
What to you is the best animated film ever made?

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What to you is the best animated film ever made?

Whether your a fan of American Animated Films or Japanese Anime, what animated or anime film/movie the very best you've ever seen? Not speaking of cartoon TV shows or series, but legitimate animated movies. These movies are the same as live action movies except animated.


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Oh man, definitely putting me on the spot here. There are so many animated films I absolutely love, particularly from the Disney renaissance era. I grew up in the 90's where Disney was making a serious comeback, and nearly every animated film from that era is a masterpiece. I have a particularly soft spot in my heart for Aladdin and Hercules, but The Lion King, Tarzan, and Toy Story are up there as well.

I'm a big fan of classic Disney films as well, including Alice in Wonderland and The Sword in the Stone.

Like I said, I guess if I could only choose one to watch for the rest of my life, it would probably be Aladdin.

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Tarzan has been made many times and tarzan is also one of my favorite animated movies,I have also watched Hercules and I liked the movie. I have not watched the entire Toy story movie and I have never watched The Lion KIng. By the way I recently watched Moana and it is a wonderdul movie. The story is good, characters are interesting and animation is nice.

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I also like tarzan, the old cartoon series not the new one. And Hercules too, there's a lot of catchy tune in that animated movie just like Alladin with its "A Whole New World" sung by Leah Salonga, one of our best singers here in the Philippines.

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Alladin is a great movie and all kids and adults can relate to it. I think, it's story is one of the most unique stories that was made into an animated movie. And who can forget it's soundtrack "A Whole New World" which was sung by a Filipina - Lea Savings.

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This was an animation shown during my time so it's also nostalgic for me. You can tell from this movie how far animation had taken. Soundtracks of animated movies add to the reasons why I love Disney animation.

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Definitely it would be Disney who started it all. I really love Disney's classic films and still they have done it from The Lion King which I personally watched in a movie house when it was out and up to this time to Moana. There's really a lot of great animated movies from Disney to choose from I guess I'm a fan of the classics which is The Lion King, Pocahontas, Aladdin and the newer ones Finding Nemo and Inside Out. When watching Disney movies it really brings out that feeling when I was a kid which is excited about what's next to happen.

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Well I knew the comments would include references to Disney animation films and even though you have mentioned many of the movies that I like I am going to have to name the first full length feature film that started it all: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937).

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True, I miss being a kid, my favorite animated film was the Toy Story and not just the animation really also the story, I fell in love with that film that I don't want it to end, I want it to continue having part 1, 2 so and so on, because I don't know I just love the movie so much.

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There's too many and I can't pick a single one. What to you is the best animated film ever made?

I think I will have to go with the most recent anime movie that I have watched. It's titled "Your Name". It's a very good movie even if you aren't fond of watching Japanese animated films. It's a romance/comedy film and it will surely make you laugh and cry at the same time. The quality of animation done in this film is very good and you can say that they haven't been tight on the budget. What to you is the best animated film ever made?

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Actually, when people ask what animated movie the best I've ever seen, "Kimi no Nawa" or "Your Name" comes to my mind first. Well, no doubt that it is the best since a lot of reviews of that movie is more on its almost-reality-like graphics/animations. I also like how Your Name's author include real settings such as real places in Japan and their cultures to the movie.

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I also love Kimi No Nawa/Your Name. It's the only animated film that I've watched so far that I felt like everything was real. I mean, I know that it's an animated movie but the feelings I got and the emotions I've invested for this movie is so real I don't know if it's normal actually. How the characters were illustrated and the superb quality of the animation made it really felt so realistic. It's as if I was also there in the movie.

I actually only heard about this movie because of the hype it made since it's release but I didn't have that much interest to watch until I saw a fan-made music video of Day6's (a Korean boy band) I'll Remember where the creator used some of the most important scenes of the movie and it really made me very interested because I felt really emotional after watching the music video.

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I saw that Japanese animated film. I find the story very good. Like you I was hesitant at first because it was in Japanese and I wasn't really up to reading subtitles at that time, but because of that film I started watching Japanese anime. Not only movies but also the series ones. I also like the animated movie "The Girl Who Leaped Through Time". It also have the same vibe as Kimi No Nawa.

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Yeah, it's a really good anime film. Glad you decided to watch it even if you were hesitant at first. We actually have the same story, I also didn't like to watch any japanese films or series because I don't like reading subtitles (though Korean Dramas are exempted). After watching Shigatsu Wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April), I began to watch more because I really loved how their stories are different and that anime is much better than actual human actors.

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Hey, I also watched that film. That is something in common. I also love watching live action films but I have to agree that the animated ones are the best. In animation series, I personally love Sukette ii na yo and Au Haru Ride.

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True. I've watched some live action movies and they're a bit dis-appointing in my opinion. The last live action I saw is Attack on Titan and the live action is such a big dis-appointment for me. I don't know Sukette ii nayo so I guess I should look for the trailer on YouTube. For Ao Haru, I only saw the trailer and I bet I'll shed a lot of tears by just watching that anime so I still have to save more courage in order to watch that.

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I've heard rave reviews about Your Name but just haven't had the chance to watch it yet. I've got some spare time this weekend so I might have a look on Netflix and see if it's available to watch.

