
Selfie addiction, the obsessive need to take selfies

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Selfie addiction, the obsessive need to take selfies

We all love to take our Selfies and post them on Social Media from time to time. It is always great to receive some appreciation and positive comments from our friends and family on special occasions. However, in some cases, people take it too far and click hundreds of Selfies every day and post them on various Social Media platforms. You never know when an everyday habit can turn into an obsession or addiction of taking Selfies. This can particularly happen in teenagers and the younger generation. People are even ready to risk there lives to take a very special selfie which is different from others. Do you think that this is fast becoming a major problem? what do you think is the best manner in which can avoid thisSelfie addiction, the obsessive need to take selfies


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As long as you do them without harming anyone (physically or emotionally) but only yourself it's okay. This world is a free society, and anyone can do pretty much anything as long as it is not violating any laws or rules in place.

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I agree. It's outrageous what people will put themselves into just for a selfie. I've read articles online claiming people have died taking selfies. There was also a video of a drunk woman who hanged by the door of a moving car on a highway. She was trying to get a selfie I think and she hit a pole with the car going 60 mph. It's sad but I think it's just natural selection doing its thing though to be honest.

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There was an Indian Instagrammer couple that recently died in the United States because they fell off the Grand Canyon while trying to take a selfie. There's nothing wrong with wanting to take a picture of yourself but if you arent being careful it can be incredibly dangerous. It's actually becoming a real problem at other national parks too, because people aren't paying attention to their surroundings or considering that they're in a dangerous environment.

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That is very true. There have been instances where people have risked there lives in order to take good selfies to post on the Socila Media. Many people do lose ther lives due to this crazyness and complete carelessness. Taking Selfies is not at all a bad thing if you dont take unnecessary risks to click them.

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One person that comes to mind when I read your comment was the cliffhanger from China who always hangs on top of buildings to do daredevil stunts. One time the material he was holding on to is made of metal so his grip is not that good so he slipped and fell. He died in an instant.

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I agree. It's not really so much an issue to others as to one's self. I guess most of us simply find it troubling to see how much attention they give to other people's reaction. They shouldn't base their opinion of themselves on how society perceives them.

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True, I think it is not bad to take a selfie every now and then.

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That is right. It is good to take selfies without harming others. We are also free in our country to take selfies.

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You are right. We have the right to take selfies, we have all our time time to document ur happy moments. As long as you don't harm others and of course, yourself, then you can continue doing it as long as you want.

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Yes, as long as you don't mock and harm someone else then that's okay. If you are happy with what you are doing then go for it. We are free to do what we want so forcing them to stop is not a good idea because we live in a free country.

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But most people do it for vanity reasons more than just documenting your happy moments like you said. I for one rarely do selfies myself but some people take selfies like it's their medication. They become in love with themselves and I think that's not healthy.

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You have a point. I also don't like those kind of people who make selfies as their daily routine like changing every hour or every minute. It's too much and too much is not healthy. I think folks who are so much in love with themselves are called narcissism.

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Maybe that's why I don't really like people who take selfies too often. I see a glimpse of douchebag in them even if they don't show them. I think self love is important for mental health but too much is toxic to other people.

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I do agree in the saying "To to it's, it's own.". It's a free world, peole can do whatever they like as long as they're not affecting others.

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Although it's harmless, but it's simply stupid. We have a national mythology called Nart Saga. The story there is that once men (and women) begin to crave fame, then they're doomed. It's one of those weak spots of a human. Instead of being modest. The Nart civilization disappeared because they were fame hungry, just as those selfie addicts. They do it because it makes them feel important to upload pictures of their food on Instagram. They pretend to be famous superstars.

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I agree with you. Though its hard to let them realize that. They always make this kind of habit. Even they just move a one finger theyre just like ooh i wanna take a picture of this. Really its creeping me off.

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I will want to agree with you. That might just be what makes them happy so if you have such a person on your friend's list and you're comfortable with it,just blocked the person and you're done.

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You don't have to go that far and block them haha. I mean if you're the one who takes too many selfies and they're annoyed by it, it's not your problem anymore. If your friend is the one who loves posting selfies, just ignore him/her.

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Hahahaha. I say you help them find better things to do with their lives.

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Or this. Haha! I guess it can't be helped. There are really those people who love taking selfies all the time, and it became a big part of their lives.

