
Animated characters on vlogs.

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Animated characters on vlogs.

I have seen a lot of vlogs on youtube that uses animation. I like the specially the ones with a comedic tone into it. I really like ho simple caricatures are  brought to life with the use of social media. What is your take when it comes to animated vlogs?


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My opinion is that the world is moving to that stage where the power of videos are taking over with little care about long words and that is good since it is going to create another avenue for those that are looking at earning from those animated vlogs.

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Animated video are a huge trend in our world today, a lot of people are taking great interest in vlogs lately than blogs today. Personally, my own preference is shifting towards vlogs as well lately and I don't see it as a bad idea.

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There is a saying that vlogs are going to take over the space of passing useful information that blogs always pass and I see that happening already. It is surprising that it happened so quick as I was still expecting online readers to take time before making adjustments.

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Yep, Vlogs today are taking over the place, you can see it almost everywhere, and it has a lot of attention to it, many people today prefer Vlogs than watching Television, they just login to their YouTube accounts and watch Vlogs and that's it.

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V-logs animations are coming up fast. It is technology and such videos are destined for great things.

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So far, I've seen the ones where the main animation is the vlogger itself. It is different, creative, funny, but to me looks like un-personal, and is like missing the basic interaction of a live/real vlogger, with his/her audience or followers. I know technology and modern ideas, are bringing this option, that is really original, but I rather check live vloggers than animated ones.

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"So far, I've seen the ones where the main animation is the vlogger itself."

These are the ones that I'm actually familiar with as well. Based on my experience with them, I think you bring up a good point. It feels very depersonalized because you know that everything was scripted and the animations were done by some person sitting in front of a computer. The whole appeal behind vlogs is to establish a human connection, almost a kind of friendship, through the person's videos. It's hard to be friends with something that isn't real, especially if you aren't a child.

I'm interested in seeing where the "virtual vlogger" phenomenon goes as A.I technology develops, because one day it could be so advanced that we might get a program that talks about things with a genuine mind of its own. That is going to be interesting.

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That's right. That's the problem about the animation vlogger. It's looks like not serious even you're in very serious topic. Your viewers somehow become irritated and feels that you're in grade school while watching this kind of blogs.

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I like some variety on vlogs, so animated ones are welcome from time to time, but not always. I still prefer the human interaction of talking to the camera as if the audience is part of the video as well.

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Well, this is what the world of technology has brought to us. Animation on vlogs are here to say as many webmasters are using it to make the contents look different and exciting to the readers. It is all about trying to get traffic to the site and nothing more.

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That's right, but actually there's nothing wrong with that animation, but this one is not always appropriate and has a limited topic. It's hard to use the animated blogs if you are talking about the serious matter.

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Yeah, people should learn to adjust their type of presentation based on the content, and not just hop on the animation train just because it's more popular.

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This is the problem sometimes, because it's popular, many of them now using this animation, although it's not applicable to their content, but probably they know the consequence of that.

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Yeah, more and more people are adopting animations into their videos, but it doesn't really work as well in some of them. It's best to use animations only when the content calls for it rather than doing it in everything since it also takes time to do compared to other forms.

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Some people are actually shy being on camera but when you master how to stay in front of one and put in a good work in perfecting your work on the vlogs, it's definitely going to be very enjoyable to anyone that takes interest in it.

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LOL, Maybe that's the reason why they're using the animated character portraying the blogger character to hide the identity because they are not comfortable in front of camera. Although somehow its fun, but I think it's unprofessional to talk about the serious matter while using the animated character.

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Seriously, animation rocks well now more than the way it used to be, I don't know the actual reason behind this but from the looks of phenomenal, it's obvious that people's preference have shifted towards animations at the moment and the animation industry is expanding rapidly.

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And if I'm mistaken, there's also a chat site where you can earn money by posting blogs or participate in the conversation. You need to make your own animated character before you are able to post, I can't recall the site name.

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Animations can help shy people still dot heir vlogs, as long as it's done properly and not in haste. If you don't put effort into the animation and you're shy, then vlogging is not for you.

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True. I do appreciate animation in vlogs because it takes more time and effort to do. I love the regular vlogging, but in the same time animation vlogging is something I cannot just leave unrecognized. The do get their content and messages out. Most commonly the turn to satire but none the less, their content is still interesting to watch. So, I think it is possible for the shy type people to make vlogs if the put on talent and a great amount of effort.

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Yes, me too. When their is human interaction it makes you feel like you are part of the discussion or video. It becomes personal and engaging. I think that even though animated vloggers continue to rise, most people still prefer human vloggers as per reviews I've read.

