
Weirdest Unexplained things you've taken photos of

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Weirdest Unexplained things you've taken photos of

What is the weirdest or unexplained thing you've ever taken photos of?

Creepy photos and other scary phenomenon.


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I actually not experiencing capturing unexpained image in the photos but I watched news about it and saw it in youtube as well. I dont know if its real or not but it was creepy to see things like that. Halloween is getting near and many tv stations for sure will show about the documentary regarding halloween.

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Me too. I've seen creepy images of haunted places. I believe they're true. People wouldn't go that far just to fake such pictures. There will always be skeptics. But once they realize that ghosts are real, then they'll have a hard time processing it.

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I hate creepy videos and images. I usually cant sleep well after I watched them. I better not to see anything related to ghost or somethings.

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I guess we're different since I can sleep after watching scary stuff. But I'm somewhat scared of being alone in a dark place after viewing them. So it's important to keep the light on.

Have you seen the short film Lights Off?

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No I havent watch it. Why? Is it scary movie? If its scary movie then I will not watch it. I really dont like to watch that kind of movie. I would rather watch boring drama movie than watching horror movie.

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It's not a movie. The video clip just a few minutes long. You can watch it on Youtube. But it has been made into a movie. It's in the Horror genre but it's not really scary.

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I will not check it. Sorry bro seems that it is about horror or creepy things. I am not fan of any scary things. I might bring it in to my dreams. LOL

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It's okay. You can also find funny videos on Youtube. I've seen some funny clips of people reacting to scary pictures. It turned into comedy because they couldn't stop laughing.

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Yeah I have watched some videos in youtube too. It was not scary but so funny. I would love to watch that kind of videos. I dont want to scare myself.

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I have an idea. If you'd like to laugh while watching Horror, you can just view reactions.

Instead of watching them alone, you'll feel as if you're with an audience.

That's how other people get to watch Horror without getting scared. And a lot of times the people's reactions are so exaggerated that it becomes Comedy.

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That is perfect idea. I really wanted to try that. Yeah you have a point there, when I watch alone the reaction video about creepy things I would not feel scared because I feel like I am not the only one watching.

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I hope you can try it soon. There are many videos of movies and TV series where people react to the best scenes.

Simply type the title along with reaction. You can search "lights off reaction" and the top result is two black guys reacting to it.

It's really funny. You'd think they're tough guys but their reactions are hilarious.

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i will search that for sure. I appreciate your suggestion. I am excited what is in there.

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I strongly agree with you. I also hate creepy videos and images. Its not easy to sleep when you have watched those videos and images.

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It really depends on the person and how it's viewed. I mean, a lot of people nowadays prefer watching reaction videos instead of the main one.

That's how they get over being scared in the first place. Because you're watching it along with someone else.

The creepy factor is mostly when you watch the original video alone. Reaction videos help you feel safe and in the company of other people.

Same goes for scary pictures. Imagine how you'd react to looking at them alone versus when you're with friends and family.

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Same is true with me. I have not experienced it also. I don't desire to take photos of those scary things.

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No one probably would. It just happens when you least expect it. I wonder why paranormal stuff occurs during weird timing. Like how ghosts appear during trips to haunted places.

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I thank God I had no photos of those weirdest things. I will be afraid if I have it. Others too will also be scared.

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That's for sure. People aren't good at handling ambiguous images. Especially, if the picture involves the supernatural. Many have experienced premonition in the form of photographs that predict the future. They show the possibility of a person's death.

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I feel so lucky not having an experience of taking videos or pictures of weirds things that will scare the hell out of me. A lot of those things are shown on television. And that is where I only saw things so creepy. I wish i will not encounter things like that.

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I cant imagine if I will encounter those creepy elements. I feel like I will run as fast as I can. I saw some creepy videos and youtube and I was really not comfortable watching it.

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Oh, what creepy videos did you see? Most trending videos I've seen are countdown clips. They show you the top five creepy stuff of whatever category they choose.

Some of them are boring. But there are others where you're somewhat shocked by what you hear from the narrator.

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I saw videos of creepy videos of abandon places like mansion and old houses. I watched top 5 countdown also in youtube and I think some of them are fake.

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That's interesting. There are a lot of those in YouTube. You might be right. Some aren't true. But the scariest ones often are because of the proof. Many people who've lived near such disturbing places know how terrifying it can be.

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So much of this world cannot be explained. Stuff like that happens for a reason. But I agree. We're very fortunate to have limited experience with the supernatural. It's not for everyone.

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Me too, and I am fortunate that I haven't capture any creepy photos before, because if I did I probably stop capturing photos.

