
Share your Christmas Traditions and Events

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Share your Christmas Traditions and Events

Advance Merry Christmas to everyone.

Christmas traditions and events vary from country to country. I just heard recently that in other country they wear a creepy costume to celebrate Christmas. I'm not sure about the details though it's their way to remind the children not to be naughty. That is a cool fact for me since it is unusual. We only do Christmas tree lighting here and visit our relatives and love ones. During the night, we have fireworks display, Christmas Party and Disco.

How about you? Do you have an unusual, usual, weird or cool way to celebrate Christmas? I would be glad to know each and everyone's experience.


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Christmas is really the most awaited time of the year that even here in our country, people start preparing for it by playing Christmas songs at the first day of SEPTEMBER. You'll even see some families display their Christmas lanterns even if it's not yet December. Also, in our country, we have "Simbang Gabi" or Misa de Gallo where we have a series of 9 Dawn masses everyday before Christmas. On the eve of Christmas, we always go to church to celebrate the birth of Jesus and go to our homes afterwards to be reunited with our family members again.

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Yes, when its already ber months people mostly play christmas songs starting on the first day of September since its the first month that ends with "ber" months. From that first day, people starts to count the days up to Christmas day. On the 16th of December early in the morning, our tradition is to attend Simbang Gabi but I think it will start on 15 in the evening. That mass will take 9 days up to December 24 which is Christmas day.

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The two news giant Gma news and Abs -Cbn has their own Christmas countdown after the news. They would say twenty more days before Christmas for example.

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Yes you are right. At the end of the news they eventually dictate how many days left before Christmas. They also have Christmas TV station and they probably compete for each other. Its been their traditions to create a christmas jingle about their tv station.

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That is right. I think the Abs-cbn Christmas ID station is always the winner.

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I agree with you. My mother displayed our Christmas tree on the month of September. I can also hear Christmas songs on that month.

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Yes, that's right. I always try to complete all the mass. It feel so good if you complete it. Even though yoh dont really have something to wish for.

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Same thing as me. I wanted to finish the mass until the 9th day as I want to make my Christmas memorable and yeah it feels so good to complete Simbang gabi. I tried to make a wish before and it granted my wish. I did not expect it as its not really I want why I attended mass.

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It's crazy good how Christmas starts as early as September in the Philippines. It's always nice when that month starts and suddenly it's Christmas everywhere! Specially at shopping malls, some already play Christmas music around September.

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You are right. There are already Christmas decorations and I hear Christmas songs as early as September.

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Yes. Not only that but malls put large decorations which we can take pictures of it and It's really cool to see this kind of stuffs. You already can feel the essence of Christmas as they decorate at the month of September plus they already play Christmas songs.

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That's another thing! It's like everyone splurge on Christmas decors just for the sake of spreading holiday cheer! Christmas brings out the best in people which makes me wish it would be Christmas everyday... which also means 13th month pay every month ;)

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I think most people are excited to get their 13th month pay. People are waiting for December to get their christmas bonus and December is the most awaited of every year as there are special events in this month.

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I think to everyone this is the most awaited event. This bonus is very helpful not only for buying gifts but it's also extra money to use to pay for debts. I think some even give it as gifts for their parents.

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I also waited for Christmas. It is the happiest event of the year. It is like the climax.

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True. I love the Christmas lights and the Christmas trees. As long as the BER months arrived you can hear the Christmas songs from houses and establishments. I also look forward to the simbang gabi and the kakanin for sale. It is said that if you finished the nine days simbang gabi and you make a wish it will come true. Mine came trueShare your Christmas Traditions and Events.

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I agree on this. We also go to simbang gabi every night. Me and my family are religious and we tend to celebrate christmas together the presence of the Lord. We give thanks to the Lord for giving us such a wonderful year together. I also believe that completing those masses will make my wish come true.

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We have a very cool way of celebrating Christmas here.The day starts with Santa parade with fun loving people lining up to take the parade then Santa get to different houses to gift kids goodies then we have the masquerade display to everyone delight.The icing on the cake will be different display of foods and drinks to the merriment of all hearts.