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Yeah, it's much to relate to a person especially with someone who shares his/her daily life when it's done also in a personal manner. Animations are good every once in a while but just to mix up the content.

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When you say animations, I'm assuming you mean the vlog channels which are run by entirely animated characters? If that's what you mean, I actually saw a video done about this from the YouTube channel Good Mythical Morning. I didn't know it was a phenomenon until they talked about it on their show. In the list of vlogs they showed, it seemed that they were mostly directed towards children though.

In that sense I think they're a good thing. A lot of the clips they showed seemed very fun and genuinely kid friendly, which is great since as we've seen, kid friendliness has been a bit of a problem lately on YouTube. They showed a vlog run entirely by a 3D animated Barbie, and honestly, even as an adult I felt slightly enamored and curious.

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A good example is TheOdd1sOut. I think that these type of vlogs does compete in the vlogging scene. I think it is not that easy as people perceive, that is why I really do have respect for these types of vloggers. I think simple but good animation does a lot especially if it has good content.

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Huh, I actually didn't know about TheOdd1sOut so I decided to check out the channel. I actually really like his videos! They have a pretty good production quality yet still feel very organic and relatable.

I wouldn't necessarily call the videos he makes vlogs, though? They seem to be more along the lines of analytical/reflective content. Usually when I think vlog, I imagine some dude talking off the top of his head or just walking around with a camera while he does daily stuff.

TheOdd1sOut's videos seem to be scripted but spoken in a way that flows naturally. None the less, he's got a new subscriber, haha.

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I agree. but he really does have good content. I love his humor, especially when he talk about his past experiences. I'm glad that you liked it. I'm also one of his subscribers.

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I have seen animated characters on vlogs. I first saw one when my son is watching some jokes on youtube. It was fun to watch not just because of the jokes but also with the use of animated characters. I admire those who can do animation. I am a fan of animated movies that is why I guess I liked the vlogs with animation.

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Same here. I recently got into this one vlog and it really cracked me up. I like their artistry all the way.

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Yes, I experienced the same thing. I first saw this one when my siblings are watching it in YouTube. I mean it is cute for the kids but for adults like me I just adore how good the vlogger is. I mean, that's a great skill and effort.

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I agree. There are some vlogs that has the same theme but I rarely see vloggers that uses the same method and really succeed at it. One must really have the combination of skill, wit and effort to make a successful outcome.

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Those people who are so creative and skillful in making animations in vlogs are so great. Not all people can do it, everyone can watch your animation, but only some can entertain people through it.

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people are more interested in watching vlogs than reading blogs. sadly, I am a blogger with no skills in video making. Thus, even though I understand the power of vlogs, I have not really taken into vlogging. Having said that I have this desire to learn how to make videos and publish vlogs so that I can have more people on my contents. Animated vlogging is nice because it cost less than the vlogs where you use people. For instance, if you are using people in your vlog, you have to find people to feature, shoot the video and then edit the video. However, as far as animated vlogs are concerned, everything can be done from your home.

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You are right. People are more interested in vlogs than blogs so they tend to visit more on youtube or other streaming videos. Some people are getting lazy to read blogs that they prefer watching vlogs and I feel sad for the writers. I think vloggers tend to do animated characters because they want to make it their videos enticing to the viewers. I think it's cool to make some animated characters as its a creative way to entertain people or viewers.

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After Google search, Youtube gets most of the traffic. People are more interested in seeing rather than reading. These days it is very common for people to go to youtube whether they want to find information or get a daily dose of entertainment. According to one stat, in the US more youth visit youtube than watch television. Therefore, it benefits more to use youtube to share your idea.
There was a time when people thought animation is basically for the children. However, this is not the case these days. Animations are also for the adults.

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Yup. I guess a lot of people is more visual. That is why they tend to watch more vlogs rather than reading written contents in blogs. None the less both blog and vlogs are informative and entertaining.

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When it comes to learning something, visual media is more effective than the text. The visual media can help you understand better, however, if you have to memorize something, text is more helpful. I learn a new skill through visual media but I gather information through text.

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I agree, creativity is what makes vlogs successful. Also its the variety of what you see is basically what entice people. But of course there are people who still prefers blogs and just do the usual reading. I do find vlogs interesting and unique specially those with animation.

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You get better visibility and earn better with vlogs, however, vlogging is more of a technical work. You not only have to write the content for the vlog, but also shoot the video and edit the video. There are programs that help you create video content from drag and drop tools with animated characters. I have not tried these programs yet. There are specially designed programs to make animated videos.