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You should and I support those rave reviews because I've watched it myself. Hope it's available on Netflix but if it''s not you can watch it for free in kissanime. It's a free anime streaming website and you can also download the movie for free if you want.

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I just saw Tokyo Ghoul and I think it is a nice adaptation of the anime series. You should go try to see that too.

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Really? Then I guess I should try and watch Tokyo Ghoul. I'm very particular about details when it comes to live action films but I am also open to trying them first before giving my final judgment. Thanks for the tip mate.

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No problem. I wish that you will like it as much as I did. It is not as grand as Attack on Titan, but I must say that it stayed true with the animation itself.

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It really gives a good feeling when the movies end to happy endings. It will always rewind in you about the best part of the scene. Ghibli Studios collections are great. What I really attached most was the "Spirited Away", by loving her parents so much she save them from turning to pigs back again as a human to the world of spirits. A nice movie that I can recommend for whole family.

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I have yet to watch the movie. But the animation reminds me of "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time." There's just something about Japanese animation and their stories. It's both funny yet tragic at the same time.

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Yeah, it aired the same time as Rogue One here and my friend and I were quite underwhelmed by the Star Wars movie so we decided to watch Your Name, and it was so beautiful, we immediately recommended it to our friends over Rogue One.

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I'm not really a fan of the new Star Wars franchise. I don't dislike it but I'm not obsessed with it. I can see why that anime makes for a better viewing experience. It gets you in the feels.

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Yeah, I think only the original trilogy was really good, and the rest are just okay films with some being really bad. And yeah, comparing this anime with the recent Star Wars films is just a very different experience in terms of handling emotion.

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There's this old animated film in the 80's, which i can't forget up to now, it's The Flight of Dragons and to me it may well be one of the best animated films I've ever seen.

The film tackles the fate of dragons, it's about going back in time in another reality where magic and mythical creatures exists, the animation could be called plain in today's standards but back then it was the best. It has time travel, mythical creatures, magic and sorcery and romance. It has one of the best stories I've ever seen and remains in my top 5 animated movies of all time.

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I'll try watching it. It seems like a very hyped movie. Though, I'm not sure if I'll feel the same as others did after having watched the movie.

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I would say the Naruto series, including Shippuden and the ongoing Boruto is one of the best animes ever produced. It's storyline is quite unique because it goes on for hundreds of years with all the characters having their own stories or back stories.

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I like Naruto too. Though, I'm not really watching it anymore. I'm not too interested in continuing with the next generation.

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I enjoy watching Naruto as well. Reached the Shippuden part but only after Pain destroyed the village. Wasn't able to watch the rest due to busy schedule. Really looking forward to catch up with the series and start with Boruto.

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Another Japanese Anime that I really like is Macross: Frontier, it's a good series, like the other Macross series. What made this film better was the quality of songs it has, it has the best songs in all Macross. If you are not familiar with Macross, it's a Mecha series that has songs Incorporated into its story. Another unique thing about it is that it has a love triangle between 2 singers and an ace pilot.

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Your name is my vote as well. This animated film is so good that it hit the one of the top grossing films not just in japan but also in other countries. I am a fan of anime even if i am old enough for it. Hahaha. But what can I do, anime is fun to watch.

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I just watched this animated movie and its really good. The plot is new and refreshing to me. The animation is great. I also cried a little and have good laugh in this movie. Highly recommended to everyone.

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Up is my best-animated film so far it's comedy-drama adventure. It was released in 2009 and produced by Pixar and Walt Disney. Up was not just a typically animated film it has a unique story that will touch your heart. To be honest there was a time that I cried while watching Up I felt the sadness of the movie it has a moral story and you will value your loved ones while they're still alive. Up won two awards in Oscars, Best Animated Feature and Best Original Score.

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I'd have to agree. "Up" is one of the best animated movies ever. It has the perfect mix between joy and sadness. The emotional scene makes a lot of people cry.

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I agree with you. Up is one of my favorite animated films. It has a heart in which expresses the different emotions people really experience in the real world. The writer, the story line and animation really sync with each other.

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"The emotional scene makes a lot of people cry."

I actually haven't watched "Up" yet because everyone tells me this exact thing! For a 26 year old man, I'm prone to crying super easily at emotional moments in films. I mean I cry at like every episode of Doctor Who! I know it's somewhat of a dumb reason to avoid the movie, but I just don't want to get all emotional all the time. I wanna watch an animated film for happy, funny fun times and not ride an emotional roller coaster of life lessons!

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It's up to you. But I'm positive you'll find it just as fun if you do decide to watch it. The part where they say you'll cry depends on your reaction. I didn't do that when I first watched it. I actually found it happy despite the sad parts of the movie.

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I hope you find time to watch the film @DenisP. Don't worry you're not going to cry for the entire film there was just a part that you will feel the sadness of the story especially if you have a partner, family, and loved ones. Up was not just a drama animated film it's a comedy adventure also. Don't miss watching this movie because even Matthew McConaughey liked this movie and he even cried while watching Up. Hehe.

