
How many photos on your phone camera roll

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How many photos on your phone camera roll

How many photos have you got on your phone camera roll right now?

I have almost 12,000 pictures - I’m in desperate need of some organization!

How about you?


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To tell you honestly, I only have 9 left. I got to the point where I was annoyed at my photos for eating up a huge amount of my phone's memory. So, I decided to transfer them to my external hard drive and retain the most important pictures. Thus, making my camera roll clean. Lol.

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Oh gosh, I need to take a leaf out of your book. I've been meaning to do it, just in case anything happens to my phone and then all of my pictures would be gone! I think this has been the kick I needed to get it done - I want to have only 9 photos on my camera roll too!!

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That's the good thing to do because having a high volume of space can make your phone laggy.

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@jayjaydimson I've been noticing as I've been accumulating more pictures and apps on my phone that it's definitely slowed down. Gonna try and back everything up this weekend when I have some spare time!

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Yes, you should have to, or you can back it up on your google drive to lessen the time.

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The online backup is best and the one that does its updates automatically without prompting and asks for permission to delete old pictures.

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You are right, a lot of pictures eats up memory and I just finished transferring 500 photos to my computer hardrive via Bluetooth. Now im left with about 180 photos. I've also deleted a lot of extra copies of photos.

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You just did the best thing for your phone,since the phone can even stolen at any time one is sure of still having his or her favorite photos intact.

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I have zero photos. Well, I have just finished backing up my data on google photos and external hard drive. After uploading, I accidentally pressed the delete already backed-up photos on google. So my camera roll is wiped clean.

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I'm really sorry about that. However, I think that you should try to get those photos whenever you need them from those external sources as well which is pretty nice for you as well.

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Yes, that's a good thing to back up your data in your google drive.

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Yeah, it was a good thing I was able to back them up before I deleted them. The downside though was it takes time to load when I am looking for a picture.

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Good for you that you already back them up. I always do that but in my case. That's not out of clumsiness.

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How many photos on your phone camera roll : I only have 102 photos in my camera roll ang most of it is a photos of my baby girl. Since we are not together always, i only visit there once or twice in a year so i won't ever delete it. It serves as my great help if im down.

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that's really sweet and sad at the same time. It would be hard to be away with your daughter.

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That's so sad. I haven't even tried looking at the picture of a family member because I am with them. It must be heartbreaking to miss them and just look at the photos that you only have.

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That's really sad, I hope you will see her more frequent.

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I also hope you get more time with your daughter. Being away from a child is hard, but I'm glad you have pictures of her to help her feel not so far away.

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I have a thousand plus currently and most of it are selfies by my friends lol. What I actually do to regulate them is by deleting some after every month especially when my storage warns me about it. However, I always end up deleting only a few because I treasure all of my photos (or more likely, I'm too lazy to delete lol.)

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wow that's really a lot, your storage is really big.

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Well, I envy you for you have that massive memory on your phone. It is also fun looking at your friends' pictures and at the same time, annoying. Lol.

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It really is nice to have a a larger memory storage for photos and stuff. Every now and then I would have to back up my photos and videos in google photos and external hard drives.

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I have 589 photos in my camera roll and majority of it are ny cat and food hahaha.

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Having a picture of your cats look quite cool. I don't have a pet at the moment, and I feel that it always sound cool when we can be able to take pictures of the pets that we have.

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I agree with you, and cats are Photogenic.

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Cats have a very distinctive aura. They exude a very ferocious but at the same time, endearing presence. It is like a little tiger that you could cuddle.

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I have two cats, but only one is adorable. The other one is pure white and is a pain in the ass. He pisses anywhere he wants, and it stinks.

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That is sad to hear. We have five and two kittens. They get along just fine together with our dog. I did have the same problem before, one of the cats pissing all over the house. Vet says, it is just marking its territory; it is just a phase.

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I see it's just that our white cat has been doing it for years. But probably you're right, and our white cat is just marking territories against the other one that we have.

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Hahaha, honestly - that's a big portion of the photos on my phone too! I'm always taking photos of delicious meals I enjoy, and I don't have a cat but I do have a dog that is super cute and photogenic so he features on there a lot too!

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That is still huge number of photos stored in the phone. It is interesting that your cat and the dog has more taken photos than you. I can tell that you really love them both.

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I have over a thousand. Most are photos of my family and the time when we had a vacation in the province. Even though I already have it stored in a USB, I'm still having a hard time deleting it. I felt bad whenever I delete photos that are precious to me.

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My precious - LOTR. But yeah I do understand where you're coming from, photos are like extensions of our memories, and it helps us travel through time. It's hard getting rid of them especially if it has something to do with family.

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The other day, I took out time to manage my photos as I deleted a wholeot of them which was tiring. However, right now, I have less than 900 and it is great for me as I can easily access the important ones.

