
What is your best Pixar Animation Studios Feature Film?

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What is your best Pixar Animation Studios Feature Film?

Animation in film has turned into a serious category that the Academy had to create a new category for them in 2001. The first-ever recipient of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature was Dreamworks Animation's Shrek. It was a great film, but it will be the first and only time that Dreamworks won over Pixar (Monsters Inc. lost over Shrek). The only other time Pixar lost the award was when Happy Feet won it over Cars. Pixar won 10 out of the 17 awards given out by the Academy, and was nominated 12 times. They are the leader in animation then, and they still are now. Their movies get better every year, each time showcasing a new breakthrough in graphics and the animation technology. My question is this: Which Pixar animated film is your favorite? I can't answer this question because I love them all. But I'd very much like to hear yours.


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1. The Incredibles - because it's such a well written film, and so fluidly juxtaposes the idea of superheroism and that of raising a family. In most superhero stories, there isn't a family that's as closely involved in the action like the Parr's. The idea and execution are clever, witty, and a joy to watch every time.

2. Monsters Inc. - Because I can't pick just one and it's always a tossup between the two of these movies for me. Monsters Inc., brings another world to life so incredibly well, and it's so easy to get lost in. I like the story development in the film as well (monsters need to scare kids in order to create fuel/electricity for their city, but realize that laughter is actually a more powerful form of fuel) which can be pretty anecdotal to everyday life. Fear and get you moving, but it's perhaps not as powerful of a tool as joy or laughter. Which is always an interesting thing to think about.

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Both of those are great choices! My kids love both of those. We also recently watched Incredibles 2 which was fantastic - if you haven't seen the sequel I highly recommend it!

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Yes, I watched the sequel when it came out in theaters! I thought it was good, and certainly lived up to my expectations (especially since the sequel was such a long time coming). I don't think it can compare to the original, but it's absolutely a good addition to the Incredibles line!

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I think that originals can be tough to beat, even when a sequel is great too. I really enjoyed Incredibles 2 but I hear you that it's really hard to go past the original as a favorite.

Felt the same way about Monsters University compared to Monsters Inc., too!

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I don't know if my two kids have watched those movies. I get curios by your comments. I will try to share this comment of your with them.

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you actually gave me an idea on what should be next on my watch list. I do hope that I can see the fun in it and appreciate as the jokes are cracked and if there is any bit of action it would be thrilling for me.

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My brother is a huge fan of animation movies and this particular movie The Incredibles were one of his all time favorite. He bought it in DVD plate and still have it in soft copy on his laptop.

I actually watched Resident Evil animation on his laptop and it was very fantastic.

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Yes, same here, because I do love movies a lot, I'm watching movies as my past time.

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The resident evil animation is thrilling and is one of the action-packed animation films that everyone ought to add to their watchlist if they do not have it yet.

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I agree with you, both movies are really good, and the animation are really great. You cab noticed that sully's fur, looks real.And I've heard that it took time to create it.

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Yes, I do love the Incredibles as well, I'm really amazed by every character on it.

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Its good to know about those 2 of your favorite Pixar movies. I have not yet watched them. I became curios about those 2.

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I love Monsters Inc. too. I love how the producers of the film relayed an important life lesson to everyone. Because of my love for Monsters Inc., my aunt actually bought stuffed toys of Monsters Inc. back in the days and I remember myself putting Sullivan on the door and I pretended to have seen a monster. That was a fun part of my childhood.

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Monster Inc, is onw of the best movie animation that I have watch.

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I have just watched their trailers. I have also watched The incredible 2. The baby has powers.

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I've watched Monster Inc, before back when I was a child. I love watching it and every character from it has very unique characteristics.

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Monsters Inc is a very good movie, my kids like it very much. I have seen it twice and it's really funny. Mike and Sully are good characters that kids can relate to, I like the fact that they are being voiced by 2 very good comedians, Billy Crystal and John Goodman.

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I have watched The Incredibles and Monsters Inc. Both of these movies are great, however, given a choice between these two I will choose The Incredibles. The movies have a great story line, great plot and a great characters. Even in the animated movies, I like the characters that have human elements and the characters in The Incredibles are very human.

