
Photo filters - do you always use them?

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Photo filters - do you always use them?

After these so called photo filters were added on smartphones or social medias, people have been using them to enhance or modify their pictures or photographs before they upload them to social medias, or share with friends. The very famous, Instagram, is one of the biggest photo sharing social network which main focuses on filters since, well they are all about photos so why not? Then there's Facebook and then there's everybody else.

Photo filters - do you always use them?

Some people though would hate to use filters because for them, it really removes the originality and naturality of the photo. They mostly stick with the classic and natural shot which is fine in most cases. Then there are these people, like me, who try to make use of these filters to enhance and show beauty even more the these photos.

How often do you use these filters? Do you even use them?

Image source: Google search images


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People used filters to improve a certain photo. I used them everytime I post. I upload photos and add filters and adjust their color. The naturality of photo is still there and the originality.

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I think there's an originality to how you edit as well. As someone who likes to do portraiture as an art, I have a specific look I try and go for with my photos which isn't always attainable in-camera. So for me, just like you, editing is almost always a necessity for me.

I think the natural vibe of the photo comes more from my model, their motions, and expression as opposed to the way the photo looks. Everything else is a stylistic choice. Keep doing what you're doing!

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For a person who like photos, I do think editing is a form of art in itself. Original photos are good but sometimes one needs to enhance them to get the effects they want to show in a photograph. I also like filters and effects which helps me to make better and more attractive photos.

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If you alter the property and elements of a certain photo, it will not be original anymore. Filters are basically adding or removing some certain layers of a photo which would make it look good or bad depending on how you want it to be.

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Really? I mean, don't you think the filters take the naturalness of the photos?

I think a wrong filter can literally ruin a whole picture. As well as the originality of it, which can have all its meaning changed (usually for the worse). If you're going to use the filters, you'd better do exactly what you're doing and not just make the photos look "cute", haha.

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"I think a wrong filter can literally ruin a whole picture."

Thank you for pointing this out. I absolutely, 100% agree with this sentiment.

I've seen so many people post pictures on Instagram and Facebook with these hideous filters that completely take away any originality or naturalness from the photo.

I like to think of it like a woman caked in makeup. A little editing of the contrast and color balance is like adding a little makeup to an already beautiful woman; it just helps. But keep adding layers upon layers of brightly colored makeup and you've ruined something beautiful.

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I don't use filters often. I use filters depending on image quality and mood.

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Me too, like having a filter on a photo seems like the missing piece on an art for me.And also, I would also use this, mostly on raw photos that probably needs a little edit or color in it to make it more convincing and more awesome.

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I only add filters to photos when posting on Instagram, as the platform can give a nice feel to the photo you have. However, I prefer having no filters added to the photo themselves.

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The same as you, I also used filter but sometimes it ruins the photo so I just let the original picture be as that sometimes. I am trying to take a photo that can really catch attention without filter. Sometimes photographers used filter in light room.

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I love photo filters! But more than that, I really enjoy tweaking all of the aspects of my photos to make them look exactly how I want them to. I have a pretty specific editing style to my photography, so I generally try and stick to that as much as possible. That way my portfolio looks uniform. I'm not the kind of person who just slaps a filter on something and calls it good, though. I may use a filter to get my bearings and then move from there as needed, but more often than not I'll tweak the photo manually in Lightroom to create my own "filters".

As an example, here's a before and after of a photo I took last week:

Photo filters - do you always use them?

Photo filters - do you always use them?

I had to underexpose my model in the original so that I could get the right amount of light from the marquee in the background without it being overexposed. Using Lightroom, I was really able to save myself when it came to tweaking the colors (I dig "cotton candy" colors) and bringing up the shadows on my subject to pull her out of the darkness.

Also, here's my shameless Instagram plug.

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You have amazing shots! Keep it up! Thanks for sharing too. On this photo that you shared, which photo filter did you use on this one? Did you just apply the preset filter or you manually tweaked it to your personal taste? I mean, I noticed that the opacity of the photo is kind of reduced a small noticeable amount. It's not the brightness too I think. The photo looks cooler too look at too. Great job!

