
Let's Talk About: Animations

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Let's Talk About: Animations

Hi all. Okay so in one of my last posts, I listed out all the categories that are here in the Marketplace in my post; What is The Pixel Clerks Marketplace and Why Should You Care? And within that post, I basically just listed out all the current categories here along with what each of those categories mean and what they're for.

Well here I would like to talk about each one of those categories in more detail. Starting (in alphabetical order) with the Animations category first.

What I'll be doing, is asking some common questions that people might have regarding those particular types of services. And then answering each question in a way that would be helpful to (a) people that want to buy those service and (b) people that want to sell those services.

So then, Questions and Answers regarding Animations

  • What are animations?
  • Who needs animations?
  • Who provides animations?
  • Where to buy and sell animations?

What Are Animations?

Everyone knows what animations are! We all grew up watching cartoons. Cartoons are basically animations. They are effectively, just moving pictures. They come in many different ways. From the basic 2D stop motion animation drawings we've all done on those yellow sticky note packs or in some book that you flick through. I know I spent many hours defacing most of my school books this way when I was bored in class at times! Let

AKA Flip Book Animations like these!

And of course, to those very complex and amazing animated Disney movies that are made from animations. Albeit mostly CGI animations with big budgets. But there are literally hundreds of different types of animations that are needed for literally hundreds of different things! From Traditional animations to 2D Vector based animations. 3D computer animations. Motion graphics (gifs) and stop motion animations. Animations don't start and stop with just sticky note pack animations. They're needed for many different things not just cartoons and movies.

Who Needs Animations?

What would the world be without animation? Not a world I'd want to live in! Animations are needed by people who want them for either business or personal uses and reasons. Of course, some things can't be done in real life. Like, you can't put a bomb under your hat and have it explode without it utterly blowing you to pieces. But you can do that in cartoons! You can't fall off a cliff with a giant anvil and have it bury you into the ground with it and then survive! But you can in animations. Just look at Road Runner!

You've probably all seen this Road Runner cartoon right?

Obviously you can't do stuff like that in real life without using some kind of special effect, some amount of CGI (Computer Generated Images). So in order to make something wild like that, something that you couldn't do in real life. You would need to use an animation of some kind. You'd need to use CGI perhaps.

But it's not just people who make cartoon animations that need animations. Oh no, animations are needed by a wide variety of people in many different industries. Let's talk about some of those industries that need them.

Industries That Need Animations

There are many industries that require animations of some kind. From serious industries to just-for-fun industries. Take the Health and Safety industry, they may need animations done to demonstrate how you should or shouldn't do something. Such as the right way to climb a ladder or what happens when you leave things lying around.

Then there's the Freelance industry. That's a massive industry alone. There are tons of people and businesses out there that need some kind of animated video to explain something to people, in a fun way they can relate to. I'm talking about things like animated explainer videos or those animated whiteboard explainer videos that are trending right now.

The Police and Criminal Authorities industry often need animations made for reenactments of crimes that have take place. To create a timeline of events they can play back so they can look at the evidence and see how things actually took place. If you watch shows like CSI you'll often see an animated movie that reenacts a crime that took place so they can see how things most likely played out.

And many more! There really is a lot of industries and people that need some kind of animation made of some sort. Whether it's a full she-bang production, a small cartoon or just an animated gif or logo or something of some kind. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people searching for this sort of thing on a daily basis!

Who Provides Animations?

Those that know how! And if you do know how to provide animations of all kinds, then power to you! You can make a living from that! Some people do. Some people make a full business from it. Some people make a little extra on the side from it. But it's generally people or businesses that have the skills, abilities and tools and knowledge of using those tools that are the people that can provide them.

Where to Buy and Sell Animations?

On PixelClerks.com of course! Let There is a category dedicated to it. Just check out the Animations category itself to get a feel for what kinds of services people are buying and selling on here. Of course, you can always also create a WTB and request something in particular, and those who have the skills and abilities will be able to bid on it for you and you can hire someone from that to get it made for you!

And that's basically animations covered, basically.

Do you like to create animations?

What other industries require animations of all kinds?


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Animations are really great I think in my opinion. Anyone can really benefit from them. A cool place to start building simple animations is powtoon which I am a member with also. Lets you create little animations or even little whiteboard videos. There are other sites where you can build good quality animations for example the kind of animations used by the simpsons cartoon. Which does cost a lot but suppose it be worth it.

Animations I feel can be used by anyone really for promoting your business.. Suppose your promoting life insurance for example or accident claims then you could use road runner animations as road runner cartoon as that coyote is always hurting him self lol I know weird example but goes with it .

