
Sketch Art: A Fast Way Of Creating Art

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Sketch Art: A Fast Way Of Creating Art

Sketches are defined as initial drawings and representations made freehand by an artist. Sometimes artists will create final pieces in a matter of minutes doing freehand sketching.

Some of the most notable sketch artists are:
Leonardo Da Vinci
John Constable
Paul Gadden
Howard Brodie


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What I like about sketch Art is that if you're good at sketching then you could finish a simple sketch in 2 minutes and a more detailed one in about 5-10 minutes. I've watched a lot of sketch artists doing drawing their art in YouTube and it's quite amazing in how they create such beautiful pieces in just minutes.

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True and I always feel jealous all the time. Being a digital artist, it's really hard for me to replicate what I do with my computer in a piece of paper. I do have high respect for sketch artists because their hands are very fast and are very creative. How I wish I could also draw sketches, however I have a very slow hand and a shaky one at that (sometimes actually).

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So you are fascinted with them the way I do? I believe there are sketch artists who just sketch and do not finish.

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It's amazing to compare art by different people and then the professionals and us. It's unbelievable how beautiful and detailed some of the "sketches" are by these famous artists or professionals. What they would call a sketch, maybe one of our best pieces of art.

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"What they would call a sketch, maybe one of our best pieces of art."

I actually felt this way when I first took a figure drawing course in college. I wasn't exactly an avid artist at that point, at least not in the traditional sense. I enjoyed graphic design, but for whatever reason figure drawing was a necessary class in my graphic design course.

Anyway, the ease with which my professor sketched was absolutely jaw dropping. During a five minute demonstration, the man could draw a portrait of a person with the kind of detail and accuracy that would take me hours of trial and error to get right. With enough practice, many artists are able to draw beautiful sketches as easily as a normal person breathes.

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Leonardo Da Vinci is by far my favorite among all the people that you mentioned here in your article. Anyone who managed to watch the movie Da Vinci's Demon would fall in love with the drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci and his ability to put into construction and reality what he has drawn. He was an amazing artist.

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Leonardo da Vinci is really the best sketch artistbi can think of, I think he sketched thousands if not tend of thousands of his works and experiments. His sketches are still alive today and can be seen in museums and some are sold in auctions for millions of dollars.

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Just being a fascinating artist isn't what makes Leonardo Da Vinci special alone but his prowess in bringing into reality what he created in his imagination and sketched into a physical form is what made him a standout artist.

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Da Vinci isn't only an artist, he is a genius in my book. Anyone who could combine art with math and science and get something productive out of it is sheer genius. He has done a lot of discoveries by means of his creative mind and turning it into reality. He does not only sketch or paint, he has a motive on each masterpiece.

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It will really amazed you when someone you know or there's someone who can really sketch faster than usual. I have a professor who is good at fast sketching. He can really sketch as fast as five minutes with someones face. We really got amazed when he tried to demo some drawing of the face of my blockmate.

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Yeah, sketches usually show mastery of the art especially for people who can do such beautiful artwork within a few moments of time, really shows the genius in their strokes and imagination to create a lovely piece of art immediately.

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It also shows that mastery comes from practice. The ease with which they perform confirms the truth that working harder isn't always better. Expert level artists have often mastered the necessary skills to be capable of performing under pressure.

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Yeah, hardwork still trumps talent; even if you're a prodigy, you'll eventually get overtaken by others who dedicate their time to hone their craft if you're too lazy.

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It's amazing to see fast sketches done in real time. The proof is right there. Pure talent. That's why we should always appreciate the quality and effort exerted on their works of art.

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People who has the talent and has passion for it are the best artists. I do believe that sketching is one of the best foundations in creating art because it is an art itself. Sketching leads to different possibilities when it comes to drawing, painting, or creating any form of art.

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Doodling is a hobby of mine in my younger years. I love sketching and adding different elements in my sketches which makes it very interesting. I love the fact that sketching doesn't only help in keeping busy but it also trains me as well in the creative side of things. I still need to learn a lot and sketching will always be a part of my learning process. It can take a short amount of time or it could keep you busy for days, but matter how long it takes, the end result will always give out a result that someone can appreciate.

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I like that sketching is great for relaxation. It's sort of a therapy for your mind. You get to unwind and let loose all your subconscious thoughts. You're able to freely express your feelings and stuff buried deep within your mind.