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The truth is that attention is more focused on videos than on write ups. This is the main reason for more people going for vlogs over blogs. It's only those people that appreciate how detailed blog content are that would always go for blogs first before reaching out to vlogs to complement what they read in blogs.

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Agree with that. I'm also love to watch the video blogs, all I have to do is to listen and fallow the instruction with the video example. This one is very helpful for me.

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I really like that idea. Its added fun and excitement while you reading their blogs. It's also looks like a comic for me. The humor from the looks of the character make got my attention sometimes to finish their article or blogs.

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Yeah, you got the point as most blogs are making use of that to get more visitors to the blog. It is all about trying to be innovative and understanding of the situation that people now prefers to watch videos to staying longer time to read long article.

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Actually for me, I preferred to watch video blogs than to reading. This one helps me a lot specially if the topic is related to tutorial to do something, I really like the actual videos and no need for me to create something on my mind about the tutorial I reading.

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I remembered one thing that I learned from my professor in college in our graphics and visualization class. She told us that the generation today, especially those millennial people, prefer with images/icons/videos rather than understanding or reading a certain thought using texts. Therefore, animated vlogs nowadays is really popular and I personally like it too because I enjoy watching animated videos especially if it has a funny side or just like what you have said, caricature in life.

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I think it's a great idea and innovation. There's always a room for improvement and i support people who take initiatives. As long as the primary content and intentions are not affected i think its good.

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A lot of people nowadays are watching vlogs, I think that putting animations in it is a plus factor in vlogs. Animation always attracts attention.

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This is exactly my point. When it comes to video animation on vlogs, people tend to pick more interest and it's possibly as a result of the visual content of the vlogs as regards to the written contents in blogs. This our current generation don't like getting into anything that would give them stress, it's why they are trooping in to vlogs lately.

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Very true. People nowadays has always been expecting for some great animations and effects. But I think all of us want that kind of animations in watching to almost all kinds of videos not only on video blogs. Also, I salute those video animators and video editors for their amazing works and catchy-type of videos because I know how it is hard to make even just a simple amazing video. It takes a longer time to edit and re-edit. The effort that they spent on making such a beautiful and interesting vlogs is what I adore more.

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Totally agree that this is a great innovation in Vlogs. Vloggers are including animations in their videos to get more viewers. It is a way to break the routine of just putting their video out there. They must up their game to stand out from other Vlogs since competition is so big.

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I also think that it is meant to help vloggers like me that doesn't really wan to expose themselves to the world wide web. Believe it or not, some vloggers tend to be camera shy but still wants to express themselves through their vlogs to which animations like this are a perfect blend of being private and still be exposed at the same time.

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That's such a good point - it can not just be for entertainment, but for also keeping a person's anonymity. I don't have a vlog yet myself, mainly for the purpose of wanting to remain anonymous, so this could be a good compromise.

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The world is taking a huge spin with how everything is going on recently and animation seems to be trending well at this moment. As an animation lover, I have sought out and seen so many animations on vlogs and all I can say for the ones that are well perfected is that I'm 100% impressed with the job that they have done.

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True. Like you I also love animation. To tell you quite the truth, there are lots of impressive animated vlogs that are top of the notch when it comes to content and animation.

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Of course yes, everyday we get to see how the world evolves and ushers in new programs and technologies that would make the precious ones seems like a joke. It's exactly what animation on vlogs brings to the table. I'm actually seeing the possibility of it getting more better than the way it as at the moment.

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Yeah, there vlogs with animation that are well made and you know by the quality that they really put time and effort to make their content great.

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That is the heart of a vlog. With it and with special editing skills your vlog will look lively and interesting to watch.

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I think an animated vlog can be fun if it's done well. I think it helps people feel connected to the subject matter in a different way, and often it keeps people coming back to watch the vlogs. Based on that, I think if you execute it well it can definitely bring you extra traffic to your vlogs!

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I've seen quite a few animated vlogs and I think in the near future a lot of people would incorporate animations in their vlogs. When properly done it looks great but I've also seen vlogs with sloppy animations and it's horrible.

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One thing that you should keep close to mind always is that there will always be amateurs in any professional field you could ever think of, so animated vlogs isn't excluded from such sighting. So, when you see a badly done animated vlogs, let it ring a bell in your mind that it's the handy work of an amateur in the business of animated vlogs.

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It helps a lot to make the vlog awesome. But you need to think of a unique element for that. Lot of vlogs do have that animated thingy. So it will be not so effective to have just a common one.

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I think animation in vlogs when done properly helps it become more interesting and modern. Animation adds charm to the vlog and it's a sign of keeping up with the times.

