
What photos do you take during Christmas?

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What photos do you take during Christmas?

It's already December! Almost everyone is so excited for the most wonderful time of the year. I just can't wait to be with my whole family, eat the delicious food for "Noche Buena", and give gifts and receive if there's something for me.

One of the things that I love to do during Christmas is to take candid pictures of my family or take a family portrait with smiles on. I also love taking selfies with the glow that Christmas lights give.

How about you, what are the things that you love to capture during Christmas?


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I always take family pictures! My siblings and I live away from home and we get to be complete only once a year. Christmas is a beautiful holiday where we can spend quality time with our family, and it is always great to document everything. I also take photos of the food, just because they look good.

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The same goes with me. My Christmas serves us a reunion for family and relatives too. I enjoy taking selfies under the Christmas tree. Sometimes, we travel to other places and what I look forward are the colorful Christmas lights.

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That is right. Christmas is family reunion time and opportunity. Enjoy your family reunion this Christmas.

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Taking family pictures is the best part in Christmas reunion of the family. I want to be there when it will happen.

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I agree with you. It is best indeed for family to be taken with a Christmas picture.

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Its a great blessing this Christmas for the family to gather together. It will be a memorable celebration.

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I think that's a given. It's really something when you get to gather all your missing family members. It's usually a whole year before you get to see them again. This especially true for relatives who lived outside your country.

It makes their photographs together more special.

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That is true. That is what makes photographs so special. Being together again.

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That's so beautiful. There are a lot of families who only get together during Christmas and it's so nice to see them being together for even just a short while. The bond cannot be replaced by material things.

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You are right. Material things cannot compare with the joy of togetherness this Christmas.

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Yes, it reminds us of the true purpose of Christmas. We're celebrating the joy of Christ's birth. It's not about buying expensive gifts and shopping. Knowing this makes our celebration more fruitful and special.

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You are correct. Jesus birth is the real reason for celebrating Christmas.

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Me too. I like taking Christmas photos of the whole family including all the close relatives during our annual family Christmas get together.

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I agree with you. That is the best part of taking photos on Christmas day.

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It is very nice to take pictures when the family comes together. And since you always be together those pics are great remembrance.

I too would take a lot of pictures of my Family. This is a merry season and it would be a shame if we do not take hold of it. I wish to take a family photo especially at dinner time on Noche Buena.

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I agree with you. It will be a memorable time together with your family.

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That is good. Have a great quality time with your siblings this Christmas.

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And that's what I do too. Usually, my mom can get really annoying taking hundreds of pictures, but for me just some pictures of family gathered together, are more than enough. I like to take pictures of the kids while they're opening the gifts, and just like you, I like to take pictures of the food, specially the desserts and sweets.

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I agree. A family photo should always be taken every christmas as remembrance. I also take family photos and I love seeing them smile at me. You can really see how happy they are for being there, celebrating christmas with you.

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I'm good of taking pics of my family and friends especially during our family reunion at the end of the year like this.i love to keep memories alive so I capture the immediate and extended family and make a huge portrait of it.

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That is right. Family pictures is always the best.

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Any photos of the family together celebrating the Christmas season. Photos of old friends that you haven't seen for a long time during the get together of former classmates which mostly done during Christmas. Photos of delicious foods that families share together at the dining table. These are not just photos, these are memories.

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Yes, you are right. The pictures that we take with our friends and family are not just for display or for bragging. Those our like our memory capsules that can document and tell the emotions and feeling of happiness during those times. Ah, I'm so excited for Christmas!

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I always bring my camera whenever I'm with my family in the mall and in other places during the holidays. I would casually take photos with the malls Christmas display as background.

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Taking photos of family events, parties or get together during the holiday season is a great way to record important memories of happy times. I always bring my trusted Nikon camera in such occassions.

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I take a lot of pictures of the decorations and all the lights! It takes a lot of effort and hard work to decorate for Christmas most of the time mall decors change every year so it's nice keeping a souvenir of how Christmas looked like at a certain year. Another subject of course of my Christmas album is my family.