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I like the Incredibles and Monsters Inc. too and I do agree that these two are the most popular movies from pixar. But my fave is A Bugs Life, which I think is their very best.

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Both movies are really good but there's one early pixar movie that I really think is the best, it's A Bugs Life. I love the way they portrayed all the insects. I learned a lot about how insects live and their role in nature thru this animated movie.

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My nieces loved these two films. The Incredibles is the number one. They just keep on watching and watching it again. I can't help but like it too. Cars is also a a favorite one too. The Incredibles 2 is also a great movie! Love it too!

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I don't think I can go past the movie Up. It was such a beautiful, heartwarming story, and I think it was something that appealed to both kids and adults alike. I still get all teary at parts of the movie, even though I've seen it a number of times!

There are so many great Pixar movies though...it's hard to choose just one. We also absolutely loved Coco, it was so beautifully animated and told a really unique story.

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I haven't watched this particular Pixar animation movie called Coco. If it's good as you explained it here briefly, I'm definitely going to be check out the possibility of getting it to watch before the week ends.

Can I be able to download the movie online? If it's possible, please kindly suggest sites I can get it from.


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I got it through Amazon Instant Video and just watched it through our TV that way! Highly recommend it though - it's a real tear-jerker!

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I just watched the trailer of Coco. The boy wants music and play the guitar. But her grandmother tries to stop him.

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Coco's a really touching movie. I'm not Hispanic, but I love the glimpse that the movie gives you into Hispanic culture (even if it isn't 100% accurate, perhaps). I'd absolutely recommend giving it a watch the next time you can. As someone else mentioned, it's evidently available on Amazon. I watched it on Netflix, so if you have a subscription there then check it out!

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I watched and I was crying for almost half of the movie. I really love the movie and its story.

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One of the most heartbreaking movie that I have watched, I cried at least the half time of the movie.

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I have just watched the trailer of the movie Up. Its indeed a heartwarming movie. I also think that it targets kids and adults since the main characters are the boy and the old man.

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I still pick Avatar as one of my favorite old time series animation movie. To tell you how much I love that Avatar animation, I still watch at it whenever I need to see an interesting animation. I have watched both the last air bender and the legend of Korra.

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I love that series too, but is it created by pixar?

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Nope, not as far as I’m aware. Pixar is a Disney studio while Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra are both properties of Nickelodeon. They were produced and animated by Nickelodeon Animation Studio, in association with JM Animation, MOI Animation, and Titmouse.

This is all information I’m getting off of Wikipedia, and there is no mention of Pixar anywhere. Maybe Martinsx1 thought it was Pixar, or just isn’t a fan of any Pixar animated films, haha.

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Thanks for this clarification. Pixar and Nickelodeon are different studio.

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I also like Ava tar. I have watched this animation movie. It is awesome.

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Avatar is a classic that absolutely no one can dispute my friend. I remember rewatching the series a couple of times as it used to have me at the edge of my seat at all times. The last air bender to be specific was my favorite.

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I agree with you. Avatar is a classic animation. I like how they made this animation.

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Avatar is great and good, but it is not a Pixar film.

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I've seen a lot of pixar movie but the best one for me is Bug Life, it is a nice movie about the life of bugs and how they live. It is also a heart warming movie that has depth.

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That’s one characteristic of Pixar movies that I absolutely love. A lot of their films offer you interesting perspectives that you normally wouldn’t see in any other film or cartoon.

A Bug’s Life gives you the perspective of tiny insects and the way they behave in their individual communities. Toy Story brings children’s toys to life and gives you their perspective in the way that a child would bring them to life. Finding Nemo gives an interesting perspective on marine life.

Sure it’s all spiced up with imagination and fantasy, but it’s still a view into worlds that many movies normally don’t take.

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I have also watched finding Nemo and all the toy story. I admire the Pixar studio. I thank them for creating these animations for us to be entertained.