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Well, I think I have around 600 Pictures stored in my phone memory. I use my camera to click pictures most of the times. However, I transfer all pics to my laptop and save them there. Sorting pictures and finding specific pictures can be very difficult when you store a huge amount of pics on your mobile phone.


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I don't let my camera accumulate a lot of photos. As soon as I have 2-3 GB photo, I immediately transfer my photos to my computer. I lost a lot of photos in the past when memory card crashed, therefore, I do not store a lot of photos on my cellphone. I think I have around 100 photos on my phone camera currently.

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To some extent, we are doing the same. I lost so many important photos in my crashed memory card, and in a phone that was stolen.

Since then, I usually transfer my photos either to my computer and some in google backup.

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Apart from the issues of being lost when the memory crashes, you will also have problems with storage when you are keeping your photos in the camera. Therefore, it is very necessary to transfer them to another device. The best place to store your photos is your computer with a backup.

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Your post is a good reminder about the importance of backing things up. You just can't know when a device may just stop working, and if that means you lose a ton of photos it can be really frustrating and upsetting - like a whole bunch of memories are just gone. Gotta schedule myself some time to back up all my stuff, too!

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I think I have 500+ photos in my phone and most of it are screenshots.

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500 pictures! Damn, it's obvious that you are not the picture taking type of person because there is a very good friend of mine who takes more than 300 pictures on daily basis.

It's actually a girl. Her phone memory is 32 GB and she has an external memory card of 32 GB as well, and they are all mostly for saving pictures.

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That is huge amount of photos. I did storing screenshot also that I made as my wallpaper and screen display.

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I've got 681 photos in my smartphone camera roll. It used to be over 1000 but I deleted hundreds of photos recently which I think is of no use to me.

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That's a lot of photos. Do you have a backup?

I rarely store photos on my phone after losing so many important videos and photos. Some of them were taken on special moments, but that was a lesson.

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I have a lot with pictures of the same subject but in different angle. I am very fond of editing photos so I save all of them no matter how almost redundant the photos are. Even though some people say that the photos are just the same, I find them very distinct from one another. I don't know why or maybe it's just me but some photos tell a story and some do not. That's the reason why I am hording photos.

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I laughed when I saw this question because I have not seen yet how many lictures I have in my camera roll.
Right. I have almost 2,100 photos hahahaha. May ve I should start deleting now. I just found out that this is tge reason why it lags.
We used to take 10-15 shots of the same post just to have options of what look best but none of it is worth posting on social media.

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I've noticed my phone getting slower and slower too which is why I need to make some time to back everything up. When I started looking through my pics there were already quite a lot that could be deleted, things that weren't nicely in focus and stuff for instance.

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That number was huge. Maybe your phone has a big memory card too. Well it does not matter whether you have many photos stored in your phone what matters there is the memories of every shot that you did.

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At the moment I have around 30 photos. However, I have already transferred most of the photos to my computer. on the other hand, I have so many WhatsApp videos.

I usually store funny videos on my phone, because kids love them, and that's the only thing they will request to watch in my phone. I do delete any that is not good.

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Same here, I also have videos. But the thing is the one I have are not for kids but are strictly for adults. I think you know what I mean. LOL

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You have almost 12,000 pictures on your phone?! Holy crud, that has got to be some sort of achievement.

I actually don’t have a smartphone at the moment, but even when I did, I never really had many pictures on it. Whether they were downloaded or taken with my phone’s camera, I think I had a maximum of like 20 photos at any given point.

Being that I use my laptop and DSLR for taking and storing photos, I never really had much of an incentive to use my smartphone all that much.

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Haha...an achievement in disorganization, perhaps! It's a situation where I'm always thinking "I really need to get around to backing those up!" - but until my phone literally tells me that I can't take any more pictures on it I seem to just keep going.

Everyone else's photo numbers are making me feel like I really do need to get a hold on things!

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I think for now I only have 589 photos on my mobile since I am not a photo lover from this moment because the camera of my mobile phones is not so clear as compare to other mobile phones out there that have a good quality of cameras. Maybe if I can have a new mobile phone that have a clear shot then I might take more pictures since I really love to take some selfie whenever I see that there are some great angles to takes some photos.

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I got around 3000 photos. I do not want to delete as it is the photos of my family and my project at work. What I needed is an external disc where I can transfer those photos and organize it to make it look neat. It is good to document our life's activities through digital photos. Hat's off to the one invented those camera phone. He surely make our life easy and more exciting.

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You can use and external hard drive to save your photos and free up some space on your phone. With that number of photos, I'm quite sure that it consumes a lot of memory of your phone. It is really great to keep memories of those things that may bring us back to those happy times that we encountered.

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I have a lot of photos here but I am not sure how many. Most of these are screenshots that I used for my work. I am not that much into taking selfies or whatsoever it is. I like to take pictures of something natural such as flowers and sunrise. The landscape is also part of my favorites.

