
What very old film do you like most?

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What very old film do you like most?

When it comes to old black and white films, which old classic movie do you like most?


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My heart goes to The Gods must be crazy. This is a film which is very hilarious. You will laugh from the beginning to the end.

The film shows the difference between cultures and how they embrace technology differently. It shows how a mere empty bottle causes an aporoar in a deep village where technology has not reached. It also shows how those we think are civilized behave in the remote civilization. A good movie indeed.

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That's right. I can remember this movie. I think I watched it more than once during that time. It was hilarious indeed. I was young when I watched this and I can remember I was in fits of laughter because of this seemingly naive lead character and the rest of his cohorts. There must be a genius behind the creation of this movie.

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I agree with you on the genius behind the movie. It is unfortunate the lead character(bushman) passed on.

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Sorry to hear that. I wonder if he starred in another movie which is equally hilarious. I'll go ahead and check it out.

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Way back college years, our Professor used "The Gods must be crazy" for our movie review.
And yes, it will make you laugh from beginning 'till end. What very old film do you like most?
It then showed us how modern things such as a bottle of coke can actually cause fight between the people in their tribe. There are several lessons in life in this movie that people might want to watch it.

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I concur my friend. 'Gods must be crazy' is a fantastic movie. There is much to learn from this movie.

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My father loves The Gods must be crazy movie. We used to watch it on TV, and all the time he was passing channels, he always decided to stop and watch it once again. We don't have it on TV anymore, but has an old copy over there, and eventually he just watch it for furn, you can hear his laughter from everywhere in the house haha.

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Yes! I agree with you. That movie truly is very funny. Its very hilarious. You can laugh your heart out with that old film. The man and his family is still on my mind today.

I could still remember all the running. They are always running. I really love this movie. It will take your stresses away.

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That was a totally funny movie back when I was young but now I feel it's a bit discriminatory. Although it really is funny to the bone, specially part 1.

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I agree with you. The part one is more enjoyable. You couldn't stop laughing.

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Wow! I have seen that movie when I was in the primary school. I remember that the film has a comedic side to it and a very good one indeed. I do agree that it is a type of movie which tackles real life instances that affects a certain culture which needs to be addressed. A must watch.

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I remember that movie. It was very crazy and funny movie I have ever watched. I clearly remember the coca cola episodes which made me laugh so much.

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I agree with this. My father still have a copy of this film 'til now and we still watch it. Never fails to makes us all laugh. Yes, it is hilarious but yet we have so much to learn from this movie. Specially on how the advances in technology affects humankind, instead of choosing a to live in a simple life.

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This film is my all time favorites. I have watched it repeatedly, and I cannot get enough of it.

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I must admit that I haven't watched this movie. I don't even know if maybe I had seen it but forgot the title. I'll be searching the trailer and download the whole movie later.

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Well, mine would be none other than the Lord of the Rings and the legend of the seeker. These two movies are old especially the Lord of the rings but I still very much like to watch the movie anytime I have the opportunity of doing so. This station MBC 2 normally shows Lord of the Rings from time to time.

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Watching the legend of the seeker was one of the best movie that I watched as well as the seeker was confessed by the confessor which brought up about good fighting against evil. We have lots of suspense in the movie as well.

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I will not classify The Lord of the Rings as an old film. For me old films will be the films that were released before I was born. Anything released in my time is the film of my age, even though they were released 30 years ago. I will consider black and white movie to be very old film.

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You are very correct. Even though Lord of the Rings isn't black and white, I would still consider it to being an old movie. It was actually a very good movie back then. It's actually been a while since I have seen the movie played anywhere, not even on my DSTV. Maybe I will go seek the movie out in a movie store that still have old stock.

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I have watched the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and I liked the movies very much. However, I will categorize the movie as a modern classic. The movie has everything, from computer generated images, to characterization, story, and presentations. I also have a collection of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

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The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is one of my all-time favorite movies. Considered one of the largest and most ambitious film projects ever made, with a total budget of 280 million dollars, the entire project took eight years, with the filming of the three films made simultaneously and completely in New Zealand. Even if it's not even 20 years old, for me it's a classic.

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I also agree you on that. Lord of the Rings was shown year 2000 I dont know which year exactly. Old movies like a black and white movies from 60s or 70s.

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I think the first movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy was released in 2001. The movie that is not even 20 years old cannot be termed old movies. Even though the first color movie was made in 1918, color movies were not widely made before 1960. The first talkie was released in 1927. Talkies because popular in the 30s. I like to classify the movies from this era as very old movie

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Oh, that's interesting. I guess we just assume that movies a few decades old already applies. Very old movies are those like the ones lost in time. I've read that really old early film footage was either lost or destroyed as years went by.

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Movies that were released a few decades ago can be termed old movies, however, this is also related to the individual's age. The old movies for my father are very old movies for me. New movies for my father are old movies for me. Movies from silent era and black and white can be easily termed old movies. The confusion s with the movies made in the 80's and 90's. Some people classify these movies as old movies. Even though these movies are old, I do not classify these movies as old movies because the filming techniques are not very different from the techniques used today

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I agree. Many people classify movies from the 80's and 90's as old. It's not really that old compared to earlier film works.