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There's this news story early this year when a beautiful model went on taking selfies directly beneath a waterfall who died when a rock fell down the falls and hit her head. It was prohibited to go directly beneath the waterfalls but she didn't heed the warnings because she wanted to take a good selfie instead her life was taken.

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I don't think they're a big deal - for some people it can be a confidence booster when they take a nice selfie of themselves. I used to take a lot of them when I was younger!

I think they're only bad when celebs do them and they're highly edited, and can make people feel like they don't measure up. That kind of editing to remove anything slightly "imperfect" is one of the blights on society these days, IMO.

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Well, more than just confidence booster, selfies have escalated to the point where people risk their life just to get the dreamed picture. So, is an original and different picture as valuable as your life? I know that's a very personal opinion, but people are out of their minds. Selfies are ok as long as you don't have to risk your life or damage someone or something else.

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Oh yes I’ve seen stories in the news about people falling off cliffs and such; trying to get the perfect shot.

Of course, I think that kind of behavior is dangerous, but people have been doing dangerous things like that since the dawn of time. Stupidity isn’t a new thing that’s come with the dawn of smartphones!

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It's called Extreme Selfies, in which selfie addicts would perform the most dangerous selfies and post it in social media platformsto be viral and popular.

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That's scary. I've also read the news about those unfortunate enough to attempt such things. It definitely isn't worth one's life. And the worst thing about it is the fact that young people are really into it.

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Man, I didn’t realize there was such a thing as extreme selfies...sometimes I think the world has gone nuts! Crazy to think that people go to such dangerous lengths just for a photo.

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Exactly. Whh do you even need a photo of dangerous place. Its really alarming that you'll travel long way just totake pictures of you habging on to something..

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I do agree that selfies are somewhat addictive and daring, which isn't good because it can be a health risk. There are even reports of deaths from extreme selfies, which to me is pretty stupid.

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I agree with you, some people do it as a booster for confidence.

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Well, yes, you have a point. It's over bad to takes selfies and document your happy moments. What's not good is getting used to applying too much filters as some may have hidden their natural beauty. It's like a practice of not loving oneself.

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I do think that taking a lot of selfies isn't normal, it's a psychological disorder. It could mean that such selfie addicts gets gratification from knowing that they're photos can be seen by a lot of people. They have this illusion that people like looking at their photos.

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I think selfie addicts and those who take pictures of their own food instead of consuming it are both unhealthy. I just simply don't get it.
When we're on vacation we use to take 5-10 pictures of a unique situation or place, and that's simply it.

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Me either. I'm not that kind of person that takes thousands of pictures. I rather take a few ones with some significance or purpose. In fact, I'm not very good at selfies either, maybe it's because I see that's somehow pointless.

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I think the problem is in the reason behind the selfies. There is a need to be seen, to be admired, to feel loved. Every like they get on such pictures, every good comment starts to build an ego. The more they get it, the more they want. It leads to an emptiness that cannot really be filled no matter how many pictures they take and post on the web. There is always the need for more. So yes, the taking of selfies is becoming an unhealthy obssession. The solution is to find a balance between the real world, and our social media world.

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I truly believe you. These are the reasons why some people's obsess with a selfie. They don't stop because of the need for these things. Selfies can be good as it can boost your confidence but it should be done in a healthy way. It is no longer healthy when you are obsessed with it. Also, not everyone who clicks the like really likes your selfies. Human nature will always find an error. As for me, I don't like to post on the social media platform about me because I am a very private person.

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I think you are right. It is the reason behind taking selfie is the problem. It is not healthy to be obsessed by it.

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Exactly. And that egocentric attitude, sometimes lead them into damaging natural places, or even risk their own life. So, they're projecting what they're lacking of, and also doing something so stupid like almost getting killed. Actually, there are some famous YouTubers that recently died taking the selfie of their dream.

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This is a really great point. I think it is true, some of those avid selfie taker loved the feeling of being praise because of their appearance.

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Yep. This is usually the reason and to tell you the truth, not every selfie picture taken is as beautiful as the owner. I am not saying they are ugly, but sometimes with too much editing, they change their face. It totally changes their appearance and it is not a nice thing. I have a friend who sent her picture to someone and when they decided to meet up, the guy was disappointed. It was not good. My friend was hurt.

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I agree with you. Does fame make them live a long life?? I mean yes they can cheer them up. But to the point that your relying to what they say to your selfies?? I think thats absurd.

