
Animation vs cartoons

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Animation vs cartoons

Which kind do you like better? I see a lot of animation coming out in movies and less cartoons. I have grown up with cartoons and I’m not a fan of the animation. 


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Well the way I see it animated movies are cartoons and vice versa. I don't think that there's a difference between the two. Animations has improved a lot along with the new technologies available today and that's why cartoons nowadays are more realistic and sometimes even life like.

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I agree with you. Animation and cartoon is the same thing. Styles in drawing carries in different places but the process in making it has only one style. Western cartoons like Tom and Jerry, The Simpsons and Rugrats just to name a few has a different approach compared Dragon BallZ, OnePiece and Attack on Titan but all in all they all go under one process of making the drawings come to life on screens.

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I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that the original poster meant 3D animations. I assume so because the term animation alone doesn’t refer to a type of film, but rather a technique. However, the exact definition of cartoon is “a film using animation techniques to photograph a sequence of drawings rather than real people or objects.” Since the poster mentioned animation being used in recent films, I'd assume they're referring to the widespread trend of 3D animating everything.

Animation usually needs to have something attached to it, like stop motion animation, 3D animation, hand-drawn animation; that way the term goes from referring to the technique to an actual type of entertainment.

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Wow! This really clears things. Though, I'm still not able to understand everything perfectly. I'm thankful to get a good explanation regarding specific details about cartoons and animation.

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Thanks for explaining further. I just would like to make it simpler. Cartoons are non-realistic drawings that can be often caricatured or stylized. Meanwhile, animation is something like creating an illusion of motion. It doesn't matter what the style is. It just like giving more life to the drawings or making it more realistic.

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I agree! I believe the original poster meant animated drawings when referring to "cartoons", and other forms of animation as the alternate option. For example, classic Mickey Mouse cartoons show him drawn in a 2-dimensional style:
Animation vs cartoons
However, most new Disney movies use 3-dimensional types of animation, like Tangled or Brave:
Animation vs cartoons
Stop-motion is also not considered to be a cartoon (at least not in my opinion). Movies such as Chicken Run or Wallace and Gromit are examples of this:
Animation vs cartoons

Personally, I've always been more of a fan of cartoons than stop-motion or 3-D animation. Cartoons have a light, fun feeling that I adore, while 3-D animation can get a little clunky. It's hard to balance style and realism, I usually prefer either one or the other. And while 3-D animation has progressed immensely in recent years, I still think it tries to hard to be overly realistic.

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I think when the OP referred to cartoon he meant the cartoons that were made into the film through hand-drawn pictures. By animation perhaps the OP was referring to the cartoon movies made digitally. Or may be he meant 3D animation.
These days, there is no basic difference between cartoon and animation, cartoons are animation and animations are cartoons.
That's in the movie world, in the print world cartoon is a drawn picture that tells a specific story.

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Thank you for this information. I thought before that animation differs from cartoons. It turns out that cartoons is an animation product. I was thinking about 3d when it comes to animation. I am not knowledgeable in this topic and has lots of questions. You've cleared some of my questions.

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Yeah the same for me as well. I don't think there are differences as they only make it as 3d or 4d to make it closer to real, for people to entice more to watch these kind of movies. And also our technology is quiet improving that they can create such good effects to make it more appealing to audience.

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I think that giving how both cartoons and animation are developed and presented, I would say that animated movies are far more superior than cartoon movies. Animated movies have more characters reality than the cartoon characters. Take a look at some of the great animated movies ever produced, they are far more better and popular than cartoon movies.

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In a way, they're more complex than cartoons. I also noticed that most anime shows are deeper in terms of plot and character. Whereas cartoons are more about slapstick jokes and humor. Still, some shows like "Steven Universe" are deep and retrospective. Hahaha!

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Exactly! Anime are more deep than cartoons. Look at it in a way of animation series such as Avatar, it's more like a detailed series movie but cartoons are not like. Cartoons are brief and humorous, it's just more of a farce than animated movie.

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But there are cartoon shows that are deep. Like I said, if you watch "Steven Universe" you'll know what I mean. They explore concepts that not many shows do. Sometimes even anime.

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I kind of agree. But there's actually an obvious difference in terms of how they look and feel when watched. But yes. They're both capable of utilizing serious and comedic stories. It's just that we're used to silly stuff whenever we watch cartoons.

