
Questions from user HappyLady

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I want to convert images of my cat into cartoons for a book. What size should they be for an ebook, and what is the best image convertor to use? I could use the original pictures in a eBook, but in print, the cost wo...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 42 6 years ago

    Has anyone ever tried to make a photo of an encaustic art painting? I have made and sold some pictures using this technique, but wax is not easy as it is easily damaged. You also only ever get the same effect once. Of...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 58 6 years ago

    I love to take photos with my smartphone. However, everyone knows this takes up space on the phone so I tend to upload them into the cloud. Usually, this is to Google however as time goes on I'm realising that I'm going ...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 52 6 years ago

    If you judge Dad, perhaps you have to remember he was a young parent at the time and they always do make mistakes. I'm sitting in the big winged chair and not happy about the bunches my mother made in my hair, they pu...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 50 6 years ago

    My Dad refuses to let us in to the bathroom unless we sit, still in the dark. Over the bath he has suspended a washing line with mum's pegs dotted along. It awaits the mysterious and magical transformation he is about to...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 37 7 years ago

    On a book cover I am creating, I need a picture of myself and of a person living in another country. We are co-authors. Is there any way of merging two photos so we appear side by side, but not in separate photos? Woul...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 19 7 years ago

    I often take photos of old photos with my phone and they seem to come out fairly well, but is there any way I could improve on this. I am thinking here of what settings are best or what alternative means of photography w...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 73 7 years ago