But I guess they've based it on how they feel. I'm sure many of us already feel old when we remember movies from our younger days. Hahaha!

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Not necessarily black and white though. Gone With the Wind was a 1939 classic and still it is done in colored form, one of the films that used the technology of having a wider range of color in film for the first time. It is a far cry from those black and white films without much audio like the ones Charlie Chaplin did. The 60's and 70's films are more advanced I think. There are more colored ones but still in the earlier 60's, they still did black and white.
On the other hand on the argument of the film "Lord of the Rings" being an old film... I think it is a modern form of film with a fictional theme that has a feeling of a period or classic form of film.

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Gone with the Wind is a perfect oldie to me, and as you say you can found it in color, but it's still a classic, a golden one. I remember watching old western movies with my grandpa, like the Magnificent seven or Butch Cassidy, and the ones with Shirley Temple. Those bring me so happy memories of him, because he made me love old movies.

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I know. That movie was way off my time but still had a great impact on me when it comes to watching movies. I instantly fell in love with the characters and very much appreciated the actors. That movie made me a fan of the classics and I even searched and watch classic movies of our country.

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I have been scrolling the comment the section and I am hoping if someone will also answer Gone With the Wind. I like that mobie so much. Although I was not yet born when that movie is released, I was able to watch it when I was 18. I also like the movie pride and Prejudice.

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I have to agree with you on this one. I watched The Lord of the Rings as a kid when it initially came out, and considering I’m only 26, I wouldn’t consider those movies to be that old. I mean, The Fellowship of the Ring came out in 2001, which means it hasn’t been out for even two decades yet. Some people consider 80’s movies like Back to the Future to be old, but I think that still doesn’t cut it.

My choice for this thread was the 1974 movie Young Frankenstein, which I mean is technically going a longer way back, but an “old” movie would probably be more like something from the 1960’s and back.

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That's what I think. Categorization of old movies actually depends on your age. The old movie for you will be a new movie for dad. For instance, if your dad is 70 years, Movies like Titanic, Lord of the Rings are new movies for you. But for the generation that was born after 2000, these are already old movies. I was born in the eighties, therefore, old movies for me are the movies from 60s and 70s. The movies in the 50s are very old movies for me.

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I like Lord of the Rings too. I have watched each movies several times. I really like Legolas played by Orlando Bloom. The Hobbit movie is good too, well it is not old but it was a trilogy to Lord of the Rings that's why I mentioned it.

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Lord of the Rings isn't really old, but it's truly a classic and the trilogy is one of the best, if not the best trilogy ever.

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I am not a fan of Lord of the Rings. I watched this movie before and was good but I just dont like it. Anyway it is not old movies yet it just shown few years back.

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I think I will agree with you. Though Lord of the Rings is a not considered as a very old film. Still, it was released many years ago. I remember I was still an elementary student when that came out, and it made a very big impact in my life. LOTR is my #1 favorite movie series of all time. All thanks to J.R R. Tolkien for such a masterpiece and of course, Peter Jackson.

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It has to be older as the post indicated black and white classics.

For me I like 3 Coins in the Fountain which was a favorite of my grandmother and later on became my fave romantic film also released in the 1950's and it's all about 3 girls off to Italy to find the love of their lives.

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Watching the prison break is one of the best movie that I have watched in the past. This is a movie that is setup in a way that they used strategy to break away from the prison. One thing that I have come to notice while watching the movie is that you can learn so much about organization from the movie which is really great.

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Prison Break is not so old. But it is also one of my favorite tv series. I like Michael Scofield and Mahonne. It was a good series that me and my husband enjoyed watching until the midle of the night. However, it only had 4 seasons when we have watched it but just last year another season was released after several years.

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I have to support you on this one. I remember back in the day how I would always ensure that I was at home in time to catch it on TV. Recently when I knew that there was a new season coming up I had to rewatch the up to season 4. This made my experience when watching the new season all the more worthwhile.

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Same here. I have rewatched season 1-4 before the season got released. Seeing it for the second time, made me feel excited like I was watching it for the first time, and it also made me like all the characters and scenes again. I guess I will watch it again years from now. That is how I like Prison break.

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It's true that prison break isn't an old movie or a black and white film production but I must admit that it's quite an interesting movie to watch. Micheal Scofield is the main character in the movie but my favorite character in the movie is Theodore Bagwell.

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T-bag has an interesting character too. He has done a lot to make the story interesting. I also like him, and I was glad that he is still in the last season.

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When I was a kid, my mother was deeply in love with Julie Andrews for her angelic and really sweet voice. She introduced a Julie Andrews movie to us entitled 'The Sound of Music.' It is a musical movie. The movie is about a nun who fell in love with a widower navy captain who has seven kids to take good care of. The movie also showed how the nun and the widowed navy captain ended into marriage and how they conquered all the trials of Nazi. Of course the songs in the movie sounded really wonderful and my sisters and I fell in love with all the actors voices!

