
What are some resources for creating eBook Covers with?

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What are some resources for creating eBook Covers with?

What are some resources for creating eBook Covers with?
Hello all! It's been a long time since I've dabbled in making eBooks. I used to make some back in the day but more for free on tutorials and things like that. And the same places and resources I used to use for creating an eBook cover with have changed now! Such is life! And I've been searching around for this for a while actually and tried out quite a lot of different things. And it seems the best thing to do is pay someone to make one for me! Either that or just learn to make one myself in Photoshop or something!

But I thought I'd hand this one over to you! To see if there's anyone here that knows of a good place, website or resource where one can make a nice professional looking eBook cover with! Preferably for free lol. But any paid resources too.

I've been experimenting with Canva for it which is okay but not quite like how you'd want it. I don't know I just don't like it for creating an eBook cover with. Have you ever used Canva for this reason?

I want to have a choice of different eBooks covers, shapes, types and sizes. You know from simple booklet style, DVD covers and the like. The full shebang! Although I only really want one cover style probably. I used to use myecovermaker.com but they want me to upgrade now and I can't justify spending $15 bux a month when I only need one right now lol.

Is there, are there any sites or resources like that anywhere for that sort of thing?

What or who do you use for eBook cover creation?

Is there someone or some place you can recommend or point me to for that?




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I use canva have done for past 6 months mike it is a pretty nifty website. Can create facebook covers to blog post templates and more . I do use canva a lot but like I say mainly for creating covers for timelines and also post pictures . I actually used canva to create my profile pic on here and my services pics so I know there original then and not snatched off google.

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Canva is a great tool for those that are not amazing with graphic design because it just makes everything so easy. I've used it a few times to create images for my social media posts and it is great. The fact that it makes everything so easy is great. It's so easy to change the background (especially since they have such a large collection of free images to use) and it's even easier to layout all the elements the way you want.

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I am definitely not one who is talented or so inclined with creating my own graphics. I have absolutely no code or graphic design training, and what little bit I can do I have taught myself with online tutorials, youtube, and books about imaging. Having access to a lot of free images to choose from sounds good to me, so I am going to take your advice, and the advice in this forum, and check out Canva. What I am trying to do with my blogs, primarily, is sell eBooks, so this is good to know about.

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.Ccanva is good, however, I have doubts about canva. Don't you think the template and typography you use to create a logo, book cover or any graphics will be used by so many people. In that case, you will never have a unique design.

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I have published two books on Amazon. When I was publishing my first book, I did not design the cover or hired an artist, instead, I use Amazon cover creator tool. I uploaded an image and chose one of the templets. When the cover was ready I shared on facebook and asked for review. Most of my writer friends said the cover was great.
When I was publishing my second book, I hired a designer. The book was a children book and it needed illustrations and I did not have skills to draw illustrations.
I have done many book covers for clients and I always do it in photoshop.

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Canva is the best tool that you can use in creating your ebook cover, and it's more convenient for those who are still new on the job. The tool is very user friendly and easy to use, so I would recommend it to anyone looking for getting the best service of using it. Good luck with your business work.

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I used Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop in creating covers. I used to combine them for better and unique results. I heard most people like you guys use Canva but never try it. I would love to try Canva and see whats the difference. Any site you can suggest wherein I can learn or get some tutorial on it. I'm always open for improvement so if it is better in my comfort zone maybe I can convert to better and modern one.

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I use these softwares too since I have the Adobe suite. I have heard from some acquaintances that Adazing is a good software for such purpose too. I have not tried it personally but the software is free so it is okay to give it a try.

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I use these two as well but I think there are tools much more specialized and geared towards print designs. If I'm not mistaken, Adobe InDesign would be a much better choice, although like many other tasks that can be done in Adobe, they can all pretty much be interchangeable. I think InDesign is still much better for this, though, since you could much better preview what the prints will look like including folds in the paper and also probably the measurements could be more easily done or even be done more accurately.

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Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop are great for any graphic design. But the problem is that it is extremely expensive. As much as the programs are good, I just can't see it being a good investment just to create eBook covers unless you already have the software on your computer. Canva is great, you don't really need any tutorials for it. It is simply a website that offers different templates. You can change elements very easily by just dragging and dropping.

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Adobe used to be my option too. However, I found a website called 99designs that is really great. You can hire a designer for a very affordable price, or you can open a contest where many designers give you a lot of choices, so you can choose from. Their work is amazing, the quality is unbelievable, super responsible, and it worth every cent you pay for the job.

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Hey Mike,

I sadly don't have any real experience with creating my own eBook covers but I did some researching for you and I've found two very neat tools that you might like.

The first one is MYECOVERMAKER - it has free or paid options and also a video that demonstrates how the actual software works. You can easily just try out the free version and see how it works, if it's any good, ...

The second one is SNAPPA - again, the standard free and paid versions but I glanced through the free features and I believe that it should be good enough for the start.

I really hope that I managed to help you out and good luck creating eBook covers ;)

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Those are some great links. I guess it is best to try out multiple websites and see which option suits the most. I would just get a paid one but only after I am sure of the concept and how the eBook cover needs to be like. Good Luck!

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Thanks for the awesome post here. MYECOVERMAKER looks pretty intuitive and easy to use, and the "free" options are right up my alley as I am "broke as a joke" lately. SNAPPA also looks good. These two links, coupled with GRANTA give me a lot to choose from and many different cover ideas to consider. I do want to upgrade when I can afford to pay for better features and choices of graphics and services at these types of sites.

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I have made use of mostly Canva for such work and it has served my designing needs very much that I haven't been looking for other alternatives.

But after reading your tools used for such work like SNAPPA and MYECOVERMAKER, I'm more than willing to try these ones out and see how they are.

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I use adobe Illustrator and Photoshop for designing my e-book covers, and i also migrate to canva, depending on the time factor, that's when expertise comes into play.because sometimes your client will need the design as soon as possible under a little time frame, i will just swipe to canva and do my thing.
But for professional e-cover designs, i use Adobe Photoshop.

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This was my job from previous years! I see a lot of people in my place using corel. In my opinion, i agree with you to use illustrator as recommendation for sort of matter. In rendering process, I find it more difficult to agree with Photoshop. Because it loose more details when you convert and finish the project.

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Yes I was just about to suggest something similar, but it is by no means a cheap resource. When I was in college we had several assignments to create full book covers. Front cover, spine, back cover, the whole deal. In order to work on the creative/artistic aspect of the cover, I would do all of my designs between Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Once I had all my elements created and ready to combine, I would handle the technical aspect in Adobe InDesign. InDesign is hands down the best tool you could use for creating covers and pages for books and magazines, however like any professional tool it requires experience and skill to use, and it doesn't come cheap.

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I don't think that getting the best service in anything one is doing is ever going to come cheap. When you desire the best, you have to be willing to pay for it. There are cheap tools that can offer average services if it's what one is looking for, but when you want the best, you have to be willing to pay more for it.

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