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I do that too. Since it's only in Christmas that our streets our lined with beautiful lights, I would very much like to take pictures of decorations too. What's more there is a contest on whose street decor is the most beautiful and I think my pictures could help in getting votes.

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That sounds great! I'm sure if we have a contest like that here more people would decorate for Christmas. It must be so nice walking there where you live around this time. Sadly here not a lot have decors

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Hahaha, my father would love to have you around. He's the one that always make the decorations, because he loves Christmas so much, but usually we don't pay all the attention he wants, so if he had someone like you taking pictures of all his work, he would delighted. We don't have a Christmas album, but I think he would make us put all those decoration pictures for sure.

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I love Christmas as well! It's great that your father enjoys Christmas too! Here it's me and my granddad who looooove all this Christmas stuff. Why don't you take pictures of his decors and put it in an album and give it to him for Christmas. Then add more pictures every year I'm sure he'd love that What photos do you take during Christmas?

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Awww. That's a sweet idea. And due to the fact, that every year he tries to do something original or different, he will be able to see the decoration evolution hahaha. Thanks for the tip, I'm pretty sure he will love a present like that.

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You're welcome! I'm glad you liked my idea! I'm honestly excited for your dad now if you're going to give him that as a present. LOL sorry! Christmas is just so great. Just making people happy is already a gift in itself.

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I think during Christmas we are having a family picture so that we will have a souvenir as time goes by. It is really good to take so much pictures during Christmas because people are celebrating much and it is the time where we can make a lot of great shots. I usually save those photos to my social media accounts so that I will have something back up whenever my mobile phone experience some problems.

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Family portraits around Christmas time are so special to look back on. I have them from when I was young all the way up until now and it's wonderful getting to see how our family has grown and changed over time. Very special to capture those moments of happy family times!

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I always take family photos while having fun. Also, I take photos whenever a family member does an exciting or funny activity.

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We all know that Christmas is one of the main event before the year ends. I usually capture the pictures that was so memorable like family pictures because I always celebrate with different side of my parents yearly. I also capture those delicious foods the have been served, and lastly the gifts that I have received on that Christmas eve.

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Oh, I love the idea. Usually, I forget to take pictures of the food being served during Christmas because I'm more overwhelmed by the presence of my family an the gifts, lol. Also, I am more focused with getting the food to my mouth and savor the taste of Christmas.

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We have a tradition here in our place to take a photo with a big Christmas tree during a lighting event. The families would gather into the place and take photos with their love ones. We also take pictures during fireworks display. It's so cool and romantic at the same time to have a fireworks background with your family, friends or special one.

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I like to take photos of Christmas Lantern Festivals which happens in some provinces here in my country. It's the time when Giant Lanterns from all the town's are paraded in the night. It's also a contest in which the most beautiful lantern and it's makers gets some media mileage and a nice prize.

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I don't take photos anymore. I don't have a camera. My kids have camera phones. I'm happy to see any photographs they take showing how much they are enjoying the holidays. But I don't want to be in them. I've gotten old and I've lost my teeth. I don't really be in photographs anymore. I won't even take a picture for the church directory at the congregation where I am a very devoted member.

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Totally get it, because sometimes I feel like that, even when I'm on my 30's, but I do it just for fun. You have to take pics with your family and friends, because you're alive and healthy. This is the time to make memories with them. They will treasure those pictures with you, and they will remember the moment, and all the fun you guys were having. Doesn't matter how you look, the main thing is to keep the spirit.

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You know that's very true. I remember when my mother passed away and I started looking through the album at her pictures. Having seen her in the casket, she didn't really look like my mother. You know? But her photographs looked like my mom. I remember one of my brothers saying "Mom looks really pretty now, doesn't she?" I knew what he meant. I had seen those pictures lots of time before she passed away. But when I looked at them again after she died, there was a brightness in her eyes, a glow to her skin, etc. She looked very pretty! She looked ... ALIVE and full of the joy of life!