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Wow in love with how you celebrating it over their wish so much that it would be done the same in our country Coz am in love with cakes,

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I also like Christmas cakes. it tastes very delicious.

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Wow! Thats lovely! If that were to happen in our country, I would also want a gift from Santa Claus. Well, people in our place don't believe in the charm of Sana Claus anymore that's why he is not really that popular here.

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Wow thats awesome. I think I would love to see a real Santa Clause giving gifts. Children would be delightful for that.$

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In our country during Christmas people would always buy new and presentable clothing to wear on that day..most young kids would frown just because they lack new bought dresses or shorts

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I remember myself being so upset when I was a kid because I got to wear my old clothes during Christmas parties and my friends had something new with them. Anyway, I'm just glad that I was not raised spoiled back then, but, I will not deny that I got upset many times. Lol

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It's the world's wonderful time of the year like what Andy Willams said to his song but we only celebrate the usual way. From celebrating with food to eat, exchanging gifts and playing some fun games with prizes but the most important with it is that we are happy in our own simple way.

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Yes, you are right. Even if it is celebrated with just a simple food in the dining table and a few gifts to exchange, the most important thing is to be happy with you and your family.

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Well that seems to be our very Christmas. We exchange gifts and have a pleasant meal. It seems pretty ordinary but it still feels special each year.

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In our country we would always prepare good meals and drinks...chapatis, breadrolls, tomato sauce, tomato soup,cucumber and tomato salads, roasted chicken..this meals would be prepared mostly in the households early in the morning

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That is nice preparation of Christmas. I can tell that happiness is all over the corner in your households.

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People would always wake up early in the morning and prepare for church services smartly dressed and ready to be preached to about the bath of the Messiah and how Christians live towards the day and how it's celebrated with the less fortunate

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There is this tradition of getting g new clothes and shoes during Christmas. This is something that I really enjoy about the period as it gives me that opportunity to dress as beautiful as I can.

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We just gather together the night before Christmas and eat all together. Then we usually go out of town when it is Christmas day.

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We just wear everyday clothes. We also make ourselves presentable during picture taking.

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Oh, me too. Photographs are frequently taken during Christmas time. So you should always be presentable. Normal clothes are fine. As long as you're comfortable and look good in it.

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We usually wear the colors of Christmas, like red and green. I just love the idea of being presentable during Christmas. Even though we're just in our house, it's nice to dress up for picture taking.

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We cook the favorite Christmas food of our father Ube halaya. I would stir it many times until it becomes very fine yet sticky.

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That sounds nice. I think you're referring to Purple Yam. I've actually tasted it. It's really good. I can see why it's a specialty during the holidays.

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My mother would hide coins around the house. Me and my siblings will look after those coins. its like the wise men looking for the baby Jesus.

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I usually celebrate Christmas with my family. It is like a reunion with my siblings and my parent. It is nice to be together again for quite sometime. We usually cook together and share it to one another. Exchanging gifts is exciting part also.

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I think that here in my country Christmas is just celebrated in a simple way without doing some weird costumes. Sometimes we just used a red hat to represent Christmas while others would just do it in their own way. We do take a lot of photos during Christmas so that we will have a souvenir as time goes by since it is only once in a year to happen.

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Here in the Philippines, we celebrate Christmas as one of the biggest celebrations we have. We celebrate Christmas commonly with our family and love ones because most of Filipino that Christmas symbolizes love. We have exchange gifts called Monita and Monito where you will have to pick a person whom you will be given your gifts. The person you picked doesn't know that you picked him.Then, you will have to exert effort to find what gift he wants to receive but making sure he will not trace you that you are the one who will give him the gift.

Filipinos love to decorate their homes with Christmas decor and playing Yuletide songs even as early as so called -ber months, so it is early as September.Most of us love Jose Marie Chan who is a famous singer for his soft and touchy voice.

There's a lot of Christmas parties to attend too done in different days of December. I promise you that there will be a lot of food

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Yes, I agree with this. You will hear Christmas song in the month September as this is the start of Christmas for us and it is the start of count down to christmas day. I missed the monito and monita as this occasion happened when I was in Highschool. We called it kris kringle and it happened every week until Christmas party.

