scrapbook" images--I think I should most likely check my facebook images and make sure that I have back-ups of them on my hard-drive or thumbdrives. I do not put a lot of my personal photos on my blogs, but I think that is a great idea, and I might follow your lead and start doing that myself as well!

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I've never been a very social person so I don't usually put photos on Facebook, but I can actually spend my time just looking at my friend's posts and reading about what's happening with their life.

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I too have a passion for photography and tag my camera along wherever I feel there are subjects to capture. My subjects are mostly my pets, my guests, my garden and parties that I throw for the lesser privileged kids.
You could have uploaded one of your captures.

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It's great to read that you snap some of the pets that you have. That's great to know and I hope to see some pictures of things/people that you've snapped.

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At first I don't have interests in photography but as I explore the settings and some tips and tricks in photography that was the time that I started to like photography. I am hoping to improve my shots since I am still working on how to enhance more my creative shots. I just found out that photography is such an interesting to do as this will make you think of how and what might be a good shot to do. I like taking photos of pets but its kinda hard to take a perfect shots with them because of their movements.

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I'm so glad to hear that you've found an interest in photography! It's an incredible feeling being able to create images and tell stories through your compositions, and I'm excited that you'll be doing the same soon.

When I first started taking photos I struggled with figuring out how best to compose my shots and enhance my photos (I actually still kind of struggle with this today. It's still a learning process). I think the best thing you can do is start following other photographers online whose work you admire. Check out different pages on Instagram such as MoodyPorts and MoodyGrams, which are pages that feature images from different photographers regularly. This is a great place to start finding other people who take photos, and follow them to see how they compose their images.

Next, hit up YouTube and look up ways to edit your photos. Photoshop and Lightroom are great programs to use to get the looks you want from your photos.

Good luck!

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Yes, thank you for that information. It's really a big help especially among us beginners. I'm planning to do a business soon about photography in some events and special occasions together with my cousins who are also interested in learning photography but what we can do now since we are still in the process of learning is to observe other photographers who mastered photography already and of course find a better tutorial. Do you know any legit site where I can download Lightroom? Because in Adobe website we can only download the trial version and I think you have to pay if you want to have a full version of software.

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I recently got a smartphone that got more than 10 pixels back camera and I must confess that I've been taking lots of photos since then. I mean for the fact that I can snap things around me and filter them to look nice makes it more interesting for me. I've virtually turned into a mobile photographer for no day passes without me taking a picture or two of things that I like.

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I have a phone with a 13-megapixel camera at the back and the photos that you can take with it just look great. It's amazing how smartphones can now take great pictures, isn't it? I mean, if you are not a professional photographer, then you can just take pictures with a phone without having to buy a proper camera. Like you, I tend to take quite a lot of pictures as well, it's nice to have them as memories when you look back on them in the future.

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My device has got the 13-megapixel as well and I've got to admit that the pictures that I took with them are quite great and one I must confess to be of high quality. Smart phones can act as cameras nowadays.

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I also like taking photos with my phone. Having a camera will make the experience more worthwhile.

I also use school camera sometimes although I am not in the photography class. I like posing for pictures more than snapping them.

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I also like taking pictures using my android phone. It is very handy and it also offers a lot of features which gives out satisfying results.

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I'm happy with owning a basic phone. Fun for taking spontaneous pictures. The quality is nice and clear enough for memorable photographs. It's something I do on occasion. Just not all the time.

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I used to take profound and artistic photographs during my travel around the Philippines, using my Canon camera. My ex-fiance loved to take me to places I've never been before. I posted all of my photos about nature in my Facebook for people to see my kind of art. I used some for my profile and covers before. I seldom take pics now. Maybe cause I have don't have a good camera anymore. But I'm planning to buy another one early next year.

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Getting a new camera is all you need since it is going to enable you take those pictures once more. Try and get one with good pixels so that the pictures will look bright as well.