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All this talk about "Up" makes me want to watch it again. There's something so wonderful about getting to see your favorite movies. It's like the best feeling ever.

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Matthew McConaughey cried during Up?! Oh, I think I found a picture of that actual moment!

Okay, sorry to make a joke of that emotional scene from Interstellar but it's the first thing that came to mind, haha!

Alright alright alright, with all the recommendations in this thread I think I'm not going to have a choice but give the movie a watch. It has a lot to live up to with all the hype now but I'm sure it'll deliver, as Pixar always does.
What to you is the best animated film ever made?

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This really had me. So funny! But seriously, who wouldn't want to watch it again? It's like one of those movies you watch every year or so.

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Haha, that was a good crying moment of Matthew McConaughey. But kidding aside he mentioned it in his interview I think it was in Ellen show. He said he cried watching the film. If you're animated film lover you should not miss watching Up. Hehe. Good luck.

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Even so, I think that it is still a must watch. I think you should give it a try and watch it. I'm sure you wouldn't regret it. I for one am a fan of feel good movie and for me "Up" is one of the best recommended ones. I really like the ups and downs of the story and by the end of it I'm pretty sure that you would really feel good.

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Now that you've mentioned this film, I can't find a western animated film that can beat it. Yes, there are films like "Zootopia" but "Up" leaves a different feeling after watching it. It still gives me goosebumps until now when I remember the first part and the ending of the story. Truly a masterpiece. What to you is the best animated film ever made?

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I know, right? At first I didn't quite understand how it made others cry. For me, it was a happy story. But then I saw how people emotionally reacted to Ellie's adventurous life. That's when I got it.

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I love Up too, the sequence in the film showing Carl and Ellie's relationship is probably the best scene in all of animated film history, matched by a very memorable score. It's great when a supposed "kids' movie" can make adults cry in just the opening scenes.

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It's always nice to be surprised by films every now and then. We've all become so accustomed to mediocre or lesser quality movies. But once you look forward, you'll find that some are worth your time.

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Yeah, I generally don't expect much from animated movies, although Pixar has made a name for itself and most people expect at least a good movie coming from Disney-Pixar, which is what I anticipated coming into Up. I just didn't expect the feels very early on in the film. Very recently, I had a wonderful experience with Coco.

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Hmm... I haven't watched "Coco" as of now. I might look into it since you mentioned the film. I have the same experience with "Up." It's just weird not getting incredibly emotional like in tears when I first watched it. I had to see it twice to "get" what others felt in the early scenes.

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Well, it's still an animated film and sometimes expectations can affect how you think about the movie. If someone came into a movie expecting just a fun story or just doesn't relate to the story, it won't be as emotional.

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Oh Coco is beautiful! it has everything funny characters, amazing plot, computer graphics, soundtrack, and also the lesson at the end. Is not just that makes you feel emotional, but it makes you value your family and all that you have with it. So, once you watch it, you really appreciate the memories it will bring to you. I seriously dare anyone to watch it without dropping at least a single tear.

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Oh, really? It's that good. Well, count me in! Challenge accepted. I'll watch it later and see what happens. I'm sure it'll be a nice movie.

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Man you won't regret it, specially if you watch it with your family. That's definitively a movie to be watched with all your loved ones. Get ready to laugh a lot, to be amazed by the wonderful land of the dead, and to feel emotional. Don't worry, you won't be the only one, you'll see.

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I just watched it. It was nice. I like that they emphasized family through the plot twist of the real composer. I see why others might cry during emotional scenes.

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Exactly, the whole plot is committed to family. So, that's why I told you about watching it with your family. There are another ones like Frozen, it's about sisterhood, but honestly is not my favorite one. I would rather choose The Lion King, because it's a very nice story about a Father/Son legacy. Lately, all the animated movies are getting more emotional, and they're not just a prince, a queen, or a princess, but more into leaving knowledge.

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Oh, yeah, I remember this movie, and I also like this one. Carl is very funny and smart at the same time, while the old guy is so serious and very sentimental. A good personality combination. This comedy and drama animated movie will touch your heart at the same time.

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Perfect personality combination. That's one fitting description. Carl was too uptight and melancholic while Kevin appeared hyped up and optimistic. I like this movie as well because of the attack in the story wherein there was a serious and emotional tone in it but delivered in a humorous way. It was fun too watch but there was no escaping of the drama aspect regarding Carl's old age and bereavement.

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I forgot this film. Yes, it is one of the best animated films that I've watched but I still prefer the latest Kimi no Nawa. Though "Up" can easily make you cry since it involves elder's timely and common stories. But both Kimi no Nawa and Up have life lessons to be learned.

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Oh, I can't believe I forgot this one. It was so moving - I know of loads of grown adults like myself who all cried over the movie. It's incredibly touching - I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it. Definitely worth the watch.

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I feel like their best films are the ones with no planned sequels. Like if they commit to making a movie and give it their all. Though, I'd be fine with surprise follow up movies like "The Incredibles 2."

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That's a good point - I never thought about it like that, but I feel like a lot of the time if there's a planned sequel then it feels like the first edition of the movie is just really unfinished. The ones without a sequel tend to be more involved and emotive.