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That's what I'm talking about. It took quite some years to my mom, to get over with my grandma's death, and one of the things that helped her out, was to see all the pictures we had with her, and see how happy she looked. So, she understood our granny had a great life, full of beautiful family moments, and you could see it by her look in the pictures.

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Well, I understand. There are always people who get ired of the things that they did back in the days. As long as you have your family members taking the photographs of important events, then, there's nothing to worry about.

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Family pictures, nature pictures (our area gets a lot of snow in winter and it makes everything so beautiful!), pictures of decorations and lights in our local area - I think there's a lot of special, festive things that make for great pictures around this time of year.

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I agree any kind of festive scenery in Christmas Time is worth taking photos off specially at Night Time when you could see all the Christmas Lights.

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Yes, there’s definitely something about the Christmas lights that just immediately puts you into that festive spirit. Capturing them in photo form so I can remember them even outside the festive season makes me happy!

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Yes. Here in my place, the parks are already decorated. The lights are really wonderful to look at and the Christmas tree is very creative. One of the Christma tree here are made of Nido boxes.

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I like taking pictures of the surroundings. Christmas season is a very special holiday. It looks so different with all the different decorations and setup. My favorite are those big Christmas trees found in malls. They're very extravagant and go up really high.

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I like those giant Christmas Trees found in malls and the Santa Sleighs with reindeers hanging from the malls ceiling. I always take photos of Christmas Mall Decorations, such pictures uplifts ones feelings.

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What I like the most are those very creative Christmas trees. People can make Christmas tree out of very simple materials. They can make out of old boxes, plastic bottles, foams, and many more. I look forward to the contest here in my area. Christmas is just around the corner.

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I suppose you will be able to understand me Steve, but the whole catch of Christmas is to have those decorations and setup in a snowy background. Without the snow it feels just wrong and different. Cant imagine what is it like to have Christmas in a country without snow.

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I don't usually take photos during Christmas season. I enjoy just the way we cele rate it. Eating food and great familu bonding. If I were to take pictures during such season, I would go take Christmas lights with an amazing background behind the lights like people smiling or great landscape for they are colorful and can light up my mood.

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Sometimes I would take photos of Holiday Food whenever it looks good to photograph. Christmas Cakes are number 1 on my list.

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Wow. I would love to see that in person.

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It’s actually quite lovely that you mention you don’t really take photos during the festive season. I love taking photos but sometimes there’s an important reminder that living through a camera screen isn’t the same as putting your camera down and being fully in the moment.

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During Christmas I always take pictures of Christmas light and decorations as well as people in the events. I used to take pictures of them as I can see them very happy and jolly bonding together with my other relatives. It feels like they really enjoy those happy moments every Christmas. On how happy they are to be able to celebrate Christmas with friends and family.

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Me too. I would take pictures of our Christmas Tree with all the lights on and gifts covering its base. Then I would compare it to photos of years past to see which tree design looks better.

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I take family photos during Christmas. I also take pictures of our food. I send them to members of our family that is not with us.

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I would always take Holiday Photos of my family everytime we go to the mall or the park for some Christmas recreation.

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I like taking photos of my family. Especially random photos or stolen photos, it is the most natural photo for me. I like seeing them smile and laugh while having fun at our small but happy celebration of christmas. We may not have everything, but as long as we're complete and happy, nothing will never be enough.

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I was just going through the pictures that I took last Christmas of how my people were so happy to see me around during the festive period and I must say that it is one that is lovely as well. I always get to enjoy times like this since it gives me the opportunity to take pictures of happy people.

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I agree. It is a rare moment that we should take advantage of taking a photo. Seeing their genuine smile is something that we could take as a Christmas gift.

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I think the random candid photos you can capture of loved ones are often the best kind. I prefer them so much more than artificial posed shots - it’s like you can get more of a person’s real character in a candid shot.