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Thank you! I didn't use any specific filter on the photo I posted. Instead, I tweaked different variable in Lightroom to get the look I wanted. I'll show you my process in case you're interested:

I pulled the temperature toward the blue to make the photo cooler overall because the original photo was really warm. I bumped magenta tints up slightly to give a little color back to my model's skin.
Exposure came up as did contrast to make the blacks a little darker. I took the highlights down by 100 so that the marquee in the background of the photo wouldn't be so blown out.
I brought shadows up so that my model wouldn't lost in the darkness, which made her pop out a bit more.
Photo filters - do you always use them?

I made a really slight "S-curve" on the curves graph, which essentially kept midtones the same, but increased the intensity of the shadows and highlights for some added contrast.
Photo filters - do you always use them?

Finally, I messed with the hues in the photo to get the lights in the background to look exactly how I wanted them to. I changed the reds and oranges to look more like a pink/purple palette to get a "cotton candy" feel with the lighting.
I messed withe hue of the shadows and highlights as well to give the photo a little more color grading.
Photo filters - do you always use them?

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I'm amazed on how well you tweak your photos just to get your desired filter result! Great job again! I believe you have studied that for quite some time in order for you to know the slides and which ones to adjust because you can't just drag anything there without even knowing what they are for and how they could complicate the other color layers.

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It depends. I don't really use any filters for pictures of myself (as in my face) but I do use them for when I take random pictures of things. I do it to improve the overall quality of the pictures, such as brightness, gamma, exposure and more. I think that filters were invented for that and it's silly not to take advantage of them especially when it comes to real photography. Almost every picture nowadays has some sort of filter over it. Some are just less noticeable than others Photo filters - do you always use them?

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I agree. Some filters go very well with some types of pictures, and like you said, it's silly not to take advantage of them. Sometimes filters can make an amateur photograph look almost done by a professional. Of course, experts will never be fooled, but to the average viewer, it can fool a lot of people and that means at least that the photo looks better than it originally would have without the filters on it.

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Some even don't need to be filtered afterwards since you can already change the filter even before taking the picture! I mean how cool is that? You can set whatever kind of photo filter you wish to use while you are still on your camera and positioning it for a better angle and at the same time swiping left and right to them filters. Ah, technology.

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Yeah, personal photos are fine the way they are and don't really require any filters, but some pictures can be significantly improved to fit your preference through filters. And I agree, the more subtle ones are actually preferable than those that just scream filter through the photo.

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I have never used any photo filters because I just find that they just so cringe and weird especially for guys to use them. I mean, girls can use them whenever and it just makes some of their photos look better but imagine a guy using a 1977 filter. It would just look really weird. Whenever I post a picture, I make sure that it is just natural and not edited at all.

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Why do you think it's weird for guys to use filters? Is it a masculinity thing, where you think only girls use filters? I'm asking honestly, because I don't see a problem with a guy using a 1977 filter at all.

Would it make any difference if they were using the filter on a selfie as opposed to a different photograph? I.E., do you think it's weird for a guy to use the 1977 filter on his selfie, but is it equally as weird if that same guy used the 1977 filter on a photo he took of a female model?

Genuinely curious here.

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Obviously, I'm not saying for men not to use filters like 1977, they can do whatever they want because it is their lives and not mine. But I just find it weird when they use feminine filters. There are certain filters that are more suited for women like the 1977 filter that I mentioned. Obviously, if they used the filter on a photo that he took of a female model then it is not weird because it's a female in the picture. There are obviously other filters that men could use but I just think they should stay away from ones like 1977.

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You use the word "obviously" as if your position is clear as day, but I'm finding your rationale to be oddly ambiguous on this matter. I know you weren't saying that men shouldn't use filters, I was asking why you think it's weird. You kind of danced around giving me an answer, but I think I kind of get your rationale. Galegatling already responded on this topic, so I'll toss in some additional info to build off of what they said.