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I know, right? It's also a late realization for me as well. It's because of how they approach the movie. Think of it like this: "If you had one shot to get it right, what would you do?"

Unlike with planned sequels, they get a bit lazy and careless thinking that they have room for error since there'll be more in the future.

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I agree, that Up is a very good animated film, although I hate those emotional moments that at times I would cover my ears by my hands just to not hear it haha. But nonetheless the story was such a good one that I can't help finish the movie.

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Why do you hate those emotional moments though? You mean you hate it in a bad way? or you just hate it because it makes you cry and makes you so sad too? because I for me it was a great overall movie it makes you think about life.

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One of my favorite back in the day was "The Incredibles". This is an animated movie based on a family which posses super strength and powers which they always use to save everyone when they are in trouble as we as their community. The appearance of the characters in the movie always gets a laughing myself out.

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I'm a fan of superhero movies, and I still consider The Incredibles to be the only relevant Fantastic 4 movie (even if it's not, because I absolutely hate all of the actual Fantastic 4 movies). Thankfully, they're coming back this year with a sequel! Hopefully it's as classic as the 1st one (like Toy Story sequels).

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It's one of the best animated movies of all time. The depth and creativity involved really put it at the top. It's not just any old superhero story. The touch of tragedy and realism speaks for itself. No sunshine and rainbows here.

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The Incredibles is a good animated film, it's really entertaining, I like their take on the lives of retired heroes and their alter egos, it's something quite unique about the film. I've watched both Incredibles 1 and 2, I think the first one was much better.

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This is likely the case for all movies. Often you'll find that the original movie is the best. Sequels have a hard time following the one that came before it. It's because they'd have to surpass the level of expectation established and bring something new to the table.

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Yeah i love that one specially my kids. I think we watched that several times one in a cinema, one on HBO and one on DVD. But watching it several times still enticed me, its family oriented and has a good story. I heard that there will be a sequel, were hoping that it will be soon.

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I agree. It's one of those movies you can watch more than once. I don't get tired of it. The story is just so thoughtful and family oriented. A sure favorite for my family.

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My kids love this one, and when we watch it both my husband and I enjoy it as well. It definitely has elements of humor that only adults would probably understand, making it fun for the whole family.

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I like the Incredibles a lot because of its characters and it's storyline. It revolves on a family of retired superheroes coping up with their powers and the normal daily lives of their alteregos. Then there's an emergence of a new threat from a villain that would force the retired heroes to come back to the lime light and there's also the issue about their kids who also has superpowers. Overall it's a very entertaining superhero animated movie.

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Believe me, I have never watched an anime. I have watched few segments of anime, however, I have never watched entire anime movie. However, I enjoy watching Hollywood animated movies. There are many animated movies that I love very much. I cannot choose one. The movie that is coming to my mind at this moment is Kung Fu Panda. The story is great and the animation is wonderful. I also liked frozen, the story as well as the animation.

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I have watched all part produced on Kung Fu Panda. I personally love calling him Mr. Talker because the panda talks more than a crazy parrot. Even in the midst of battle, he would still be yapping all the rubbish he can't hold back. What a funny dude. His fighting finishing technique - Skudish is funny but cool.

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Panda is a cute character made lively by Jack Black. Sometimes I have a feeling that the character was written with Jack Black in mind. The movies in Kung Fu Pand series are feel-good movies that will appeal to the audience of all ages.

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This is absolutely true. My kid brother was actually the one who introduced me to watching Kung Fu Panda and ever since then I have always enjoyed seeing him joke around with his fat belly and fight as well.

But I still have my most cherish cartoon animation to me Sumari Jack.

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When I was a child I dod not watch a lot of animated movies. I preferred to read instead of watching movies. I began watching animated movies only when I became an adult. I started watching animated movies with my nephew. I liked what I saw. These days, I watch animated movies even when my nephew is not with me.

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This one is a blockbuster specially for my kids... Me and my kids watched this together. Now they are still watching this in a anime series. And when you think that there couldn't be more, our devices has all kinds of apps with the dragon warrior in it.

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Kung Fu Panda is a wonderful movie for all ages. The movie is highly recommended for kids because it gives a moral lesson, it teaches us to believe in ourselves, it teaches us to see our true potential.
Another good movie is Frozen. The movie tells a story of love between the sisters.

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Who doesn't love animated movies? They're just so refreshing and creative when done well. I really want to watch "The Incredibles 2." The first movie just gave so much in the short span of an hour and a half.

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The Incredibles, I have heard about this movie, however, I have not watched me. One of my favorite animated movie series is Despicable Me. I have watched three movies in this series and every movie are amazing.

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I just re-watched it. It's a great movie. Try viewing it when you have time. I'm actually excited to watch its sequel. It'll probably be great.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I will surely check this movie. However, I still think Fung Fu panda is still one of the best animated movies ever made. Not only the story and presentation are good, the computer generated images are also wonderful.

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I like that movie too. It's a fun watch. I'll probably go watch the third movie since I've yet to see it. It'll be a blast. Let's see what happens.

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So far, three Kung Fu Panda movies have been released, I have watced the first and second installment, however, I am yet to watch the third movie in the series. Since I liked the first and second movie, I am sure I will also like the third movie. Even though Kung Fu Panda was released in 2016, I have not watched the movie.