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I have a lot of photos here in my gallery and I guess it's 3,000 photos already, and I will save it so I have something to look at in the future.

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Wow that is huge number of photos. I cant believe it. I only have less than 20 photos in my gallery.

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That is right! I was amazed when I read his comment of having 3, 000 of photos. I only have 50 photos on my phone. He has to save it somewhere since it seems like those photos are really important.

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Yeah. He should save it to hard drive or in his laptop so that it will be safe. I dont want to store too much photos in my phone because too many files makes our phone slow in terms of functioning.

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Wow! You really have a lot of Photos. It seems like you really like taking pictures and I think you are the type of person who keeps even the old photos that you have. I am surprised because I don't really save a lot of photos on my phone.

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For now, I have a total of 1,300 plus of photos in my camera roll. Since you mentioned it, I used to look at these photos in my camera roll and I often got surprised as how did I managed to get that number of photos. Maybe because I really like taking photos of such things that may bring memories to me.

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I am surprised that some of you have more than 500 Photos on your camera. Honestly, I only have 50 photos. Just like others, I don't let my camera save a lot of photos. I would prefer to save them another saving device or online storage. And sometimes, I print out some of the photos and keep the hard copies.

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Yes, many people's responses have surprised me at how organized people are! The fact that most people have a small number of pictures on their phone was certainly interesting and has prompted me to find some time to back up my data.

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I dont usually store so much photos in my gallery. I always deleted it after I uploaded it in my social media accounts. Some of my photos are stored in my hard drive disk.

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I just recently deleted my photos so it's more on screenshots from instagram and saved photos from Facebook. I have took photos recently from my cousin's wedding day so it's more likely the time of photoshoot before the wedding ceremony. I only took less than 30 photos as I only have small storage.

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Currently, if my memory serves me well, mine should be around 6000 photos taken with my smartphone camera alone.

But generally, I have close to 10,000 pictures in my phone. I'm looking at reshuffling them and deleting the ones that are not important to me.

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Oh, we both have a lot of pictures! I've been trying to do the same. Often when I take photos of my kids for instance, I end up taking 20-30 pictures of them doing the same thing trying to get one or two good shots. The rest are blurry because they're usually running around! I've been going through and deleting those ones that are just too blurry to print out.

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Well that is too many photos already and you are really doing great about it since I cannot manage to have such bigger number of photos since my phone memory is just limited. I also like to take some shots but then my phone camera doesn't have a clear and outstanding photos which makes my selfie becomes limited but in the future I think I can already make it.

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That is so many! How can you find a particular photo you need among all the others? It must be quite difficult to do so.

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Wow awesome!. Maybe I have a larger storage file so you can really keep those photos for a long time. I would want to buy some smart phones that has a large storage file like yours if I buy a new phone. I am planning to buy tho as my phone is kind of old so I wanted to change it.

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From 681 it's gone up again to 737, I took some photos of guns the other day when I attended a gun show. The most number of photos I had in a smartphone was about 1,700 about 2 years ago. But sometimes saving a lot of photos is a hassle because whenever I need to find an important photo, I have to scan all the photos to find it.

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Wow, that's insane! I almost fell of my chair haha.
I try to keep that amount really short and small, because it consumes too much storage space (I have an SD card however).
The amount I have is around no more than 100 pictures, maybe even less.

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I also have all of my phone's photos on an SD card, but I keep the number of photos to a minimum. I much rather use the storage space in music or books.

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About 1,000. Probably 90% of them are screenshots of things I found interesting while browsing the web or Social Media. A while back I did some serious cleanup on my phone, deleting all the useless photos, and storing them in a file on my laptop. I even categorized them in folders, according to type and date.

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Oooh, I love the idea of folders according to the type of photos! Sometimes I have to scroll back through my camera roll for ages, trying to find something I took a picture of. Having organized folders would help that problem immensely.

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Categorizing my photos is not really my strong suit. I often times put tags on them that I usually forget, and that really is frustrating. It takes ages to find a single photo. At times I even get sloppy and put several photos on the wrong folder. Then I would be too lazy to rearrange them. As a result I had several categorized folders for my photos but very very uncategorized photos. It really is a mess.

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I have about 500 photos on my phone's camera roll. I typically use my DSLR to take photos, so my external hard drive is where most of my photos are!

I could probably still take time to weed out photos on my phone still, though.

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12000 pictures my friend that is no small number. I hope that you have backed them up greatly bad losing them would be painful.

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I know! I'm doing it this weekend! Everyone on here has told me how bad it is to have so many photos that aren't backed up...I didn't realize just how bad it was until reading how low everyone else's numbers were.

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I think I have over 6000 photos in my gallery and they keep piling up. I try deleting a couple every now and again, but I can only delete so much before they pile up again and I'm back to where I started.