I think it's important that you keep in mind that filters are not necessarily a be-all-end-all attribute to photo editing. In fact, if I really wanted to, I bet I could show you a photo edited with the 1977 filter and you'd never know! However, I'd rather demonstrate what I mean in a more straightforward way.

Instagram and other editing platforms allow you to manipulate the intensity, or opacity, of a filter before applying it. Which means that while the 1977 filter might be a little strong on the magenta tint, you can ease it a bit and tweak things to make it less abrasive for your masculine sensibilities. I'll show you what I mean:

Here's my original photo without a filter. The 1977 filter's opacity is set to 0 currently, so it has no effect.
Photo filters - do you always use them?

I do agree, for this photo, I find the full effect of the filter to be way too much. I don't care if you're male or female in this photo of mine, this filter doesn't appeal to me at all.
Photo filters - do you always use them?

However, if I reduce the opacity of the filter to 25, I find a nice balance of pinks to offset the cooler tones in the photo, and it doesn't look half bad! It might need a little tweaking of other aspects, but I could definitely use the filter for this photo.
Photo filters - do you always use them?

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I'm really confused by your judgment and it seems what you are trying to say is that, men who use filters are somehow, gay in a way? Or what are you really trying to say? Lol. Filters aren't gender-based. You said it yourself, anyone can use and do whatever they want because it's their lives. Guys who uses filters tend to be more successful in their lives in my opinion. Anyhow, it's your opinion against ours. (:

How about we just enjoy this beautiful 1977 filter effect from a 1977 photo itself. Oh the irony~

Photo filters - do you always use them?

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I use fixed filters or filter option depends on the quality of a photo or mood of the photo.

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I see a lot of guys using filters but in a discrete manner. I think to those who doesn't like using filters, thinks that it is better to see the raw picture itself which is more rugged and natural. Each has their own preference. The thing is, I think the person needs to feel satisfied with the picture before they post it which all comes down to their own preference.

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Girls uses these photo filters to beautify themselves for we men to appreciate and go after wooing them. This is why a girl would dedicate more than 3-5 hours editing pictures, adding effects on it, just to look good.

What is important for men is to make money and go and get the beautiful ladies who have invested in making themselves look gorgeous for us to take.

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I don't use photo filters on my pictures, i think it's stupid for me as a guy using photo filters on my pictures, especially the head flower stuff, hell nah. i only use beautify on befunky(hope they pay me for this advert) Photo filters - do you always use them? , to enlighten my pics and improve the colors and if there is a photo bomb or unwanted stuffs on the picture, i use PS to remove them and use the opportunity to edit and enhance them.

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Another one who thinks those dudes who use filters looks if not cringy, then stupid. Photo filters - do you always use them? If a guy uses flower filters on his photos doesn't mean he is gay or what. And even if he is, what's wrong with it? You people should accept the fact that we aren't living in the past anymore. Don't let the past hold you back because whatever we do, we can't turn back time. The world is changing and so are the people. #sadbuttrue

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I think he's confusing photo filters with Snapchat filters too, which most of the time I consider to be very different things. He seems to be talking about the Snapchat filter that puts the flower graphics on you by recognizing your face, but I consider a photo filter to be something that changes the colors/tones/saturation and the likes to give a photograph a different aesthetic feeling rather than make a stark, graphical difference.

But I'm still with you, there's nothing wrong with guys using any filters, even those goofy Snapchat filters. I don't know what people's apprehension is toward them. I don't use them personally either, but I don't look down on other guys if they use them.

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Haha, you are definitely correct about most guys not having the need to make use of photo filters because it doesn't serve them any beneficial purposes to waste their precious time on such.

The only men whom I know that are going to have time for photo filters are gay men because they are also interested in how they look like just like females does.

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There is a difference between Snapchat filters and photo filters in general. I know what you mean about the Snapchat filter thing. Personally, I think they're dumb, but I mean if people find them fun, who am I to stop them from using them? They’re just there for the purpose of entertainment anyway.