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I use to watch the sound of music when I was a kid. It was being shown on tv every December back then. I love listening to the songs, I didn't mind the story at all. The songs where simply amazing.

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Exactly! Likewise, I didn't mind what the story about when I was a kid. I just listened to the songs then imitated their way of singing. My favorite part was when they went to the hills then sang Do Re Mi. I just recently knew what the story about when I had the chance to watch it again after 20 long years.

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It is terribly old music. I have seen that movie once and I could tell how old it was. It was amazing and very entertaining to watch. I would like to revive that movie so that young generations could be able to watch it and enjoy it also.

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Wow, you just mentioned one great movie. I love that movie. It was so classic, and though it was an old movie, I really liked it. There is also a cartoon series about the Von Trapp family singers, and I watched it too. I believe the story is based on real life story of Von Trapp family singers. Just correct me if I am wrong on that one.

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I didn't know that there was a cartoon series about the Von Trapp Family singers, this is interesting! I'll search for it and would love to see it, too. Meanwhile, the story presents the history of the Von Trapp Family but not completely accurate. To make the story more interesting, the film makers made it a bit exaggerated for a better outcome.

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Yes there is a cartoon series version of it. It is also aired in our country. I just watched it on an exclusive channel on tv plus. It has ended, but I think they will air it again soon.

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Thank you for informing me, I would love to see it, too. It feels so lovely hearing the family Von Trapp singing especially Maria or Julie Andrews. Her voice is so lovely and pleasant to the ears.

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Both movie and cartoon version were nice to watch. Good for family as it is family oriented movie. Hope this movie will be rebooted in the future so that will watch the young generations today.

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That was a favorite when I was a kid too! My grandma loved the movie so I've seen it so many times! A definite classic.

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"The Ten Commandments" is the only one I can think of at the moment. This is a 4-hour running film which was already restored digitally but this was a classic Hollywood film back in the 1950's. I remember this as a Lenten Season tradition where all tv programs were temporarily halted to give way to this film and other religious themed movies in our country. It was anchored on the biblical excerpt on the life of Moses as he lead the Israelites out of bondage from Egypt. It also showed how obstinate these people had become despite of all the signs and wonders and God's love and compassion. The special effects may pale in comparison to today's technology which is understandable but I bet this was highly acclaimed during its time.

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Yeah, this has to be the oldest in my opinion. I have watched this when i was a kid and the movie has multiple versions. It's been a while since i have seen the movie but i like to watch it again with my kids.

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I was not aware it has many versions. All I know is that it was enhanced or restored digitally. The other version that I can think of is the animation, "Prince of Egypt". But I think nothing beats the original or the classic.

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I did not know that it has many versions. Nevertheless, what I know is, this movie is always aired in Lenten Season, specifically in Good Friday. It is the best time to meditate on what we've done badly.

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I can still remember my younger days during lent old religious biblical films like The Ten Commandments, Noah's ark, Samson and Delilah where always on tv and my grandmother who's a religious person would tell me to watch these films so that I would understand and know the significance of the characters in these films.

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I just heard it now, I only knew the animated movie The Prince of Egypt. I never watched the movie you have mentioned but now that I knew it, I wanted to see it myself. Even though the effects are not as good as today's graphics, I think it will also be nice to watch this old movie.

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Yup. This is one of the oldest movie for me. Been watching this since I was a kid. Every Lenten season I ended up watching this because there's no other TV programs aside from religious movies. I don't know that this was a Hollywood classic in the 1950's. I would like to watch the classic film. It would be a nice experience.

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Ten commandments is a great old film. I saw another movie entitled 'Teinatra'. It is acted by actors and actresses of Asian origin. The scriptwriter wanted to show how the Christian God is more powerful than Asian Gods. It was wonderful.

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I've always been interested in Christian movies. Only a few make it to the mainstream. I'll go ahead and search that. Maybe it's something that I and my son can watch during our weekend movie bonding. Good to know that you enjoyed the movie. I think I will too.

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One film that brings back old memories was a fave of my late grandfather. It was How the West was Won. It stars 2 of my grandfather's favorite stars John Wayne and James Stewart. It's all about how the early settlers in the old West fared against the many obstacles before they could settle in and tame the land. It was really a great film.

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I like Cleopatra, I really that old movie so much maybe because I was impressed by their cultures and tradition. I like the character itself because even she was a woman, she had the power like a king. Cleopatra shows the equality of men and women in the movie.

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I saw a classic film by mistake when i bought a CD years ago. I thought it was a new film because the cover is colored and it has great pictures on the labels. It turns out it has just been rendered, the movie title is "Spartacus"

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Holy smokes! Spartacus is the bomb. In fact it's the most adult explicit movie that I have ever seen produced in the movie industry. It's not porn but it's more than a porn. I practically had to watch the movie when no one was around the house except for my wife because it was a very sexual raw movie.

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Haha! I have not seen this movie yet, but I would really like to see it. Is it the 1960's movie? I tried searching the trailer on the Internet, however I was not able to find it. What's the story about?