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Wow that is a lot of photos. I only have about 20 photos on my gallery. I assume that you have many memories to remember.

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I have none. If ever I do take photos, I transfer them to a hard drive. The thing is I'm paranoid when those apps have permissions to my gallery. I have a feeling that people who work for those apps somehow have access to them and I don't want that.

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Interesting, I’d never thought about it from a security and privacy point of view but now you’re making me think about that more. It’s rather creepy to think all those apps could have access to my camera roll.

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I just recently bought a new phone so I only have about 300 photos on it with this phone though, I'm trying to cut down on the number of photos I keep on my phone, so I'm making sure to back them up regularly and store them on my computer and dropbox. Keeping too many photos on your phone definitely slows it down and I am trying to avoid that.

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Yes me too, I'm planning on buying a new phone because my old phone's camera is cracked due to me being too drunk and careless, anyways if I already have that new phone then I would certainly back everything up in my computer on a regular basis.

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My phone has limited storage space, but currently I have over 1,200 photos, a third of which are my photos from an international trip. I probably should reorganize my camera roll, backup my photos, and delete unnecessary ones.

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Oh yes, definitely back up those international trip photos! It would be awful to lose all of those. I'm someone who also takes loads of pictures when I'm on a vacation because they bring back such happy memories and I'd be devastated if those disappeared!

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I don't take a lot of photos because everyone in my family is camera shy. I only have less than 600 photos in my gallery. Those photos are mostly of my cat and my husband and kids, but mostly of my cat really. I noticed a lot of people having a lot more pictures than me. What do you usually take pictures of?

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I have tons of photos but honestly it's the same kinds of stuff as you mention. Pictures of my family, my dog, a lot of pictures from out in the natural environment where I live, and pictures from vacations I've been on. For me it's often about having far too many similar/duplicate pictures, or even not immediately deleting ones that are blurry!

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I always delete duplicate photos on the spot. I don't like having similar photos in my gallery as I see them as clutter. Maybe it's because I have a thing about clutters and I just can't stand them. I have a set schedule of when to delete and clean out my gallery.

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That's actually a huge number! It would be best if you back your data in case something happens. Well, that's if only those photos are very important to you.

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It's actually smaller compared to the amount of pictures my friends have in their gallery How many photos on your phone camera roll) I always back up my photos on my laptop and I made sure I've uploaded them on my social media account. I did have an awful experience before when my phone broke and I lost all the baby pictures of my eldest son, it was heartbreaking! My cat didn't exist back then so I didn't lose any photos of him How many photos on your phone camera roll)

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I have about 500. And when i reach about a 1000 i always put them on my computer or on my google+. Because when it hits a thousand photos it takes a lot of memory from my phone, you just need to clean it up from time to time.

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I not a fan of taking pictures. So I guess, 10 to 15. I don't know but im so good at taking pictures. Specially taking of myself. I only take photos when im travelling and when there's occasion.

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I only have few photos now in my mobile phone since I am not taking much because I am yet to buy a new one so that I can fully enjoy my selfie experience because I am not that satisfied because of having limited camera which prohibits me from having more photos in my mobile.

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I have so many photos in my camera roll that I almost cant find the photo that I want, I want to organize it but it does take a lot of time, so I just back everything up from my phone to my computer and then delete everything in my phone, that way I instantly feel less stressed out and everything is in my computer so if there's something I wanna find then I just search for it.

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I'm almost like a photo freak because I snapped away any good thing I see it not all about my personal pictures alone so I have a whole lot of pictures in my phone I'm looking at a way of transferring to the clouds and store them there for future use.

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I am trying to delete now some unnecessary photos in my mobile because I want to free up some space because I noticed that my phone lags most of the time. I think I need to do something right now or else I might reformat my mobile phone later.

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I took a lot of photos this week because I went to several events. My camera roll has 1032 photos as of this minute. It would go up again tomorrow because we're going to a birthday party.

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I currently have the most recent 600+ photos, others is backed up to the cloud. Wow you have 12,000, you really need to do something about that now and I recommend backing it up to Google Photos. How many photos on your phone camera roll

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I can't even imagine that amount of photo inside your phone. 12,000 is a lot and browsing to it seems like taking a lot of time. I only got 1000 together with some saved pictures and screenshots, since my phone was only new and I had never recover the photos from my other old phone.

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Gee, I wouldn't be able to tell if I found out about this question, let's say, a week or two ago. Now I have around 50, because I cleaned up my phone space precisely few weeks ago. We used to have a lot of pictures there. We mostly take pictures of our growing child, and it's a lot of memories, because children keep doing random unique stuff that are fun to watch and memorize.

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I only have few like around 100+ photos. I just bought my phone last month that is why I only have few. But as the days go I know it will fill up all my storage.

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