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Yep. That's why others are so obsessed with it. It soothes their egos. They do selfies to the point that they changed their appearance because of too much editing. It really is not good.

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Few years back, when selfies just rose into fame, many we're very pessimistic about it. People believed that it affects our mental health and it disturbed us from our work or school. But, nowadays, most people don't look at selfies as heavy as before. Maybe because it's not harmful. People can still do their work and studies even with doing selfies like everyday. As long as you are not doing bad, selfies will always be welcome for everyone.

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It's really bothering now a days. In the case that if there's a tragedy like fire. People will take a picture first before getting help. It's really alarming that they want to post first than to help.

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I also seen some people taking selfies after an accident. They are asking for help but they are not doing anything to help themselves but instead, they take selfies. I don't see it helpful to the accident.

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That was too bad. We should help as much as we can before doing something that pleases us. That incident was a reflection of selfishness and not selflessness.

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I agree. It became an issue in our country. That instead of helping first the people who got into the accident, they prioritized taking selfies more.

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Yeah I am very disappointed how others are just staring and seems like nothing happens.

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That’s a sad situation for society when people are too preoccupied with taking a selfie to document a moment rather than helping others to safety. It speaks volumes about our society sometimes when things like this occur.

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True. I see a lot of that on Facebook and they keep asking you to type amen or share to help. I don't see how can it help. Why not do something realistic to help? Some people are using it to scam others too. This happened to one of my friends.

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It's certainly a scary thing. Taking selfies has become a modern trend in society today. It's basically a normal thing to see young people taking lots of pictures of themselves. So much to the point of manipulating what's around them in order to seem cool.

As such, it's very unhealthy. Especially, as a mindset. They're becoming dependent on how others perceive them as oppose to how they truly see themselves.

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I agree with you, some are relying on other people's point of view about them.

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Yes. This is really unhealthy. This selfies also results in bullying especially if you don't look "cool". You have to be "in" so that you can have "friends". Such thoughts are not helping for the growth of the youth.

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I have a lot of friends who always takes selfie every now and then, and I don't like it when they do it when we are doing something or disturbing someone just to take a photo.

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In Middle East countries they are very strict about taking pictures. They don't like it when their women are included in the picture even if it was only by accident. I know someone who took a selfie and accidentally took a picture of the madam on the background. The husband was so angry that my friend was fired.

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I think that was in Saudi Arabia. That is right. They are very strict in many things. In United Arab Emirates specially in Dubai state they are not strict as Abu Dhabi. You can able do selfie and other things as long as you are not violating their rules there.

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I am not addicted to taking selfies. I have learned from the news that there was somebody who fell from the condominium and died due to taking selfies.

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Really? What exactly happened? I haven't watched the news recently. Is this recent? I have heard of people getting into an accident but not dying.

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I have known a lot of people taking a lot of selfies everyday. I sometimes got irritated by it because it shows how addicted they are. I understand that it is their freedom of expression but too much selfie is obviously over the line. Especially, when they are already risking their lives just to take a selfie. An appreciation will never be enough to return your life if ever you'll get into danger because of taking selfies.

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I remember somebody here in our country who is called the selfie king. He has pictures with almost all the presidents of the world. He was an assistant to our president.

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It's true that selfie addicts are mostly teenagers but there are grown adults who are even more worst than our teens! Everyday they'd be posting about 10 of their selfies on social media. You're right it needs to stop but how can narcissism be stopped? How can people who needs validation from others to feel good ever really stop posting?

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It is the craze that Has been brought about by social media. Each and every one want to influence their friends and other people hence people end up doing even the unthinkable.

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Social media has some great benefits but also has the potential to make people act like sheep and just copy their peers. If someone does something dangerous it's almost if people have to try and go one better and do something even more risky to show off.

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This is quite notorious with the challenges that have been coming up especially in the recent months. From dances to dangerous stunts people can get stupid real quick.

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Oh God, you're right on spot. I just simply don't get it. And when I try to comment on this subject or try to understand it I begin to get mad and frustrated. It's like the people who jump from cliffs for adrenaline, but the selfie addiction is purely without any reason.

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In a way, bungee jumping and other stunts are somewhat safer than what they do. Because they have a bunch of precautions for stuff that could go wrong. While the people who are taking extreme selfies are basically risking their lives.

There's nothing to save them should they make a wrong move.