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Really? I have never heard of those tradition. From where I come from we just usually have a nice Noche buena, and in the morning we go to the church and have a nice family lunch after. I guess it seem pretty ordinary but Christmas makes it feel special each year.

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That's a wonderful tradition. Though it might seem ordinary, but if you notice all the people here keep writing that they have ordinary traditions, but when it comes to comparing all of them - everything seems a lot more unique.

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During Christmas time, we always have a "family reunion". We also visit our relatives during this time. We cook lots of food shared by the entire family and relatives during Christmas Share your Christmas Traditions and Events We also celebrate it with some games and gift-giving. Exchange gifts are also part of the program. But above all these, we do not forget the real meaning of Christmas and that is to celebrate and thank God for Jesus Christ's birth because if not for His birth, there would be NO Salvation of man. Christmas is remembering the birth of the "Savior", Jesus Christ. It's not about the food, the gifts but Christmas is about Jesus Christ Himself.

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Yes, me too. Every 25th of December, the day of Christmas, since it's my aunts birthday we always go there to visit them and there we goes a family reunion. There a lot of party events happening during this week since I do have family friends who celebrate their birthday at the time of Christmas. Yes we should not forget the meaning of Christmas and never forget to thank him in every blessings we received from him.

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Same here, every year we meet up at our parents' house and celebrate Christmas together as a family. We sing karaoke and eat a specially prepared meal when its almost 12am. When the clock strikes to midnight we give our gifts to each other. On Christmas day we usually go to church then let the kids play on parks or malls.

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Oh wow which country is that? I'm curious now.
Well, Philippines has a lot of tradition before Christmas, there's the "Simbang Gabi" (Evening Mass or Night Mass is the literal translation) that ends in "Misa de Gallo" (Spanish term which means Mass of the Rooster).

We also put up a lot of "Parol" (Christmas lanterns) in different sizes and colors. It's always star shaped. These lanterns are made of different materials as well, some are made of paper, or cellophane. Still there are some that's made from shells. There's also lanterns made of glass or clear plastic. Some light up, some don't. It's a symbol of the Christmas spirit here.

This is the time of year when kids and adults roam around the streets at night, visiting neighbors and singing Christmas songs to them. Sometimes they'll be bringing their guitars, or small drums, and tambourines. Sometimes children use home-made instruments made of cans and bottle caps, it's really so cute. And as thanks, the homeowners can give them any amount of money.

Some families even have their own "Belen" (Nativity scene) that they only take out during Christmas.

Then there's the "Noche Buena" or the Christmas Eve feast, we eat all our favorite foods and stuff. And during Noche Buena the adults usually give out their "Aguinaldo" (gift usually money in envelopes) to the little kids in the family.

I think that's about it...

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We have a lot of Christmas Traditions here in the Philippines, one of the most notable ones is The Midnight Mass which is locally called Simbang Gabi which runs from December 16 to December 24. It's when whole families goes to mass at Midnight for 9 days after which according to popular belief a wish would be granted to those people who finished the 9 days of nightly mass.

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It is nice to know that everyone has somehow a different way to celebrate Christmas. I am wishing all of you to have a great one this coming Christmas.

By the way, the frightening tradition is done in some countries of Europe like Czech Republic. The evil figure is known as Krampus or in some as Bertik, who punishes the naughty children while Santa entertains the nice ones. The evil figure, which is just a person who dresses up with a scary costume, visits every house. The children should entertain Krampus with a song and dance but you guess it right, most of them just hide under their bed and were not able to do the tradition since they are just children who get easily scared with this kind of tradition. I was hoping though that someone here might be able elaborate it. I wonder how they feel about their Christmas tradition.

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Me and my siblings have this tradition to go and watch a movie on Christmas day. It doesn't matter if we don't like any of the movies showing that day we just choose one we hate the least and proceed to suspend our disbelief and have fun. We then eat out and go shopping afterwards. I wish we don't break tradition this coming Christmas day as I am really looking forward to spending time with them.

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Nothing irregular about us on Christmas, as we do what many other people do.
Cook delicious food, sit by the fire, play with snowballs and even games such as monopoly or dominos.