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One of my favorites is "It's a wonderful life". It's a movie we always watch around Christmas and it really is something that teaches you about what's truly important in life! If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.

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There are many old films that I like to watch again and again. Then one that I remember now is called 8 and half. It is an Italian black and white movie. The movie has also hollywood remake with the name Nine, featuring Daniel Day Lewis. Another old movie is called 400 blows. It is a black and white French movie about an adolescent.

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One my my favorite old black and white movies was called Casablanca. It's a 1942 American romantic drama film that was directed by Michael Curtiz and it's based on Murray Burnett and Joan Alison. The movie was filled with love, suspense, thrills and romance. Even though the movie was produced in black and white, I really enjoyed watching it.

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I keep on hearing that movie. They say it was a good movie. I think I needed to watch it too. I am fond of watching movies, tv series, animes, etc. Any kind of genre is fine for me.

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I've heard of that movie many times but have never seen it myself. I probably ought to see if I can find a way to watch it - especially since it sounds like quite a classic!

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Casablanca is such an exciting and interesting old movie, if you haven't watched it yet even after hearing about it for a while now, then I would tell you that you are missing a lot. Try as much as you can to avail yourself to watching the movie Casablanca as soon as possible because I can guarantee you that you will love it.

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I am going to see what I can do to watch it! I wonder if it's been converted into an online format on a streaming site. I'll have to check Netflix...we'll see!

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There are some old movies that can be found on youtube and other websites. I think it is nice to have access on these type of movies. It does not only show great stories, but it also gives a taste of culture as well. How these movies are made and what is in at the time these were made really gives you a lot of information. I so love the classics.

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Guys allow me to make a valuable addition. Commando was one movie i loved very much as a child. Arnold schwarzzneger was a favorite actor for me at the time.

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Commando was a very serious action packed movie back, and I enjoyed watching every bit and part of the movie. Even though it's not a black and white movie, it was one hell of an action movie back then. Of course there are better action movies now but back then there weren't many action movies that can compare with Commando.

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I love "gone with the wind". I really love the film and eventually I got hooked on reading the book. I rarely see films that had the same impact on me which drove me to look for the book it was adapted in and seriously read it. One of the novels that I avidly tried to finish and even stayed reading even in the wee hours of the night. I don't know if it was about the period or the character that attracted me the most about this particular film but I must say that it really has a good plot and a very interesting twist and turn in the story. Other films that I would prefer are Schindler's List and The Godfather.

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Yes this one is a classic, i remember my mom used to watch it. I really don't understand what the movie is all about because i was too small back then. But i remember that my mom is so focus on that movie that she forgot to cook my meal.

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Even I lost track of time when I first saw that movie. For a movie that lasts almost 4 hours and still gets the viewers to sit and watch it, it is a very good movie indeed. I have never watched any other movie that long with much focus on the story itself and to top it off I have seen this movie multiple times. I usually watch it whenever I feel like watching it and I still never got bored of it.

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One of the best old films I watched aside from the Sound of Music was 'The Godfather.' It was released in 1972. It stars Al Pacino and Marlon Brandon as the leaders of the crime family. This movie is considered as one of the greatest worldwide films in gangster genre.

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The Godfather was really a great movie series the trilogy is about the life of the Corleone Family which is an American / Italian crime family started by Vitto Corleone, who eventually became the boss of bosses or The Godfather. His youngest child Micheal Corleone played by All Pacino eventually took up the torch and became Godfather at the end of the first film.

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Indeed! This movie can raise different emotions. Basically, it can be an eye-opening for us since this movie showed what the reality behind gangs, either good or bad.

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Oooh this one is truly a classic. Its one of those films that you can go back to watching so many times yet never get enough of.

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Yeah, you're right! I watched the trilogy for more than five times and until now I still want to watch it over and over again!

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The Godfather was such a great movie, the other movies in the trilogy were good as well but the 1st one was just phenomenal. Some of the best acting I've seen as well in a movie.

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Oh I just love The Sound of Music. I was about 6 years old when I watched it for the first time, and I was very intrigued by the way the family had to escape, so besides making me have so much fun about the Von Trapp family adventures, it also made me do some research about Nazi war, and all the political facts about it. Also, I was singing all the songs for long, and that made my family crazy for quite some time.

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I remember when I was a child, my mother and I actually watched the movie The Sound of Music together. I was really dragged into it because my mother was raving on how good it was. In the end I enjoyed the movie very much though it is way too different from the movies that we watch at those times..

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There's this old Christmas Classic titled "It's a Wonderful Life" starring James Stewart which is about a family man with all sorts of problems who decided to take his life by jumping off a bridge. Well he didn't and his guardian angel showed him how important his life is. This is one good film you want to watch when you're down and out.

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I think another "back to the future" movie for me. I really like this movie series from Michael J fox. This old movie brings back a lot of memories of my childhood. I really love see this movie with new characters, adventures and how they will confuse the viewers again.

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That was a favorite of mine growing up - I want to go back and watch it again. It's been years since the last time I saw it, but as a kid/teenager I feel like I've seen the movie 100 times!