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I think that selfie addiction is only good as long as we do it right, especially if we are not risking others life for doing it. I do admit that I am also a selfie addict but then I just do it in a good way because there are some people that are willing to take selfies even it would cost their lives or somebody's life which is something that should be avoided as much as possible. I believe that in everything that we do there is always a limitation that we need to follows especially if that particularly activity can put our lives into trouble.

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What I think of this is that the only thing we can do is let them do what they want and if you are annoyed of seeing his or her selfies and changing his or her profile picture everyday then you may want to block or take a break and unfollow them so that you will not be able to see their post. Since we are free, then we don't have any right to force them down unless he or she harmed someone.

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That is true as there is nothing else to do on this kind of issues. The more you try to talk to them, it may look as if you are trying to get them angry. So, allowing them to continue till they are tired is the best way to go.

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That is right. Allow them to do what they want. Also allow yourself to do what you want. That is just fair.

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Selfies are good as long as you are not violating something and not disrespecting other. Many people loves selfie because it is very much easy to do without hesitating to project with cheezy selfie.

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I agree with you. Our daughter always took selfies. While we are in a restaurant today I saw her taking a selfie again.

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That's one of the mysteries of the digital age. Why people are getting addicted in snapping selfies and posting their every move on their fave social media platform. If you ask me publishing your life in the internet is way too dangerous.

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Sometimes people seek for likers so I guess that's one thing why they post a lot of images or selfies. As an introvert, I find it annoying but of course I don't have any right to speak harm to them and bash them.

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Im not a basher but I'm not in favor of selfies if it's being posted in the internet because of the dangers it might bring to the person. Let's face it there's a lot of crazy and evil people lurking in social media sites who are looking for targets and posting your photos and where you're at regularly can be very dangerous.

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Others take it as advantage they can use those images of yours to scam someone and pretend to be as you or more likely a poser. They sell things and used your image to tell that its legit but the only intention is to scam you. I agree that it's dangerous to post too much pictures.

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There are set of people that are staying in the lodge where I live that don't sleep without taking a selfie each day and believe me, this is pretty bad as I have given up on trying to convince them that this is not what the world is all about. The world wants to see us improving on our personal lives and not on photos.

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That is right. I like what you said about the world wants to see us best in improving the quality of our lives and not the quantity of our photos.

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Yes, at the end of the day we're going to be remembered for the good things we do in life, not the photos we take of ourselves. Remembering what's truly important is necessary! I do think we live in a more image focused world than ever, so it can be hard for people to break away from that attitude of needing to take pictures of themselves constantly.

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How can taking selfies help a person? I mean it's a waste of time unless it's done with friends or during important or relevant days or events. But taking selfies every hour doesn't have any sense.

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Taking selfie is good but to be addicted in doing it is no longer good. I have just recently seen a selfie of a lady celebrity here in our country and she took the picture after climbing the peak of a mountain. It was a very nice selfie of her.

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From a psychological point of view, users take selfie to establish their self importance or individuality and somehow connected with narcissistic traits. However, some selfie takers not only takes pictures but also enhance the color and the background of their photos so it somehow change the image of the selfie taker and deviate it from reality. The reason for this actions is that humans have this need of approval from others. Taking selfies does not harm others and the selfie taker. However, obsessive selfie taking indicates an unmet need from the selfie taker himself or herself. This maybe approval from others, ego or an indication of the level of their self esteem.

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I had a friend who doesn't know how to use Facebook. I taught him then he got addicted with taking selfies and posting it online. He was able to post and change profile picture every hour which leads him to changing it 8-10 times a day. He does it everyday. It's fine at first but sometimes becomes kind of annoying when it pops out of your home or notification. Luckily overtime he was able to snap out of it. I think it would only be a problem if the person doing it won't change. That may be disturbing. Sometimes you need to inform the person that it is not good at some point in order for them to realize and avoid it because not everyone notices their addiction if it's a daily usual habit.

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I also know someone who did exactly as your friend. I remember he posted some pictures every hour and every minute that day and every things he did like eating breakfast to lunch together with friend then going to see his mother after lunch and so on. As if every minute that happens to him like he's telling stories and want to know his whole friends in facebook on what's going in his life everyday. We need some privacy as people might use your information like where you going at and they might be able to catch you there do something harm.

