
What To Do With Old Film Cameras?

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What To Do With Old Film Cameras?

I have several film cameras which are in great shape, the problem is there's nowhere to buy films anymore and another problem would be where to develop the film.

Any suggestions on what to do with these film cameras?


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We have four old cameras in our house. Two cameras are color black, one color pink and one color yellow. I am not sure if I am allowed to drop brand names.
My older sister loves photography and she did invest in those camera. Now that film is obsolete, we can no longer use the camera. Instead of throwing them away, we used it as decoration for our house. The colored ones are placed in the room our the younger member of the family because of its fun vibes. It suits the "young" ang playful style for the kids. On the other hand, the black ones are placed in the entertainment room for every one to see. It is nice as display.

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Actually, you can still buy films, I'm sure there are some specialist shops that still have some for sale although they might not be near you which is a problem. The best place to buy them is online, there are online stores and you can still find them on eBay as well. In terms of developing the film, I'm sure there are some shops that do them, but again, they just might not be near you. I'm sure there must be an online business where you can send them your film and then can develop it.

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That is true. I saw some films being sold in out local film/camera store. I think it is still available because there are still some photographers that enjoys the process of processing pictures using the old technique of producing photos. I guess though it is still available, some people will still have a hard time looking for them because not all film stores sell it anymore.

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Make it as a memorabilia of the past. I could still remember the time when our daughter is already three months old. We don't have any picture of her yet. I prayed very hard that somebody would provide us for this need of a baby picture. It was a miracle of what happened next.

Somebody from my wife's co-teacher lend to us her camera. The problem is there is no film. That is the one lacking. Then somebody just knocked on our door and then what she gave us is a film for the camera. This is exactly what we need and it was provided.

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I'm going to give you a silly suggestion now my friend and please promise me not to laugh or get angry with it. Why not consider taking it to the museum and have it stocked and display because it's actually now a good historical relic. What do you think?

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I think much better to sell it to antique collector. I'm sure the price is much more higher and maybe he will become rich for that. Or much better to give that camera to his future grand grand son as family treasure.

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That is not a bad idea. It is a means of looking back at vintage items that were very useful in the past. I guess, one should look for a place where these type of things are really promoted and displayed. It would be awesome to sew the evolution of technology through these things.

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Well, let me tell you something. Any used item we've had at home, we tend to sell it as a second hand item on a market page online. Usually, if it is a vintage item, the first ones to offer money on them are the antique collectors, or maybe people that tends to collect those items to re sell them. Obviously, you won't make a huge amount of money with it, but you will make sure someone that really can appreciate them will have them, and sometimes repair them and make them work again.

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Haha they won't accept it, it's not old enough lol. But thanks for the suggestion. I know that there's still specialty shops and photography shops that sells films but the price is quite expensive and it's not viable to buy film and use film cameras CV nowadays, it's just a waste of money.

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This is such a funny but also a very helpful idea. This would actually help the new generations to know that those type of cameras have existed. However, if it's a free donation then I don't think it's a good idea. I guess it's better to try and sell it to the museum collectors so that both the owner and the new generation could have a win win situation. The owner will get money and could also help the future generations to come.

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It's kind of hard now to find films using old cameras. You may try finding them online but it could cost you a lot because the more it's old the more it's expensive. I'm sure there is still Photographer enthusiast using old cameras and they might be able to help you find what you needed. If you still haven't resolved your concern and want to earn money from your old cameras find a shop who collects antique.

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There are some specialty stores that still sells it but it's a bit pricey and it's not really logical to use nowadays because of smartphones with good cameras and digital cameras which offer the same resolution if not better.

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So true, but then again, there are people who are old school and really like working with developing the film the old fashioned way. Costly, yes. But some people are passionate about keeping it going just because of the artistry of it.

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Yes, that's why only few choose to still use it. It may be considered obsolete compared to today's standards. I only like it for its novelty.

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There are still shops who sell films and some enthusiasts prefer shooting with film. I'm not sure about you, but if you don't wanna work with those cameras anymore but they are still working well and are of good quality, I'm sure you can find buyers for a good price. If they are of a high-quality brand, they may even sell at a much higher price in the future.

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I'd try using it if there are compatible films available. There's a certain feel to old photographs. It somewhat defines the era and accentuates certain key characteristics. This could be why they're often used as special effects on filters.

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I have two film cameras also, both kodak, and it's still working. honestly the other one is very useful before, because it has built in am radio. So during the Strong typhoon and don't have electricity, I'm using that camera to listen and be updated to the typhoon, there was no smartphone during that time. But right now I don't know what to do also.