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I'm currently watching it right now. I hope you watch it soon too. So far it looks really interesting. It's exciting to see the panda community since they're thought to be rare or extinct.

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The Panda is an interesting character because it has a voice of Jack Black. I will soon watch Kung Fu Panda 3.
By the ways, Despicable Me is also an interesting animated movie series. Have you watched this movie?

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I find the movie okay. The final installment was a fun way to end the series. I've actually watched "Despicable Me." Like "Kung Fu Panda," I'll be watching its third movie. Let's have fun.

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Inside Out is my favorite. I may be biased as I was undergoing some tough stuff at the time of watching the film, but it just hit so close to home and it has one of the more unique concepts in an animated film executed perfectly. Great storytelling, great plot, and great emotional connection with the characters.

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I think for me, is the boy and the beast. This action animated movie from japan is very interesting for me, This movie won the best animation in japan in 2015 and become box office and earn 85 billion yen. The nine year old Ren is the main character here and his master Kumatetsu the beast.

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I have two first is Land Before Time, it was made in the late 80's, and the graphics is really not that good but the storyline and music score as well as the voices of the dinosaurs were perfect. To me it's one of the very best animated films ever made.

The second one is The Lion King, with its perfect music, the first time I watched it in the cinema, the music transported my mind to Africa. The story is heartwarming and fun, narrating Simba's youth until he became the Lion King. I really love this film and it's graphics are pretty good for a 1990's movie.

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I really like the Land before time, I'm still watching this cartoons every holy week, It's looks like become tradition in our country to watch this because this film is all over the local t.v channel every holly week. this one is cute and the young generations right now will learn a lot from this animated film.

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For me its Wall.E the robot who feels like he is human and act like human. I really love it and it makes me cry watching that movie. There is something in that movie that really moves me, I watch that movie I think almost 10 times and still making me cry for a moment and I don't know why. Maybe some of you is familiar to that movie. For me its the best animated film I ever watched.

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I like his relationship with Eve. It's cute and feel real. That's what I look forward to whenever I watch the film.

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For me my best animated film that was ever made was the finding nemo which is a particular movie about certain fish which has also a good moral lesson that is good for viewers. It was just a simple yet a fantastic movie for everyone because you will really learned a lot from it and the events or situation in the movie are really happening in the real life which makes it more interesting to watch.

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For Anime I think the two best japanese animation Mecha series are Mazinger Z and Voltes V both made and released in the 70's. Considering the limitations in that era these two animes were a huge success because of its great graphics specially in fighting and catchy soundtracks. They are having a comeback and the Mazinger Z movie called Mazinger Z Infinity has just been released.

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I wish they could remake these series using the latest technology. These animes have made a great impact on how modern mecha animes are made. My dad and I have been a fan of these animes since they are both our childhood animes. What to you is the best animated film ever made?

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There's a remake of Mazinger Z, it's titled Mazinger Z: Infinity, you can watch it even in Facebook just search it. It's think they're rebooting it for its 50th anniversary. It was launched a few months back and features the 3 Mazinger Robots.

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Thanks. I've been watching animes on KissAnime.ru these past few years. They offer 1080p and BluRay copies of all animes for free. Facebook uploaded animes have low video quality almost 90% of the time.

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Yeah, I'm interested to see how well mecha animes look with our current technology today. I think they can really make a comeback with all the visual effects and CGI that could improve the visuals.

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I'm akways looking forward for any remake of old mechas, since they've got cool stories back then, I would really like to see them made, using the latest technology in animation.

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Yes I agree that Japanese animation were the best creation that I've ever watched, it is not boring to have even though I already watched it for a couple of times already still it is very entertaining and interesting to watched. When I was a kid I witness different kind of animation and I could only say that Japanese animation was one of my favorite which until now is giving satisfaction and interest for me.

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If I were to compare movies from past years up to now, I have to admit that latest animation movies were far better than those animated movies from years back then. Since our technology is always upgrading, we cannot conclude that movies before were the best when it comes to animated films, rather, they were the best when it comes to story telling or story plot I must say. Although animated movies were then good even before but since our technology today is higher than before it's more easier for the creators of movies to create such animation films but lacking when it comes story details.

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I definitely agree with you. Although there are also some animated movies right now that are also good both in graphics and story telling, I must say that most animated stories with good story telling and plot belongs to the past generations like the 70's-90's and early 2000's animated movies. they didn't have the technology to deliver such good graphics that we enjoy right now, however their stories were more simple and it made the learning of the moral lessons easy to understand. After all, animated movies are centered to the young audiences so I guess making simple but beautifully made animated movies should be the focus of animators. But that's just for me, in the end it's still a business and what brings more money will be the utmost focus of film companies.

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Yes, knowing that it was hard for the animators to create such good movies because it was manually created especially before. I remember my professor told us that it was complicated to produced animation movies before as they have to hire hundreds of animators and artists to do the work and it took 2 years for them to finished the movie. Artists only used traditional way, my professor told us that Beauty and the Beast was created out of water color, in such medium they still produced it in a good quality. If you watched it as if they just made it easily but it took years before it was produced. Both classics and modern animation movies produced good stories and graphics I must, there might slightly difference but both are good in different ways.