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That is a good point. That's why it is somehow clever to be anonymous since privacy issues nowadays are rampant and hard to avoid unless you prevent it from happening by being low profile.

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The obsession people have about selfies and posting on social media makes them over do it.Mark you,too much of something is poisonous. Posting selfies every now and then is sort of childish,especially when you are tempted to tag friends in the posts.

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I've seen a lot of news and artcles about accidents caused by doing selfies. Doing selfies should be our way of taking memories in record but we should also limit ourselves and make sure that doing it fits the current situation that we have and we should be careful when needed.

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True. Some people are too adventurous that they may not notice it will make them harm. I heard some news about a student who took selfie on a window and she was on the 9th floor I think. The lights were cool when you look down and I don't know what she was thinking but she accidentally fell from the window while doing some selfies and she lost her life just like that.

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Yes, I have seen those kinds of stories in the media too - people standing on cliff faces and such where they're just trying to get that perfect shot. It's wonderful to have great photos to remember a cool experience from, but I think if you're putting yourself in harm's way then that's a whole different story. Not worth that kind of risk, IMO.

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I really don't understand what urges people to take so much selfies. I mean does taking selfies gives them a sense of self gratification? A confidence booster? A psychological disorder?

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That's both funny and terrifying. I guess the answer is yes. They're gratified whenever people take notice of their photos. It boosts their confidence to have so many likes and reactions. And it inevitably leads to a psychological disorder since it's a very unhealthy behavior.

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There's a lot of people in various social media sites like Facebook and Instagram who seeks publicity and fame, posting a lot of selfies. It can be called a fad, a novelty or even a hobby but some people are really going overboard. I've seen girls everywhere taking never ending selfies like every minute. When I see people like this, I can't help thinking, that they're wasting precious time in doing a senseless thing.

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I agree. It can be safe yet senseless to dangerously idiotic. People nowadays spend a lot of their time preparing themselves to look good in front of other people. And it's often done in an excessive way.

Think Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. It feels like an adrenaline rush for these people when they risk their lives to get the perfect selfie.

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Yep but it maybe bad for us, but for them they enjoy doing it, There's a saying, it goes like this, "A time you enjoy wasting is not a wasted time." But yeah for me it's senseless to do that kind of stuff but for them they feel good posting those pictures and getting likes, they get the feel good hormones released in their brain so that's probably they're doing it over and over again to the point where is not normal anymore.

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I don't see anything wrong with taking selfies, especially when it's a way to boost one's confidence. However, it is also true that we live in a world where we are conditioned to always look good and to let the world know about it (as if one really has to update his/her social media every time), whether we realize it or not. Becoming obsessed with taking selfies can be problematic at a certain extent, since this can stop productivity. Getting too caught up with how you look can also lead to an endless cycle of discontent and insecurity.

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I feel like that’s the predicament a lot of young people are facing today. They’ve only grown up knowing this world of filters and airbrushing, and anything less than perfect can seem like a problem. I can’t imagine how that feeling like you’ve got to be flawless impacts people.

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I think that selfie addiction is very common to younger people nowadays because of the feeling of happiness and satisfaction that some people get from these activity. I don't see any bad reasons for us to refrain from making some selfies as long as we do it right and we are being responsible for our actions.

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The Bible speaks about people in the last days shall be lovers of themselves. I believe that taking selfies are not bad, but to put themselves or other people in danger is not good either. This issue only proved that we sad fact that people are hungry for appreciation. Most people nowadays are attention seeker.

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To avoid being eaten by the shark while doing the selfie, I will avoid going to the deepest ocean where it is infested by sharks.

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I hope not to hear somebody being eaten by crocodiles because of taking selfies. Far be it from me to all of us to happen.

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Me too. It makes me wonder if the picture is just Photoshop. I mean, if someone actually did that, it'd be so unbelievable. The youth today is too focused on getting everyone's attention. It's a very unhealthy way of thinking.

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I feel like selfie culture in general has become a ridiculous phenomenon. You have people that have literally died because they tried to take an over-the-top selfie. I’ve seen videos of people getting hit by trains or falling off buildings all because they were trying to take their next great selfie.

Not to mention the people that post dozens of selfies every week. The internet has really brought out the inner narcissist in many people, especially thanks to sites like Instagram where they basically reward the biggest narcissists. There’s nothing wrong with taking a nice self-portrait to update your profile picture, or take a selfie while on vacation somewhere, but there needs to be a limit and level of self-control/common sense.