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Really? I never heard of a camera back then that has built in radio. I must have been cool to have one of those back in the days. Is it a kind of prototype or is it a model that is really sold in stores back then?

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It's an old and original national camera, and the other one is Kodak. The national brand has it's own built in am radio, and still working until now. Yeah, you're right, I think it was cool and a little advance model during that time.What To Do With Old Film Cameras?

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Wow. That is cool. I am really impressed that you have really taken good care of it up to this date. Old cameras are cool, but the ones I have seen are just for show. You have there a good piece of item sir. Both vintage and still functional.

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The kodak or the small one is my personal camera before and yeah, it's still working. I always bring this every time we travel, but I think it's been a decade now since the last time I use this camera.

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Oh man! well, congratulations on still getting those. I had a Kodak 110 as my first camera, and I don't even remember what happened with it. Do they still work? Unbelievable. So far, I've had Kodak equipment, and those cameras are forever, they really handle any kind of weather and make great shots. I would love to get a Nikon, and I will someday, that's my goal on photography right now.

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Yeah, they're still working, I used to play with my nephew with this camera, he will starting to pose like a mode and I'm using these two camera even without film, just the flash and he enjoying that. Even the fm and Am station are still working.

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LOL, I remember doing that with my old 110 camera, when I didn't have any film to put on it. My friends in the neighborhood, thought that I was so cool for having a modern camera in that moment, and I also remember my mom couldn't afford but to buy a film every once in a while. So, I just used it for playing, while my mom had the money to get some film for me.

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We have to do that actually, the camera is very old and its gonna be useless if we don't use it even without the film, we need to test it to make sure it's still working, or else it's gonna be an home display forever.

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If you love photography, why not start a collection? I had the same problem when I thought about what to do with my old gaming consoles. I have lots of space in my house and I just need a shelf to start a collection of consoles. Since they may not sell for a good price anymore, I figured I'll just display them at my house. What To Do With Old Film Cameras?

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Starting a collection of the old cameras looks cool to me as it is going to afford him the opportunity to always look at them at every given opportunity in order to enjoy the good memories that he had using them. The thing is that he can always show it off to friends and those that would pay a visit to see those collections.

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maybe you should sell it to antique camera collector (in case you can find a buyer), or perhaps store them in your showcase. You might find films for your camera, you might even learn how to develop films. However, why to use such an expensive medium when you can take and print pictures for cheap. If you enjoy photography, I think investing in a digital camera is a good idea, instead of hanging on an old medium.

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This was actually one of my suggestions as well. I own several antique cameras which aren't operational any more, but I have them displayed on shelves in my home. It's kind of a symbol of my love for photography. I have different cameras ranging from early 1950's models to the early 2000's, all stacked side by side as a display of modern innovation. I'm sure there are others out there with similar interests as mine, and would probably love to buy her cameras to add to their collection. Heck, I would probably buy them if I had the disposable income.

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You can actually still purchase film rolls. They're not as common as they used to be, but many specialty shops still sell film because a lot of artists still use analog formats. A friend of mine is taking a traditional photography class as we speak, and she just ordered some rolls of film off the internet. In any case, I'm not a fan of film and am all digital, but I do own several analog cameras. Being that I love photography, I keep them on several shelves as part of my collection. There are other collectors out there so you could always sell them as well, or keep them for yourself as decoration.

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Not just cameras but every single gadget that gets upgraded is redundant. It is treated as scrap. I had that experience recently. I had a washing machine that gave us great service for twenty six years. Recently it developed a snag and the manufacturers told me it cannot be repaired as spare parts are not available.

When it comes to manual cameras not only upgrades would replace them even users will not want them.

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For me I would rather sold it so that I can buy a new one which is more upgraded than the old one, but if you really love those old film cameras then it would be better to just keep it for future souvenirs because it reminds us with something that happened in our life. It would only depend on whether it is still good or not worth it already to have.

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It's a good idea to sell the older one if you're planning to upgrade it. You'll be able to save a few cash and buy the one that you're planning to get. The bad thing is if the camera you're trying to sell is too cheap now and you won't get that much money and you would rather keep it than sell it now.

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I think you can find some use for it by offering it up to classic buyers on ebay or a similar auction site.

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I actually have the same situation, i have a couple of old cameras at my storage and i'm still trying to figure out what i can do with them. These things are obsolete and parts are really hard to find. One thing i have in mind is just sell it to a collector or just make it as a collection for my self.

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I think much better to keep it, and tell the story about this camera to your grand children. What To Do With Old Film Cameras? ten to twenty years from now, its might not be easy to find or to see this kind of camera. Our grand children will be lucky to see an actual one if ever. lol What To Do With Old Film Cameras?