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I have some relatives that would probably do the same. They kind of act tough and mature. But it's obvious that they're actually scared. The moment they sense any sort of supernatural stuff about to happen, they're gone.

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Today is November 1 already. We remember our dead loved ones in the cemetery. I hope we could not capture weird things on the camera.

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I did not go to cemetery so I am 100 percent sure that I did not capture anything there. It is so scary to see that you captured something that would be so creepy.

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I have not gone to the cemetery also last November 1. I saw from Facebook the traffic situation is okay in national highway. But the cemetery was full of people visiting their dead loved ones.

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It is common that every November 1, people are visiting their dead love ones in the the cemetery to pay respect from them. Traffic situations across the country was full as expected.

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Same with me. I don't really believe in those weird appearances from pictures or videos. But, we cannot admit that the things that we don't really see normally scare us and give us goosebumps.

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LOL. I have never been that good with a camera. Probably the weirdest thing in my photos are red eyes. But of course, that can be explained. I think the weirdest unexplained thing that I have ever seen in a photograph and I don't believe it's true. I think the photographer knew a trick of some sort. But I was told that a person took the photograph when they were in an airplane and the plane was flying through the clouds. They thought they were snapping a picture of the clouds. When the photo was developed they saw the feet and legs of a robed person standing in the clouds. Supposedly it was the feet of Jesus. I seriously doubt it. But the photograph was quite impressive.

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That's really cool. It's rare to find cloud formations specifically matching complex figures. Like I get that we can see clouds in the shape of animals and everyday objects. But to see such a prominent figure like that is plain awesome.

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Since it's close to Halloween I remember another photo that showed a person sitting in an electric chair. My memory recall was kind of fuzzy so I Googled it and actually found the photo. Here's the link to the story. It's interesting.
( anomalyinfo.com/Stories/1983-shocking-photo )

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Hehe cloud formations are always amazing and the times that you might find the most beautiful is the evenings. I have seen such several times but never taken a good pic.

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Well, basically one of the weirdest things I have ever seen in a photo was a picture captured by my sister. We were having a family reunion way back 2011. Some of my relatives were drinking and some of them were having such a very nice chat. While everybody was busy, my sister was also busy capturing the reunion photos. She asked me to pose in front of the door alone. I suddenly pose, then got a nice shot, indeed. After a couple of days, we went to the photo printing shop for the hard copies. We did not check the pictures until we got home. To our surprise, in all poses I got alone and with my family and relatives, there was a man wearing a black suit with no head, who was always beside me. A very scary thing indeed. So, just to forget everything, my dad literally deleted all the soft copies and burnt the hard copies. Due to what happened, I had not taken any pictures for almost 5 years. I started taking pictures 2 years ago and everything is fine...

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That was really creepy. Here in our country, we have this belief that if there's a person with no head, the person's clothes should burned. Or else, he'll die the following day. I'm not sure if the same thing applies to your experience but good thing that nothing harm happened to you. That is a very scary experience. If I were you, I may not be able to go to sleep.

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At first, I really don't believe in this superstition. But then something happened. A few years ago, my family and relatives went to an outing because it was my younger brother's birthday. We were having fun and just taking random pictures. In one of those pictures my uncle's picture was captured without a head. It was scary and creepy but we thought it was only because of the light. Later that evening, he got into an accident and he died.

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That is so sad to hear. I also don't believe in that superstition but since many people believe, I tend to get scared and believe on it also. It is better be preventive than facing the consequence, right? Then I read this story of yours which really got me thrilled. I cannot say that it is true but somehow, it might be connected.

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I totally get that. Everyone probably does it. Specifically, those who know of the superstition. It's better to avoid sudden deaths. It could be like a premonition shown through photographs. This reminds me of Final Destination 3.

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It just means that the superstition isn't true at all. Well, yes it is just a hearsay or a belief. But I always heard that thing from the oldest people in the provinces. I'm not quite sure if they still believe on it, or the belief has no relevant to these days anymore.

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That's terrifying. I'd imagine other people doing the same. No one would want to risk taking pictures of themselves after seeing that. It's like there's this creepy vibe whenever you see unexpected stuff such as that. I'm glad you're okay now.

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I am glad that I don't have any creepy experience in taken photos. I also watched different stories about weird image captured in their cameras. I was wondering do really cameras can capture souls? Is their an explanation to that?

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I don’t know that there’s any scientific explanation so I think that’s why people assume there’s something more spiritual to it. Hard to say! All I know is that for as long as I can remember, people have told me orbs are spirits of people who have passed.