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Me too. I think this time if they will remake this, it's gonna be much more better because of the technologies right now. The story before was just a mild one but very interesting. hope to watch it again.

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Back to the Future is a classic. I was a huge fan, with merch all over my room, and watching the tapes at home all the time. I got so excited when my family took me to Orlando, and we went to Universal Studios, and I could experience the ride. That was exactly like being in the movie. I was even wearing the multicolor cap of Marty McFly.

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I know that this film is in black and white for the sake of aesthetics and not for the lack of color film at the time of it’s release, but I’m a huge fan of Young Frankenstein.

Released in 1974, the movie was directed by legendary director and comedian Mel Brooks, and starred the equally legendary Gene Wilder. Wilder plays the role of the original Doctor Frankenstein’s grandson, as he inherits his grandfather’s Transylvanian estate and follows in his footsteps to become an equally mad scientist.

It’s a hilarious movie with plenty quotable moments, and I’d definitely recommend giving it a peak even if you’re not a fan of older movies.

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When it comes to old movies, i thought of Charlie Chaplin. It's when movies are made with silence and gestures. I have seen one of those movies on a museum and i'd say it's genius provided with the unavailability of tools and equipment back then. I saw a short film called The Knock Out by Charlie Chaplin and this movie was released on 1914.

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I watched his true to life movie entitled 'Chaplin,' and it is such a very touching one. Basically, it is considered the most dramatic of all the rags to riches stories.

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I haven't watched a lot of black and white films, but I loved 12 Angry Men, which was driven by its dialogue and a simple premise but you can really feel the tension in the room and you wonder yourself what version is the truth.

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My Favorite Old Film Is The Karate kid 1984 Is So Entertaining To Watch and I Really Like This Movie About Daniel Larusso Used To Be Victim of Bully But He Met an Old Man Who Helped Him and His Name his Miyagi And They Start Talking the Leader of The Thug And Mr.Miyagi Said Leave the Boy Alone But The Leader Didn't Not Accept The Offer But The Leader Said We can Still Continue Our Deal We Have to Fight in The Tournament But in The End Daniel Larusso is Won and He Never Give Up He Beat The Bully And He train So Hard To Won in The Tournaments

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Yeah, i have watched that movie as a kid and it's really inspiring. It's also the reason why i got into Karate Class back then. I thought it was just the wax on- wax off but i realize it's totally different in real karate school.

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Karate kid my oooh my. This is another classic worth relishing. I cannot say there is an action movie with children characters I love more.

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I fell in love with Ralph Macchio's character on this movie. I see this more as a romantic movie, a love story between the Western and Asian girl. This is has a simple plot but who wouldn't want to see an underdog triumphed against his bully in the end? The soundtrack was also great.

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This is hard for me because there are lots of good movies back then. I choose the movie Mighty Ducks. It has 3 installments and it was so cool to watch. Much lessons to learn and good story plot.

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Casablanca starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman comes to mind when I'm thinking very old movies. I watched this film in the 90's, and liked it a lot. It's a spy thriller - love triangle kind of movie set during world war 2. Humphrey Bogart who plays Rick a tough guy and night club owner has great acting skills and his lines are just great.

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I have heard of this story specially with my father, unfortunately i did't get to watch it. If i'm not mistaking it's an award winning movie and its very popular back then and even now.

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I’ve never actually watched Casablanca because it was way before my time. I was born in 1992 and this movie came out in 1942! 50-year difference there. That being said, I’m still familiar with one of its most famous lines: “If you don't get in that plane you'll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.”

Okay maybe I didn’t know the entire quote, but the “maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow” part has been quoted in dozens of other shows and movies since then. Until not long ago, I had no idea that one of the most famous quotes in cinema was from Casablanca.

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I have not tried watching those films with white and black screens. I have only watch the sepia color. It is a filipino classic movie. Since we have cinema one at that time, when I tried watching it I got interested with the plot. Although the color of the screen or scenes was kind of a bit weird for me because it was my first time. It did not matter because the movie plot was good.

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Has anyone seen Picnic (1955)? It's about a Labor day picnic in a small town of Kansas. There's a guy named Hal, who comes to this town to meet his old friend, a rich guy, and that day he meets this beautiful girl named Madge. It's a very romantic/drama movie, because Madge is dating the rich friend, but she's attracted by Hal, which is a poor/unemployed man. I know that's an oldie one, but I don't know why, I really enjoy watching it.

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I haven't heard of it, but it sounds like it has a really sweet premise to the movie - that money isn't everything!

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Matrix trilogy! It's old right? Hehehe I loved the matrix ever since I was a child. I would definitely do the neo avoid the bullets lean when we were playing. Back then the effects were awesome. I love the part part when the leader of the guys riding the machines with guns did the speech, those gave me chills and goosebumps..."If we give these bastards our lives, lets give them HELL before we die" or something like that. What very old film do you like most?