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I actually tried it on my 12 year old kid, teller her that what i am holding is a camera. When she tried to hold it she said " Daddy i think the battery is low, can you charge it?" I said "no honey it uses cell battery" and then she said "Where is the screen? how i can the photos?" Well i think i have lots of explaining to do.
This camera is a classic Kodak 35 Range Finder
What To Do With Old Film Cameras?

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Kids right now will never know how to take a perfect shot using the old camera without the screen. Actually before, we don't even know if our fingers blocking the lens when we took the shot, the only way to find out is after we developing the film. We also don't know if it's blur or not. I think you need a lot of time to explain it to your kids. What To Do With Old Film Cameras?

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It really take skills in taking a good photograph back in the days. I am an 80's kid and fortunately, I had the privilege to experience these kinds of gadgets which is still in sync with the older models' designs. As time passes, people invent things that makes choirs, tasks and activities much simpler and direct to the point. Sometimes there is a fine line with the pros and cons. Tasks is easily done but the skills isn't as badly needed to perform a task.

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Yeah , you're right. and even we have skills before, we still not sure about the outcome of the shots. There was a time, that your finger blocking the lens of camera, we didn't know that, and also some blur shots, and the mistakes will come only after we developed the film.

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I can't think of anything to do with my old cameras, it's not to old to be sold as vintage and it's not reasonable enough to use so I'll just probably store it in a safe place and hopefully in another decade or so it would be vintage enough to sell.

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Store them for there should be a reason to sell them in the future. One thing that you can understand is that you will get to the point where you are going to miss these cameras if you decide to let go of them at the moment. So, keeping them in a safe place is one better thing to do.

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Its good that you still have that old stuff it is our remembrance to our past life or a historic items, if you would accept my advice all I can say is just keep it and take care of it because time will come it will belong to antique items and some people will buy those things with a higher value because most of the old stuff has a genuine materials or parts that is rare today, and many people will offer cash to have that cameras and make it as a decoration on their home.

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You're really wrong if you think that the old film cameras are useless. You actually have so many people wanting to buy them for all sort of reasons. I've had one of those first cameras that was from my grandfather and just recently listed it on eBay. I honestly didn't expect to sell it but was curious. I sold the camera within 2 hours! It shocked me but hey, some extra money is never bad.

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I agree, some camera's are known to be collectors item, specially those limited or rare ones. There are also cameras that are valuable due to some events that involves it's existence. Although i'm not planning to sell my camera's, keeping it preserved might be a problem.

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I'll try posting my cameras in eBay and Amazon, I've posted it in local sites already but it seems that no one's interested in buying them because there's really an oversupply of old film cameras because it became obsolete really fast and most people have new film cameras in those days.

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I have quite a few old film cameras and I just display them as ornaments on one of our bookshelves! It seems to be a popular talking point whenever we have guests over - so many people are interested in the history behind them! If you don't have the space though I would definitely recommend somewhere like eBay, since you can make a bit of cash off them as well.

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In our house there's a lot of obsolete electronic stuff like fax machines, bulky video cameras as well as film cameras and I really don't want to throw it all out, because it's not broken or in a bad condition, it just got obsolete. I have been postong them and so far no takers.

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Hi there!There are two things you should consider doing with old film cameras.The first on is to trade it with someone.Find people ho have old stuff as well and ask them to trade with you!Its always nice to find items you like and trade old items that you don't like.The second option is to sell it.If it's in good condition and really old you could sell it for quite some cash.I'm not saying thousands but a small amount will do.

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Well, If its still functioning good and someone is willing to buy it from me then I'll gonna sell it for a low price, of course if it's already old I'll sell it according to how old my cam is it. But some of our cameras is just stuck in our stuck room so I just rarely sell my old stuffs because its too old and a lot of new cameras are coming out so there.

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Sell it to antique shops or just display it in your house. Who knows? You can build museum full of old film cameras.

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That's what I do with mine! Old cameras are often fascinating to look at, and I have bookshelves with them on there as display ornaments. It's always a cool talking point when we have guests come over. I get that some old cameras are not really aesthetically pleasing, but a lot of them are and make cool display items.

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I just read an article in which it is said that it's better to hang on to your old cameras because there's a resurgence of film camera enthusiasts who are promoting vintage shoots and it cost a pretty sum.

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If you have old film cameras you can also donate it to a schools photography class, they might be looking for old cameras to learn from and donating your old cameras could help a student learn more about photography.