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I was a fifth grader when my father bought a professional camera. It was a Japanese camera with two lenses and a tripod. My journalist father wanted to pursue his career in photojournalism. However, he could not master photography skills. I learned how to operate the camera and take pictures from my father. I used the camera for few years and then it was broke. For many years I did not have a camera. When I bought my first camera phone, my photography hobby became alive again. I love photography, I like to call myself a hobbyist photographer.

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That's good for you to be able to learn about photography from an early year in life. I think that must have given you a good idea about what the profession is all about.

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I'm kind of a lat bloomer when it comes to photography. I am still learning about the different techniques and angles when taking a photo. But, non the less I come up with nice photos once in a while. I also do scrap booking. I love looking at precious memories and being reminded of them is worth the while.

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Pictures remind us of memories and that's the core reason I think we all take pictures too. It's interesting to see how the picture we take now will look in years to come.

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I was never a fan of photography until I learn how things work. I know what angle I should shoot or the editing processes after taking a raw photo.

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I love taking pictures as well. I don't really use a proper camera anymore now that we are so advanced and we have smartphones. My phone's camera is absolutely amazing and I really enjoy using it. Right now, I believe I have over 7.5k pictures stored on my SD card inside my phone... a lot I know but I hate deleting my pictures. I often transfer them onto my computer though and I sometimes send them to my friends and family.

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I know I'm no photographer but I do enjoy looking at pictures of nature in it as it feels like I've been there. I do love my photo to be taken with special effects on the background and the color is so vibrant and has a nice angle and touch to it. I do hope that you share your photos with us so we can appreciate your work of art. Good luck in the profession that you've chosen. Sharing my love of photography

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I love snapping pictures of nature with trees, earth, grass and structures in sight. I always try to snap at least one picture on daily basis. I will add a picture of my outdoor place of living. This picture is taken directly out my corridor Sharing my love of photography

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I have always run from cameras when people would try to take my picture, and I also never thought I had the "eye" for photography, but I love looking at the work of others, and I do really appreciate photography as an art form. There are some photographers who can really capture an original and fleeting moment, and I appreciate it when that happens. I also appreciate photographers who use good composition and effects to achieve unique and vibrant images. Nature photography is especially compelling in this way, and I commend and encourage your pursuit of taking pictures and documenting images.

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And I feel completely identified with this. Honestly, I'm not a selfie lover, I'm not up and front for a picture, but I do like to appreciate photography work. My favorite pics are the ones completely natural, no filters, not editing or whatever, with people or pets being spontaneous, no straight poses. Also, I do like amazing views, abandoned or less crowded places, antiques, and typical monuments or parks.

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If I had more confidence, or if I felt that I could take better pictures, maybe I would be into selfies. I do not think I am unattractive, but I guess I shy away from that kind of exhibitionism. Still, it is good to celebrate one's self with confidence. I think some of the best photos ARE the ones which are spontaneous and the ones that accidentally capture precious moments and unexpected wonders and events. Sometimes, a good photo is just about being in the right place at the right time. I would be interested in maybe taking some photography courses, actually. Maybe that would give me more confidence in taking photos and in being in them overall.

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Agree, maybe is because I don't know how to take a proper selfie, or because I don't have a better cellphone with the right quality for it. Also, I'm not the one that is first and center for a picture. Anyway, just like you, I would like to be able to improve in photography, unfortunately my earnings and my country's economy don't make it happen. So far, I'm a good checker of someone else's work, and I do enjoy appreciating it.

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You are so very right about nature photography, it's actually my favorite area of concentrate when it comes to taking pictures. It has some kind of mystical attraction to me when I see pictures of rocks, mountains, oceans, rivers etc..

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I'm a huge fan of photography myself. I was always into both videography and photography, and later on I went to take courses for both while I was in college. It's a really relaxing hobby for me. I typically don't even do it in an organized manner, like telling myself "Tomorrow morning I'm going to out and take some photos." I usually just get this spontaneous urge to grab my camera, walk outside, and just take a picture of whatever catches my eye. I feel like photography allows me to capture the essence of certain objects, and look back at them in a way that I normally couldn't with the naked eye. The idea of capturing a single frame in time is really romantic to me.