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Exactly. The traditional way of making animated films had limited resources and was very exhausting and time consuming and so a lot of inventors tried their best to make tools that can make the work easier. However, that also made the animated movies of the present less 'heartfelt' I guess. It's not that they have bad storylines or what, it's just that I can't feel the sincerity with the animations and graphics. It feels like they only wanted to finish the whole thing because of the deadline. But anyways, not all are like that so I still prefer the new way because it makes the work easier and fast.

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You are right. They only had limited resources at those times. Sometimes the story has the same lineup as the others so the stories they create are not unique anymore and are not original. One more thing is the deadline. You are definitely right as they also have limited time. The time duration they give to the artists are lacking so i think time is also important because the more you give them time the better work they produce and create. Yes it's a lot more easier to work now a days than those times.

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I would agree with you on that animated movies now are visually superior than that of the past but if you would watch the old animated films, you would see that they have better stories than the new ones.

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Yes, I do agree with you in that past animes have better stories than the new ones. The new ones might have better graphics but they usually are lacking in the story telling department.

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I also like the Mr. Bean animated series because it is very enjoying and very convenient to watch. I always laugh whenever I watch its series , it relieves my stress while watching it in my office or in the house. It is a great ice breaker for the day for doing a long hours of work in the office. I am sure that everyone will love it and would enjoy watching it.

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Yeah, Mr. bean is really funny. I used to watch this every morning before going to school when I was still studying. This cartoons is also a good stress reliever. I can compare now the Mr.bean to Looney tunes and Tom and Jerry.

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I have watched Mr. Bean movies and I really like this character and the movies. My favorite Mr. Bean movie is Mr. Bean's Travel to France, I do not remember the exact name of the movie though. Interestingly, I did not know MR. Bean was also available as animated series. I will have to find more about this.

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Yeah, there's was an animated series before, and actually until now, I think. Because my nephew and at age of 7, he knows Mr.Bean because of that animated series. I just don't like how the Hollywood Build up the character of Mr.Bean as a hero in a film like Johnny English.

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people love heroism, that's why people built the character Johny English. They wanted encash the popularity of Mr. Bean by building a new character for the actior who plays Mr. Bean.

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Mr.Bean cartoons was discontinued a few years back and they've been running the old episodes again. I think Mr.Bean is one of those unique Animations which is based on a person played by Rowan Atkinson. I mean, it's the only Animated series I've known that was based on a comedy live action series and not the other way around.

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The 2017 film Beauty and the Beast which is partly animated is a very well made film. Emma Watson's portrayal of the beautiful Belle was magnificent and the the animated scenes were amazing, it really looks like real.

The last fully animated Beauty and the Beast movie I've seen was in 1991 but it was the songs and music that made it a hit, the animation back then was not that good but the movie nonetheless was very entertaining.

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I don't know but I am really into anime. I am not that into anime films but I am into series. I had several anime films like that of Shingeki No Kyojin and One Piece but they are just mediocre to me.

But for me so far Hepburn: Ansatsu Kyoshitsu is the best one. It is about the powerful octopus like sensei named Koro who asked his students to assassinate him or else, the Earth will be destroyed.

I find the movie humorous and at the same time entertaining. There is also a live action for this anime and it was also good.

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i agree that Alice in Wonderland was a great animated film ever produced during the 80's or 90's time. It has a great story concept and a fun adventure for everybody. It also give a moral lesson to its viewers which is really good to know because many people learn something while watching the said animated films. Until now Alice in Wonderland is making its popularity even though we are now at new modern era. I was honestly a fan of this animated film because of its very attractive and interesting story. I would love to have it over and over again.

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I also like Wall-e. It is simple yet it conveys a lot of important messages.

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Yes, of course the Wall-E movie. The animation in this movie is really amazing because every object's are clear and well-designed. It has very high graphics. This movie is cute and you easily get attach to it.

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Wall-E was one of my favorite movies. But a certain film theory ruined it for me. Have you watched their conspiracy theory on Wall-E? It's just disturbing. Hahaha!

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This one is highly recommended, Wall-E is a great animated film. The story is very well made, great for all ages. Even my mother love's it.

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Another animated film I like is Despicable Me, its an entertaining film that always makes me laugh. Who doesn't love those yellow Minions right?

Ratatouille is also a very good film, it's storyline is great and the characters are unique and well made. A rat that wants to become a chef, if that's not unique then I don't know what is.

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Casper is also one of my favorite live and computer animated film. During that time, I think it's hard to produce that movie, with live and at the same time, animated film. The movie technology that time was not really great compare right now.

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Casper has a certain charm to it. It's not awesome by any means. But I do find it funny and a light comedy. Just one of those movies you get to watch whenever you feel like it.

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Casper was a very good movie I think it was released here on a December and I watched it with my nephew's back then it was a very good movie during the holiday season.

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Ready Player One is a new film which features live action as well as animation, and by far when it comes to the storyline and animation it's the best I've ever seen.