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I think that usually during Christmas we are having a drink session together with the whole family since it was been a tradition for us to do that. It was really full of fun since it was a very happy moment for us. We had been doing that every year that is why it was already been a tradition for us to make a get together activities during Christmas season.

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It reminds me of other special occasions. Like birthdays where everyone sings karaoke and there's lots of food. I feel like all celebrations include lots of people. We're sharing our joy with everyone around us.

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I miss karaoke with my friends. Ever since we all became parents there's been no time for us to hang out and get together like we used to. Though we don't do karaoke during Christmas, it's mostly a solemn time for me and my family.

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Philippines have the longest Christmas celebration and have the most decorated traditions of Christmas. However, in our family we have a simple tradition and that is to make fruit salad every Christmas in commemoration of our mother who passed away three years ago. She always had the best Fruit salad in our place.

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I agree that making salad is a tradition of most of the families in our country period we also make salad every christmas and we and enjoy making one period I am the one who is incharge of making dessert every christmas. The best dessert that I can make a salad. I am glad that my family like it.

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My family doesn't have a tradition per se. We do have a few routines we repeat almost every Christmas season. We wash everything around the house, and that includes furniture. Then we all have specific roles to play as far as cooking goes. I'm often at the end of the knife getting the meat ready (no more details :-) ). Come Christmas Eve, we attend church and enjoy the beautiful carols. There is often mlre church on Christmas day itself which I tend to skip. After that point, it's all about eating, drinking and making merry.

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Share your christmas traditions and Events: As i remeber the last time I celebrate a christmas eve with my family is last 3years ago and i really miss to celebrate this kind of special occassion with them. Last year I celebrate chrustmas eve with my counsins that also work here in city, we're not able to go to our home town which is in province for the reason of the kind of work we had. We celebrate it with fireworks, prepared foods and having some fun like singhing and games.

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Here in our country, there are a lot of traditions that we do with our family. One of those traditions is what we call "monito monita". It is like am exchange gift with a twist. The thing is you don't have any idea from whom you will be receiving your gift. It is done by randomly picking a paper with a name from a bowl of names. It is fun and exciting since you have no idea what to expect from the person you will be receiving a gift.

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I believe there's some catchy song with a word monita in it, can't remember which one. Anyhow, that's a wonderful tradition. Keeps you on the edge of your toes, because the thrill of receiving a surprise is great. We have that tradition too, but oddly enough, during a different holiday.

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It is really exciting to receive a gift from a mysterious person. I really like that kind of exchanging gifts. It makes the christmas more fun and memorable..

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I'm not in my home country right now, so I won't be able to celebrate Christmas like I normally do with my friends and family. Instead I'll be babysitting a friends's cats so she can go home for the holidays. What my family will be doing though, it quite a lot of fun! Next weekend, they'll visit the local Christmas tree farm with my dogs and will spend the afternoon looking for the perfect tree. They'll bring along hot chocolate and Christmas cookies to snack on while they search. For the two weeks leading up to christmas, they'll bake cookies, gingerbread houses, and decorate the entire house while classic Christmas music and movies plays from the TV. The tree itself will be decorated a week before Christmas and my family will order in Chinese food, so they can decorate while eating and watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas on repeat. On Christmas Eve, there will be a mad rush to get all the presents wrapped, finish baking dishes, and then getting ready to head over to my aunt's house for the big family party. After the party wraps up at about 11pm or so, my immediate family will head back home and go to sleep. The next morning on the 25th, everyone will wake up to my dad making brunch and slowly come out of their respective rooms to settle in before the fire, eat brunch and exchange immediate family Christmas presents!

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We have a family tradition to attend midnight mass on the 16th of December and after that we would buy some Rice Cakes locally called "Bibingka" topped with sugar, grated coconut, melted butter, salted egg slices. We would bring it home and eat it as a post midnight snack.

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I think that during Christmas we give some gifts to some children out there to make them happy since Christmas is only once in a year to happen. It was been a tradition for us to believe in the saying that it is better to give than to receive. Giving gifts is a very simple way to make some people happy even in juts some rare occasions.

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