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Good thing that I didn't experienced such creepy photos. I'm a person who can easily get scared and I don't like creepy photos. Hmm, maybe I can consider our class picture taken by the photographer as the creepiest photo I ever seen. There was some kind of image appeared on the fish tank and it looks very creepy. We were just in grade 2 that time so as children, we easily got scared that we can't even go to the restroom alone.

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I snapped a photo once, in my grandfather's funeral and saw a shadow-y figure at back. I don't if it was the lighting's illusion or is it really something else, but it looks so creepy.

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That's really common. Many pictures turn out to be suspiciously paranormal when taken at the right place and time. Like the ones taken near haunted properties. It's scary to be doing that near spooky areas. It's safer to have lots of friends accompany you than going alone.

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I and my crew where travelling to a far province and we stopped by in a roadside eatery. I then took some photos and when I got home I began looking at the photos and saw a man with a botched up or clouded face included in one of the photos and I was really shocked because the photo was taken from my Ericson camera phone which has a Carl Zeiss lens which can magnify up to 22x and everything was clear even the clothing of the man caught in the photo from the neck down. Up until today I can't explain the photo. This happened 10 years ago.

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Three months ago my cousin took a picture of me while I was eating dinner. Beside me was a creepy figure. I can't explain its appearance well but it looks like a specter and its eyes are the only distinguishable part of its body/face. I hope they're just playing tricks on me. My guess is it's just a glitch in the camera or just the motion blur of my head moving.

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Well, one of my friends had taken a shot of a deserted house which is believed to be haunted by the local population in his city. he saw the picture after going home and, when he examined it closely, there was a blurred image of a person which was visible just inside the doorstep of the house. I don't have a firsthand experience of clicking any such pic. however, I have some group pics of me and my friends where we all look like zombies or vampires due to the reflection of light captured in all our eyes. it looks very weird and funny.

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Luckily, I never experienced this before. I am a great coward and scary or creepy pictures will give me a nightmare. But I've seen scary pictures from my friends and other persons. Just like the other stories wherein, there is a figure of a person or a shadow. I am not sure if they are true or edited but they are still scary in my eyes.

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The weirdest thing that has happened to me was orbs that showed up in a bunch of my photography not long after my husband's grandmother passed away. I still to this day think it was a sign that she was saying goodbye to us or letting us know that she was okay. I've heard of this happening to photographers quite a bit when they've had loved ones who passed away.

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I've also experienced that while taking photos in a cemetary we where visiting. We where about to leave and it was late in the afternoon, it was getting dark when I snapped a few photos on the surrounding area and some orbs where captured in the photos. The orbs where on top or above some of the graves. I thought at first that it could just be the effect of the remaining sunlight and the flash but after sometime I realized that their mystery orbs. Some people believe that orbs are the souls of the departed.

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Oh gosh! That’s really solidified it for me that it must be a sign of something. You’re braver than me though, I don’t think I could go and take photos at a cemetery, I’d be too scared!

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Fortunately, I haven't experienced taking photos with weird things popping out of nowhere. But, I have experienced being in a photo of a group of people with something weird being taken too. A head-like shape appeared at the left side of my colleague. It was so weird, unexplainable and creepy. Anyway, we didn't dwell on that because it was not that clear and we were having fun.

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Maybe it was just a shadow of one of the person in the photo group or some shadow came from the things behind you. Normally those video and photo expert said that it just because of the shadow that part in the picture.

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Taking photos go an extra mile always. People have died trying to take images. Some have fallen down cliffs, drowned or bitten by deadly animals.

One time I wanted to take a selfie with a crocodile that seemed asleep. The reptile struck just when the snap clicked. I almost lost an arm. It was God's providence jat saved me. Yet I got the photo

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Reminds me of Steve Irwin the crocodile hunter. He was always so daring with animals for the purpose of educating us about them. I gusss the same goes for photographers who get up close to animals!

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Oh, that's very sad. I actually remember one Daredevil who tried to pose on a stone that's like a cliff and ended up falling to his death.

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Luckily, I haven't been taken any shot with weird things on it. Or maybe it is just that I don't look at tiny details on the photo. Well, whether weird things exist in some photos or not, it is one of the interesting things that catch people's attention. Plus, it is a mysterious if proven to be not edited at all.

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I haven't yet taken a creepy/weird photo or anything like it. However, I would want to take a photo of a mermaid even if it's impossible because I just want to take photos of mythical creatures. Also, I want to be the first one to capture the existence of a Mermaid (if ever they're real).

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A accident on the street while I am on my way home in a bus is probably one of the weirdest thing I captured. But today as the halloween is coming near, looks like all the weirdest and the scariest videos or anything will come out.