It's about a contest to control the biggest virtual game in the future. This 2018 film would definitely be a classic and hands down the best partly animated movie about gaming ever made.

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We love Coco right now in this house. I think it's an amazing film not just because of the incredible animation, but also because of the message that the movie sends about the importance of family!

There are just so many great animated movies out there though - if we're talking ground breaking animation I don't think you can go past Toy Story! That really was an incredible animated movie for the time.

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Another good partly animated story was Beetlejuice, the Micheal Keaton hit in the late 80's it was quite a funny and scary movie for kids and I was a teen then when I watched it in the cinema along with 2 of my kid nephews and we all love the film.

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I also like the tom and Jerry kids animated series because I feel entertainment about it, it really brings back my childhood memories whenever I am watching it. It is one of my favorite animated film ever made during my childhood times and I feel great to know that it still alive in the television and more and more episodes is coming.

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Yes, that is so true. It brings back your childhood memory and in fact it is my first ever animated cartoon series favorite during my younger days. I remember I always get mad whenever someone is taking over our television and he/she switch it to another channel. But some people also said that Tom and Jerry is not supposedly for kids to watch because it actually promotes violence like fighting and taking revenge to each other. But all I know when I am watching Tom and Jerry is I find it really funny to watch and it makes me burst on laughter.

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One of my favorites is Toy Story, like all Pixar Movies it was done superbly and who ever wrote it is a genius, I've watched Toy Story 1 and 2 years ago but I just watched Toy Story 3 last night and it's the best of the 3 movies. I really like the combination of Tom Hanks and Tim Allen as the voices of Woody and Buzz. Even though it was made years ago it's animation is great.

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Yeah, The Toy Story trilogy (although there is an upcoming 4th one), is one of the best trios of movies where every film is better than the last. The 1st one was already a classic, but seeing 2 and 3 even being better is just an amazing feat. I personally think Toy Story 3 is a fitting ending to the story, but I'm not complaining about having another Toy Story movie.

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Yes I agree with that Toy story was one of the greatest animated film during my younger days when I was at elementary stage. It was one of my favorite and honestly I am collecting its collectible items because I love them so much. Maybe if I have some time then I could watch it again to bring back the memories when I was a child before.

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Another animated film that I like a lot is Cars, which was shown last year, I saw it in the cinema with my kids and it was better than the last 2 films it has a great cast and having Luke Wilson to voice Lightning McQueen was the best choice. Cars 3 introduces a lot of different characters, like Jackson Storm who beats Lightning in a race.

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Oh. I suddenly remember my youngest brother on this. He is really fond of cars and he really likes that movie. The movie is no doubt has amazing and high quality of graphics and animations. Actually, he is talking so much about this movie and every time I see him he immediately run towards me and started talking about how good and funny Lightning McQueen is. I guess Cars movie is good for kids and they might also become a car enthusiast in the future.

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When I was a kid I would love to watch the Dragon Ball Z animated film because I was entertained by them and I feel so much happiness whenever I have the chance to watch it since during those time we don't yet have our own television and I would still have to go to our neighbors to watch my favorite animated film before. I don't know if anyone here still remember that anime.

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I do remember watching VHS Tapes of Dragon Ball Z when I was a teen, it was really cool then along with another anime with better graphics, remember Street Fighter, the fight of Chun Li and Vega in Chin Li's apartment was the best fight then, for obvious reasons haha.

i and my neighbors would rent different volumes of Dragon Ball back then and after we have watch it then we'll swap tapes to save rental money.

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This is a hard one for me, I think there are so many great animated movies. I've always been a huge Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki fan, and I think one of my all time favorite animated movies is Spirited Away. There's something about how wild and imaginative the world is that I really love. I can get lost in it every time I watch it.

Along with that, I like Disney movies despite how formulaic they may be. Among my favorites there are The Incredible and Monsters Inc., both of which I think are humorous, creative, and just a joy to watch.

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I love Spirited Away! I highly recommend this. It makes me want to watch other Studio Ghibli animes. I’m also curious with Howl’s Moving Castle. I wanted to watch that.

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There are many good animated movies that I can watch over and over again. My favorite animated movies are the Incredibles, Wall-E and Toy Story. I equally love watching the Despicable me movie series. I love all the characters and the storylines are interesting. Moreover, the movies are funny and I never get bored watching them.

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I like Toy Story a lot, because of the amazing Buzz Lightyear. I'm so in love with this movie when I was a kid. It is so fun to watch Woody and his friends. I imagine if this is true that toys have lives also. This movie is so crazy.

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Those are some of my favorites also since those movies are my son's favorites. He often asks me if they will do another Toy Story installment. I don't know how they're going to create another plot because they've done a lot and there will be great pressure and expectation to make another one. And how can I forget Gru? the despicable villain turned into one amazing foster father for those three adorable girls. So goes with the Incredibles which is an action packed movie, my son and I enjoyed. The good thing about all these movies are the values they inculcate among viewers.

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Land Before Time is one of the best animated movies I've ever seen. It has several sequels but the first one was awesome. The characters of this movie are dinosaurs and the setting was before the asteroid hit the planet. It was really entertaining.