But on the other hand, I still don’t like photo filters either. I understand tweaking color balances, brightness and contrast, but slapping on preset filter usually make a photo worse, and people are better off sticking with the originals unless they know how to edit in Photoshop.

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I mostly only use photo filters if I am going to use the photos for something other than being the main attraction. If the photos are going to be in a gallery, for example, and are to be used for portfolio purposes, I'd rather the photos just speak for themselves with as little digital intervention as possible. If I'm going to use it as a part of a design layout, however, since the photo needs to be integrated in with an existing design palette or theme, I am more open to tweaking the photos to blend better with the overall design.

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Yes! Filters are basically a way of complementing the theme or the mood of the photo itself. Some photos don't really sync with the mood as a whole so we have these filters to add more vibrant to the photo itself. And you also tweak the filter to get it's full potential so there's that too.

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You bring up a very interesting concept. There are different types of photography, each of which may determine whether or not you're going to use a photo filter on them. I find it interesting because your photography style leads you toward a portfolio consisting of images that do not have filters applied, whereas my photography style leads me toward a portfolio of images that make heavy use of editing and filters.

It almost sounds like you take a journalistic approach to photography. Portraiture is very subjective, and you'll find a wide variety of photo styles, which fascinates me as well. I try to "artistic" with my portraits, which is why I have a specific editing style to what I shoot, but other photographers like those who work for Nat Geo (essentially photojournalists) don't edit their portraits very much and instead let the model and their surroundings speak for themselves.

It's just interesting to see everyone's approach to photography.

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I generally regard filters as icing on the cake. Used sparingly, they can sweeten the image into something extraordinary. Use too much, however, and the sweetness becomes a cloying distraction. A thoughtful photographic technique will always be the best solution to how you achieve any particular effect you are trying to convey to the viewer. Whether that means simply taking a clear shot, or invoking some murky sadness, you want to achieve as much of your thematic effect with the camera as you can and use filters as a mild enhancement.

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You are right. Filters are indeed the icing and adds sweetness or bitterness, or sourness to a picture depending the mood of the photo itself, and the mood of the person adding the filter. As long as you won't overdo it, I guess it will be just fine. A little tweak here and there, but not to the point wherein the photo itself will begin to look overtweaked or something.

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Filters adds twist in the photo. It makes the photo to have a another story or new mood.

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I do not always use them, but the example you provided with your model in those two pictures above really demonstrates the enhancements one can make wit the filters. A whole new mood and experience can be created, of course, by your choice of filter. I can see how these can be over-used, and like anything, too much of a good thing can quickly become a bad thing. As long as the filter is being used for a specific aesthetic reason and in context, I would say go for it. Just don't use them gratuitously--have a solid reason for the execution.

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That is right. It's just a matter of personal preference to ordinary people like us. But to creative ones such as the artists of photography, they use it to the next level. As you said, it emphasizes the mood and would really show additional set of feelings towards each filtered pictures. I agree too, that if overused, would become a bad thing to some people specially to those guys who are majoring photography and creative arts.

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I never liked using any type of filter because I basically always value the original quality of the photos. In the very rare times that I decide to use them is when the photo really needs some kind of retouching.

I even agree that some filters can make the photos more creative, but I don't see the need to use filters just to make the photos more "cosmetically" beautiful (this artificiality sometimes bugs me a little bit).

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That is your opinion and how you look at things' perspective specially when it comes to photos and putting filters on them. No offense but I think your judgment is somehow one-sided and that is probably normal since that is your personal opinion of course. Filters are not edits. They are there to change the harmony and ambiance of a photo. Using the original photo is okay, but I believe using a filter that rhymes with the mood of the photo itself is the best.

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Yes, I also understand your side and the true usefulness of the filters. Photo filters - do you always use them?

As you yourself have said, it's an entirely personal matter of someone on the other side of the wall. I haven't been against the use of filters, I just don't particularly see any reason - at least until today - to use them.