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I don't have animation skills, however, I have always wanted to do animation. I once even tried to do animation in Blender, an open-source 3D animation program. However, lack of skills hindered my desire to do animation. I have never tried any paid animation program. I use photoshop, on photoshop you can create motion graphics. However, I have never tried to create any motion graphics on photoshop. If I had animation skills, I could have created animated videos for video marketing.

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Don't have any animation skills also, but I do like to appreciate other artist's job. When I was at school, I wanted to learn how to do some, but I guess I don't have that gift. Just like you I use photoshop, and is for a very basic animated graphics, specially for my personal use at job. I can add some short videos that I did for my little cousins, but nothing more so far, so if anyone can suggest a site for beginners, that would be appreciated.

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I don't have any animation skills either, but my daughter told me about a free tool called Windows Movie Maker that she uses. According to her it's really easy.

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I have tried windows movie maker. I have over a dozen videos and all of them were created on windows movie maker. It is a free video making program from Microsoft. In order to create videos, you have to upload images, blend with text, add some effects and background music and the video is ready. For a video footage, you can delete the scenes and trim the video.

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I agree, animation has a variety of potential uses in business and entertainment. I also see it as a way of advertising and marketing. There are lots of advertising nowadays that uses animation or a combination of cinematography and animation in promotions and entertainment.

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We can see animation of all kinds in almost everywhere nowadays. It's a very useful medium and the demand for it is growing exponentially yearly. I think that animation will play I vital role in our lives in the future.

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Animation is starting to take on a whole new meaning and purpose in marketing and advertising recently. I graduated from college last year with the idea that I'd be able to go into advertising or whatever with just my knowledge of video and photography. I was only partially correct. During my internships and shadowing sessions, nearly every professional I talked to stressed that it was crucial that anyone wanting to do what they do get ahead of the curve and lock down some skills in motion graphics. Motion graphics are basically animated text and shapes. That's it.

It's a huge trend in advertising, especially in creating minimalist advertisements, which are becoming pretty popular.

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I learned writing for advertisements on my writing program. The course included copywriting for print publication, radio, and TV. It did not cover graphic design or animation. I took interest in graphic design when I began to write online. later, I found out that writing text for audio visual ads was not enough to earn as a copywriter, I needed better graphics designing skills and animation skills. When I tried to enrol in an animation school, I found that the fees were very high. I tried to learn by DIY method. But self learning is very difficult when it comes to learning technical skills.

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Well, animation has taken over TV, movies, social media, and for sure is taking advertising. Let's face it, animation gets our attention whenever you see it, it awakens that interest for what's next to come, and obviously that triggers our curiosity. So, if you keep your audience entertained, then for sure you're getting your goal. And also yes, minimalist ones, are for sure one of my favorites, so that's a great field to get involved with.

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That's a great tip, i have never heard of motion graphics until now. And from my point view it really has potential, depending on the creativity and the content.

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There was a time when I wanted to work on cartoon animations. A lot of my favorite YouTubers started out as animators and still do animation in some form or another, so they were a huge inspiration for me. Some of these include Egoraptor, OneyNG, Ricepirate, and psychicpebbles. They were all some of the most eccentric artists I've ever had the pleasure of watching. That being said, I just never had the time to invest into it. I would make several second animations just for practice, but it honestly just takes too much time. In the end, the only animation I do these days are different types of graphics in After Effects for video intros and transitions.

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Your mentioning of Egoraptor and Ricepirate take me straight back to my high school days! I loved watching their videos and was always impressed with the amount of work that went into their productions. That was back when I was an active user on Newgrounds, too. They were the main reason I wanted to try my hand at Adobe Flash animation to see what I could create too.

It turned out to be a lot more work than I realized, and I quickly lost interest, but I still have mad respect for the stuff they were making. I haven't kept up with them recently, do you know what they're up to now? I thought I'd heard Egoraptor had joined Angry Video Game Nerds or something like that?

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"I thought I'd heard Egoraptor had joined Angry Video Game Nerds or something like that?"

Haha, very close but no cigar. Egoraptor--also known as Arin Hanson--went on to create the Let's Play channel Game Grumps with fellow YouTuber, JonTron.

Eventually JonTron left Game Grumps in order to work on his own show, so he was replaced by Danny Avidan, who is famous for his YouTube alter-ego, Danny Sexbang, the lead singer for the comedy rock band Ninja Sex Party. Arin and Dan went on to form Starbomb, which is a band that makes music based on video games, and they actually have several animated videos uploaded to the Egoraptor channel.

To my surprise, Ricepirate is still animating even after YouTube trashed the system for animators.