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One of the most entertaining I've seen is Madagascar 1,2,3, I really like the zoo characters and who wouldn't like the crazy penguins. Having Ben Stiller's voice for Alex the lion and Chris Rock being the fast talker Marty was just perfect.

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Yup me and my kids watched them too, the story is really great along with the characters. I love how they incorporate different animals in the story specially Marty, Melman, Gloria and Alex which are diffirent species of animals that work together as a team.

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I really think that the best right now is ready player one, this film is the best I've seen in my whole life, in the aspect of animation, characters and story, this film is a complete package that every generation of gamers would love. I love the subtle way they include all the popular games and characters of the 80's, 90's, up to the present. It would surely make a gamer smile. I would really love it if there would be a sequel to this film.

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I also like the Lupin the third animation during the late 80's and 90's, I really like that anime because it is very entertaining and interesting to watch. I always watch its episodes together with my fellow children and I was very happy seeing that anime but sadly I didn't anymore see those anime right now maybe because of new anime series that are now in the market.

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Oh yeah, this Lupin III is one of my favorite anime series, very entertaining and funny. I watch the Lupin III movies in YouTube and it's also funny. Although the graphics is not really great compare to other anime, the story is worth to watch.

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I am trying to find now a days a similar to that lupin anime but it is really hard to find and I think it is only one and very unique. I really like its story concept as well as the characters which are portraying a unique role.; I like it very much because it is really funny and very interesting to have.

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I love the Lupin series, a testament to its success is it continues to run new episodes until now. At present it's running Lupin III part 5, which has 24 episodes.

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When it comes to pre Naruto Anime I would have to agree about Lupin and One Piece are in the top ten of the list.

One anime I can think of is the Macross Saga which was made in the early 80's and was remastered as Robotech in the late 80's and 90's. It also has some prequels and sequels which were quite good Mecha series.

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Recently I had the chance to watch some old anime series again, one of which was Lupin and it really does have quirky and poor graphics but the storyline and characters are really great. I just wish that they would remaster the early episodes for the new generation of anime lovers to appreciate.

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I also watched lupin and even though it's graphics wasn't really good, the story and the characters made it so interesting and also quite addictive. But it was really a great anime that can be proven by its worldwide success.

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I also like the slam dunk animation which is a Japanese anime during my childhood times. It was also one of my favorite because it was a very entertaining animation for me. I am enjoying every time I would try to watch that anime, it makes me feel relax and I usually wait every afternoon to watch the slam dunk which is an animation regarding basketball game.

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I like much the yogi oh duel monsters by the Japanese creators during the year 2000's, I was addicted on that anime series because I really like the story. It was full of excitement and challenges which makes it more attractive to viewers. It was one of favorite since it makes me feel motivated and I really appreciate their works because it was really good.

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When it comes to Japanese Anime, I would have to say that the Naruto Saga which includes Naruto, Naruto Shippuden and Boruto, is one of the top animes ever. With a total episode of nearly 850 episodes.

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That animation is nostalgic for me too. I don't watch a lot of Japanese anime nor basketball, but this is the one I got hooked to because of the interesting characters. I can remember myself and my sibling slumped in front f the tv every afternoon not wanting to miss a single episode of this hilarious anime.

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Well, to add, I would like to include the Frozen movie for being one of the most high rated graphics in animation history. No one can deny that this movie wows everyone with its amazing animations and high graphics contents. Though we could also have seen similar animation in other movies but the Frozen is something like one of a kind because it does not only shows its great animations but also the story and its main characters that adds up the quality of the movie to make it interesting to everyone.

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My daughter adores that movie...I feel like I've seen it a million times! Definitely a good one, although after I've seen it for the 500th time I start getting a bit over it, haha!

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Frozen was one unique animated film that has several years staying power with all its marketing and products. It's one of those animated films which has an international appeal, it's the reason for its worldwide success.

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How about "How To Train Your Dragon 1 & 2"? It is one of my top favorite animated movies ever! The graphics and animations are really high rated and very amusing. It motivates you to watch it even though you're not interested on it in the first place. And I very much like the character of Knight Fury or popularly known as "Toothless"! He's very cute but deadly in war. He is also quite naughty and grouchy.

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I agree, apart from the animation and awesome graphical features. The story itself is unique, along with the well planned characters that greatly combines the overall outcome of the story. Lastly the value of the story makes it more worth watching.

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Oh, right! I forgot to mention that its story conveys a strong value and it shows a lot of life lessons such as self-acceptance, searching for the truth (in reality, don't just fed up with what you heard to your surroundings because it maybe a fake news so do a thorough research just like what hiccup did in the movie when is he searching for the truth about the dragons), compassion, and etc. There are actually a lot that we can apply in our selves as well.

Thanks for the reminding me the value of its story.

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I like How to train your dragons, it's a combination of 2 of my most favorite characters Norsemen/Vikings and Dragons. The Arial fights between dragons were great and entertaining also the portrayal of Vikings are very humorous in this film, which I like do much.

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How to train your dragons is a good cartoon but I do think that it's for kids. I have just finished with an Anime called Kingdom and it was one of the best I've seen s1 has 38 episodes and it's very good.

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