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In my opinion animation and cartoons are co related and they are both similar in method of creating. I also think that animation is an evolution of cartoon. Its like in the movies where creating movies before is more of a physical creation of effects and filming strategy. Now you can create a whole movie just by 3D rendering and effects.

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There's some truth to that. It's like anime shows are a step above cartoons in terms of technique. But they both have their distinct feel. So they give off different vibes depending on the artwork and craftsmanship.

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It's true what you just mentioned about animation and cartoons having some similarities especially in how both of them are produced. With cartoons being the first, it had its limitations which animations have come to correct. Both of them are quite good especially when they are produced with great experience and expertise. But animation still is my favorite to cartoons.

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Me too. I just like cartoons for their simplicity. You don't have to think too much while watching them. You just laugh at the comedic jokes and stuff. I still find classic shows like "Tom and Jerry" hilarious.

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Animation I think is just an upgraded cartoons because of the technologies right now. I really like how the simple cartoons before become more realistic right now. I also love watching cartoons before, because I think we have no choice before, this is the only available for us during that time.

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Yeah, you are correct as things are developing on a fast pace. It is also a way to keep us following those movies in the type of manner that it will look quite awesome and great. This is the time that animation is going to reign and we have to enjoy it while it lasts.

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It's funny to watch how the movie industries before created their animation movie with that technology. Before it was great and amaze us, but compare right now, I know that some of millennial and kids will think it was a joke movies.

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While I like seeing new shows and animated movies, I think it's kind of too much nowadays. There's so much content being released and few of them are truly worth our time. I'd like to see more consistency in terms of story and film quality.

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I don’t think that the transition to computer-generated, 3D animations was necessarily bad—after all, I grew up with fantastic 3D animated films such as Toy Story—but I think that they’ve been overdoing it a little bit. I honestly can’t recall the last time I’ve seen a new, hand-drawn animated film that wasn’t a Japanese anime. Everything these days is either computer-generated or anything that looks hand-drawn is animated using puppetry in computer programs. I understand that it’s the cheaper and faster way to animate things, but I seriously miss the days of hand-drawn cartoons and animated films.

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Exactly. Cartoons were first the most popular but with the development we witnessed in the technological revolution of the world, animations have taken over and are well used and appreciated more than cartoons were during the time it was trending. I'm not saying that cartoons are useless now, but they are minimally used when compared to the use of animation.

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Well, I still appreciate print cartoons like I'd see in the newspaper, for instance - they have a certain retro charm that can be hard to duplicate! But these days I think animation is so much more popular and prevalent, because it can often convey more of a message than a simple print cartoon can.

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I agree, action speaks louder than words and animation has proved that. Story telling has been more complete with animation because they include action, emotion and integrated events.

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Seriously, I don't just joke with the printed newsletter or newspaper cartoons on its daily publication. In fact, I seek them out both in the online newspapers and hard copies printed ones that are sold by newspaper vendors. The part of these cartoons that grabs my attention much are the ones that are used to ridicule the government failure to the nation.

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@Martinsx1 yes! I love that often print cartoons are pushing the boundaries and saying what people are afraid to say in other ways. They're often controversial but make people think, and I think that's extremely important.

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I agree with you. There's a love-able aspect to printed cartoons. Like famous comic strips. They have their limits as you've stated. But within their scope of topics and interest, they do a great job of conveying humor and life lessons.

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This is all about moving away from the old process of making use of cartoons as most of the movie directors are of the opinion that animation is going to get the audience interested in the things that they are doing on the movies. I could only wish they understand that mixing things together will always help as well.

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Yes, it's true that the concept of cartoons seems be be old with looking at when it was launched years ago but that doesn't take away the fact that cartoons production still witnessed some improvements over the years as well. It's all because of the avalanche rate of development in technology that led animations to boom past cartoons within the blink of an eye.

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Some people like the older type of animation, because it reminds them of their childhood so I guess there's some kind of retro effect when it comes to older people. But for the younger generation they love the modern version.

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The only cartoon or animation that my kids still very much enjoy watching today is Tom and Jerry. They would literally stop anything that they are doing once they hear the opening song of the cartoon. I have lots of Tom and Jerry cartoon collection for them but other than that, they prefer modern movie animations.