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I have also haven't been against the use of filters but I dislike filtered photos very much. They lose the sense of originality. If humans get used to filtering photos before uploading to social sites like instagram, they tend to start liking their fake appearance more instead of trying to appreciate who they really are.

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I agree with you, filters are made to enhance a photos, but people misuse it.

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For me Ilike using filters in photo. Although it’s not make original photo but it gives
beauty in your photo and it is enjoying when you see how you like flawless in the picture.It givesmore creativity in your profile and now a days many application been releasing
in internet and many are using it.

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From my perspective and observations, it's very clear that it's mostly females that makes use of photo filters just to make themselves look exquisitely fabulous before uploading the pictures to social media sites.

Sometimes, I do make use of photo filters but it's not a thing of habit for me because I could easily careless about how I look.

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Yes, I have used them a few times, how ever I am old school and still prefer a good old fashioned regular photo.

P.S. I don't have a regular camera anymore, I just use my Samsung Galaxy S8+ and it has a ton of different photo enhancements. I just choose not to use them.

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Well yeah that is the benefit of having a high-end mobile phone with a very awesome camera and built-in softwares to enhance that camera's effect too. Samsung phones are known to have amazing shots and effects. With that being said, sometimes it's better not to alter the photo with filters because they have features that automatically adjusts the colours or or ambiance of the photo.

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Agree... nothing like a natural pic, specially if it was taken during a spontaneous moment. However, filters are great if you want to add a personal artistic touch, sometimes you want that pic on black/white, or maybe have fun between family members. Nowadays, almost everybody use their cellphones instead of a regular camera, and I would like to have a phone with better definition and tools, but anyway I probably wouldn't use all those stuff, natural pics make my day.

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Me neither, I have all those filters and enhancements in my cellphone, and honestly I have no idea how to use them, or when do I have to apply those things. I know, it takes more time and effort every time I try to take a picture, because I need many shots to be sure that's the one that I want, but in the end, I always love to take a natural pic. All those pics with many enhancements look completely superficial and plastic to me.

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I agree with you, original photos are still the best. It will show how skillful you are as a photographer.

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I used filters when I need to. But normally I post the original photos. But filter feature is very helpful most especially when you want to bring the viewers in a different mood of the photos. Just like editing a photo into black and white, it feels like the mood is an old age. Or when we forgot to freshen up but need to take a photo and post it on SNS. We can easily use a filter for us to look fresh and glowing. It also helps us to hide dark spots and other irregularities that we have in ou face.

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I used to use photo filters 7 years ago. But I currently prefer the original look of a photo. I would use black and white filters only but just to hide the colors and not for picture enhancement.

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Women or ladies are the ones who are more into using filters on their photos especially for their social media sites. Basically, all these are just to improve their facial appearance and beauty in order to make people get arrested from the first first sight on them. As a man, I simply cannot remember ever using filters because it doesn't sound normal. Only gay men are the ones who take interest in using filters on their photos.

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I don't even know where to begin in pointing out how wrong and misguided you are on this topic.

Filters are a great way to build a theme and stylize your photos in a unique way, AND they're used by professionals around world by people like Mango Street, Peter McKinnon, Brandon Woelfel, Andrew Kearns, etc. (all of whom create and produce their own filters and presets for others to use as well). Your notion that "only gay men use filters" is absolutely, without a doubt, 100% wrong.

From what I can tell, this is the bottom line: the problem behind your belief that filter use is abnormal isn't because you're a man, it's because you're not a legitimate photographer. You lack an understanding on the proper uses and benefits of photo filters, and that's really about all there is to it. Just because something doesn't sound "normal" to you, doesn't mean you should start making over-generalized assumptions about others.

Besides, if it were true that only gay men used filters, I don't see a problem with that.

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That is not true, I know a lot of straight men who used filters to enhance their photos.

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I agree with you, sometimes if you want to highlight something in your photos, there are filters to help you. I think filters are really made to enhance a photos, but people now a days put too much filter in their photos that it looks really unreal.

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