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The weirdest photo I have taken was taking a photo of my cat at night. I used flash, the results were blurry and his eyes reflected the flash. It freaked me out, those eyes stared right at my soul.

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That sounds so creepy. But why did you capture your photo during at night. Your cat must be so upset to you.

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Cats' eyes alone are very creepy. Even when you walk at night and come across a cat, you'll be afraid with the eyes, especially when it reflects light. It's like they are trying to put you in a spell.

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Cats are one of the mystery animals for me. Remember in the Ancient Egypt cats used for offering and other stuff. They have something with them that I could not explain.

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I already experience it. I was with my boyfriend (an ex bf now) at that time and we chatted and took pictures together outside the house. It was 12 o'clock midnight and we were just neighbors so it was easy for us to see each other. one picture gave us goosebumps as the eyes of my ex was all white and there was no pupil, he then deleted it. After that incident, I went inside faster as I am very scared.

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I would do what you did for sure. I would run as fast as I could. It was very scary I assumed. I dont want to see that kind of thing really.

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That was the first time I saw a picture that really gave me a goosebumps. He took it on my phone, thankfully he deleted it then.

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It was a creepy based on your story. It is hard to explain weirdest thing happening and I am sure you are also thinking that why such thing happened.

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Yes, of course. I didn't expect to gave us a result like that. I'm thinking how that was happened. Maybe it was a camera flash since it was already midnight although there were lights around but maybe that was just a reflection of flash.

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I think so it might be the effect of the flash of your phone camera but either way still it was creepy as I was imagined.

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Yeah maybe that might be the reason why his eyes were weird. I have seen some physical photos taken by my parents before that some of the pictures of us, our eyes were red and shining so bright like a flash light. It was not only red but some were green.

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Like the eyes of the wolf I assumed. Sounds very creepy. Even if I was in your shoes I feel same way too.

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Those pictures didn't creep me out except the one I mentioned above. That was the weirdest picture I took from my phone but thank God it did not happen again and hopefully will not.

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Keep on praying that you will not encounter it anymore. Aside from that be brave because they said that if you like afraid with them they will continue scare you.

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Yeah, you are right. Okay I will surely do that as I don't want to encounter paranormal things like that and it will really creeps me out of hell.

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I have another story about this one. Although it was not taken from me but from my former classmate who posted it on facebook. They went from Subic at that time while traveling back to their home. One of them took a picture with flash, it was already late at night. She took the picture and when she looked at the picture from her phone she shockingly saw something at the window of the car. There was a shadow of man wearing an old hat and you can really see the shape of the nose and lips. That man from the shadow also sitting beside my classmate. He was not a typical Filipino look, that man looks like an American or a Spanish because of the shape of the nose. It was as scary as hell if I were the one who took the picture or sitting beside that man.

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I am not really fond of taking creepy photos. However, occasionally, I would tease myself or others by zooming into a photo with dark parts, although I never found anything in them. I don't believe there is such a thing as a weird subject, because with the right skills, angle, and lighting, literally anything can look good on camera and be a great subject, even if its a candy wrapper, a soiled pair of socks, or a lizard stuck on the wall.

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My uncle cannot explain to me why his face is the same in all kinds of pictures. He never smiles, let alone show his pearly whites (he's got a nice set of chompers). I would catch our family laughing and smiling in a gathering but as soon as he sees a camera pointed towards him, his face changes to the same Passport Face he makes, all the time! That, to me, is the weirdest.

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Sounds weird to me also. There are many weird things that hard to explain and what you had experienced was one of them.

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We are used to taking photos in the cemetery, especially during all souls day. A lot of my friends think it is weird and creepy. They are saying that we might capture an image of the dead.

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I used to take pictures of the fallen tree at our backyard. They say it ws haunted. I'm hoping to capture something so I came over every 6pm.

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I have not taken any strange photos yet but I have seen one from my friend. It was a photo of my classmate wherein my classmate in the photo is headless, very creepy and the photi is legit, it does not have edits or what, that's why we're all surprised and scared. The first thing we did was to inform my classmate about it and warned her to be more careful becayse it could be a bad sign that something bad might happen to her. Good thing that nothing bad happened to her.

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That was so creepy. I cant imagine how you handled it. I never see an image like that but there were news and documentary about it.

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Honestly never took that kind of a photo. I have friends that did, but i myself have never done that, I think all of those are fake!

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Werdest Unexplainable things you've taken photos of: I didn't have any kind of story like that, never experience it then but i heard somewhat like that to my friend maybe because i am not fun of taking picture in the dark or scary places. I am not kind of people who love to see those creature if they really exist.

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