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Christmas is a lovely time to get some memorable pics of any thing fanciful. There's always this indoors and outdoors beautification and decorations,one can actually snapped those away and have them used a background theme for other pics. I do this alot too.

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The Christmas tree is an example of what we can decide to take their pictures during this period. One thing is that you get to enjoy some good times by taking the pictures on Sunday fu occasions as well.

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Definitely, having some fanciful pics of different xmas tree in this time will be a nice thing to do. Some people just move round town and snap different kinds of xmass tree they see.

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What photos do you take during christmas: I really want to have a family picture in which we are all complete, wearing a family shirt with a big smile on our face. I wish to have it because as I've remember, I didn't experience to celebrate an event even not a christmas in which we have a single family photos.

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A family picture ofcourse. A picture of your whole family with be the best picture of the year. Also I like to take pictures of the christmas decoration in our town. Its good,whenever christmas is coming. Our barangay always put decorarion in front of every house. Its good to walk in the evening.

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Christmas is the most awaited time of the year for most of us. Christmas displays spirit of love, sharing, giving, forgiveness, unity and joy. There's a lot of wonderful moments to be captured during that season. But like most of us, one of the best moments to be captured is a family portrait full of love and joy in their faces.

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I love to take pictures of my dogs! I have a miniature dachshund and a beagle who each have their own Christmas sweaters to wear, they're the sweetest little things. I also love to take photos of my family while we are picking out our Christmas tree; my parents, my sisters, my dogs, and I all go to the local Christmas tree farm where we spend the afternoon drinking hot chocolate and arguing over which tree we like best.

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I like taking photos of churches at night, when it's all lighted up with twinkling Christmas lights and colorful lanterns. I take photos during midnight mass which begins every 16th of December until the 24th. We usually attend Mass in different churches for 9 nights. Churches are really great subjects for Christmas photos.

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Public Parks in the Christmas Season are good locations to take photos. Every December parks here are decorated with a lot of Christmas LED Lights. You would see trees glistening with different colored lights and lighted lanterns hung on every post.

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Well, Christmas is the time of joy and celebrations and i think there are wide variety of subjects available for taking some amazing pics especially during this time. I love to take the pics of Christmas trees and decorations. i simply love to take the pics of the variety of food available during this time and cakes top the list. People are very happy and there is a lot of happiness in the air.Taking pics of people enjoying there Christmas along with there friends and family is also something very special.

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Sometimes I am taking some pictures of the food that we served in the table during Christmas because I am selfie lover, I love to take pictures for everything that we make during Christmas because I find it to be enjoying and entertaining. I love to take selfies for those great desserts such as mango float and cakes because it makes my interest and one of my favorite.

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We don't take family photos during Christmas, but we do them traditionally every New Year. However, it's quite sad this year because my father will not be in it anymore. I'm sure he's now happy in heaven. Thanks for everything dad!

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We've got great Fireworks displays here for Christmas and New Year's Eve Celebrations. It's usually held on parks or near the sea using an off shore base for the fireworks. Such display of lights and colors are good subjects for photos.

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We don't take many photos overall, and even on holidays, such as Christmas as well. We usually do take family pictures, by the cabin standing together holding hands. That's pretty much it.

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If J have the camera then anything memorable goes. I prefer to take several pictures randomly secting and balancing that each person will be able to check thrmselves out.

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Yes of course Family picture is the first priority and then the foods the decorations and yes the celebration the fireworks and all the beautiful things that we have in our home during Christmas.

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This christmas I'll be photo bumping a lot. Especially in those selfies What photos do you take during Christmas?. Christmas is often about famimy time. So taking family pictures is going to ve happening a lot. I'd also like to collect individual pictures taken by family and friends. It's a great way to be a part of their celebrations as you will always have the memory with you.

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I usually take the photo of places with a lot of Christmas decorations. In our town there parks filled with Christmas light and decoration, I usually go there with my girlfriend and take a few photos of the place it is really popular Christmas attraction in our hometown a lot of family and kids go there to enjoy the view and take some Christmas photos.

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