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That is so true. There are a lot of people who uses drawings to release feelings of unease, anger or even happy thoughts. It really does have therapeutic advantages and it helps a lot in keeping oneself busy. Making money out of it is not that easy to tap into but if fortunately one does, it seems to be quite a sweet deal.

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This is what I love about art. Not only does it heal you physically, mentally, and emotionally. It also heals you financially. This is the best way of living. I hope many more artists succeed in healing themselves financially. Hahaha!

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When I was in college, I had a friend who was deft at drawing sketches of human figures. I was so impressed with his drawings that I tried to lean from him. However, I never learned the art of sketching and illustration. I also tried to learn digital sketching when I was learning photoshop. I could not develop digital sketching either. having interest and perfecting the skill are two different things.

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I've got a friend who's really good in charcoal sketching, he's very fast in drawing his subjects, he could finish one in 3-5 minutes and it's a big one at that. He has a lot of projects doing sketches and drawings for publishing companies and he's earning good too.

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John Constable is one of my favorite artist. I really like his artwork it all looks real. Most of his subjects are natures, and it's pretty amazing how he mixed the colors by doing that. I just don't know why his artworks looks sad.

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Sketch art are one of the finest art that I've ever known because it is just very simple yet a very attractive one. A simple art is being construct by an sketch art which is really essential to have a great works especially in having great and known paintings.

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Leonardo Da Vinci had absolutely beautiful sketches. Back when I was in college, we had a massive library with a wide variety of books. One of the books I happened to stumble upon was a compilation of Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks. Every day between classes, I would find a private corner of the library to sit down and just sift through pages upon pages of fascinating and beautiful sketches. It's brilliant, the way he took notes by drawing different subjects. He's one of the main reasons that I've been working on getting better at sketching. I feel like analyzing a subject in detail while sketching it really helps you learn about it in ways you normally wouldn't be able to.

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I agree that sketching is a fast way of creating image, view or in any art especially in paintings. I like to paint also but I'm not selling my works but giving it to my beloved friends as a present or gift. Sketch will serves as your guide before you finalize your paintings or even simple drawings, without sketch I think its hard to divide the colors or find the end line of every object in the paintings. Sketch is also adjustable or can be change depend on the outcome or space problems in the middle of your work, it is really a big help in every art.

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I agree that sketches primarily serves as a guide for artists in painting, it helps the painter in drawing the curvature and boundaries of the painting but sketch art could also be a final product itself, it may be incomplete or imperfect but that's really how sketch art looks, there's something about its simplicity and unevenness that attracts people to this kind of art.

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Yes it is that there are artworks that having only a sketched objects or portraits and considered it as their finish product, but every artist is using sketch in different purposes and reasons, I am a painter so I must put colors on my drawings because I am a painter and I am creating paintings and not a sketch so I must use paint to complete my work.

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Sketch is mostly used to serve as a guide for the final product, although there are some artists who dedicate their mastery to the sketches themselves in charcoal and just leaving the art black and white and it also looks really good.

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Yup. That is the idea of sketching. It is done to serve like a foundation where the final results are being supported. For me sketching itself is a form of art where one creates and this is where designing starts.

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I have a high respect for those people who have a talent for sketching. It's so mesmerizing when I see someone knows how to sketch I can't even draw the face of human what more the whole detail of the body. I certainly agree that Leonardo Da Vinci is the most notable sketch artist in the history. I like his artworks of Mona Lisa and Last Supper though it becomes more controversial because of The Da Vinci Code movie.

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To be able to do it, it requires a lot of time, effort and practice. You should memorize also how will you shade the every part of the body or face. What I know is that you have to draw first shapes before you can proceed to the main structure of what ever subject you want to draw. You should know and observe the person or objects first before you draw them.

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Definitively sketching is a must when it comes to drawing. Honestly, even if you are not an artist, when you want to draw something you begin by making a sketch, that's the base of your creation. Artists just fill those sketching with details, and that's what makes them unique, because every artist represents details in a personal way, and details are the ones that show emotion, action, positions, which are the final pieces we all love. If you don't have a good sketch, you won't be able to add the details in a perfect way.

