
Stop Motion Animation App Android

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Stop Motion Animation App Android

When i was a kid i use to make small animations like a bird flying or a stick man waking. I use to do it on the right bottom portion of one of my book. I think some of you tried that also...
Lately i saw my child doing a stop motion animation using clay and my phone. She's actually doing great with the production and movement but she's having problem with the app. Now my child is asking me for a better app to use for the phone.

Do you know any good Stop Motion Apps? Can you kindly share.


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My son also enjoys doing short clips. I also submitted a request to ask tips on doing stop motion movie here in the forum, maybe just waiting for topic approval. What he do is to just take a video and pause it every time he needs to move the character.

You are right, I have also tried making a character move by drawing it at the bottom right part of my book/ notebooks. What I can suggest for your kid to use if he/she is interested in doing similar animation is to use the app FlipaClip. This is what my son is currently using. I think it is easy to use. However, you may need to pay if you want your video to be shared in social media. But for that part, I just screen record it so I could share without the need to pay. After all, the video is just for family and friends and not for work related sharing.

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Thank you for your suggestion, i have researched the app and the reviews and comments are great. Although they have limitations like you said, but still i think its a great app specially for kids that are just exploring their skills. I'll definitely gonna try it.

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I have recently installed FlipaClip and my daugther loves it. She even tried making an animated music video out of it. The pattern after the previous sketch really helps in determining the next movement. Although it's really hard to sketch without a stylus so i think i'm gonna get one. Anyway thanks for the share...

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I have been trying to look for an app as well and you just answered this. I will definitely install it. I know that my son will like it and he will be happy having this app. I wanted him also to explore his skills so this one is a must try. Thanks for the share.

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Yeah, my daughter have great admiration to the app and she always update me on her work which i think is really great because she has a sense of fulfillment on her work.

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Never heard of FlipaClip. However, I have tried creating animation video on photoshop. If you are good at photoshop you can easily create videos from your photos. All you have to do is take pictures in different positions and add motion to your pictures.

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Photoshop is really a very useful app not just for photo editing. However, I find it very complicated for kids to use. Flipaclip on the other hand is just like kids drawing on paper but you can make it move. I think it is a great app to enhance their creativity and imagination.

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Thanks for suggesting this app. It is too early for my kid to use a smartphone app, however, I will check this out and might even use myself.
Yes, photoshop can be very complicated program not just for the kids but also adults alike. I have been using photoshop since 5 years, yet I still struggle while designing.

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It's actually great that what we used to do as a child is now done by the younger generation, but in a more modern and upgraded manner. I also envy the younger generation who can excel in creating animations in stop motion. The patience and skills that you have to possess are top-notch when you successfully make one in good quality.

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Wow! Your kid is really creative. I wish I could help you by giving the name of an app that will help you with your problem, but sadly I do not know any apps that caters to stop motion animation. I am also curious on how it will work if there is an app for it. I hope that somebody will be able to help you.

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Of all the apps out there, PicPac is the best that I've tried for stop motion, although there's a fee to be able to enjoy all its features.

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I have seen the demo and its very enticing.Your right the fee is discouraging, i have seen some comments and reviews. They sum up to buying a pro version so that they can be accessible to essential features. So sad, it seems to be a workable app.

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My friend told me the same thing about PicPac. I'll gonna try it too since most of you suggested that app.

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It's actually my first time hearing about PicPac. It's an interesting name, by the way, and I would love to try it when I have time to make my own stop motion video. I just love how technology has given us lots of help with entertainment.

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I remember doing that to some of my books when I was in school and I use to draw Transformer Robots converting into vehicles on the upper corner of the book, so that when I flip the pages, I would see the drawings move and transform from robots to cars or planes.

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I have the same experience and it was actually fun. These are the days where technology is still evolving and cartooning or animation is done manually. It's a good experience and i am sharing it to my kids, but not on their books...lol.

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Yeah, I love doing these in the corner of my notebook when there was nothing to do in class. I wasn't that good at drawing, but I enjoyed drawing my 2 stick figures fighting out a la Dragonball Z when I flip the pages.