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Tom and Jerry is one of my favorites. I enjoy watching them much until now. Meanwhile, having said that either cartoon or animation, kids still enjoy watching them because they are funny, appealing, exciting and entertaining.

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I can't really explain the exact difference between the two. But I can tell one from the other. Animations are the ones used in movies. I am not sure if there had been a movie showing a cartoon. There was no animation yet during my time. And from what I observed, animation is more realistic than cartoons. I prefer animation over cartoons because they are more visually appealing to me and I think that their themes are relatable to both adults and kids.

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It's kind of confusing actually. Just like what @Chinet23 said, I can't really tell the difference between an anime and a cartoon. I think that anime is the Japanese term for cartoon to tell you quite frankly. It is just that every artist has a different way of drawing and representing their characters and story lines varies, it is still drawn and animated. So I do thin that anime and cartoon are just one, and it just has different terms depending on how people call it.

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I don’t quite understand what you’re getting at. As far as I’m aware, animation is a technique, considering the exact definition of the word is “the technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement when the film is shown as a sequence.” Cartoons are animations.

Since you say that you “see a lot of animation coming out in movies and less cartoons” I’m going to assume that you’re referring to the recent trend in 3D animated films, as in the computer-generated ones. If this is what you mean, then yes, I’d have to agree that I prefer drawn animations over 3D animations. It's not to say there aren't some good 3D animated films, I just prefer the hand-drawn style I grew up with.

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Animation by what the word suggests is movement so I'm thinking about how we see the movement in a flipbook. There are series of pictures which are almost identical to each other that creates illusion of movement. The individual drawings could be the cartoon since it is hand drawn and therefore cartoons can be animation. Well this is just my take not really sure about it.

Yes I'm referring to the 3D animated films because this is the type of animation I am most familiar with. Sorry about the confusion.

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If you're asking which is better between Anime and Cartoons, then I would have to choose Anime. Unlike western cartoons in which a single episode constitutes a story and where no character ever dies in battle. Anime deals with continuity. You have to watch the whole series to get the whole essence of the story. Also a lot of both heroes and villains die in anime.

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Well, if I'm being objective, I would say that it's both of them for me. But over the years, animation seems to have an edge over cartoon and as such it seems that animated characters trend more often than cartoon characters.

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It depends. I guess prefer cartoons when it comes to silly and awkward stuff. They're more acceptable with totally out there stories. Like "Rugrats" and other old cartoons. I prefer anime for more realistic and serious stuff. Like epic fights and such. Though, I still enjoy cartoons like the original "Teen Titans."

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A friend of mine actually tagged cartoons to be related to farce production because it normally come with the effect of adding serious laughter to its viewers. I think there is a good logic with that analysis of cartoons by that friend of mine because when you look at cartoons very closely, they add laughter to viewers satisfaction.

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I guess if we're talking about comedy and or children's animation then I would choose western cartoons but if it's about more serious stuff and adult topics then Anime is my cup of tea.

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I think we're the same. I'm more likely to watch cartoons when it's Comedy. I mostly watch anime for action and mystery plots. They're more serious like that.

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I was born in the 80s where cartoons became popular in the television. I like cartoons compared to animation maybe because I used to watch it before and I must say that I am most comfortable watching it than animations.

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Me too. They're just simpler in terms of art style. I like that I don't have to worry about deep and complex topics while watching them. Most old shows just show pure comedy. Stuff like "The Looney Tunes Show."

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They are both good for me. They have different cons and pros so can't decide which is better.

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I'm kind of in the middle too. I only prefer cartoons in the sense that they evoke a sense of nostalgia for our younger days. Like the shows we used to watch in Cartoonnetwork or Nickelodeon. Even adults like watching them. Hahaha!

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As a kid I would probably choose Western Cartoons because it's usually funny and is not too serious. But now as an adult I'm more attuned to serious stories and subject matter that's why I prefer anime.

Both Cartoon and Anime are beginning to be a part of everyone's life nowadays and I think it would have a greater influence in the future as well, because it provides viewers with a fantasy world and characters that they can only dream of.

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Cartoons still bring the nostalgic feeling for me, so although I think animations are better, cartoons have a certain homey feel to it, which adds to the enjoyment of watching. Sadly, the trend is going towards more realistic animations.