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I've known some fantastic sketch artists who make a reasonable amount of money off it, but I think sometimes even if you're good it can be hard getting your profile raised so that people go out and buy your stuff. That's the hardest part! Once you're known well enough, word of mouth seems to circulate enough to get you some level of constant business.

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Yeah, I think the hardest part of being an artist is how to get yourself recognized and differentiate yourself from the other artists out there. You may be good but you have to be able to market yourself to the public, and connections really help.

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Before you achieve that skills well you have to practice a lot and memorize on the parts of the face or anatomy. If its architectural, you have to be familiarize how to create a perspective or 3D and more. It all depends on you how you are motivated and inspired to be a great artist and in fast sketching.

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Sketch art is also visible in courtroom cases in which a sketch artist would sketch and record scenes of people inside the courtroom since it is prohibited for people to take photos and videos of court proceedings.

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I am always amazed on how good sketch artists are. They can do artworks in such a short period of time with great accuracy on how much their sketch look like from the actual subject. I envy their talent. They can do a portrait on the spot in just a few minutes.

When I was a kid, I tried to enhance my skills in drawing/ sketching. I would copy photos of the family and make it to a portrait. I was able to somehow make it look the same so I was already so proud of myself then. But when I grew up, that drive to further my skills in sketching was forgotten. I wasn't able to continue it and when I try it now, I do not think I can even draw a natural looking eye.

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I've been into sketching when I was like 9-12 years old. I got several sketches when I was a kid. Then I moved into using oil pastel for my drawings. I lose interest in it when I lost my drawings. I cried for nights blaming my sisters about it.
I kept them like they are my treasures. Anyway I am into sketching natures, I love staring at them when I have nothing to do on my free time.
I lost my interest into drawing when I lost my treasures.

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I did a lot of sketches when I was younger, during my teen years and it's good that I have them till now. Usually when we get older we no longer pursue it because of our regular jobs or lack of time. I can see my son has the same interest and I encouraged him to keep all his drawings. Although sketches are done quickly with not much attention to details, you can already tell who's artistic or not.

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I've found that to be the case with quite a few of my artistic pursuits - it can be tough when you're an adult with jobs, children, and so forth to find the time to get things done. Sketch art is fantastic if you've got the skill for it because many pieces can be done within a short space of time.

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Sketch drawing is wonderful. The artist does it with speed and ease. The final product is what amazes me.

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A sketch is where a masterpiece was first made. It is a way to draw what our creative wants to draw. I have drawn so many sketches before but I cannot retrieve them anymore after the flashflood. My brother is great in sketching and I found it very interesting. I just also help to learn sketchinh.

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I love sketching I do it with my free time. It helps ease my stress most specially when I was still studying. It is good way to express yourself. In sketching I usually use my pencil color. I'm not be a professional artist but I'm not bad. I have a good sense in color combination.

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Theres this one time when I was still a student and my father was my teacher. I always get not so high grades. I told him that i accepted the grades he gave me but I will never be as good as him. He said he is giving me those grades so i will more practice again and again my pulse to draw and once I mastered it and ready, then it will be easy breezy for me then he will pass me. Now I understand that now. Every time if my kids need to sketch something for their projects, I finished it with no time - easy breezy! Thanks to my father.

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I'm not the artist in the house but one of my daughters is a very good artist and her freehand sketches are good enough to be a final portrait.

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I always envy people who can do sketches so effortlessly. If I do sketches, I don't know when will I get them perfectly. A lot of my classmates can draw well, so I was very pressure back when I was still studying. But, my coloring skills, fortunately, saved me many times.

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Van Gogh is one of the most exceptional artist in the world. It is sad how he died, people didn't appreciate his art in his time. Now he is an inspiration, it's sad he didn't know this.

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Sketch art is one of the most popular and relatively easy arts for any accomplished artist. Sketching is one of the most basic, yet one of the most important forms of art. I think that every artist who is an expert in painting will basically be starting with drawing sketches. I love to observe the process when an artist draws his sketches. sketching has a sort of rawness that is very attractive and appealing to everyone.

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I also love watching these professional artists sketch effortlessly with the beautiful streaks of the sketches an the way their hands move while holding the pencil are just so beautiful.

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I really love watching some artists sketch even the most nonsense figure that they can imagine. I just love the whole vibe of it and the way the artists feel it, makes you envy their talent and dream of being like that.

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