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Exactly. Pixar create Films that use characters that are totally unexpected to bring life lessons and perspectives in life. Especially with their use of tiny animals and non-living creatures. It's like they are creating possibilities with impossibilities. The people behind Pixar are truly intellectuals and creative individuals.

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I agree with you, and the fact that all of their films has deep message.

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I have watched A Bug;s Life, Toy Story as well as Finding Nemo. These are all great movies that kids and adults will surely love. My favorite one is Finding Nemo. I liked the story line, plot as well as animation. The characters are very adorable.

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It's also my favorite and it's one of the first Pixar films ever made I think. But A Bugs Life is a really cool movie and a good way to understand the importance of insects and how they support each other in times of distress.

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For me, the best pixar animated film that I've watch is Up, it is a really nice and very good film and very heartwarming.

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I have just watched Incredibles 2 and it was quite wonderful and amazing. I would have nominated it as the best but ai cannot judge using only one.

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I really like the movie Up. Especially the first scene, which really stayed in my mind until now. It is very heart warming on how a little boy changed the old man's heart. I appreciate how the old man and his wife saved up for their house. But sadly, his wife died and I nearly cried on that scene. I really watched it so many times and I still could get enough of it.

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Oh man, as someone who grew up with Pixar films, this is definitely a tough one to pick. There are so many classics that bring back fond memories of my childhood.

The first one that comes to mind is Toy Story, so I suppose that might be my favorite. I remember that as soon as I saw Toy Story, there was nothing more I wanted in the world than a Buzz Lightyear toy. When I got one for Christmas, I was the happiest kid on Earth. Then one day when I was walking with my mom, we actually found a Woody toy in the street so I had a friend for Buzz! I’m sure some poor kid was sad that day, but it definitely made my day to find it.

Those memories alone make Toy Story my favorite.

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Toy Story was groundbreaking for Pixar - for the animation to be so advanced back then was huge, and I think for many of us who saw that movie in our childhood, we became really endeared to it. It was a really pioneering thing for the animation we see today, and how it's really come along in leaps and bounds.

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Me too. I watched the toy stories by Pixar. It is indeed a classic for me.

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For me it would be The Incredibles, that could be a super hero film however it's so a great deal greater behind that. It is about family who fight together. It is about the dangerous outcomes of hero worship. It is about how every person is unique and essential. It is about midlife crises of one's person. It is about constantly sticking together and being in advance about your problems.

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Mine would be Monsters Inc and Toy story. I actually watched and like a lot of Pixar movies but those two I mentioned are the ones that I never get tired of watching again and again with my kids.

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Monsters Inc is a huge favorite of my children's. They just love Mike and Sully, and even though it was released some time ago I feel like it's one of those movies that has staying power. A great story and endearing characters really help make it a movie that lasts in people's hearts.

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I am yet to watch all the Pixar animation movies to date but my favorite as of the moment is Toy Story. It doesn't have a tear jerking story but when I watched it as a child, I learned the lesson of taking care of my toys and I believe it's a good thing because most kids don't actually care about their toys and just break them apart whenever they're bored already.

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For me, it would be Monsters Inc. and Coco. I love how these two animated movies are so heartwarming and very touching. Though on Monsters Inc., the cast are filled with monsters, the producers never failed to show that even monsters have hearts and do care for someone. I love it so much. This always actually my favorite animated movie in a long time until Coco came. At first, I thought of the Book of Life, because they had similarities, but, Coco is really great. How it was made to make the moviegoers realize that we have to put our dearest ones in our hearts forever really hit me deeply.

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I Googled because I wanted to make sure I picked a Pixar film. My favorite would be "Finding Nemo".

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Finding Nemo is another level of visual experience that only Pixar can provide in the past. It's a very good film featuring tip notch animation. I remember buying a clown fish after I saw that movie.

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Oh yes, Finding Nemo. I actually didn't know that it's a Pixar Movie until I saw your reply/comment. It's also one of my favorite movies because of how it was creatively and uniquely done. The story was definitely a simple and over used one if linked in the human society, however the use of clown fish/fishes in general made the story really interesting and totally heart wrenching but truly inspirational especially that it thought me how to value more the importance of family and keeping memories to last long.