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I think the problem about the animation right now is too much violence. This is not appropriate to watch specially the minors. Although it's looks like an animation but the blood is almost real, this is why a lot of people interested and amaze how the technology works right now in animated film.

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I don't really see the difference. Anime are just cartoons that originated from Japan. But if I have to choose one then I would definitely choose Anime, since I am a Huge ONE PIECE,BLEACH and NARUTO FAN!

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Well From My Experiences I Think Animation Because Its Easy To Make Animation and If You Wanted To Watch a Animation You Better Have a PopCorn Because is So Addicting When You Watch Animation And Cartoons is Also Good For Kid Because They Can Learn a Little Lesson.

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Anime. More matured and more interesting than a usual cartoons. Cartoons makes me bore and anime got me firing desire to finish them all the series.

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Have you watched "Adventure Time" and "Steven Universe?" Maybe those shows might capture your attention. They explore deep concepts just like anime.

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I love animations but there is just something about cartoons that you just love. The old cartoons that we loved as younger kids were just classics and will always help me remember a great childhood.

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For me Animations are better than Cartoons because of its complexity of how it is drawn and created. It has proven how drawing has improved. Together with the movements applied to the image, it makes the animations more interesting. But cartoons are a great foundation of those people who are gifted with great hands to draw. Cartoons are great for children for its simplicity.

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There's really a slight of a difference between the two but no matter how one looks at it, it would still be the same. I really thought that an anime is a cartoon. I have read that old cartoons are still images and is referred to as hand-drawn but any method or approach to imitate motion on the screen is technically animation and an animation is a cartoon.

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I think Cartoon and Anime are almost the same but they have differences. Anime is a Japanese version of an improved cartoon. One thing I notice is the differences in the appearance of the characters. Usually, anime characters have big eyes and hairs. Their features are idealistic. On the other hand, cartoon characters have similarities with humans. Mostly, children are the main audience of cartoons while anime is being watched both by adults and kids.

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I love animation because of its graphic and story. They are more advanced compare to cartoons. The colors are more highlighted so its more beautiful in the eyes. But, I still watch cartoons because it have a different humor. It can make people to easily laugh and have a good time.

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You know even the kids right now get their attentions by animation rather than a simple cartoon. And getting the attentions of the youngsters is a good way to make your current popular or famous.

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With my basic understanding that cartoons are more exaggerated version of subjects while animation are more realistic like those shown in movies. A cartoon though can become an animation for the simple meaning that animation is applying movement to a cartoon. And an animation can be a collection of cartoon drawings or pictures. They are closely related to each other. But when we see it, I think we can distinguish one form the other and I will definitely pick animation.

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Anime is a whole different style than cartoons. The quality is better. The movement. The content. The storytelling. The overall culture is different.
Cartoons in general, are more goofy, more laid back and less about the quality. Sure, there may have been cartoons that broke this conventional norm like "Phineas and Ferb" and "Adventure Time". But overall, anime is better.

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I agree completely, cartoons are made generally for kids even the so called dark ones often lacks the darkness of some Anime. Animes on the other hand depending on the genre caters to a more broader age group.

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I agree animation and cartoons are the same thing. Cartoons are made through animation whether digitally or hand drawing.

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But in japanese term, they are not the same. Just like that animation is for younger adults while cartoons are for kids to understand.

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Well, it really depends on your age, because in my opinion, cartoon is for kids and anime is for adults, because cartoons content is easy to understand and the content in the cartoons are very childish. In anime the stories are very unpredictable, and its really not for kids because the stories cant understand quickly.

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I like both. From classic Walt Disney, looney toons, woody wood pecker, roger rabbit, Ghibli Studios, they still worth to watch. It so happened that we are in the future stage now and many of the viewers appreciates more animation created by Japanese animators which other animator from different countries adapting their style of drawing. Just like Walt Disney and Dreamworks, they both adapting the new animation so that they can attract kids to watch not only kids from United States but also around the globe.

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Anime is for adult and cartoon is for kids. Because the content of an anime is way difficult to understand than cartoon, and cartoon is mostly just a comedy that a kid can easily get.

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Cartoon movies are things of the past now since animated movies have good quality compare to the later. However, I grew up watching cartoon movies and as a child I used to love them. However, things in this kind of industry become good in their technology in giving us animated motion picture which is now almost life-like. Animated movies are no so great that the cartoon movies of the past looks very inferior.