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I'm glad to hear that someone else here shares a passion for both videography and photography like myself! Do you have your work posted online somewhere to share with others? I see everyone here talking about the photos they like to shoot, but I'd love to be able to appreciate their work first hand!

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Well in terms of videography, I used to have a Vimeo account which I had open during my college days. Our professor had us upload our assignments there, but I believe that account is long gone. I'll need to look through my records and see if there is any trace of it.

As for photography, I don't have any site in particular that I upload to besides my personal Facebook account to share with friends, given that taking pictures is just a casual hobby for me.

Here is one of my most recent photos though! Sharing my love of photography

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Very nice! I love the warm tones, and the silhouette of the tree. Those few straggling leaves on the tree really help paint the mood of the last lingering days of fall. What camera did you use to shoot that photo?

I know the routine of putting school projects on Vimeo all too well. That's something I've had to do for college classes as well. Here's my Vimeo, if you're interested in seeing some of the work I do: https://vimeo.com/jlibyvideo

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Great photo of a sunset overshadowing a tree. Like you, I usually post in Facebook and a photography selling app called Eyeem. I don't retouch or use color enhancements but I do crop my photos just to optimize the view and center it when needed.

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Cool, I love photography and I feel I'm quite good at it, but I never managed to get into videography. I think it takes a lot of work to perfect and I feel that I'm just not meant for it. I'm just gonna stick to photography for now lol

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I too often take photos of value, or if I am out and about for example, if I see a beautiful rainbow I do take photos of them. They can come in handy and useful for your websites or share on social media. Not like some people they just snatch pictures of google and say it is there's,

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With my experience in photography and videography, I have come to realize that getting snapshot of odd subjects tends to be the ones with best impression. Rainbows doesn't come out often here, do getting a good snap shot of it would really mean a lot.

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This is so true. I do a lot portrait photography, which I keep updated on my Instagram regularly. Because of this, I'm connected to a lot of portrait pages and photographers on the platform, so I see a ton of work by other people. After a while, you start to get tired of seeing the same ideas and poses again and again.

I've recently found a couple photographers on Instagram such as Martina Matencio, Jimmy Marble, and Ben Sasso. Each of these photographers pushes the boundaries of creativity and composition, and I hope to someday be able to create odd and interesting images like they do.

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I absolutely love sharing my photography on social media and online with others. I've only been doing it seriously for a couple months now, but the improvements I've seen have been staggering, and I'm excited to see how my photography skill will continue to develop as I keep shooting!

I've come to discover that my niche is after dark photography. I love neon lights and different colors, so shooting at night around town has become one of my favorite things to do. If anything, it's fun to push the boundaries of what I know and can do to see what new things I can come up with.

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I was always into both videography and photography, and later on I went to take courses for both while I was in college. It's a really relaxing hobby for me. I typically don't even do it in an organized manner, like telling myself "Tomorrow morning I'm going to out and take some photos."

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The art of photography is very good when you master it very well. My love for getting a better photograph that passes a great message pushed me to studying a professional course photojournalism. Thanks to completing the course, I'm more efficient and effective with getting better pictures that passes detailed information.

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I have always been a little bit into photography although I wouldn't say it is my main interest. I'm more interested in indoor photography but I am also fine with outdoors if I'm in the right mood or if I'm in the right place, although I would be a little bit more picky when it comes to that. I'm not really that into photographing nature as well, as I feel like when you've seen one tree or beach, you've seen them all, but maybe it's just because it's not my interest.

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My stake with photography is just for fun and keeping of memories. It's just what I see the purpose of photography for. Even though I'm aware of several websites at which one can earn money from uploading the pictures he snapped, it's just that I'm not yet seeing it as a profession for me.

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