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That's another classic! I actually think it's hard to pick a favorite. One thing is for sure - Pixar films tend to always be quality releases, and things that the whole family can enjoy and watch over and over again.

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It is really hard to pick just one Pixar movie. Most of their movies, although made for kids are also worth watching for adults. You have lots of lessons to learn and you can often relate to the message that the movie is trying to convey to their audience.

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When I am seeing Pixar's logo, the first movie that will come up to my mind is the Monsters Inc.. Reason maybe the first time I saw Pixar's logo was when the time we were going to watch the Monster Inc..

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Every time I hear Pixar, the first thing that comes to mind is Steve Jobs. He bought it from Lucasfilm in 1986, then became one of the most successful animation studios we have to date.

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I still remember the movie UP .it was really amazing. All the characters seemed so real and the story was really amazing. It had all the elements of a perfect movie. The story of the old couple wanting to live in there dream house and finally being able to realise the dream with the help the small kid was really fascinating. The movie was popular amongst all age groups at the time of its release

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Yes, you are right. This is one of the best animation films I have watch. The love story of between couple seems realistic as it involves cycle of life. They became childhood friends until they grew up, they became bestfriends then lovers until they got married. There might be a sad event happened there but the story realizes us that there's always something/someone new that will come into your life if one has ended. I remember I watched it with my family in cinema with 3d glasses.

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The most recent Pixar movies I've watched were Up and Inside Out. Between the two, I liked Up better. Very heartwarming story, and the characters and scenes are well-animated! It's a shame though that I haven't seen Coco, since I've heard it was a masterpiece.

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Inside Out was such a sweet one - I'd totally forgotten about that. It's one of those movies that really helps explain human emotions in a very relatable way to kids. I've only seen the movie once but now I want to go and rewatch it.

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This is such a difficult question! I adore Pixar animations, from A Bug's Life to Shrek and Up to Monster's Inc. My favorite is Toy Story, as it was a groundbreaking animation at the moment and it tackles subjects that are more mature than what is usually seen in Disney flicks.

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I've seen a lot of Pixar Movies, it is really hard to pick the best. But I choose Finding Nemo, Finding Dory, A Bug's Life, Cars, and Toy Story as my all time most watched Pixar Film. I am fond of watching cartoon film even if I'm already an adult. For me, animation films has humor and it's fun to watch.

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I'm going with Finding Nemo it's a mix of everything I want to see in an animated film. It has action, adventure, drama, comedy, suspense, I mean it got everything. If I was to rate it, it's 10/10.

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Pixar is such an innovative company ever since Steve Jobs handled it, the man is a genius, and my hats go off to him. May he rest in peace. My favorite Pixar movie is no other than Toy Story.

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Wow, I didn't search about Pixar and now I just knew that Steve Jobs handled this one of the greatest animation studio. Maybe working in this kind of company is really cool but of course one should have those excellent skills.

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You don't need to be good at drawing if you'd like to work in Pixar as they have other departments too aside from animation. Like for example, if you have excellent social skills, you can apply to their marketing department as well.

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Yes, you are right. For me. my dream is to work there as an animator but haven't got a chance to study the course I like so yeah. I will just watch their movies as an inspiration to do my hobby like drawing.

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I see. Well, good luck on that and I do hope that you get in at Pixar or any animation studio company you desire. Best if they also offer work from home opportunities, I'm sure you'll love it. All the best!

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Yes indeed right. Thanks! I would be very happy if that happens and I do hope that it will happen in the future. These movies are very inspiring especially for us artist who deeply in love with art especially in this kind of field like animation, creating characters,backgounds and so on.

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The Pixar movies that I have seen are fantastic. I guess that I would have to say that out of all of the Pixar movies that I have seen, all of the "Toy Story", movies, in my book are the best. Who couldn't help but to love Woody and Buzz Lightyear? Plus all of the other characters that came along as the other parts of the movie did. What great adventures that the toys had in the movies.