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Well, Matrix came out in 1999, is not so oldie, but is a good one indeed. I still remember most of my friends saying they didn't understand the movie, and I was like... what? the plot is great, the characters, the visual effects are amazing, the soundtrack is dope, and it's a trilogy!

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I think it's not that old but still its a good film. If i'm not mistaken this is one of the film's that first used computer controlled cameras using automatic sequence. This is the highlight in the bullet dodge seen, it's really amazing back then.

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I am a big fan of the Matrix too, especially the first one and it stands as one of the greatest sci-fi adventure films ever. Seeing Neo be "the one" in the end is satisfying to watch. I wonder why it took so long to shoot and release the sequels.

On a personal note, I am quite sad with how the trilogy ended since Neo has to sacrifice his life for the sake of Zion. Nevertheless, the plot was excellent and is a must-watch.

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One of my favorite old movie also is the modern time staring Charlie Chaplin. This comedy film even in black and white never gets old. It's fun to watch and it doesn't matter if it old it's still good stress reliever, like Mr. bean series.

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It would be the horror films back then and one of them is Stephen King's Children Of The Corn. It really brings me back to that era of horrors which is perfect for new generations to watch classics and the likes to show how it evolved. Actually I have watched this many times and would still recommend. Other old movies is The Ticks and Species series.

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I haven't seen a movie as old as the likes of Casablanca yet. I tried watching Audrey Hepburn's Breakfast at Tiffany but haven't finished it due to my busy schedule. The old movies I could think of are the ones that I watched during the 80's. Movies I enjoy back then as a kid are:

- Back to the future
- E.T.
- Indiana Jones
- Never ending story
- A nigthmare on elm street
- Superman (All of those starring Christopher Reeve)

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E.T. was a classic for sure! Can't believe it was really the thing that launched Drew Barrymore's career all those years ago. Loved it when I was a kid.

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Bruce Lee's classic martial art films like Fist of Fury, Way of the Dragon, Enter the Dragon and Game of Death where some of the best Martial Art Films ever made. Also there's a Jackie Chan film called Snake in the Eagles Shadow which launched him to stardom in the 70's.

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My favorite old film is A walk to remember. This is based on the book by Nicholas Sparks. The story is about a guy who falls in love with a girl who is going to die due to a severe disease. The magic romance between the two characters is very inspirational. The guy changed a lot because of Jamie (the girl on the movie). This movie shows that love is unconditional. Aside from the story, what makes this movie great is the actors, anyone will fall in love with how they portray their characters.

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Although I think the movie is not yet considered as very old, I would agree that it is such a good one. It showed that even two different people could fall in love. It is just so sad that the girl is going to die. The movie was very much talked about that time that even the soundtrack became a huge hit.

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There's this old sci-fi film titled Close Encounters of the Third Kind which I saw in the 90's but was released in the late 70's. It's a great film that explores the possibility of aliens visiting earth and the means they would communicate with humans. It also has a sequel titled Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind.

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I will go for Titanic it had been 21 years since it was released. And, until now I'm still watching this romance film when I have free time. I still can not get over with jack's death and my heart keeps breaking in this scene. "My heart will go on" by Celine Dion is still a popular song. I just wished jack and rose had their happy ending.

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Oh my gosh it's already been that long since Titanic was released? I remember seeing it at the movie theater as a kid...but it blows my mind to think it's already been over 20 years! Crazy!

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There's this Japanese cult classic Samurai film called Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman and it's all about a travelling blind swordsman in feudal Japan which helps and protects people who are in need. It's action packed with sword fights also it has a touch of comedy.

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If you are asking about the very old film for me? It will be "Titanic". Well for me it is old, though it can't be classified as white and black film, seems to me it is a legend movie that majority of the people would love to watch it over again.

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I think one of the oldest movie for me is police story. All of Jackie Chan's movie are great but I think this is his oldest that I have watch. It is compose of 6 parts and the first release is 1985. One more old movie is once upon a time in china lead by Jet Li. This movie is also compose of 6 parts. I love those two actors, all their movies are great.

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I love watching Jackie Chan's movie. Aside from it comedy and humorous, the stunts are very impressive and interesting. Knowing that Jackie Chan does not have any double when making stunts, I really admire him so much. His body is so flexible!

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Old James Bond films which stars Sean Connery and Roger Moore are worth watching. Well it's a bit laughable nowadays because of the technology used back then but the fact remains that it's a very good spy movies series.

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Yes, that's true. I find the gadgets funny because time has allowed technology to evolve even beyond futuristic inventions at that time. But the classic feel of the old movies does make us feel vintage. It's like watching a part of your history.

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Old movies? Don't get me started.

Actually, when it comes to old movies I have to pick them by my favorite actors or actresses. I love movies which starred Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn, Cary Grant, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Sidney Potier, Richard Burton, Shirley Temple, … I could go on and on and on. I grew up sitting in front of the TV set.

I have lots of favorites. But I would have to say that “The Guns of Navarone” is an old movie that I can watch and re-watch again and again and again.