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I think animation on vlogs is fine because is is funny and shows creativeness however real interaction of the vlogger to the audience is a lot more important. This is one of the downside of having new technology nowadays and we need to embrace the downside of it because it has a lot more benefit to us.

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Animated character on vlogs is good as long as it is appropriate to the content of the video. Animation brings out the creativity of the vlogger. It makes the video more fun and interesting to watch. It is also one way to express what you really want to tell about your video especially when a vlogger is not comfortable facing the camera.

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Yes, you are right. Even though you are very good with the animation, it would be useless if you don't align it with your content. Instead of receiving praises, you'll be facing criticisms.

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I haven't seen animations on vlogs. It will be interesting to find one. I guess it will work with some themes or topics but there will be some topics which definitely cannot use it. Simply because it does not fit and will not be able to communicate with the viewers effectively. If the vlogger is some sort of camera shy and resorted to this, I can't understand why he or she went vlogging in the first place. It's just me though.

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In my opinion, animation on vlogs is interesting to see. As our technology moves faster from time to time and a lot of things are happening day by day, basically animation will definitely work! Animation has a room in vlogging and I believe that it makes vlogging more fun, innovating, and interesting to see.

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Technology flows to every corner, videos included. V-log animations and cartoon are just wonderful. Like you, I live the more comic ones.

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It is nice to see animation in vlogs. I've seen alot of them and it is very entertaining. We can see how people developed creativity with the tools and applications we have. I appreciate their effort on making their vlogs more entertaining, and on the same time, informative. It could give them a chance to have more viewers and also promote their skills in creating creative animations. They could also enhance their skills while doing what they love and also, earn money. I really enjoy watching vlogs with animations.

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They are very captivating and nice to watch. Animation in a vlog is a really good way to attract viewers. You will not be bored when you are watching an animated character most specially if there are also a nice sound effects.

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If I saw animated characters on blogs, its a thumbs up for me. Because first I love animes and its really interesting to watch, it allows me to stay active because I really love animes.

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I like the cartoonish animation on vlogs, especially those that use them when explaining complicated stuff. It feels engaging and it keeps my mind from getting distracted or get sidetracked by thinking of other things because I already lost interest in the video. One good example is Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell's YouTube channel. They provide informative videos and does it in an entertaining way.

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I prefer vlogs since I like watching than reading. I enjoyed more watching videos in Youtube, Facebook, etc. Animated vlogs will make your vlogs more interesting and enjoyable. It adds art and color to your eye.

When I watch some tutorials, I really prefer videos as you can watch what and how they do than just reading instructions. I can easily get it if I'm watching rather than reading.

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I follow a certain Vlog on Youtube and it has done wonders on my life. Because of that Vlog I renew my passion in writing and learning. Animation on Vlogs makes it more exciting and engaging. Visual effects like animation makes it makes it easier for its viewer to understand a certain topics the video is all about.

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I think for these kind of vlogs I've seen on youtube are way more imagination they can think of. I've seen the vlogs of a popular game from PS4 and its really funny. You will get to know their idea about the video if you really play the game too by yourself. I find it creative and funny really because they made it hilarious voices and movements which it really entertain me so much.

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What you think about animated vloggers which uses Artificial Intelligence A.I. There is this online youtuber that uses artificial intelligence in creating vlogs. Hats off to whoever created this Animated blogger but rumour has it that she has coalesced on her own using artificial intelligence.

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If I'll become a YouTuber, this is the route that I'll take. I do not like the idea of exposing who I am or what I look like in public. Most animations or whiteboard animations I see are from content creators who teach about self-improvement. It's excellent, and some have millions of views. It is best to put a watermark of your logo on your video to at least be safe with plagiarism.

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I really love anime characters, and I guess using anime characters on vlogs can make the vlog not boring because you can entertain the people who love to watch that kind of anime.

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We don't see animations in our everyday life, so seeing an animation online will really catch the attention of the curious mind. Also, with all the problems that a person faces everyday, one somehow wants to be entertained and prefer a video that will somehow ease his anger or anything.

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Animations are the most effective and one of the most popular trends in all sorts of marketing. animations are loved by one and all. It is very easy to communicate through animated characters. Even very complicated subjects can be addressed very easily through animations. Animated vlogs can be a very quick way to get traffic on your vlogs

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I love animated vlogs, it adds a variety to the videos and makes it more enjoyable to watch, it's the trend and people are good enough in making those animations with the use of internet and programs that are easily accessible in today's world as long as you have an internet.

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I agree with you. With all of the emerging apps good for animation, people become hooked to it and they would want to have a breath of fresh air.

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