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The Incredibles 1 and 2 was really great, it's entertaining and I saw the first film about thrice already, the second film is just as good. I really like it's plot. I hope they make a prequel of this movie franchise, I want to see a younger Mr.Incredible and Elastigirl.

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Here are a few of my favorites in no particular order:

- Toy Story trilogy
- Monsters Inc.
- Inside Out
- The Incredibles
- Finding Nemo

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My all time favorite would still be Up. It was such a heartwarming story. It has a relatable drama while the animatiob takes us to wonders of a fantasy world. It was so easy to connect with. And the lessons are not just for kids but for adults as well. I really love this film.

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My absolute favorite pixar movie is The Incredibles, I love how it's about and is so funny. The sequel was incredible (lol) too! Maybe they will make a sequal in another ten years and my kids will be the ones falling in love with the series!

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It's such a shame that I am just familiar with it, but never tried watching it. Is it super funny? If so, I'll go to YouTube and check its trailer. Thank you

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It's so funny! The baby, Jack-Jack is absolutely hilarious. I recommend watching the first movie if you haven't seen it so you're familiar with any call-back jokes (there are a few) that occur in the second movie! The first one was on Netflix for awhile and might still be there if you're interested in watching it!

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Happy Feet was a very good animated movie. I have seen it twice and it's one film that you won't get tired seeing. It has a lot of good songs and the empeeor penguins are so cute. Although the first Happy Feet was better made than the second one.

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I like Gibbly studious, it's a Japanese one. But from those one's mentioned here would be Dreamworks, they provided us a big amount of good quality animation films, many of which I still watch to this day. For example Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc. I even have numerous toys from Monsters Inc.

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My favorite Pixar animated film is "Up". It is an unforgettable and moving animated movie. From the story of the child to the story of the old man. It made me realize that we should not judge anyone no matter how mean or how unlikable their attitude towards other people and life. Sometimes we just have to understand what they are going through and show them how wonderful life is.

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I actually haven't seen UP, but I have seen a clip of it that made me cry. I just remember that I should be downloading it. I must be preoccupied with a lot of things that I forgot about this.

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Monsters Inc is the best of all the Pixar films for me. They really hit it in the head when they conceptualized the whole monsters scare kids for their screams for their power source. I think it's an ingenius way to retell the classic "Monsters are hiding in my closet" cliche.

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I love the movie monster inc. It really gives lesson for the kids. Also i love it storyline and animation. I also love the second sequel of it. Monster university is cool to.

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That my most favorite Pixar movie. I just love everything about it that I even have stuffed toys of the main character.

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I'm still choosing between Brave and Coco... I guess I'll go with Coco. I absolutely love the songs and the colorful world of the dead. The whole tradition of Dia de los Muertos is so interesting and the whole thought behind it is so touching. I think I've watched it more than 10 times since it came out What is your best Pixar Animation Studios Feature Film?)

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Since it's the Christmas holiday season I tried to find a favorite Pixar Christmas movie. The only one I found was “Toy Story” and I have to say that's not my favorite. SO I guess for Christmas movies, Pixar doesn't score too many points.

Anyway, a little off topic, but have you seen the trailer for the 2018 Grinch movie. It's hilarious!

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I haven't watched recent ones but from what I have remember from the old Pixar films, I would have to go with Monsters Inc.
Way before this film came out I was a fan of a show on Nickelodeon called "Aaaaah! Real Monsters" when I as a kid and the film reminded me of the series and brought back fond memories of my childhood so that could be the reason why it is my favorite. I am planning watch Coco sometime soon as many of my friends said that it is a good movie. Maybe my answer would change after I watch it.

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Pixar studio is the best! all of there film is instant classic but if I would choose which of those film are my favorite I would go with Toy Story and The Incredibles. I grew up watching Toy Story and it made a lot of impact on my childhood, I had a lot of good memories of watching those films.

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What is your best Pixar Animation Studios Feature Film: I love most of the pixar project but if I choice one I will choice firt the Wall-E it was a great movie it is full of emotions and you can feel it even it was in animated ways. It proves there, that even a single glance can communicate to one another.

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