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Oh Elizabeth Taylor's Cleopatra movie is gorgeous. We always can watch it on national TV here on holy week days, I don't know why they tend to play it on those days but I don't care because I love it. That movie took years to be made, and also that's the one where Taylor and Burton had an affair. Controversial from different point of views.

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I am a loyal Sherlock Holmes fan but I have watched all of the episodes starring Jeremy Brett. A few weeks ago I stumbled across a load of old black and white TV shows and movies. I found and watched all the Sherlock Holmes episodes that were made during the 1940s which starred Basil Rathbone. Now I'm watching old Charlie Chan movies. It's great taking a trip down memory lane. Charlie Chan films used to come on late Saturday night and I would stay up with my sister to watch them. Good times!

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My very first ever movie that I saw is FLY AWAY HOME. That was 1996. Maybe some of you is not yet born during that time. I dont consider it as my all time classic or favorite. It made a mark on me because it made me emotional at a young age.

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The Rocky series specially Rocky 1 was and still is a great feel-good action movie for me. I think it's Sly's first major film and even though with its modest budget, it turned out to be one of the best underdog movies ever made.

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It's Monsters Squad. One of the best movie of 80's. I remembered I always imagined that it was me the little girl which had same age of mine back those days. Its like a package movie where there are zombies, mummies, werewolves, vampires like Dracula and the best part were the leading casts are all kids. My kids loved it even its a classic movie.

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Mine is "The Sound of Music". This movie is very classic and suitable for the whole family. It is an American musical drama film that was released in 1965. I remember watching this film over and over again because I was amazed by the song and the setting of the story. It has also a Japanese anime series which is entitled as "Trapp Family Story". I never missed any episodes of this cartoon and it became part of my childhood. Both the musical film and cartoon were inspired and adapted on the memoir "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers" by Maria von Trapp.

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For me the old film that I like was a tagalog film by Joey de Leon and Rene requistas called Starzan. It was a tagalog comedy movie during the 90's which creates a thousand laughters for the filipinos. I really like it because it was so funny and very entertaining. I am trying my best to find such kind of films these days but sadly there are no similar movies now. It was really a golden film that until now is very fantastic and attractive.

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There are two films that reminds me of my teen days it's Pretty in Pink and 16 candles. Both are Molly Ringwald films in the mid to late 80's. I like it because of the soundtrack, it was heavily influenced by New Wave music and I had a crush on Molly Ringwald.

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While cleaning, just saw these boxes of my brother and found these VHS tapes he still kept for years wow! He's collections of Back to the future - who would imagined some stuff they had on this movie is ordinary now a days! He still got here Willow, Labyrinth - I loved this, It made me recall always on how he walked upside down on the stairways. He still got here the Around the world in 80 days(Jackie Chan), the Land before time(animated), Dark crystal, the Hook, My girl and Gremlins. I guess most of it cannot be watch anymore to ordinary channels these days. And yeah I can say they still pretty cool movies for me.

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There's this old film Titled Clash of the Titans which was released I think in the 70's or early 80's that I watched in the 90's via VHS and it was really good. It's about the Greek Gods battling the Titans and the hero of the film is Zeus's son to a mortal named Perseus. It's one film that I keep on remembering.

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Three Idiots is the movie that I really like the most. It is because of the unique concept of the video and its main message is quite amazing. In these movie I have learned that we must not be boastful because every one of us has a incredible potential that just needs to be unlocked. So don't boast because of your abilities. One more thing that its not all about of who we are right now it's because of who we can be in the future.

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The Godfather is definitely a game changer in film making. The scenes are very engaging. The transistion of the main protagonist Al Pacino in series is truly remarkable. After this movie, there many other movies have come up with the same theme as this but nothing really match this movie in terms of quality and storyline.

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I love an old film that is very historic because watching it is better than reading it, well that's my opinion. And for me, I can easily adapt to that movie if I am watching it.

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The Star Wars really had me into sci-fi genre. My first Star Wars movie is The Phantom Menace. Back then, the animation and cinematography is quite good considering the technology they have used. After that I bought the previous movies so I can understand the plot. Until now, I am still waiting for another movie release.

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One of the old film I like is the Ten Commandments. I like to watch the part where the Red Sea parted. The waves in their right and left side became like walls. They walked on dry ground. After they had crossed the Red Sea, the waves came back and drown the Egyptian soldiers who are chasing after them.

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Die Hard 1, which was shown in 1988 was a very good film which noone really watched in my country. People found out that it was a really good action film a month later and it was reshown in the cinemas and it was a blockbuster hit. It made Bruce Willis a household name.

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I saw an old movie called "The Godfather". I haven't watched it but it's the top rated movie on Flickmetrix. It's one of the most reliable sites when it comes to movie ratings. There's a high probability that it could be my favorite old film if I watch it.

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And that's a perfect piece of movies. The Godfather is pretty well done, the characters, the soundtrack, the script, everything is great. Don't forget to check the rest of the saga, so you can have a good time. The most interesting thing about it, is that the more you watch it, the more you like it.