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My grandfather was a photographer in the 1960's, he still keeps everything he's ever worked with.
I think you should definitely keep it, it's not useless! Its value only increases with time.
If you don't want to keep it, you should donate it to a school or a photography charity, they will sell it and use the money to fund their activity. or just sell it.

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I think you're right, historically film cameras increased in value over time and it's best I think to just keep it in a safe place and maybe it'll become a vintage collectors item soon.

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Exactly. We're doing the same. We have so many Cameras and camera related items from the 60's and the 70's that we're just keeping. With time they'll be worth a fortune. What To Do With Old Film Cameras?

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Yes, you should keep them. Pass it down from generation to generation. There are different ways to restore the films and you can even enhance them. Just think of the value that it'll possess in the future.

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Keep them. Who knows how valuable will they be in the future.
We are in a modern society now. In a fast growing society that holds many new and modern technologies are ever invented.
Vintage cars nowadays are of great values. Who knows one day if the value of vintage films and cameras will worth so much.

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You can keep it for the future. You do not know you can sell it in higher price because it might become vintage collectibles. You can sell also in online auction but expect they will not buy it more.

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I agree with you. Since everything has become digital, old films will be out of the trend. But what's amazing about humans is that we miss something when it's gone. Thus, in the future, old films might be a thing for collectors, and you can sell it in a price that's very favorable to you.

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That is right. We never know that in the future it will cost as higher as more than we expected. So much better to keep it than selling it.

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You are lucky that you still have those kinds of camera. If you want to earn, you can just sell them at any store that collects vintage equipment. But If I were you, I will just keep and collect them. You might be surprised that one day, your old cameras will be more valuable.

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Old cameras are not often used today. Digital's have already taken over. But I'm sure collectors will soon look for that kind of camera then you can sell it or give it to your grandson/granddaughter. I'm sure that camera will soon cost more than when you buy it.

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Old cameras are still not dead right now. Some people are still using it. You can try selling it. There are some people that are collecting old cameras for their collections. You just need to do a proper research how to get a proper deal and a good buyer. If it's valuable for you, I would suggest to just keep it. You can display it in your home. I think it will reach a time that old cameras can be sold to a higher price. Just wait.

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The people who will be interested to buy them are the collectors. All I can think of is that they will do good as cool display items in your house. You may want to keep them for a while for the possibility of its value to grow more. You just have to make sure they're intact and working. I don't think they are really of much use now other than a collector's item or display.

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There are three options:-
1. You can advertise them online if there is any person who can buy them.
2. You can give the children to play with them.
3. You can keep them as soveigneors.

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Well your 3 points are probably the best choices for my old cameras. I like the third one though. I really think that selling them would be the wisest section..

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Despite everything I have my old Kodak sitting on a bookshelf. It has turned into a trinket. My film camera still has a move of film in it I have to complete. Some time or another it too will sit in trinket bureau or rack. I intend to cling to dig for long as I live. They were incredible voyaging associates, and presented to me a great deal of delight, and photographs that open the conduits of recollections each time I glance through them.

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Try to sell them on eBay or an auction site. It seems there are a lot of people out there looking for "vintage" items like old cameras, old video games, etc.

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Well, that is very true. I also have a bunch of old and vintage cameras that cannot be used but are well maintained and stored at my place. actually, most of the family members have been Photography enthusiasts for a long time right from my grandfather. Therefore I have a few vintage cameras also in my home. We can't dispose of these cameras as they are related to our memories and we can't use them because they have become obsolete. I guess storing them as vintage items and as a part of the memory is the only best thing that can be done.

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Use it. Film is effortlessly to be had, not to costly and there are nevertheless lots of locations that process film. High-quality to have the negatives scanned while processing, despite the fact that doing it yourself isn't hard. The digital component is actually simply replacing the enlarger that was usually a pain and digitised analogue films do not unfastened the analogue appearance.

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I think I know what I'm going to do with my old film cameras. I'll find somewhere I can buy film and use it to take photos. It would be great, it's super rare to see someone using old film cameras nowadays, maybe I could start a trend or something and be famous.

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I think there are still manufacturers that produce old film cameras. But, they are very rare to find, thus the only option would be buying them online. For developing the photos, since it's hard to find a shop that develops photos from an old film, I guess, the only option would be doing it by yourself. But, it would really take some resources, and first and foremost you should have a developing room, so it really is hard.

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What to do with old Film cameras: I suggest to keep it safe. it is not that useless it was reallybuseful in many ways just reming your self how valuable that camera for you this passed years. Just keep it for while the more you keep it longer the value it was will increase into doble.

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