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You just unhinged a memory that I had lodged in the back of my mind since childhood. I actually did something similar myself! When I first realized what animation was, I got a little booklet and drew an animation of a rocket ship blasting off from the first page to the last. It wasn’t nearly as complicated as a Transformer turning into a vehicle, but I remember that feeling of enchantment, having created my very own little cartoon animation.

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He has the potential to be a great artist someday. I used to be like him before,and what I did was I asked my mom to buy me notebook that will served as my sketch whenever I wanted to draw my ideas. I used to think and create stories in my mind and transfer it to drawing as if I am creating a comics trip. My drawing was suck and mess but of course as the day,months and years passed I am able to draw exactly what I thinking. It just need practice everyday.

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To be quite honest, if it's within your budget to do so, I'd recommend maybe getting your child a low-end digital camera and a tripod. It wouldn't be too much of an investment, but fueling your child's creativity could prove to be invaluable. The fact is that it's kind of tough doing good stop motion animation with just a smartphone application. I used to do stop motion animation as a kid myself, before the days of smartphones, and I used a digital camcorder and a tripod which is why I recommend it. I personally got great results and I wasn't even the most creative kid.

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Great suggestion, i'll definitely try it. I ask for an app because its basically a generic device that most kids use. The familiarity of functions for kids is one of the reason i considered an app. But your suggestion gives me a new perspective. I appreciate your sharing...

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I definitely understand where you’re coming from. Smartphones and applications are a commonality that a lot of us share these days, so I can see why you’d head in that direction.

The reason I stray away from doing things with applications is because I have a background in several forms of art and design, and my experiences made me realize that applications are never going to be able to imitate what actual equipment can do.

For example, you have applications that add photo filters automatically to all your pictures, but they’re never going to be of the same quality as when you take a picture into Photoshop and use your photo editing experience.

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Some digital cameras are can be used to get the effects that you are looking for in my opinion. So, I would suggest checking out your budget and know the ones that you can afford and then purchase it for your child, since the kid is already showing good skills with animations. So, it would be a good idea to encourage the child.

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There's a lot of good Stop Animation Apps like...

Clay frames
Stop Motion MakerStop Motion
Motion Stop Motion
I can Animate
Lego Movie Maker

You can try all these apps and choose the best for your project.

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I have been browsing the comment section ang looking for answers. Thank you so much for the app suggestions. My son is into drawing too. He likes to make simple stop motion animation in small sticky notes pad. He also makes comic stripes. I will check these app now.

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Wow! Thank you for this. I actually am growing these apps right now and try maybe one of them and start rekindling my love for stop motion animation.

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I never tried to use this app but I heard from one of my friends that ClayFrames was a good app for stop motion animation. She said that it was very easy to use compared to other apps. It had a lot of great features. I think your kid can try this app and let us know if it is great too for your son.

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PicPac is the best I've tried. Yes, I paid for the pro version. But it's worth it in my case. There was a time where I was obsessed in making stop motion videos because I'm bored at home and I want to try something doable in the house. When I see an app that I like, I pay for it to support the developer.

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I do this also when I was still a student and when I'm bored I will start drawing from back to front. I never heard about any mobile application like this before but I have read many recommendation in the comment section. I will surely try this application when I have a free time.

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What I can tell is mobile application have a minimal options in editing. In other words the actions that we can make are limited unlike into the software used in computers. My only recommendation is your children to try editing into a laptop or computer so that he can use an additional effect and choices he/she may use to produce a more detailed video.

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I tried Stop Motion Studio, it is available on Google Play and iOS App Store. It is simple and easy to use. My first time using the app I used die cast cars and I was surprised of the outcome. I think it's a good starter for an aspiring animator like your kid. The only problem I had with this app is my earbud volume don't work to take picture. I have to carefully press the button on my phone to take a picture.

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I actually did the same thing when I was on my 1st year in high school. Back then, the camera phone was not as effect as it is nowadays. So, the definition was not perfect, but, I still enjoyed doing stop motion videos. I even included my baby sister back then without the permission of my mother. Nowadays, since the smartphone cameras can capture videos and pictures of high quality, stop motion animation can be done by just anyone.

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