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A cartoon is for kids and animes is for adults, because a story on each cartoon is easy to understand and the stories on animes, it's a bit complicated.

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I believe cartoons and animations are the same. The way they create and develop it undergoes the same process. Animations are in some way cartoons and vice-versa.

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The animation is for an adult while the cartoons are for children, and also the graphics on animations is a lot cooler than cartoons.

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I agree with this statement. Cartoons are good for children, while the animations are suitable for kids. But, there are adults who find cartoons to be amazing.

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Like with the other users, I too think that animations and cartoons refer to the same thing. At first, I initially thought the question was referring to Western cartoons vs Japanese animes, but upon reading other comments, I'm now more inclined to think that the comparison is between cartoons, animations targeted towards children, and animations (including animes, animated movies) targeted towards older viewers. Of course, animations are more appealing to me now because of the better graphics, more complex characters and rich plots. However, that doesn't mean I am no longer entertained by cartoons - I'm still guaranteed to laugh when watching an episode of Spongebob Squarepants! If the intended comparison were between Western cartoons and Japanese animes though, I'd vote for animes, with the same reasons - better graphics, characters, and plots.

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When it comes to the difference between Anime and Cartoons, well there's actually a very big difference. Cartoons are made without any continuity, it means it's storyline begins and ends in every single episode. While Anime has a longer storyline which makes you watch the whole series because you won't understand the story if you just watched one episode.

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Thy way he explained how he liked cartoons over animation may be that animation uses computer graphics, just like the new animated films being released today. As opposed to the classic Disney films before, those princess films that are so dragging, except when the music is good.

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I actually prefer both both are entertaining and both are visually pleasing. With cartoons and animations, only imagination is the limit, creators can think creatively and produce whatever interesting concepts they want the people to see. I love how creativity is being highlighted in both cartoons and animations.

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I just wish more people had made use of the technique called "claymation". I love the California Raisins! LOL.

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Oh, claymation! It is one of the forms of stop motion videos right? I love how people could be so patient and dedicated to stop motion animations. It's very aesthetic and fun!

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I am for both. I like comic style cartoons and Manga series. Animated series are fun to watch too. They add depth to the character visuals. It's like back when Final Fantasy series came out with a 3D. It just needs some time to get used too. But now I love them both.

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For me it's a no contest, Anime wins over Cartoons, for adults that is, but for kids they like cartoons because the stories are simpler and easily understood.

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I guess it also comes with age. I see many comments that they love cartoons when they were young and animes when they have already grown up.

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PasteMagazine.com published a list of the "10 Best Stop-Motion Animated Movies". I don't care one way or the other about the other movies. I'm just glad they included the 2009 film, “Fantastic Mr. Fox” on their list.

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Animes any day for me. However, cartoons are also good because I watching them when I was young, but I am not a fan. They are good for kids because kids can easily comprehend the story.

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3D animation was dominating the market years ago but 2D animation is making a comeback. I think it's because 3D animation, any way you slice it, is more expensive for producing a cartoon show. It may look more realistic, but as the series continues into new seasons, the costs can balloon way past what a studio or company is willing to spend.

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You have a great point. Even though 3D animations are fun, people will always choose something that can make them save their money.

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Well let's be honest, animation is superior in many ways to cartoons, but it still won't beat them if you ask me.
Cartoons have a special place in my heart (and I'm sure for many other people too), they have that cozy feeling to them. As the person above me wrote, I think people will grow tired of animation eventually and cartoons will make a "comeback".

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It was hard to choose which is better with animations and cartoons, when I think about animations, the movies will come to my mind was the disney movies and they are so popular about it and when it comes to cartoons, the cartoons that comes to my mind was the Naruto, Dragon Ball or One Piece. Both contributes a lot to the movie industry but when it comes to appreciation. I will choose the cartoons over animation because of the effort that they made. From a scratch to drawings to moving cartoons. Unlike animation, they only use some advance technologies but it also requires some talent.

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Animation vd Cartoons: I love both I don't want to choose one of the two because i watched it both in my childhood times and enjoyed it. Yes your right that most of the features movie now are anime and the lesser cartoons and that is the sad part. But I know theres still a cartoons that will be made soon.

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