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That’s the part that kills me - that narcissists are actually rewarded in the culture we live in these days. A term that makes me want to poke myself in the eyes with needles is “influencer” (always sounds like influenza to me!) and how these days people base their self worth on their social media following. Put up great pics of yourself looking flawless (and often showing an absolute ton of skin) and hey presto - you’re “insta-famous”.

This seems to be what people actually strive for these days. Aye aye aye...

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There is nothing bad for taking selfies and posting it in your social media but when it becomes an addiction, you must be careful of the consequences like having some haters, or you annoy your viewers that they always seeing your selfies every hour. Maybe there are peolple that doesn't care and also there is some of it who just think that selfies are not a big deal.

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For me it's not normal but it's alright as long as you're not dumb enough to take selfies in the middle of the road or public places where you might get hit or fall on a cliff. In short if you're careful enough to not possibly die because of taking selfies then you're probably alright, but it's weird tho taking a million selfies everyday, I won't dare to date someone with that kind of addiction.

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That's right. A lot of people are taking it too far. It's gotten to the point of being extreme like daring stunts. I guess it's better if they just do safe silly pictures instead of the terrifying antics people have been up to.

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The OP's picture is totally hilarious and perfect for this thread. I'll bet someone out there if ever attacked and eaten by a shark, would probably snap a selfie as it was happening. Or once they were swallowed into the shark's stomach. Not MANY people, but I'm sure 'a person' this daft actually exists... somewhere.

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I have people like this on my timeline on my different social media platforms maybe because I like it too,it has never been a bother to me. But if it disturbing to anyone the sure thing to do is to get the person off your page.

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Selfie addiction, the obsessive need to take selfies: For me there is no problem in terms of taking a selfie as long as it can't harm the others. I am not a fan of doing selfie because for me it can also cons7me some of my time but to those who love taking a selfie in which they think they can enhance their confidence then go but just be careful all the time.

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Being addicted to selfies is not normal. I really think that it needs family if not professional intervention. There's a lot of people who are getting hurt if not killed by doing dangerous selfies. I really don't understand what compels people to do a lot of selfies. I guess is that these people doesn't have anything worthwhile to do.

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Well its great to see the amount of responses i have recieved for my post.I think i was able to succesfully drive the attention to an increasing trend of taking risks to click good selfies through this post. Clicking your selfies is really a very good thing if you dont allow it to become an addiction. People do take unecessary risks in order to click some extraordinary selfies just to make them unique enough to post on Social media. These risks have resulted in loss of life in many cases. Thank you all for your contributions to the post.

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I just don't get selfies. I know I am in the minority but I just don't like snapping pictures after pictures of my face. Most of the time it is harmless but there are others who take selfies in an inopportune time and place that can cause harm to others and themselves. Like one night last week, I was driving home around 11 PM when i happen to chance upon a group of people in the middle of a four lane street taking a group selfie, i slowed down and blared my horn to get their attention and they all looked at me like I was crazy, like I was the one who wasn't suppose to be there. Do they not watch news of people whose lives were taken because of a selfie? I just don't get it at all.

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Well that is very true, Most of the times when people take group selfies they are not aware of the World around them. They can often risk there own lives and also the lives of innocent strangers that may be passing by.

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Obviously I don't understand it, but I have nothing against it. I just hope that my daughter will be doing her duties first, and only then taking selfies. It's weird, I'll give her that.

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I do admit that I am a selfie lover which I love to take photos in everything that I do, it makes me happy and feel satisfied at some time. It was already a hobby for me to do that since I can make things great by doing my selfie activities.

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Well i also like to take selfies of my own and also group selfies with my friends and family. There is nothing wrong in taking selfies if you dont allow it to become an addiction. Even selfie addiction is alright if you are careful while taking selfies and not putting your life at risk in order to click some unique selfies.

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I don't take selfies but I know about of people who do my girlfriend alone has 60gb worth of selfies hahaha. I believe taking a selfie is not a bad thing just don't do anything extreme-don't try to inmate those people who do extreme death defying selfies. When taking selfies always make your personal safety a priority.

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I think that it is not impossible that many people would have an obsession about having some selfie activities because of the great advancement in our technology where the spread of gadgets was on of the factor on why people are being addicted to it. Every year selfie addiction increases especially to the young generation where they are very exposed to the innovating gadgets of our generation.

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