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Well I am very much passionate about music and also love films and theatre. The most memorable old Black and White film will be " Sound of music ". It maybe because I like all those lovely songs and also the story of the film. I was very small when I saw this movie but I still remember it very fondly. I can watch it again today, when I am not a kid anymore, and I am sure I would love it .

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The Godfather. The main story is about Michael accepting his role as the future don and family heir. We see him take gradual steps throughout the movie, taking more and more responsibility until he turns into something that he did not want to become. One of the most excellent character arcs in movie history and it is only taken further in the next part.

The acting was superb. Every actor gave their best from Al Pacino and Marlon Brando to Robert Duvall and James Caan.

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My all time favorite film is "The Sound of Music" I love how the story goes, it is heart warming and the fact that it is a true story makes it more wonderful.

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The Hunt for Red October is one Jack Ryan film that I've watched countless of times. It was a bestselling novel of Tom Clancy who is considered as the top dog when it comes to writing spy thrillers. It's about a Russian admiral who wants to defect to the US with the pretense of being a rogue admiral who seeks to bring nuclear destruction to the US via a nuclear submarine they've commandeered. So both the Russians and Americans are after this sub and making it more thrilling is that the person who's vin command of the sub is the greatest sub commander in russian history and this makes a hell of a story. It stars Sean Connery and Sam Neil as the rogue Russian officers and Alec Baldwin as the military analyst Jack Ryan.

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I like their uniqueness and the way they act is really good unlike the film today is not that unique.

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If you're talking specifically black and white films, I guess Metropolis or maybe The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. But some of my favorite films are still considered quite old even if they are in color, such as 2001: A Space Odyssey. Still one of the greatest science fiction films ever made, even if it came out in 1968.

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While scrolling through the thread, I suddenly realize how old I am. Are these movies really old? It seems only a childhood away from me. But I respect the people who gave good black and white old films that I also like: 12 Angry Men is on my top list, black and white or new releases. Casablanca, the Chaplin films, and The Sound of Music are classics. Most films mentioned here are great ones, but I don't think they're classics, at least not for me. What I would say a classic is afilm that was made way before I was born. Don't get me wrong, I'm not 70 or older, I'm in the late 30s, but I wouldn't consider The Godfather, The Titanic, and heck, The Lord Of The Rings as classics. Here's a Japanes director who've made classic films in black and white (a little surprised it was not mentioned here: Akira Kurosawa - he is right up there with the greats. Here are 3 of his best movies, I hope at least one will be familiar to you young'uns: Yojimbo, Rashomon, and Seven Samurai.

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I'm not sure if this is considered a very old film, but I really like Shaolin Soccer. This movie's such a gem! It's a light, comedic movie for the entire family. I don't know how many times I've seen this film, but it really is a classic for me.

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I remember it being shown on television many times and even dubbed in our own language. I was a kid back then when I first watched that movie and it made me believe that soccer players can really manipulate the ball that well.

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Though Lord of the Rings was not released in the 90s, it is still the oldest movie among the movies that I like. Ever since I saw the movie, I instantly thought of wanting to be a Hobbit and live in Hobbiton. I just love how the characters of the movie/trilogy dffer from each other. Each of them has a certain charm that will leave great marks to the viewers.

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Earlier Today I watched Rocky, the first movie that was done in the 70's and I still enjoyed it. Rocky is what made Sylvester Stallone an Icon and a Legend. It reminded me when I first saw it I was gradeschool in our auditorium where we have a monthly film showing.

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Oh Rocky saga is one of my favorites too. My dad is a big fan of it, so we used to watch Rocky movies together since I was a kid. Having a monthly film showing at your school Auditorium seems really nice. Nowadays, all that kids want to watch is Netflix.

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One of my favorite old movies is, "The Wizard of Oz". I cannot recall really watching any black and white movies. If I am not mistaken, "The Wizard of Oz", used to be black and white before the movie company produced the movie in color. Or at least parts of the movie were in black and white.

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There are great films in black and white, unrepeatable classics that should be seen. Citizen Kane, the film directed in 1941 by Orson Welles is considered one of the films that have marked a before and after in the history of cinema. It's a work of art that is essential not only of black and white cinema but of all times.

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I remember watching old films with my grandpa and one of his favorites is How the West was Won which stars James Stewart and John Wayne. It tells of the story of how early settlers in the wild west lived their lives and tamed the land. It was a very long movie.

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I remember growing up on Conan The Barbarian with Arny as the mainrole (beats Momoa by 100 times). So I'd say it's one of my favorite old films.

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I grew up watching films with my dad. He always watch Fernando Poe Jr.'s films. He's a very popular in our country and I learn to like it because of my fathers funny jokes about it. Haha.

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The old film that I like the most is Tom & Jerry, I grow up watching that film and I have so many happy memories while watching it together with my family and friends. What I love about that movie is the simplicity and the joy it bring to me when I was just a child.

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What very old film do you like most: I appreciate the film leading by Fernando Po Jr. How can i forget those films that my fathers love to watch so i don't have a choice but to watche it also, film leading by this actors are most action movies and it was good to watch. I miss this kind of movies because now a days action movies are started fading.

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