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I have always wanted to do animations back when I was in high school. I have friends working in the animations industry, There are pretty limited jobs with respect to this field in my country since we do not have reputable studios. The trend is to have minimalistic animations which are able to convey messages when it comes to advertising for a corporate organization.

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Ah yes, you're thinking motion graphics! That clean, minimalistic style is becoming more and more prevalent in marketing and advertising today. Really, if you have working knowledge on how to use Adobe After Effects, you too could be making animations like the ones you've seen. You buy graphics packages from websites to animate, or even design your own as well (if you're artistically inclined).

Then there's filmmaking type animation. I was super interested in animation for filmmaking when I was in high school. Would have been a super cool field to get into. Is that what your friends are doing? Like are they doing advertising animation or Pixar-style animation?

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Animation is really taking over the marketing and adverting plane, it is one of the best skill out there to add to your collection of skill sets, and it's really important not just for entertainment and advertisement, but for crime replay as you said. i remember the kid that was kidnapped i think in California and was rescued, they used animation to carve out the scenes of how the action took place as the boy narrated what happen. it's was some real cool stuff. Animation teaches using the visual aids , It is a very strong proven way of learning , It brings a topic to life

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Animation is being implemented in today's education sector. Teachers do find that kids are more interested to learn when presented with a variety of mediums instead of purely text medium. When it comes to marketing, it is important to come out with fresh and out of the box ideas.

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Exactly, especially the implementation in the education sector, it is very commendable and will aid in fast and easy learning. because most kids are restless and very poor when it comes to keen attention and adding animation in the education sector for teaching purpose will boast retentiveness by 90%.

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Some years ago, people never took animation very seriously but look at it today in almost every thing we do online and even into entertainment lately, animation is ruling and it seems that people have accepted it more than real human productions. Just like cryptocurrency when they were launched first, people turned blind eye to it but now, it's one of the most sought after investment in the world today.

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Animations are great for everything, aren't they. I mean you can use them for advertisements, you can create an animation as a television show/series or you could just create an animation short to explain a certain thing to a group of people as a sort of tutorial. I love animations and I think most people do no matter their age. The problem is that it is extremely difficult to create, even a simple idea such as a flipbook is extremely difficult to create. But I guess that is where PixelClerks comes in, if you can't create animations then you can just pay someone else to create one for you.

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Hello yet again. As an English professor, I can definitely attest to the fact that the students respond to animations, especially funny and creative animations about literature, stories, and poetry. They are a fun, concise, and quick way to deliver complicated information in a more digestible form, I think, an when I teach online or in the actual classroom, I give my students a list of links to go to, and a lot of them are animations which help to break down things like the Odyssey or a T.S. Eliot poem. They are definitely useful for educational purposes.

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The good thing about animation is that they serve as good entertainment when used in form of movies. Most games that people are playing today are all animations, and the company behind them are making millions of dollars. Take a good look at Square Enix, the company is well known for its Final Fantasy game franchise that started from Final Fantasy 1 to 15, with over millions of downloads and sales, the company has benefited from animations in an exceptional way.

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Seems like anyone who wants to be in a business must have their own animation in their own ways! Specially for promotion, animations are really eye-catching and would always ensure that you will get potential clients or customers. But it shouldn't just be a simple animation, it should be informative and detailed, not too long either.

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Quick animations are the key to business success these days. I am surprised more sites don't invest in animated logos and the like. I think while animation can be eye-catching and effective in attracting new and returning customers - unfortunately there's a segment of adult society that sees them as cheesy and childish in terms of serious business spaces. So there's always that push and pull when it comes to making the decision as to whether or not to include or fully implement them into a business model.

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Yeah, some animations are really simple but are very effective to give information or for advertisements that they are more practical than creating a commercial with actors. Every business should look to incorporate the use of animations in their marketing campaigns.

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Animation is one of the things I want to learn. It was Second year college when I realized that I like animation. Even if its kinda hard to learn but still It amazed me and wanted to create animation too. I can use this for my business in the future.

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Agree. Animations are always in due to popular demand. They make for attractive and engaging art that works all the time. The best ones even feel as though they have a life of their own. That's usually when the emotion expressed is so clear and recognizable that you can't forget it.

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I agree with you, animation is always in demand. They changes through time but they are always there.

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It's also in demand for advertising. So many benefit from marketing and sales of animated characters. Even old cartoons still have their target audience buying their merchandise.

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Animation nowadays have ballooned as an industry. In the past its use was limited to cartoons / anime and some basic infographics. Nowadays animations, specially CGI's or Computer Generated Images are part and parcel of our daily life, it could be seen everywhere.

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